Towards a Conceptual Framework for Decomposing Non-functional
Requirements of Business Process into Quality of Service Attributes
Camila F. Castro
, Marcelo Fantinato
Unal Aksu
, Hajo A. Reijers
and Lucin
eia H. Thom
School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, University of S
ao Paulo, S
ao Paulo – SP, Brazil
Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Institute of Informatics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre – RS, Brazil
Non-functional Requirements, Service Level Agreements, Quality of Services, Web services.
Non-functional Requirements (NFRs) of web services are defined by IT teams at the implementation level
often as Quality of Service (QoS) attributes. Orchestrating web services to run business processes requires
a rigorous definition of the NFRs of such web services. The definition of QoS attributes should consider
the business process NFRs since misinterpretations of web service NFRs may affect the behavior of the web
services and hence achieving the business goals. The approaches proposed so far are still heavily dependent on
an IT expert’s knowledge to identify the appropriate QoS attributes required to meet particular business process
NFRs. Defining appropriate QoS attributes without reference to business process-level NFRs may be a costly,
time-consuming task. We propose a conceptual framework for the hierarchical decomposition of NFRs from
the business process level to the web service level. This framework seeks to reduce the dependence on a
particular IT expert’s knowledge by simplifying the dialog between the business and IT areas. The proposed
framework relies on a structure of NFRs interdependence. The main reference was the ISO/IEC 25010 Product
Quality Model, extended by additional software quality models and particular QoS attributes.
To ensure the success of executing a business process
through a web service orchestration, functional re-
quirements and Non-functional Requirements (NFRs)
of the web services should be considered. Web
service NFRs are often defined as Quality of Ser-
vice (QoS) attributes, formalized in Service Level
Agreements (SLA) established between web service
providers and consumers. QoS attributes defined in
SLAs are propagated from specific business goals
(O’Brien et al., 2005), for instance: a business goal
related to agility may require QoS attributes such
as adaptability, scalability and extensibility. There-
fore, different web services require different QoS at-
tributes, and what attributes are required depends on
the business domain, intended use and user require-
ments (Abramowicz et al., 2008).
The definition of QoS attributes in SLAs should
rely on business process NFRs. Business process
NFRs can be formalized in Business Level Agree-
ments (BLA), which should be defined by business or
requirements analysts and capture business process-
level NFRs useful later for web service provisioning
(Bratanis et al., 2010; Salles et al., 2013; Barros et al.,
2014; Salles et al., 2018). However, a decomposition
of BLAs into SLAs depend on an Information Tech-
nology (IT) expert’s knowledge to identify the proper
QoS attributes required for a web service, based on
implicit business process NFRs.
As an illustrative example, Figure 1 shows a frag-
ment of a business process model for assessing loan
against property applications (Dumas et al., 2013).
Once received the customer application form from the
Loan Officer, the Financial Officer needs to check the
customer’s credit history to assess the loan risk, while
the Property Appraiser appraises the property. When
both of them complete these activities, the Loan Of-
ficer is able to assess the customer’s eligibility for
the requested loan. This set of activities is suscep-
tible to some NFRs. For example, the execution of
these activities may include BLAs related to: (i) se-
curity, since private customer data in other institutions
should be accessed; (ii) performance efficiency, since
a rapid response must be sent to the customer so as not
to lose this business opportunity; and (iii) compliance,
as regulatory rules may need to be met. The web ser-
vices implementing these activities are also suscepti-
Castro, C., Fantinato, M., Aksu, Ü., Reijers, H. and Thom, L.
Towards a Conceptual Framework for Decomposing Non-functional Requirements of Business Process into Quality of Service Attributes.
DOI: 10.5220/0007656504810492
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 481-492
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ble to related NFRs since the effective execution of
the business process depends directly on the effective
execution of the web services.
Figure 1: Fragment of a business process for assessing loan
applications (Dumas et al., 2013).
Translating the business process NFRs exempli-
fied above into appropriate NFRs to provision web
services to support the execution of such a business
process is a challenging job. For example, assuming
the business team defines a BLA stating the execution
of these three activities together should not exceed 5
minutes: what QoS properties for which web services
should be defined to ensure achieving this business
goal? The challenge addressed here is how IT teams
can define which SLAs (and for what web services)
are needed to meet a BLA defined by business teams.
In this paper, we present a conceptual framework
to hierarchically decompose NFRs from the business
process level to the web service level. The proposed
framework relies on the interdependence of NFRs.
Given a business process-level NFR, this framework
describes the related NFRs that could be considered
at the web service level to meet business goals. This
decomposition is not automated, but an approach to
help IT teams in breaking down preferences of busi-
ness process NFRs into more detailed preferences re-
lated to web service QoS attributes. Motivation comes
from the importance of an appropriate web service ex-
ecution to meet business goals, which hence requires
pertinent QoS attributes based on business needs.
To achieve this goal, we first developed a dictio-
nary of NFRs, including both business process and
web service levels. Then, we defined the interde-
pendence among the NFRs at both levels via UML
(Unified Modeling Language) class diagrams. The in-
terdependence framework considers the relationships
among business process-level NFRs, and between the
business process and web service levels in a top-down
strategy. The ISO/IEC 25010 Product Quality Model
is the main reference, enriched by extra quality mod-
els on software and QoS attributes.
The main contributions of this work are three-
fold: (1) extensive gathering of NFRs related to busi-
ness processes and technical aspects of web service
provisioning, and the definition of their interdepen-
dence relationships aiming to support those who want
to systematize their decomposition; (2) conceiving
a conceptual framework that, despite primarily de-
signed for the context of business process automation
via web service orchestration, is generic enough to be
used or adapted to other areas considering NFRs; and
(3) presenting an approach that, while not automatic,
can support semi-automated decision making.
The rest of this paper presents the following sec-
tions: underlying concepts, research method, ob-
tained results, related work and concluding remarks.
2.1 Non-functional Requirements
In software engineering, Non-functional Require-
ments (NFRs) are defined as constraints on services or
functionalities offered by a system, including charac-
teristics related to software behavior and constraints
imposed by standards (Sommerville, 2010). These
NFRs are defined based on user needs, budget con-
straints or external factors, such as regulatory and leg-
islative determinations (Sommerville, 2010). Exam-
ples are performance, security and availability.
In Business Process Management (BPM) and
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), NFRs repre-
sent quality aspects for the provisioning of services
responsible for executing business processes. These
quality aspects set guarantee levels which allow com-
parison among distinct services with the same func-
tionality (Abramowicz et al., 2006). Web service
NFRs are often expressed as QoS attributes and spec-
ified usually through SLAs. SLAs refers to a commit-
ment between web service providers and consumers,
whereby the exact quality conditions that guide the
web service provisioning are systematically defined
(Salles et al., 2013)
. An SLA could include, for in-
stance, a QoS attribute for availability with a target
of 99% and a QoS attribute for response time with a
target of 5 ms. In SLAs, penalties and rewards are
defined and imposed depending on the breach of pre-
defined guarantee terms.
SLA terms are defined by IT considering technical
aspects of web service provisioning (Bratanis et al.,
In this work, only technical aspects involved in a web
service provisioning are considered in SLAs; i.e., IT out-
sourcing or out-tasking web services for higher-level tasks,
including human tasks, are not part of the scope.
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
2010). However, business aspects should be also con-
sidered, mainly in the context of business process au-
tomation via web service orchestration (Borges et al.,
2019). A different type of agreement is then required,
and hence the use of BLAs is an alternative.
The structure of a BLA is like of an SLA, in-
cluding penalties and rewards. The main difference
lies in their scopes: while SLAs are associated with
web services and consider mainly technical aspects
involved in web service provisioning, BLAs are asso-
ciated with business process activities that will be exe-
cuted in the form of web services (Borges et al., 2019;
Salles et al., 2013). BLAs are defined during business
process analysis and modeling whereas SLAs are de-
termined during business process implementation and
execution (Salles et al., 2013).
The differences between BLA and SLA are illus-
trated by Salles et al. (2018) who exemplify a BLA
goal with “the business subprocess starting in the ac-
tivity [1] and ending in the activity [4] must be con-
cluded within 24 hours” whereas the corresponding
SLAs goals are exemplified with “the web service in-
voked to execute the activity [1] must be completed
within 2 hours” and “the web service invoked to exe-
cute the activity [4] must have 95% of availability”.
A BLA can be mapped to a set of SLAs, each
BLA related to a specific business process activity au-
tomated through a set of web services with their SLAs
(Goel et al., 2011). Assuming that all the guaranteed
terms of each SLA are satisfied, the corresponding
BLA is expected to be satisfied accordingly.
2.2 Software Quality Models
According to the IEEE Standard Glossary of Soft-
ware Engineering Terminology (IEEE, 1990), soft-
ware quality means the degree to which a system,
component or business process meets specific require-
ments. Specifying functional requirements and NFRs
for software is not a trivial task; a common approach
is to use software quality models as a reference to de-
scribe and assess software requirements.
Quality models support identifying relevant qual-
ity characteristics that can be further established as
requirements and their corresponding satisfaction cri-
teria and measures (ISO/IEC, 2010). Quality models
provide the fundamentals for software evaluation, of-
fering a consistent QoS terminology and supporting
software measurement (Botella et al., 2003).
There are several software quality models pro-
posed in the literature from international standards to
several domain and company-specific models. One
of the most popular approaches is the ISO/IEC 25010
System and Software Quality Model, which is a part
of the ISO/IEC 25000 Software Product Quality Re-
quirements and Evaluation (SQuaRe) model and re-
sults from evolving several other standards, especially
the ISO/IEC 9126 (ISO/IEC, 2010). ISO/IEC 25010
addresses a set of QoS attributes for software product
quality and software quality in use.
Figure 2 shows the structure of ISO/IEC 25010,
depicting its eight main quality characteristics and 31
sub-characteristics. Alternative software quality mod-
els were proposed (McCall et al., 1977; Boehm et al.,
1978; Dromey, 1999). More information about qual-
ity models can be found in Miguel et al. (2014); Sheo-
ran and Sangwan (2015); Tomar and Thakare (2011).
Regarding BPM and SOA, quality models can be
used as a reference to define requirements related to
business processes and web services, allowing for the
overall quality improvement of SOA-based applica-
tions. To the best of our knowledge, there is no gen-
eral standard accepted as a quality model for web
services being orchestrated to automate business pro-
cesses. However, web services and software modules
share the same set of properties; therefore, if software
components can be replaced by web services, then the
quality requirements of both solutions must be com-
patible with (Abramowicz et al., 2009). As a result,
software quality models can also be used to address
quality characteristics of web services.
Since the ISO/IEC 25010 quality model is a rec-
ognized quality standard for any type of software, it
can also be used to provide QoS attributes for web
services (Abramowicz et al., 2009). Alternative qual-
ity models used in the context of web services were
proposed (OASIS, 2005; Abramowicz et al., 2008).
This work was developed following principles of the
design science research paradigm, which considers
the creation and evaluation of artifacts to solve iden-
tified organizational problems (Hevner et al., 2004).
These artifacts need to address an unsolved problem
or propose an improvement for an existing solution to
more significantly contribute with science and prac-
tice (Hevner et al., 2004). In this research, the prob-
lem refers to the lack of a systematic structure to sup-
port a straightforward decomposition of NFRs, from
business to QoS attributes related to web services.
However, contrasting the paradigm, this research did
not include a validation work to ascertain the results,
thus resulting in a theoretical research based on liter-
ature analysis. In this context, developing an concep-
tual interdependence framework for NFRs included
two major activities: (i) the elaboration of a dictio-
Towards a Conceptual Framework for Decomposing Non-functional Requirements of Business Process into Quality of Service Attributes
Figure 2: ISO/IEC 25010 Product Quality Model (ISO/IEC, 2010).
nary of NFRs, considering NFRs for both business
process and web service levels; and (ii) the defini-
tion of interdependence relationships between identi-
fied NFRs, taking relationships between NFRs at the
same level (for the business process level) and rela-
tionships between NFRs at different levels (from the
business process level to the lower levels).
Regarding the dictionary of NFRs, an exploratory
literature study was conducted to elicit a set of quality
characteristics related to business or technical aspects
of web service provisioning. ISO/IEC 25010 was
chosen as the main reference for this work primar-
ily because it is already an official standard consoli-
dated in the literature. In addition, because it is one of
the most popular standards related to non-functional
requirements used by researchers and business and
IT practitioners (Abramowicz et al., 2009). Finally,
because it addresses software generically, allowing
a mapping to web services, which are specific types
of software. The base The structure of characteris-
tics and sub-characteristics provided by IS/IEC 25010
was expanded through extra research on software and
web services quality models and studies related to
SOA and QoS attributes. The dictionary and the de-
tails regarding its elaboration are fully described in a
technical report (de Castro and Fantinato, 2018).
The definition of the interdependence relation-
ships among the dictionary’s NFRs was based on the
studies of Zulzalil et al. (2008); McCall et al. (1977),
used as the main references to describe the relation-
ships between the business process-level NFRs. Al-
though they predate the publication of the ISO/IEC
25010, both share the same evaluated characteristics.
With respect to the relationships between NFRs
from the business process level to the web service
level and also between NFRs at the web service level,
the structure of characteristics and sub-characteristics
of the ISO/IEC 25010 was also used as the main ref-
erence. For most of the NFRs got from other refer-
ences during the elaboration of the dictionary, the cor-
responding studies already incorporated some hierar-
chical classification that could be the basis to define
the decomposition structure.
Remaining relationships were determined via log-
ical inference based on empirical analysis. The
authors conducted iterative brainstorming meetings
to discuss potential relationships between the NFRs
mapped in the dictionary. The ideas that came up dur-
ing these meetings were refined resulting on a final set
of relationships, presented as follows.
Considering business processes being automated
through web service orchestration, a conceptual NFR
decomposition framework is proposed to support a
straightforward definition of web service QoS at-
tributes. The definition of QoS attributes is carried
out based on constraints determined by business ar-
eas at process modeling time. Using this approach,
IT teams are given hints of which QoS attributes they
can assign to a web service to meet a business de-
mand. Thus, the expected users for this framework
are IT teams working on the perspective of a web ser-
vice provider and hence involved in the definition of
web service SLAs to be executed by business units.
The designed NFR decomposition framework is
presented as follows. An explanation of the frame-
work’s structure is given, with details on the dic-
tionary of NFRs and the interdependence diagrams.
Then, the decomposition diagrams are shown.
4.1 Conceptual Framework Overview
The set of NFRs is organized into a dictionary struc-
ture. Two sections form the dictionary of NFRs: one
for business process NFRs (cf. Table 1) and another
for web service NFRs (cf. Table 2), as detailed by
de Castro and Fantinato (2018). The structure of both
sections comprises four attributes: ID, a numerical
NFR identification; Name, the NFR name; Defini-
tion, a brief description of the NFR; and Reference,
the references of the works from which the NFR was
extracted from. Synonyms are identified and grouped
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
using a unique ID. Specifically for web service NFRs,
there is an extra attribute, Measurement Unit, which
identifies the primary unit used to measure a quanti-
tative NFR. The measurement unit was filled in the
dictionary only when found in the literature.
Considering the relationships between the NFRs,
they are represented through UML class diagrams (cf.
Figures 3–11). Each class in the diagram represents
an NFR included in the dictionary. Relationships be-
tween NFRs at the same level are represented using
the association bidirectional connector (e.g., Figure 6,
association between Confidentiality and Access Con-
trol). Relationships between NFRs of different lev-
els are defined through aggregation connectors, i.e.,
lower-level NFRs contribute to those at a higher level,
although they exist independently (e.g., Figure 6, ag-
gregation between Confidentiality and Encryption).
Each class in the diagram includes a configurable
attribute denominated relevance, which considers
three values: high, medium or low. Business and IT
areas should use this attribute to show which NFRs
are how likely relevant when creating SLAs in an or-
ganization, based on the business domain and pre-
vious experiences. As the proposed decomposition
framework has been developed to be generic enough
to be considered in different organizational contexts,
no prior definition of relevance for each NFR is pro-
vided. As a result, each organization willing to use
this framework should define its own relevance val-
ues considering its own context and historical data.
4.2 Decomposition Diagrams
The NFR decomposition framework considers at-
tributes to be defined at business process and web ser-
vice levels, by business and IT areas, respectively. Re-
garding business process NFRs, the first section of the
dictionary includes eight attributes (cf. Table 1).
To identify the business process-level NFRs,
the characteristics proposed in the ISO/IEC 25010
(ISO/IEC, 2010) were considered as describing
generic aspects of product quality to be selected by
business areas (de Castro and Fantinato, 2018). From
eight characteristics in the ISO/IEC 25010 model (cf.
Figure 2), seven were adapted to be added in the dic-
tionary as business process NFRs: Performance Effi-
ciency, Compatibility, Usability, Reliability, Security,
Maintainability and Portability. Only the first — i.e.,
Functional Suitability — was not considered as it ad-
dresses functional requirements and not NFRs which
is the purpose of this dictionary.
ISO/IEC 25010 and other related software quality
models describe quality characteristics only from the
product perspective. Aiming at completeness for the
business context, the dictionary of business process
NFRs was extended with an attribute addressing reg-
ulatory, legislative and operational aspects involved
in business process enactment. This NFR is Compli-
ance, adapted from the types of NFRs for software
systems presented by Sommerville (2010).
The attributes in Table 1 relate to each other.
For instance, the conversion from standard protocols
to ensure compatibility may affect performance effi-
ciency (McCall et al., 1977), while a fast maintenance
implies in higher recoverability in the presence of er-
rors, improving reliability levels. Identifying inter-
dependence relationships between business process
NFRs is relevant to recommend a more complete set
of web service NFRs to be defined in SLAs. For ex-
ample, when business areas define a constraint related
to compatibility, the IT team could take care of per-
formance NFRs as well. Figure 3 shows the interde-
pendence relationships between the business process
NFRs that were identified in this work.
Some relationships in Figure 3, such as perfor-
mance efficiency vs. compatibility and reliability
vs. maintainability, were defined based the literature
(Zulzalil et al., 2008; McCall et al., 1977). Others,
such as reliability vs. security and compliance vs. se-
curity, were defined via logical inference based on an
empirical analysis by the authors of this work. Table
3 presents a brief explanation of the meaning of the
interdependence relationships shown in Figure 3.
Regarding the web service NFRs, the character-
istics and sub-characteristics proposed in ISO/IEC
25010 (ISO/IEC, 2010) were considered describing
technical aspects of web service provisioning to be
defined in SLAs by IT teams. This model was re-
fined by extra works on software quality models and
QoS attributes and, as a result, the dictionary of web
service NFRs is formed by 93 requirements, each of
them related to at least one business process NFR and
also related among them. Web service NFRs are also
interrelated through a requirements hierarchy. The
dictionary of web service NFRs, with definitions, ref-
erences, measurement unit and additional details re-
garding its elaboration, is fully described in a techni-
cal report (de Castro and Fantinato, 2018).
The NFR decomposition framework is split into
eight decomposition diagrams (cf. Figures 4-11), one
for each business process NFR (cf. Figure 3).
A illustrative excerpt of the dictionary of web ser-
vice NFRs is shown in Table 2. The NFRs in Table
2 are related to performance efficiency, with which
seven other NFRs describing web service’s time be-
havior, resource utilization and capacity are associ-
ated. Contrasting the dictionary of business process
NFRs, shown in Table 1, the measurement unit is de-
Towards a Conceptual Framework for Decomposing Non-functional Requirements of Business Process into Quality of Service Attributes
Table 1: Dictionary of business process NFRs (de Castro and Fantinato, 2018).
ID Name Definition Reference
1 Performance
Degree to which a business process can efficiently use an amount of resources (such as
software, products, hardware and generic materials) under stated conditions.
2 Compatib-
Degree to which a business process can exchange information with other business pro-
cesses, and/or perform its activities while sharing the computing environment.
3 Usability Degree to which a business process can be used by specified users to achieve specific
goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction.
4 Reliability Degree to which a business process performs specified activities under specified condi-
tions for a period.
5 Security Degree to which a business process can protect information and data from unauthorized
6 Maintain-
Degree of effectiveness and efficiency with which the activities of a business process can
be modified.
7 Portability Degree of effectiveness and efficiency with which a business process can be configured
in an environment and transferred from one environment to another.
8 Compliance Degree to which a business process is compliant with internal procedures of an organiza-
tion and external guidelines.
Table 2: Excerpt of the web services’ dictionary of NFRs — performance efficiency (de Castro and Fantinato, 2018).
ID Name Definition Meas.
1 Time behavior Degree to which the response and processing times and throughput rate
meet requirements in web service provisioning.
2 Resource utilization Degree to which the amount and type of resources used meet require-
ments in web service provisioning.
3 Capacity Maximum limits of a web service (i.e., concurrent users, stored data etc.)
for which performance is guaranteed.
4 Latency time Round-Trip Delay (RTD) between the dispatch of a request and receive
of a response for a web service.
Time (Abramowicz
et al., 2006)
5 Execution time Time for a web service to execute a sequence of activities and process a
Time (Lee et al.,
6 Response time Time necessary to complete a certain web service request, from the mo-
ment it is dispatched until a response is received.
Time (Lee et al.,
[Average and maxi-
mum response time]
The average time needed for the packet of control data to get to the
provider’s server and return to the requester.
Time (Abramowicz
et al., 2006)
Expected delay from the dispatch of a web service request until the result
is received by the client.
Time (Zeng et al.,
Figure 3: Interdependence relationships for business process NFRs.
fined here for some web service NFRs. Synonyms
from different references are grouped in a unique ID,
which is the case of Response time, Average and max-
imum response time and Execution duration.
Figure 4 shows the decomposition diagram for
performance efficiency. The NFRs and most of
the relationships between them were extracted from
ISO/IEC (2002, 2010); Abramowicz et al. (2006); Lee
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: NFR decomposition diagram — performance efficiency.
Figure 5: NFR decomposition diagram — reliability.
Figure 6: NFR decomposition diagram — security.
Figure 7: NFR decomposition diagram — compliance.
Figure 8: NFR decomposition diagram — compatibility.
Towards a Conceptual Framework for Decomposing Non-functional Requirements of Business Process into Quality of Service Attributes
Figure 9: NFR decomposition diagram — portability.
Figure 10: NFR decomposition diagram — maintainability.
Figure 11: NFR decomposition diagram — usability.
et al. (2003); OASIS (2005); O’Brien et al. (2005).
For instance, the relationships between the attributes
related to resource utilization. Other relationships
were mapped from related studies or defined via log-
ical inference. The attributes latency time, execution
time and transaction time, for instance, are associated
with response time considering the definition of the
latter: “response time is defined as the time required
to complete a web service request” (Lee et al., 2003).
Thus, response time should include the round-trip de-
lay for the network propagation (i.e., the latency time)
plus the execution time required to process the request
in the provider (i.e., the execution time). If transac-
tions are processed, it should also consider the time to
complete the transaction (i.e., the transaction time).
Figures 5 and 6 show the decomposition diagrams
for reliability and security, respectively. As for reli-
ability, 17 web service NFRs are presented, mainly
related to web service availability and stability in the
presence of failures. The NFRs and most of the rela-
tionships were extracted from ISO/IEC (2002, 2010);
McCall et al. (1977); OASIS (2005); Sheoran and
Sangwan (2015); Zeng et al. (2003). For instance,
the attributes fault detection, failure resolution and
mean time between failures as associated with ma-
turity. Other relationships were defined via logical
inference, such as associating fault tolerance, recov-
erability and successability in meeting requests as at-
tributes related to web service stability.
Regarding security, 12 web service NFRs are pre-
sented, mainly related to data confidentiality and in-
tegrity, access control and traceability. The NFRs and
some relationships were extracted from the literature
(ISO/IEC, 2002, 2010; McCall et al., 1977; OASIS,
2005; O’Brien et al., 2005; Pettersson, 2007). Other
relationships, such as the bidirectional association be-
tween confidentiality and access control, were defined
via logical inference. For the latter, we considered
that confidentiality requires that data should be read
only by those with access to it, implying in access
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 3: Details of interdependence relationships between business process NFRs.
NFR1 NFR2 Relationship explanation Reference
Perf. Effic. Compatib. The conversion from standard protocols to ensure compatibility between web
services may affect performance efficiency.
et al., 1977)
Perf. Effic. Usability The additional code and processing required to ease an operator’s task or pro-
vide more usable output may affect performance efficiency.
et al., 1977)
Perf. Effic. Maintain. The need of using modularity, instrumentation and well commented high-level
code to increase maintainability may affect performance efficiency.
et al., 1977)
Perf. Effic. Security The additional code and processing required to control the access of a web
service or data may affect performance efficiency.
et al., 1977)
Perf. Effic. Portability Using direct code or optimized system software to increase performance may
affect a web service’s portability.
et al., 1977)
Perf. Effic. Reliability The implementation of strategies to increase web service’s availability may
affect performance efficiency.
Compatib. Security Coupled systems or web services can be accessed by different users, increasing
the potential for accidental access of sensitive data and thus affecting security
et al., 1977)
Compatib. Portability The guarantee of the web service’s compatibility may affect portability require-
ments in terms of platform independence.
Usability Reliability
The implementation of error prevention functions in a web service’s interface
may affect its maturity and stability in terms of fault detection and tolerance.
et al., 2008)
Reliability Maintain. Increasing maintainability usually affects a web service’s reliability, as it turns
easier for a web service to be maintained in case of breakdown.
et al., 2008)
Reliability Security The security of a web service may affect its reliability in terms of stability and
Maintain. Portability Increasing maintainability may affect the effort to transfer a web service from
one operating environment to another.
et al., 2008)
Compliance * Regulatory, legislative or operational guidelines can be applied to all seven
remaining NFRs included in the framework.
control. The association between access control and
integrity, on the other hand, was proposed in the liter-
ature with a similar argument (McCall et al., 1977).
Figures 7 and 8 show the decomposition diagrams
for compliance and compatibility, respectively. Re-
garding compliance, the NFRs were extracted from
the literature (OASIS, 2005; Ran, 2003; Sommerville,
2010; Yoon et al., 2004) and all the relationships were
defined via logical inference. On the other hand, the
NFRs and most of the relationships for compatibility
were extracted from ISO/IEC (2002, 2010); McCall
et al. (1977), as the attributes associated with interop-
erability. The attributes supported standard and con-
formability were identified by the authors as being re-
lated to both compliance and compatibility and hence
are shown in both diagrams in orange. The definition
of this dual association considered a scenario where
technical standards must be addressed in web service
provisioning, as a demand of regulators, organizations
or the government itself. When these standards are re-
lated to the communication between systems, this at-
tribute may also be defined in terms of compatibility.
Conformability is the degree to which the pre-defined
standards are met and hence considered in both cases.
Figures 9, 10 and 11 show the decomposition di-
agrams for portability, maintainability and usability,
respectively. The NFRs and some relationships de-
fined in these diagrams were mainly extracted from
Abramowicz et al. (2006); ISO/IEC (2002, 2010);
McCall et al. (1977); Miguel et al. (2014); OASIS
(2005); O’Brien et al. (2005); Pettersson (2007); She-
oran and Sangwan (2015). The attributes software
system independence and machine independence are
related to both maintainability and portability, and
shown in both diagrams in orange. This dual clas-
sification considered that, the more a system is inde-
pendent of the computational environment, the easier
it is to adapt its operation to different environments
and reuse its components in different contexts. Like-
wise, the attribute self-descriptiveness is classified as
related to both maintainability and usability, consid-
ering that the clearer a web service and its documen-
tation is, the easier it is to maintain and operate it.
4.3 Examples of NFR Decomposition
Using the illustrative example of business process
presented in Figure 1, some NFRs can be defined to
the web services that will implement such a process.
Consider the BLA related to performance effi-
ciency associated with the set of highlighted activities.
Some levels for web service QoS attributes should be
pursued in order to ensure that this BLA is met, and
the decomposition framework proposed herein can be
Towards a Conceptual Framework for Decomposing Non-functional Requirements of Business Process into Quality of Service Attributes
used for this purpose. Considering that for each ac-
tivity one or more web services can be used, different
QoS attributes can be defined for each web service,
depending on the needs identified by the analysts in-
volved. Per Figure 4, to meet the BLA performance
efficiency for these three activities, 13 distinct QoS
attributes may be associated with the web services
that will be used to implement them. For example,
for some web services, QoS attributes related to re-
sponse time or throughput may be defined, associated
with some target values; i.e., the QoS levels. IT teams
may also understand that, for some web services, they
should use a more specific QoS attribute related to la-
tency time, execution time or transaction time.
Besides the direct relationships addressed in the
previous example, indirect QoS attributes can also be
defined as they can also interfere in the performance
efficiency of these three activities. For example, ac-
cording to Figure 3, performance efficiency is related
to reliability. Thus, web services that implement one
or more of the three activities in Figure 1 may also
have QoS attributes associated with reliability, as they
may also affect the performance efficiency of the busi-
ness process, as explained in Table 3. An example
would be to define a QoS attribute related to availabil-
ity (cf. Figure 5) because the business process will be
delayed if the web service is not available.
Still taking the example in Figure 1, another BLA
associated with the three activities being addressed is
related to security. Using Figure 6 as the main refer-
ence for the decomposition of security-related NFRs,
12 QoS attributes are suggested as ideas for the IT
team to include in the corresponding SLAs. From
these 12 QoS attributes, eight are leaf nodes, i.e., con-
sidered the most specific attributes, whereas four are
intermediate nodes, i.e., more generic ones. Any at-
tribute level can be used, depending on the needs per-
ceived by the IT team. The business team should pro-
vide detailed information related to the security BLA,
explaining exactly what the requirement means, so IT
teams can choose the most appropriate QoS attributes
to be associated with the web services, such as ac-
cess control, encryption, auditability and so on. The
information from the business area is also relevant to
allow identifying which web services will need QoS
attributes or not. Other QoS attributes can be chosen
by referring to Figures 4, 5, 7, 8 and 11 as the at-
tributes related to performance efficiency, reliability,
compliance, compatibility and usability are indirectly
related to security (cf. Figure 3).
Several studies have addressed business process au-
tomation with SOA. However, only a few of them
discusses the relationship between business process
NFRs and web service QoS attributes.
Still in 2005, the particularities involved in using
quality requirements originally defined as software
quality models were discussed for SOA (O’Brien
et al., 2005). SOA and underlying concepts were ex-
plained in detail, examining their impact on meeting
business goals in organizations. A structured list of
QoS attributes used in SOA was provided.
Then, in 2008, the relationship of ISO/IEC 9126
quality characteristics (ISO/IEC 25000 predecessor)
was investigated to develop web-based applications
(Zulzalil et al., 2008). Eliciting information from
stakeholders with an online survey, interactions be-
tween pairs of quality characteristics were identi-
fied, considering three possible relationships: posi-
tive, negative and independent. This approach en-
abled to understand how software quality aspects in-
fluence each other, contributing to the elaboration of a
quality model that combines individual QoS attributes
based on specific relationships.
In 2009, a related approach was proposed to ad-
dress quality requirements expressed at the level of
SOA applications and break them down to the level
of components used to create the applications, i.e., at
the web service level (Abramowicz et al., 2009). The
structure used for decomposition considers two on-
tologies: (i) SQuaRE-based SOA Quality Ontology,
with 14 high-level quality characteristics extracted
from ISO/IEC 25000 SQuaRE quality model and is
used by business users; and (ii) Semantic Web Service
QoS Ontology, with a set of qualitative and quantita-
tive QoS attributes related to web services. This ap-
proach supports a more direct decomposition of high-
level QoS attributes into detailed preferences, in a task
less dependent on an IT expert’s knowledge.
Discussions for the business process level were in-
troduced by showing the need for defining functional
requirements and NFRs of web service provisioning
in a different type of agreement, which is the afore-
mentioned BLA (Bratanis et al., 2010).
The Strategic Alignment with BPM (StrAli-BPM)
framework was proposed in 2013 to foster the strate-
gic alignment between business and IT, when exe-
cuting web service-based business processes (Salles
et al., 2013, 2018). StrAli-BPM was extended (Carmo
et al., 2017; Borges et al., 2019) and is formed by
four components, one of which is particularly related
to the work being presented herein — the BLA2SLA
component. BLA2SLA considers a top-down strat-
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
egy for a generic decomposition of business process
NFRs (represented by BLAs) into web service QoS
attributes (represented by SLAs). The definition of
BLAs and SLAs is supported by meta-models, each
including a set of attributes related to the business pro-
cess and web service levels, respectively. BLA2SLA
enables the use of a standardized structure to define
NFRs for web services based on business needs.
Many of the related work focuses on only dis-
cussing individual quality aspects of software com-
ponents and web services, regardless of their relation-
ship to NFRs of the business processes being auto-
mated. The BLA2SLA (Salles et al., 2013, 2018)
component is closer to the aim sought in this work
but using a loose relationship between the addressed
concepts: business areas define a BLA, but IT teams
only receive this BLA as a reference and must use
their experience to define the SLAs considered more
appropriate to address this BLA.
The decomposition model proposed by Abramow-
icz et al. (2008) considers the relationships between
high-level and low-level quality characteristics to
semi-automate the derivation of QoS attributes. How-
ever, they assume NFRs defined from scratch by busi-
ness users in the SOA development. This assumption
contrasts with the work being presented herein, which
assumes that specific activities of business processes
(to be automated through web services) are associated
with business goals. Their proposed structure con-
siders mainly product quality characteristics to be se-
lected by business users, disregarding organizational
and external requirements (i.e., regulatory and leg-
islative) that might be demanded by business areas in
software applications. For some of those character-
istics, no related QoS attribute was mapped to be de-
fined at the web service level. Ultimately, the relation-
ships among high-level quality characteristics them-
selves were not considered, resulting in each charac-
teristic being examined only individually.
In the approach of Zulzalil et al. (2008), only the
relationships among high-level quality characteristics
themselves were explored, disregarding their relation-
ship with web service QoS attributes. Finally, de-
spite presenting an analysis of QoS attributes in SOA,
O’Brien et al. (2005) did also not consider the rela-
tionships with business process NFRs.
In this paper, we presented a conceptual framework to
support a straightforward decomposition of business
process NFRs (which can be formalized in BLAs)
into web service NFRs (which can be formalized in
SLAs grouping QoS attributes). Our main goal was
to provide a systematization to support IT teams in
breaking down NFRs defined by business areas into
technical aspects for web service provisioning.
Due to the lack of standardized quality models
specific to business processes and web services, soft-
ware quality models had to be used to build the dic-
tionary. Since web services are a type of software
component, general software product quality mod-
els should work properly also for this particular case.
Thus, the quality models from which NFRs were
elicited are expected to have no negative influence on
the results of this study. In addition, due to the lack
of studies regarding the interdependence relationships
between software and web service quality attributes,
some relationships on the decomposition diagrams
were designed considering logical inferences on the
NFR interdependence, based on empirical analysis.
This preliminary study presents a promising
model to provide a common understanding between
the business side of an organization and the IT team
eligible for developing web services to automate the
business processes necessary by business units. To
the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt
to present a detailed model for decomposing busi-
ness process NFRs into QoS attributes, considering an
extensive dictionary with about 100 attributes. This
framework provides a basis for facilitating the de-
composition of BLAs into SLAs and attenuating the
dependence of an IT expert’s knowledge in defining
which attributes should be considered in a web ser-
vice based on the constraints of a business process.
Future studies should be devoted to further ad-
justing and validating the proposed framework. We
plan to investigate the NFR Framework (Chung et al.,
1995) as a candidate to replace the UML Class Dia-
grams. For the validation, we intend to extend the pro-
totype proposed in Salles et al. (2013, 2018) with the
decomposition diagrams proposed herein, addressing
the relationships of interdependence between NFRs,
in the context of the StrAli-BPM approach. Other
possibilities are using experts and case studies.
This work was funded by Fapesp, Brazil
(grants 2017/26491-1 and 2017/26487-4, holder
Marcelo Fantinato) and Capes, Brazil (grants
88881.172071/2018-01, holder Lucin
eia H. Thom).
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ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems