Figure 4: The relative number of breakpoints and the relative time related to exact LCA (II - Imai and Iri, DP - Douglas
tions usually have small slopes. When it is certain
that input data do not violate the condition
, the
algorithm is more suitable.
Two algorithms for
-approximation of TDSP were
presented. The algorithms significantly reduce the
memory use. When the maximum relative error is a
sufficiently large value (in our case
), the algo-
rithms save the computational time too. From this
point of view, the algorithms are suitable for precom-
puting the TTFs for the next use (e.g., time-dependent
distance oracles, time-dependent contraction hierar-
In a real road network the maximum slopes of
AFs are not too big (Strasser, 2017). So the main
disadvantage (too many calls of back search procedure)
is not a too big problem. In one-to-one problem case
the developed algorithms can be combined with other
speed-up techniques that reduce the graph (e.g., time-
dependent-sampling (Strasser, 2017)).
In the future work it would be useful to use some
heuristics for decision whether it is necessary to per-
form backSearch. The goal is to remove the cases
when the difficult-to-calculated AF (using backSearch)
is fully replaced by another AF from another node.
This work has been supported by the Project SGS-
2019-015 (”Vyu
ı matematiky a informatiky v geo-
matice IV”) and by Ministry of Education, Youth and
Sports of the Czech Republic, the project PUNTIS
(LO1506) under the program NPU I
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GISTAM 2019 - 5th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management