Towards Integration between OPC UA and OCF
Salvatore Cavalieri, Salvatore Mulè, Marco Giuseppe Salafia and Marco Stefano Scroppo
University of Catania, Department of Electrical Electronic and Computer Engineering (DIEEI),
Viale A. Doria 6, 95125 Catania, Italy
Keywords: OPC UA, OCF, Industry 4.0, IoT, Information Model, Integration, Interoperability.
Abstract: The paper deals with Industry 4.0 presenting a solution to improve interoperability between industrial
applications and IoT ecosystems. In particular, the proposal aims to reach interoperability between OPC UA
and the emerging Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF), through a mapping between the relevant information
models. A novel OPC UA information model will be presented as extension of the standard one, in order to
allow the mapping of whatever information produced by an OCF device into the information model of an
OPC UA server. The paper fills the existing lack of integration between OPC UA and the OCF specifications,
as no other solution is present in literature at the moment.
Industry 4.0 features the application of modern
Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
concepts, such as Internet of Things (IoT) (Guarda, et
al., 2017), in industrial contexts to create more
flexible and innovative products and services leading
to new business models and added value (Liao, et al.,
2017)(Da Xu, et al., 2018).
One of the main features of the recent industrial
revolution is the need to achieve full integration of the
industrial applications with the IoT. In this new
vision, a traditional SCADA (Supervisory Control
and Data Acquisition) system may collect and analyse
information coming from IoT devices, for example.
Both industrial and IoT contexts feature the
presence of several communication systems and the
convergence to a unique communication system
seems, at the moment, only a dream.
Among the current communication systems
enabling the exchange of information between
industrial applications, the international standard
OPC UA, IEC 62541, (Mahnke, et al., 2009) plays an
important role. This is confirmed by the inclusion of
this standard into reference architectures recently
defined in the context of the Industry 4.0, e.g., the
“Reference Architecture Model for Industry 4.0 -
RAMI 4.0 (VDI/VDE, 2015) and the Industrial
Internet Reference Architecture (IIRA) defined by the
Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) (Industrial
Internet Consortium, 2017).
Existence of several communication solutions is
also present in the context of the Internet of Things.
Among them, there is that defined by the Open
Connectivity Foundation (OCF) (Open Connectivity
Foundation Website, 2018). At this moment, OCF
specifications are under ISO/IEC standardisation by
ISO/IEC JTC1 Information Technology committee
(i.e. ISO/IEC DIS 30118).
Integration of industrial applications with the IoT
may be achieved through the integration of
communication systems existing in the two different
environments. For example, during these last years
several solutions dealing with the integration of OPC
UA and IoT appeared, due to important role played
by OPC UA inside the current Industry 4.0 reference
models, as pointed out before. Among them,
(Izaguirre, et al., 2011) describes a solution for
enabling interoperability between OPC UA and
DPWS; (Derhamy, et al., 2017) proposes an OPC UA
translator between OPC UA and HTTP, CoAP and
In this paper, the authors propose another solution
towards integration of OPC UA and IoT ecosystems.
Among the current communication systems existing
in the IoT, OCF has been chosen, as it seems a
promising solution to standardise the exchange of
information into the IoT.
Integration between OPC UA and OCF here
proposed, is realised through a mapping between the
relevant information models. Through this mapping,
information maintained by an OPC UA Server may
be used to populate an OCF device, allowing it to
Cavalieri, S., Mulè, S., Salafia, M. and Scroppo, M.
Towards Integration between OPC UA and OCF.
DOI: 10.5220/0007672205550562
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 555-562
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
expose this information to whatever OCF devices in
the OCF ecosystem. Vice versa, information
maintained by an OCF device may be published by an
OPC UA Server making this information available to
whatever OPC UAbased applications. Mapping
from OPC UA to OCF information models has been
presented by the authors in previous works (Cavalieri,
et al., 2018). In this paper, the mapping from OCF to
OPC UA is presented in great details, for the first
time. For this reason, the proposal here presented
represents an enhancement of the previous works,
targeting the full integration between OPC UA and
No other solutions of integration between OPC
UA and OCF are present in the current literature, with
the exception of the authors’ papers cited before. For
this reason, the authors believe that the contribution
of the paper is remarkable as it allows the industrial
applications based on the international standard OPC
UA to interwork with the emerging IoT ecosystem
based on the OCF specifications.
The aim of this section is to give an overview about
two important features of the OPC UA international
standard: OPC UA AddressSpace and OPC UA
Device Model.
2.1 OPC UA AddressSpace
In OPC UA, the set of information that a server makes
available to OPC UA-based applications is named
AddressSpace. In particular an AddressSpace
contains OPC UA Nodes used to represent any kind
of information (Mahnke, et al.,
2009)(OPCFoundation, 2015).
Each OPC UA Node belongs to a class named
NodeClass, derived from the Base NodeClass, which
defines several attributes. Among them, there are:
BrowseName (used as a non-localised human-
readable name when browsing the AddressSpace),
DisplayName (containing the name of the OPC UA
Node to be displayed to the user) and Description
(explaining the meaning of the Node in a localised
Among the available NodeClasses, there is the
Variable NodeClass, modelling values of the system.
Two types of Variables are defined: Properties
(containing metadata) and DataVariables
(representing the data of an OPC UA Object). Both of
them holds an attribute named Value, containing the
data. Another NodeClass is the Method, modelling
callable functions that initiate actions within an OPC
UA Server. Object NodeClass represents real-world
entities like system components, hardware and
software components, or even a whole system. An
OPC UA Object is a container for other OPC UA
Objects, DataVariables and Methods. As the Object
Node does not provide for a value, therefore an OPC
UA DataVariable Node is used to represent the data
of an Object.
OPC UA defines particular NodeClasses defining
types. Some of them are called Concrete, for which
instances can be realised. Other types are Abstracts,
for which instances may exist only for the relevant
subtypes. Among NodeClasses defining types there is
the ObjectType NodeClass, which holds type
definition for OPC UA Objects. Objects are instances
of ObjectTypes in the sense that they inherit the
Nodes beneath the ObjectTypes defining them. OPC
UA defines the BaseObjectType which all the
ObjectTypes must be extended from. OPC UA
already defines several standard ObjectTypes derived
from BaseObjectType. Among them there is the
FolderType whose aim is to model hierarchy among
OPC UA Nodes. Instances of FolderType ObjectType
are used to organise the AddressSpace into a
hierarchy of OPC UA Nodes. VariableType is another
NodeClass used to provide type definition for
Variables. OPC UA defines the BaseVariableType
which all the VariableTypes must be extended from.
Among the standard VariableTypes derived from
BaseVariableType, there are the
BaseDataVariableType and the PropertyType. The
former is used to define a DataVariable Node, whilst
the latter defines a Property Node.
Particular relationships may be defined between
OPC UA Nodes; they are called References. The
ReferenceType NodeClass used to define different
types of References. They may be classified in two
different main categories: Hierarchical and
Among the Hierarchical References there is the
HasComponent Reference used to specify that an
OPC UA Object contains another OPC UA Object,
OPC UA DataVariable or OPC UA Method specified
as target of the Reference. Another Hierarchical
Reference is Organizes which allows to organise
several OPC UA Nodes under a folder (i.e. a
FolderType Object). The last Hierarchical Reference
cited in the paper is the Abstract Aggregates, which
indicates that the target Node belongs to the source
Among the NonHierarchical References there is
the HasTypeDefinition, which is used to bind an OPC
UA Object or Variable to its ObjectType or
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
VariableType, respectively. Another
NonHiererchical Reference is the HasSubtype which
expresses a subtype relationship between types.
HasModellingRule Reference is a
NonHierarchical Reference used to describe how
instances of OPC UA types should be created. The
source of this Reference is an InstanceDeclaration
which may be a Variable, Object or Method. The
InstanceDeclaration must be the target Node of a
Hierarchical Reference from a Node defying an OPC
UA type. HasModellingRule has a ModellingRule
Object as target Node.
A ModellingRule Object specifies what happens
to the InstanceDeclaration with respect to instances of
the OPC UA type to which it is linked by the
Hierarchical Reference. A Mandatory ModellingRule
for a specific InstanceDeclaration specifies that
instances of the OPC UA type must have a
counterpart of that InstanceDeclaration. An Optional
ModellingRule, instead, specifies that instances of the
OPC UA type may have a counterpart of that
InstanceDeclaration, but it is not required. Mandatory
and Optional ModellingRules require that the
counterpart of the InstanceDeclaration has the same
BrowseName of the InstanceDeclaration. Other two
ModellingRule Objects exist named
MandatoryPlaceholder and OptionalPlaceholder; in
this case, the counterparts of InstanceDeclaration may
be more than one, regardless of the BrowseName of
the InstanceDeclaration.
OPC UA specifications define graphical symbols
to represent Nodes and References; some of them are
shown by Table 1 and 2, respectively.
Table 1: Graphical notation of some OPC UA Nodes.
Standard graphical
In the standard graphical notation, a
ModellingRule Object and relevant
HasModellingRule Reference are represented inside
the source InstanceDeclaration Node only by the kind
of the ModellingRule Object in square brackets (i.e.
[Mandatory], [Optional], [OptionalPlaceholder],
[MandatoryPlaceholder]). Furthermore, the
BrowseName of InstanceDeclarations having the
OptionalPlaceholder and MandatoryPlaceholder
ModellingRule are enclosed within angle brackets.
Table 2: Graphical notation of some OPC UA References.
OPC UA Reference
Standard graphical
2.2 OPC UA Device Model
OPC UA specification (OPCFoundation, 2015) is
aimed to define the information model associated
with devices in automation systems, in order to
enhance their integration. The specification defines
three models which build upon each other. At the
lowest level there is the Device Model which aims to
provide a unified view of devices irrespective of the
underlying device protocols. Several OPC UA Nodes
have been defined into the OPC UA Device Model,
all derived from the OPC UA BaseObjectType.
TopologyElementType is the base ObjectType
defining the basic information components for all
configurable elements in a device topology. All
elements in a device topology may have Parameters
and Methods. Parameters are modelled with OPC UA
DataVariable Nodes. TopologyElement Object has
two components named ParameterSet and
MethodSet, which are Objects containing a flat list of
Parameters and Methods, respectively.
FunctionalGroups can be used to organise the
Parameters and Methods to reflect the structure of the
TopologyElement; a TopologyElement may have an
arbitrary number of FunctionalGroups. A special
FunctionalGroup called Identification shall be used to
organise Parameters for identification of a
TopologyElement. The same Parameter or Method
might be referenced from more than one
The DeviceType ObjectType provides a general
type definition for any Device. Devices - in addition
to Parameters and Methods - may support sub-
ConfigurableObjectType is used to expose and
configure components, according to the following
principles. An Object of ConfigurableObjectType
shall contain a folder called SupportedTypes that
references the list of types available for configuring
components using Organizes References. The
Towards Integration between OPC UA and OCF
instances of the available types shall be components
of the configurable object (through HasComponent
The OCF Resource Model is based on the concepts of
Device and Resource. According to the OCF Core
Specification (Open Connectivity Foundation, 2018),
a Device models a logical entity (e.g., corresponding
to a real device like a controller) whilst a Resource is
the representation of a component of a Device (e.g., a
sensor integrated in a controller).
An OCF Resource is an instance of one or more
OCF Resource Types. Each Resource Type defines a
set of properties exposed by the Resource,
representing its state. In addition, a Resource declare
a set of OCF Interfaces. Each Interface specifies how
is possible to interact with the Resource itself. A
Resource is addressed using URI and contains
properties defined as key-value pairs.
OCF specification defines a basic Resource Type
for all OCF Resources named “oic.core”. This
Resource Type defines several common properties
whose must be present in a Resource; some of these
properties are “id”, “n” and “rt”, which define a
unique identifier for the resource in the context of a
Device, the name of the resource and the resource
types, respectively.
OCF specifications state that a Resource can be
related to another Resource through OCF Link. A
Link consists of a set of parameters that define a
context URI, a target URI, a relationship from the
context URI to the target URI and metadata about the
target URI.
In order to enable the functional interaction
between OCF Client and OCF Server, OCF mandates
a list of core Resources that must be supported and
exposed by a Device. Specifically, OCF defines three
well-known Resources in an OCF Device, one
representing the platform, another one representing
the device and one providing an entry point to the
Resources exposed by the Device (i.e. providing a list
of OCF Links to the OCF Resources exposed). These
core Resources are addressed using the URIs “/oic/p”,
“/oic/d” and “/oic/res” and belong to the Resource
Types “oic.wk.p”, “oic.wk.d” and “oic.wk.res”,
It is worth noting that the properties of the
Resource representing the Device are defined by the
“oic.wk.d” Resource Type. Furthermore, alongside
this Resource Type, a Device Type may be specified.
A Device Type is used to mandate the list of
minimum OCF Resources that must be exposed by
the Device itself.
An OCF Device can represent a device made up
by subdevices. In this case, an OCF Device can
expose Resources representing the subdevices. A
Resource of this kind belong to a Device Type and
shall at minimum expose the mandatory Resource
Properties defined by “oic.wk.d” Resource Type.
The aim of this paper is the proposal of a solution
which enables integration of OCF and OPC UA
communication systems. In particular, the solution
aims to allow a generic application based on OPC UA
communication system to access each information
produced by a generic OCF device. This aim is
realised through a mapping of each information
produced by OCF device into a corresponding
information maintained inside the AddressSpace of
an OPC UA Server. In this way, an OPC UA-based
application may access the OPC UA Server to
retrieve the information coming from OCF system.
As said in the Introduction, the mapping in the
opposite direction (i.e. from OPC UA to OCF) has
been proposed and presented in previous publications
of the same authors. It is worth noting that the
solution here proposed requires a mapping from OCF
Resource Model to the OPC UA AddressSpace, to
allow the representation of each element featuring the
OCF Resource Model into a correspondent element
belonging to the OPC UA AddressSpace.
It is very important to point out that this has been
realised through an extension of the OPC UA
Information Model, as the authors discovered that the
native one was not able to represent the entire set of
elements featuring the OCF Resource Model. In the
paper, the novel Information Model will be
introduced with the name OCF OPC UA Information
Model. It is built on top of the standard OPC UA
Device Model, described in the previous section.
4.1 OCF OPC UA Information Model
The proposed OCF OPC UA Information Model
offers several novel OPC UA ObjectTypes, called
OCF ObjectTypes and described in the remainder of
this section. They are: OCFResourceType,
OCFResourceInstanceType and OCFDeviceType.
4.1.1 OCFResourceType ObjectType
The OCFResourceType ObjectType has been defined
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
into the OPC UA AddressSpace with the aim to
represent an OCF Resource Type. OCFResourceType
is Abstract; this means that an ObjectType extending
it shall be created for each OCF Resource Type to be
Figure 1 shows the structure of the
Figure 1: OCFResourceType.
As it can be seen, it is a subtype of
TopologyElementType ObjectType and, for this
reason, it inherits each component of this last type.
Among them, there is the ParameterSet Object,
which is defined as an InstanceDeclaration with a
Mandatory ModellingRule Object, as shown by the
figure. It has been assumed that all the properties
defined by the OCF Resource Type to be represented,
are mapped as Parameters and grouped by the
ParameterSet Object, using OPC UA DataVariable
Nodes. Figure 1 shows the InstanceDeclaration
relevant to these Parameters; the ModellingRule
Object associated to the InstanceDeclaration shall be
Mandatory or Optional according on whether the
property in the Resource Type specification is
mandatory or not, respectively.
For example, let us consider the OCF Resource
Type called “oic.r.light.brightness” featuring only
one mandatory property of integer type, named
brightness. This OCF Resource Type is mapped in
OPC UA using a subtype of the OCFResourceType
ObjectType called, in this example,
Light.BrightenessType. Figure 2 shows in details this
ObjectType. As it can be seen, the ParameterSet
Object contains a Parameter aimed to represent the
brightness property defined by the
oic.r.light.brightness OCF Resource Type. This
Parameter is realised by the InstanceDeclaration
brightness featuring a Mandatory ModellingRule
Object; the ModellingRule Object associated to the
InstanceDeclaration is Mandatory as the “brightness
property is mandatory, as said before.
Figure 2: Light.BrightnessType ObjectType.
An OCF Resource features the properties relevant
to its OCF Resource Types. In order to represent the
actual values of these properties for a specific OCF
Resource, an instance of each OCF Resource Type is
needed. Figure 3 shows an example of instance of the
Light.BrightnessType ObjectType, called
Bulb_LightBrightness. As shown, the Value attribute
of the brighteness DataVariable Node contains the
actual value of the brightness property related to the
OCF Resource to be represented; in this example, it
has been assumed that the actual value was 80, as
shown by Figure 3.
Figure 3: Instance of Light.BrightnessType.
4.1.2 OCFResourceInstanceType
The aim of this subsection is to point out how an OCF
Resource is modelled into OPC UA AddressSpace.
As an OCF Resource can be an instance of one or
more OCF Resource Types, the obvious mapping
would be consisting of defining an OPC UA
ObjectType subtype of OCFResourceType for each
of its OCF Resource Type and create a unique OPC
UA Object instance of all these ObjectTypes,
modelling the OCF Resource. Unfortunately, this
solution cannot be realised as in OPC UA multiple
inheritance is forbidden. For this reason, a different
solution has been defined.
The solution adopted in this proposal is the
definition of a Concrete OPC UA ObjectType, called
OCFResourceInstanceType. For each OCF Resource,
Value = 80
Towards Integration between OPC UA and OCF
an instance of OCFResourceInstanceType is created
to model the OCF Resource. This instance must be
able to realise two aggregations, as explained in the
The first aggregation involves all the
OCFResourceType subtypes modelling the OCF
Resource Types relevant to the OCF Resource. In this
way, information of the full set of OCF Resource
Types from which the OCF Resource inherits, can be
maintained in OPC UA.
In the previous subsection, it has been pointed out
that the actual values of the properties relevant to an
OCF Resource may be represented using instances of
each OCFResourceType subtype modelling the OCF
Resource Types from which the OCF Resource
inherits (see the example shown in Figure 3). For this
reason, an aggregation of all these instances is also
needed to represent the actual values of the entire set
of properties of an OCF Resource.
The required two aggregations just pointed out,
are realised using the Configurable Component
pattern defined in (OPCFoundation, 2013) and the
ConfigurableObjectType described in Section 2. The
instance of OCFResourceInstanceType created for
each OCF Resource, contains (through a
HasComponent Reference) an OPC UA Object of
ConfigurableObjectType ObjectType, named Aspects
in this paper. In turn, Aspects contains an instance of
each OCFResourceType subtypes modelling the OCF
Resource Types from which the OCF Resource
inherits. Finally, due to the features of the
ConfigurableObjectType ObjectType, Aspects owns
a folder named SupportedTypes; it is used to organise
the subtypes of OCFResourceTypes allowed as
component of the Aspects Object. Figure 4 shows the
details of the OCFResourceInstanceType
The figure points out that an instance of this
ObjectType is made up by several components. One
of them is the Aspects Object. Aspects has a folder
named SupportedTypes as component; it is used to
organise the subtypes of OCFResourceTypes relevant
to the OCF Resource to be represented. Another
component of OCFResourceInstanceType is
ParameterSet Object, inherited from
TopologyElementType. All the Parameters of every
component of Aspects will be grouped by the
ParameterSet Object. This grouping allows to easily
access to all the OCF properties featured by the OCF
Figure 4: Details of OCFResourceInstanceType ObjectType.
ParameterSet groups also other Parameters,
among which Figure 4 shows URI (that is mandatory
and is used to map the URI of the OCF Resource
represented) and ID (that is optional and is used to
map the “id common property of the OCF Resource
state). Since URI and ID identify the OCF Resource,
they shall be grouped by the FunctionalGroup called
Identification, as explained in Section 2.
4.1.3 OCFDeviceType ObjectType
OCFDeviceType ObjectType is an Abstract
ObjectType subtype of OPC UA DeviceType. A
subtype of OCFDeviceType ObjectType shall be
created for each OCF Device Type to be represented
into the OPC UA AddressSpace; an instance of such
subtype maps an OCF Device and the information it
gathers. OCFDeviceType is graphically described by
Figure 5.
As explained in Section 3, an OCF Device must
expose OCF Resources and, optionally, subdevices. It
has been assumed that mapping of the relationships
between an OCF Device and its Resources is
achieved through the use of an ad-hoc defined OPC
UA ReferenceType, named HasResource.
Relationship with the subdevices is modelled by
another ad-hoc defined Reference called
HasSubDevices. HasSubDevice is subtype of
HasResource which in turn is subtype of
HasComponent ReferenceType.
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: OCFDeviceType ObjectType.
As shown by Figure 5, OCFDeviceType is the source
of a HasResource Reference targeting the
InstanceDeclaration named <Resource>. It features a
MandatoryPlaceholder ModellingRule Object. This
InstanceDeclaration is needed in order to
represent OCF Resources contained in an OCF
OCFDeviceType is also the source of a
HasSubDevice Reference targeting an
InstanceDeclaration named <SubDevice>; as shown,
it is linked to an OptionalPlaceholder ModellingRule
Object. InstanceDeclaration is an Object of an ad-hoc
defined ObjectType, named SubDeviceInstanceType;
it allows to model subdevices of the OCF Device.
Among the Resources exposed by an OCF
Device, the three ones addressed by the URIs
/oic/p, /oic/res and /oic/d are mandatory, as
said in Section 3.
The OCF Resource addressed by /oic/p is
mapped as an instance of
OCFResourceInstanceType, named Platform; this
explains the presence in Figure 5 of the
InstanceDeclaration name Platform to which a
Mandatory ModellingRule Object is associated.
Platform Object is made up by components able to
map the properties of the OCF Resource addressed by
The OCF Resource addressed by “/oic/res”
provides the list of OCF Links pointing the OCF
Resources exposed by an OCF Device. It has been
assumed to avoid the use of an OPC UA Node to
represent the OCF Resource addressed by “/oic/res”
and to map only the OCF Resources linked. These
Resources are mapped by the InstanceDeclaration
named <Resource> in Figure 5, as said before.
OCF Resource addressed by the URI /oic/d is
used to provide information about the relevant OCF
Device through its properties (defined by oic.wk.d
Resource Type). Also in this case, mapping by means
of an OPC UA Node has been avoided. Instead, the
properties of this OCF Resource are mapped by both
OPC UA Properties (inherited by OPC UA
DeviceType) and OPC UA Node Attributes of the
instance of an OCFDeviceType subtype.
The aim of this Section is to provide an example of
the mapping from OCF Resource Model to OPC UA
AddressSpace, using the OCF ObjectTypes presented
in the previous section. For the sake of simplicity, the
example will focus only on the mapping of an OCF
Resource into OPC UA Nodes.
Let us consider an OCF Resource addressed by
the URI “/a/bulb” and let us assume that this it is an
instance of two OCF Resource Types called
oic.r.switch.binary and oic.r.light.brightness”.
The former features a mandatory boolean property
named value indicating whether the bulb is on or
off. The latter has been already described before; as
said, it features only one mandatory property of
integer type, named brightness. Both the integer
value and the boolean brightnessproperties are
part of the state of the OCF Resource. It has been
assumed that their actual values are 80 and true,
The OCF Resource addressed by the URI
“/a/bulb”, is mapped to the OPC UA AddressSpace
by the instance of OPC UA Object of
OCFResourceInstanceType type, named Bulb as
shown by the Figure 6. According to the definition of
the type shown by Figure 4, the instance has three
components: Aspects, ParameterSet and
Aspects has three components shown by Figure 6.
The SupportedTypes is a folder which organises
Switch.BinaryType and Light.BrightnessType
modelling the two OCF Resource Types
oic.r.switch.binary and oic.r.light.brightness”.
The other two components of Aspects are
Bulb_SwitchBinary and Bulb_LightBrightness,
which are instances of Switch.BinaryType and
Light.BrightnessType, respectively. For each of
them, the actual values of the properties are shown
(i.e. value and brightness).
Another component of the Bulb Object is the
ParameterSet Object. It is used to allow a direct
access to the two actual values of the properties of
Bulb_SwitchBinary and Bulb_LightBrightness
Objects (i.e. value and brightness), and to the
Towards Integration between OPC UA and OCF
mandatory URI Variable (containing the URI address
of the OCF Resource).
The last component of the Bulb Object is the
Indentification; it is a folder organising only the URI
Variable, as it is assumed that the ID Variable has not
been implemented.
Figure 6: Example of Mapping of an OCF Resource.
In this paper, a novel OPC UA information model
able to map elements of the OCF Resource Model
into the OPC UA AddressSpace has been proposed.
A GitHub repository has been realised by the authors
at the address,
containing the definition of the entire novel OPC UA
information model here presented.
The research has been partially funded with the
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Value = 80
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ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems