Work Processes in Virtual Teams: A Matching Algorithm for Their
Technological Facilitation
Birgit Großer and Ulrike Baumöl
Chair of Information Management, FernUniversität Hagen, Universitätsstraße 41, 58097 Hagen, Germany
Keywords: Virtual Teams, New Technology, Work Process, Technology Choice, New Work.
Abstract: Virtual teams have almost become normality, especially in larger organizations. Often globally dispersed
project teams work together in a virtual setting, but we also find organizations that are fully organized
following a virtual design. New technology facilitates the implementation of virtual teamwork into the
organization. However, new technology steadily evolves and adaptations by organizations are not always
considered as successful. We therefore propose an algorithm for matching technology to work processes of
virtual teams. The results are evaluated through interviews and derived on a generalizable level, making them
transferrable to changing work environments and also to technologies yet to be innovated.
“New work” as a buzzword and manifestation of
various concepts has been discussed since the early
80s (Väth, 2016). The discourse predominantly
approached organizational development from a
philosophical perspective and focused on individual
freedom regarding goals and means of work.
Discussions in the context of new work shifted over
the years and nowadays mainly address “the three
Ds”: democratization, decentralization and digitali-
zation (Väth, 2016). Whereas democratization
reflects, e.g., the ways work conditions are
negotiated, decentralization and digitalization impact
the ways people work and their organizational
We focus on the second and third “Ds” for this
study addressing knowledge work. Working in a
decentralized way is manifested in, e.g., virtual
teamwork. Digitalization of organizations and
people’s private lives is facilitated by innovative
technologies and by the intensity and ways these
technologies are demanded and used.
Organizations adapt to the requirements of new
work in order to acquire and retain workforce, to be
competitive on their market, and based on ethical
motivations (Gajendran and Harrison, 2007).
Implementing virtual teamwork is one eligible way
for focusing these goals. Most virtual teams work
decentralized in various ways, e.g. geographically,
and work digitally, relying on technological support
for work processes. This technological support and
the facilitated work processes are elements of the
organization’s knowledge system (Fang, Kwok and
Schroeder, 2014). Innovative technologies for
communication and management, e.g. three-
dimensional virtual environments (3DVE), can thus
be crucial for serving the goals of new work and
support virtual teams in their business goals (Powell,
Piccoli and Ives, 2004).
3DVE are considered a popular research object,
whereas other new technologies in the context of
virtual teamwork are not as intensely analyzed
(Gilson et al., 2015). Yet, established and partly
already replaced technologies, e.g. email, are still
researched regarding the use and benefit for virtual
teams (Gilson et al., 2015; Dubé and Robey, 2009).
Furthermore, insights on technology choice and
performance are contradictive. The endeavor to
categorize and analyze new technologies serving as
reference for future technology design and
technology choice is thus relevant for research, even
more, as the development of technological solutions
and of society are not static but keep evolving
The goal of this study is thus to present an
algorithm that serves as reference for matching
technological solutions to work processes. This
allows enhancing technological innovations that meet
current and future requirements. The algorithm is
Großer, B. and Baumöl, U.
Work Processes in Virtual Teams: A Matching Algorithm for Their Technological Facilitation.
DOI: 10.5220/0007672400730083
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 73-83
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
designed on an abstract level supporting the analysis
of new technologies that are already in use and those
yet to come. The proposed algorithm does not replace
decisions of tech-savvy humans or individual choices.
But the algorithm can serve as guidance for a more
objective technology choice as well as tool for
analyzing technology choice and its link to work
performance. The results also provide guidance for
technology choice in practice and furthermore serve
as a link for subsequent research in this area. The
following research questions (RQ) direct the process
of this study in order to achieve these goals.
RQ1: What are the requirements of work
processes by virtual teams with respect to
technological facilitation?
RQ2: Which technological capabilities support
specific work processes for virtual teams?
The study is divided into three main sections. The
conceptual design presents the fundamental ideas
regarding, e.g., the applied media synchronicity
theory (MST) (section 2). Matching capabilities and
requirements is then performed in three steps (section
3). The proposed results are validated by performing
expert interviews (section 4). Main contributions and
links for future research are presented (section 5).
Conceptualizations for new technology, for current
types of workplaces and for virtual teams are
proposed subsequently. The MST is introduced
serving as main theoretical approach for the
subsequent analysis of new technology. MST
supports a structured decomposition of technology
for specific work processes (DeLuca and Valacich,
2006; Hassell and Limayem, 2011) and allows
insights into how technology can support team
processes (Maruping and Agarwal, 2004). It is thus
used as theoretical lens for this study and introduced
in the following (section 2.1). An overview of related
work shows how to embed this study into current
research (section 2.2).
2.1 Relevant Elements
Technologies in general are “manufactured objects”
that “enhance human capabilities” or “enable humans
to perform tasks they could not perform otherwise”
(Grübler, 2003). This basic definition suits the
context of virtual teamwork as it stresses the
relevance of technology for virtual teams to be able
to exist. Evolving technology is usually described as
“new” at a certain moment in time. Technology is
regarded as “new” for this study if it is still emerging
or is already diffused for established use throughout
recent years. New technologies analyzed in this study
include soft- and hardware (Grübler, 2003) that
facilitate virtual teamwork through remote access but
also allow performing individual work processes that
do not require communication. We exclude
technologies that are either replaced by current
solutions or have been used and analyzed for decades,
e.g. offline mail services, email, fax and phone calls.
We propose five categories of new technologies for
our study that are used in practice by virtual teams
and analyzed in the context of teamwork in literature
(Gilson et al., 2015). Technologies are discussed in
scientific literature on different levels of abstraction.
We focus on technological core functions instead of
taking combined features and specific tools, such as
Skype or Trello, into account, resulting in five
categories. This level of abstraction allows for the
proposed algorithm to be still applicable for
upcoming technological solutions instead of solely
addressing technologies that are currently in use. The
categories for our analysis are video conferencing,
3DVE, chat, document sharing tools and management
Video conferences are video calls with two or
more participants. Spoken words and facial
expressions are transmitted (Dennis, Fuller and
Valacich, 2008). Some video conference systems also
support parallel written chat and document sharing.
For our study we address these features separately as
described above. 3DVE can be deployed for
conferencing through avatars, for observation, e.g. for
customers during the planning phase of architectural
ideas as well as for design (Gilson et al., 2015). 3DVE
differ from augmented reality by not requiring
physical representations of objects. Chat tools for
written messages have been in use for several
decades. As they have not been replaced and new chat
software solutions on new devices still emerge, they
are categorized as new technology. Document
sharing tools, also referred to as virtual file systems,
are often integrated into work platforms among other
functionalities, e.g. calendars. Still, several tools exist
and are deployed that provide the core function of
document sharing. These tools often provide standard
folder structures facilitating consistent storing of
work artefacts. With that virtual teams are not
required to, e.g., send updated artefacts per email but
can store and access them in a central database, either
hosted by their organizations or as cloud service
(Gilson et al., 2015). Management systems support
the organizational aspects of teamwork and include
tools for project management (Seerat, Samad and
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Abbas, 2013), process management and workflow
automation (Dustdar, 2004).
We deploy the concept of capabilities from the
MST in order to structure the observed technologies
and allow a precise matching to the requirements of
work processes in section 3. Any technology can be
classified regarding the five capabilities: feedback,
parallelism, rehearsability, reprocessability and
symbol set (Dennis and Valacich, 1999; Dennis,
Fuller and Valacich, 2008; Powell, Piccoli and Ives,
2004). The facilitation of feedback, in terms of
immediate response, also referred to as transmission
velocity (Dennis, Fuller and Valacich, 2008), is a
capability that highly distinguishes technological
solutions. Most new technologies allow feedback to
some extent, but the velocity of feedback varies
significantly. 3DVE and conference tools support
real-time feedback and thus synchronous
communication. Parallelism describes if and to what
extent a technology supports processing several tasks
simultaneously. Asynchronous technologies, e.g. chat
tools, provide more support for parallelism than, e.g.
video calls. Rehearsability characterizes if
technologies allow checking and reworking content
before sharing it with team members. Most features
in management and document sharing tools support
repeated rehearsability. If technologies support
reprocessability the produced content can be re-used.
E.g. 3DVE applications are enriched with content that
is persistent and is updated for re-use. The symbol set
refers to the repertoire a technology offers. E.g.
spoken words combined with facial expressions in
video calls provide a richer symbol set than chat tools
and thus serve different work process requirements.
The manifestations of these capabilities indicate
which processes a certain technology supports
through synchronous or asynchronous features. The
building of a shared mental model, e.g., requires
convergence of the team members’ ideas and is
supported by technology that allows synchronous
communication (Dennis and Valacich, 1999), like
video conferences. Transferring information to team
members and storing it for mutual use, e.g., is
supported by asynchronous technology (Dennis and
Valacich, 1999), like document sharing tools. The
manifestations of the five capabilities for
synchronous and asynchronous technologies are
shown in table 1.
Table 1: Manifestations of technological capabilities.
synchronous asynchronous
feedback + immediate - slow
parallelism - less + more
rehearsability - no + yes
reprocessability - low + high
symbol set + rich - narrow
MST does not support instant technology choice
but provides the necessary analytical foundations by
focusing communication performance (Dennis,
Fuller and Valacich, 2008). We therefore build our
matching of work process requirements and
technology as additional step based on the introduced
The use of technology by virtual teams for work
processes allows new alternatives of workplaces, with
a workplace being a physical place for value creation.
Regular offices and working hours, even with flexible
hours, do not cover the whole reality of today’s
workplace structures and demands (Gilson et al.,
2015). Some professions require humans or machines
to be at a certain workplace, e.g. for garbage
collection service. Our focus is on professions that are
traditionally associated with offices and working
hours and thus on knowledge work, e.g. researchers
and programmers. Offices in buildings have been
regarded as standard workplace for a long time.
Remote work at home emerged as alternative
workplace. Beyond that, considering work by digital
nomads (Nash et al., 2018) leads to a manifold image
of today’s workplaces. Synthesizing technological
characteristics of these workplaces shows that the
common grounds are a computer and internet
connection. Depending on the tasks that are involved
in the work processes, workers add hardware devices,
e.g. microphones and virtual reality devices. Office
space, desks, nearby colleagues and regular hours are
not generally required amenities.
Organizations adapt to new work requirements
and market conditions in order to remain competitive
by approaching specific customer segments and by
acquiring a qualified workforce (Gajendran and
Harrison, 2007). One way to meet these goals is to
deploy virtual teams as workforce. Costs can be
lowered by saving on real estate and travel expenses
(Gajendran and Harrison, 2007). New customers are
approached and qualified employees are acquired and
retained by creating a work environment that suits
their cultures and choices of how to live (Kane et al.,
2015). Yet, integrating virtual teams also introduces
challenges to the organization, e.g. regarding building
trust (Dubé and Robey, 2009). Thus, the deployment
of virtual teams is a strategic decision that is enabled
Work Processes in Virtual Teams: A Matching Algorithm for Their Technological Facilitation
by new technology but mainly triggered by market
conditions and cultural shifts. Virtual teams can be
defined as group of people working together remotely
or asynchronously with technological support in an
organizational context (Schweitzer and Duxbury,
2010). Virtual teams often include people in various
time zones speaking different native languages. But
even teams that are working in the same city but
remotely or asynchronously require technological
facilitation and can be considered virtual teams.
Currently common implementations of virtual teams
are mainly related to knowledge work. Online and
consulting service providers are well suited areas for
virtual teamwork. Therefore, several companies in
this field even consist solely of virtual teams, e.g.
Zapier and Basecamp (,
https://base Taking a look at job
offerings for remote and virtual work (e.g. at and
supports this assumption, as most careers are in the
fields of knowledge work and online services in
particular. Besides the virtual work in a knowledge
work context, virtual teamwork also emerges in areas
that have been known to require manual operations,
e.g. medical surgeries and manufacturing. Not only
trainings for surgeries are carried out in virtual
environments (Satava, 1993) but also actual surgeries
can be performed with members of the team working
remotely via virtual technologies (Pessa et al., 2015).
Applications for virtual environments and
appropriate hardware, e.g. head-mounted displays,
are used for work processes in manufacturing for
planning, designing and decision making, as another
prominent example of technologically facilitated
virtual teamwork (Berg and Vance, 2017).
Work processes in general include all activities
carried out by humans in a work context in order to
enable or perform value creation (Gilson et al., 2015).
They can be differentiated from business processes
regarding their affiliation to human actors. Actors can
be employees, executives, and also freelance workers.
We focus on team members and team leaders of
virtual teams for our study. Thus, all work processes
performed by them are taken into account.
2.2 Related Work on Technology
Researchers are looking for reasons of failed and
successful teamwork processes since teamwork
became a prominent way of organizing tasks.
Especially interrelations of technology choice and
performance are of interest since collaborative
technologies have emerged (Dennis and Valacich,
1999). Models and theories are derived through these
insights, e.g. in the field of collaborative engineering
(Randrup and Briggs, 2017). E.g. the media richness
theory has been established for explaining
technology-task-fit and technology use in teamwork
and was evaluated in many studies (Dennis and
Valacich, 1999). Dennis et al. proposed the MST
based on the media richness theory by focusing on
process outcomes instead of the formally discussed
technology-task-fit (Dennis and Valacich, 1999;
Dennis, Fuller and Valacich, 2008). Supporting a
more dynamic view, adaptive structuration theory
takes a longitude perspective by providing an
approach for analyzing technology use over time and
focus on the actual ways technology is used instead
of how it is intended to be used (Dennis and Valacich,
1999; DeSanctis and Poole, 1994). Today,
technology design, choice and use are analyzed from
various scientific perspectives, e.g. engineering and
psychology, and often prototypes or guidance are
provided for practice. Due to these practical
approaches, the studies are less aimed at proposing
theoretical foundations but shed light on topics on an
application level. Insights provided on an application
level address, e.g., the implementation of avatars for
cultural translation in conferencing (Hasler et al.,
2017) and the use of collaboration systems (Dustdar,
In order to contribute to this intensely researched
field and also offer benefits for practice, we position
our work as abstract model that delivers an adaptive
algorithm, also deployable for future reference. An
algorithm presents a qualified measure to solve a
problem based on precisely described steps with a
finite amount of time and data (Dale and Lewis,
2007). We therefore conceptualize virtual teams
through their work processes without explicitly
including cultural and behavioristic approaches that
would regard, e.g., motivation in teams and evolution
of technology use during team lifespan. In order to
support future referencing across different industries,
the model abstracts from specific branches and is
built on the equally abstract MST.
In the following sections we derive technological
requirements of work processes by virtual teams
(RQ1) and match these requirements to the
capabilities of new technologies (RQ2). We therefore
derive work processes for virtual teams and their
technological requirements (section 3.1), break down
technologies to the level of capabilities (section 3.2)
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and match the requirements to the capabilities
(section 3.3). The results of this matching algorithm
can serve virtual teams to optimize their technology
choice and also reveal shortcomings regarding
technology design.
3.1 Work Processes in Virtual
We suggest structuring work processes into two
perspectives, in order to facilitate the allocation of
processes. The administrative view includes
processes that are not directly bound to the content of
work objects. Work processes from a value creation
view present the generation of work results. As in any
team, even more importantly in the context of
virtuality, communication is considered as vital for
successful collaboration on any organizational and
team level (Powell, Piccoli and Ives, 2004). Two
fundamental communication processes exist based on
MST. These are the transfer of information, called
conveyance and the communicative activity to
achieve a shared mental model or to come to an
agreement, the convergence of information (Dennis,
Fuller and Valacich, 2008; Ramesh and Dennis,
2002). Conveyance presents the administrative aspect
of communication, whereas convergence is bound to
the content of information. Coordination, being
another essential administrative work process for
virtual teams can be operationalized through a team
leader, self-coordinating teams or a hybrid
coordination approach (Piccoli, Powell and Ives,
2004; Powell, Piccoli and Ives, 2004). Team
members carry out individual tasks that usually
depend on a certain profession and role. As these
individual tasks are highly diverse across professional
fields, e.g. coding and research, we do not further
specify requirements of individual professions. When
the members carry out tasks together as a team, these
tasks include individual input which is intertwined
due to interdependencies, e.g. in the partly remote
surgery situation described above. Team task
performance is hence regarded as work process which
requires team interaction for achieving mutual goals.
An overview of the described work processes is
displayed in figure 1.
These work processes require certain
technological support in order to be practicable by
virtual teams. These requirements are analyzed based
on the capabilities proposed by MST (Dennis and
Valacich, 1999; Dennis, Fuller and Valacich, 2008).
The requirements of derived work processes are
shown in table 2.
Figure 1: Work processes in virtual teams.
The manifestations of technological capabilities
are adopted as work process requirements in order to
apply an analytical level similar to MST. “x” marks a
mainly positive and “-“ a mainly negative
manifestation. Cases that are volatile are marked with
“x-“. All five work processes are examined similarly
to the following description for convergence
processes: A virtual team seeks to achieve consensus
regarding an unclear goal description of a new
project. In that case convergence presents the work
process on a value creation level. In order to achieve
consensus, immediate feedback is required in
discussions, parallel tasks impair the focus and thus
the results of convergence. As convergence is
supported by synchronous communication, input is
not rehearsable but happens immediately. As
convergence can be regarded as frequently required
process, arguments as well as resources can be
reprocessed for similar work processes to a certain
extent, e.g. by recording. A rich symbol set is
regarded to facilitate convergence (Dennis, Fuller and
Valacich, 2008) and may include spoken words, tone,
facial expressions and shared written documents and
models in that case.
3.2 Capabilities of New Technologies
The five proposed new technologies are analyzed
regarding their capabilities based on MST in order to
match these technologies to the work processes. The
selected technologies can be positioned along a
continuum between synchronous and asynchronous,
regarding their manifestations of the described
capabilities. The results are displayed in table 3,
based on the cited literature and judgment by the two
authors, corresponding to inter-code-reliability.
Video conferencing is only convenient when the
participants’ internet connections are good enough to
tolerate steady and synchronous communication.
Therefore, the transmission velocity needs to be high
allowing immediate feedback. Parallel conduct of
video conferences is not viable and content once
transmitted via spoken words and mimic cannot be
rehearsed. Video conferences can be recorded and
their content thus be reprocessed, e.g. for protocols.
process could be enhanced by implementing
administrat ive view
value creation view
individual task performance
team task performance
Work Processes in Virtual Teams: A Matching Algorithm for Their Technological Facilitation
Table 2: Technological work process requirements.
work process
indiv. task
team task
feedback - - x - x
parallelism x x - x -
rehearsability x x - x x-
reprocessability x x x- x x
symbol set - x x x- x-
Table 3: Capabilities of analyzed technologies.
feedback x x x- - -
parallelism - - X x x
rehearsability - x X x x
x- x- x- x x
symbol set x x- - x- -
automated transcription. Video conferencing tools
provide a rich symbol set (e.g. speech and mimic).
3DVE facilitate synchronous communication
(Schouten, Hooff and Feldberg, 2016). Analogous to
video conferencing, immediate feedback is supported
and parallel process performance unfavorable. 3DVE
support the rehearsing of interaction. The set-up of
3DVE can be reprocessed and optional recordings of
interactions stored for documentation or re-use.
3DVE can include individualized avatars for
communication that translate cultural differences or
provide images of objects that require discussion
(Hasler et al., 2017). Therefore, the richness of the
symbol set strongly depends on the maturity and
features of the deployed 3DVE.
Feedback in chat systems can be delivered
immediately or slowly. The tool’s velocity does not
only depend on the technology itself but on the way
team members are using it. This use can differ
between teams and between individuals and is related
to organizational culture and communication habits.
Chats support parallel communication tasks which
negatively influences the velocity of feedback. This
as well as the amount of parallel threads is limited due
to human information processing. In cases where chat
bots are implemented, this limitation is softened up to
technological processability. Chat content is
rehearsable and reprocessable due to delayed
transmission until ordered and due to automated
documentation of conversations. Chat tools are most
commonly limited to written and voice messages
presenting a narrow symbol set.
Some document sharing tools integrate feedback
features. Yet, most document sharing tools are only
convenient for up- and downloading documents, with
limited comment areas. Document sharing tools are
not restricted regarding parallelism and
rehearsability. Reprocessability is a core function of
document sharing tools. The symbol set of document
sharing tools is as rich as the shared documents, e.g.
if only pictures or written documents are shared.
Management systems allow immediate
conveyance of, e.g., performance indicators or work
instructions. However, most management systems do
not provide bidirectional feedback features. Content
can be rehearsed and reprocessed and parallel projects
and processes be monitored. The symbol set is usually
limited to written text as well as displaying models
and figures.
3.3 Matching Procedure
The matching algorithm of work process
requirements and technological capabilities is
processed by synthesizing tables 1, 2 and 3 and the
results are presented in table 4 below. E.g.
coordination processes require parallelism,
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 4: Matching of new technologies and work processes in virtual teams.
coordination 2 2 1
conveyance 3 3 1 3
convergence 1 2 3 3
indiv. task performance 3 3 1 3
team task performance 3 1 3 3
rehearsability and reprocessability. Technologies are
scanned and the ones selected that meet these three
requirements, e.g. management systems (labeled as
choice 1). Technologies which provide additional not
required capabilities are mentioned as second-best
choices (labeled as choice 2). Even though this might
seem counterintuitive, richer technology is not
regarded as better choice than the ones with specific
fit (Dennis, Fuller and Valacich, 2008). Technologies
that lack one required capability are labeled as choice
3. Technology that lacks more than one required
capability is not marked as choice. The matching
results of specific technologies are transferred to five
propositions throughout the matching procedure
generalizing towards synchronous and asynchronous
The requirements of coordination work processes
are met by management systems (1). Besides this
exact match in all three capabilities (parallelism,
rehearsability, and reprocessability), document
sharing tools (richer symbol set) and chats (more
immediate feedback) are also possible matches (2).
Proposition 1. Asynchronous Technology Facilitates
the Requirements of Coordination Processes for
Virtual Teams.
Conveyance processes can be performed using
asynchronous technology and are facilitated by
document sharing tools (1). 3DVE, chats and
management systems (3) all lack one capability and
thus support conveyance to a certain degree.
Proposition 2. Asynchronous Technology with Rich
Symbol Set Facilitates Conveyance of Information in
Virtual Teams.
Convergence processes require highly
synchronous communication potential. The best
match is to deploy video conferencing (1). 3DVE
adds the capability of rehearsability and varies in
symbol set and is therefore regarded as second best
match (2). Chat and document sharing tools lack at
least one capability and thus serve as third choice for
supporting convergence processes (3).
Proposition 3. Convergence Processes in Virtual
Teams are Facilitated by (Reprocessable)
Synchronous Technology.
Work processes included in individual task
performance have highly unique requirements. The
technological requirements depend on the field of
work, e.g. coding programs, exercising surgery,
training or planning interior design. The common
ground regarding teamwork is that the work results
need to be transmitted, shared or provided for
subsequent tasks. Thus, the matching of individual
task performance requirements and technology shows
an equal result as conveyance processes.
Proposition 4. The Integration of Individual Task
Performance and Derived Results into Teamwork
Processes is Facilitated by Asynchronous
The best technological match for team task
performance is 3DVE as all requirements are met (1).
No second choice exists providing additional
capabilities. The three third choices, video
conferencing, chat and document sharing tools (3),
support team task performance to a certain extent.
Proposition 5. Unison Team Task Performance is
Facilitated by Highly Synchronous Technologies that
Additionally Provide Rehearsability and
The results are summarized in table 4 above. The
matching shows which technology is assumed to
support which work process best based on the
presented insights following MST. Combining
technologies, even ones that are not considered to
fully support the process requirements, can still
facilitate process performance to a certain extent
(Dennis, Fuller and Valacich, 2008). E.g. using a
document sharing tool to open documents, protocol
results and update content during a meeting in a
3DVE can enhance team task performance compared
to an exclusive deployment of synchronous 3DVE.
We conducted a field study using interviews in order
to evaluate, possibly validate and amplify the insights
Work Processes in Virtual Teams: A Matching Algorithm for Their Technological Facilitation
regarding the matching of technologies and processes
(Yin, 2014). Interviews were chosen for data
collection as they allow assessing actual
implementations of technology with taking individual
interpretations of the actors into account (Schultze
and Avital, 2011). The field study includes five semi-
structured interviews (Myers and Newman, 2007)
with experts from practice (section 4.1). The experts’
judgment on the proposed assumptions and results are
analyzed for potential consensus and discussed
(section 4.2) in order to evaluate and improve our
findings (Frank, 2007). The evaluated matching
algorithm is finally presented as model (section 4.3).
4.1 Interview Method
The field study was intended to evaluate the theory-
based propositions through insights from practice and
interviews were selected as methodical approach.
Interviews are an appropriate approach for deriving
insight for how and why something is done (Yin,
2014). The interviews consisted of open questions.
The questions were based on the assumptions
regarding work processes (section 3.1) and
technological capabilities (section 3.2) as well as the
results of the matching (section 3.3). The interview
script consisted of three blocks. The first block
addressed personal characteristics (see table 5) and
individual hardware use. Questions of the second
block inquired, what technologies are used for which
processes. E.g.: “Coordination: You want to
communicate a planned schedule to your team
members and monitor the compliance with deadlines.
Which technology do you use?”. The third block
addressed technological capabilities based on the five
selected technologies. E.g.: “Chat: Do you use chat
tools? For which processes and tasks are chat tools
convenient? What are, in your opinion, advantages
and disadvantages of chat tools?”. If the interviewees
did not cover all capabilities in their answers for the
third block, these capabilities were explicitly
addressed. E.g. regarding rehearsability: “How
important is it for you to be able to proof-read,
structure and edit content before you transmit the
content using a chat tool?”. The interviewees were
informed about confidentiality of the interviews and
asked to abstain from personal and organizational
data during the interview, before the recording of the
interviews was started. All interviewees were shortly
and equally briefed in order to achieve a mutual
understanding of technology and work processes. All
interviews took about 30 minutes and were recorded.
The answers where analyzed and insights extracted
that are summarized in section 4.2. The interviewer
followed the questions prepared in the script but also
improvised by referring to answers already given to
questions and by asking for more detail, especially
when statements did not adhere to the theoretical
foundation (Myers and Newman, 2007).
Table 5 shows the characteristics of the five
interviewees, regarding the kind of organization they
represent and what role they hold in that organization.
The interviews and the interviewees present the user
perspective as they report on how and what
technologies they actually use or would find
applicable for certain work processes.
The interviewees were selected due to their
different roles in organizations and as they are
working across several industries. This selection was
made in order to provide a certain degree of
transferability of the results and also not limit the
insights to one group of employees which might bias
the results (Myers and Newman, 2007).
Table 5: Characteristics of interviewees.
# organization interviewee
1 market research and
product development
senior consultant
2 digitalization assessment
and consulting
3 online marketing senior campaign
4 virtual power plant
software coder
5 health consulting and
software systems
4.2 Analysis of Interview Results
The interviews were analyzed regarding their support
and dissent of the propositions. The results of the
interviews support the five propositions (section 3.3)
to a certain extent as described subsequently.
Ref. prop. 1: The interviewees use a variety of
asynchronous technology for coordination processes.
Spread sheets are used for project and process
management despite their lack of integrability. In
most cases, the solutions are not integrated but consist
of organization-wide project and process
management systems, personal calendars and to-do
applications redundantly combined with email
reminders for delegated tasks.
Ref. prop 2: Document sharing via online tools
and in local databases is a standard procedure for the
interviewees for conveying information. Still, emails
with individual transmissions are widely used in one
international company that does not provide any
internal document sharing platform accessible across
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
locations. This interviewee stated that he has
expected email use would be obsolete by now,
considering all the available tools. Two other
interviewees stated and approved that email was
banned for transmitting content for security and
efficiency reasons by their organization. Especially
the factor “efficiency” validates our theoretical
Ref. prop. 3: Asking about convergence processes
confirmed that a rich symbol set is required and the
interviewees often referred to the need of seeing
facial expressions as they are used to from face to face
meetings. Immediate feedback presents another
reason to choose video conferencing above other
technology. Lack of technology use skills and
insufficient connection were mentioned as main
downsides impairing video conferencing. Most
interviewees use reprocessability of recorded video
conferences for documentation and sharing with other
team members. This confirms the findings that
reprocessability is, to some extent, relevant in
synchronous technology and provides insights on
actual use and ideas for future design and
implementation of conferencing technology. The
statements regarding video transfer in conferencing
are divergent. Most interviewees mentioned an urge
to see the person they communicate with. Most
statements did not include specific reasons but rather
an emotional drive to see who they are working with,
even if the other person carries out tasks that do not
require interaction. Opposing statements considered
seeing a person as unnecessary for communication
and video transfer even as inconvenient regarding
privacy of workspace.
Ref. prop. 4: The choice of technology for
carrying out individual tasks is as diverse as expected.
This also concerns remote accessibility and mobility
of technology. Interviewees mostly stated that they
hardly ever use mobile devices besides laptops and
only sometimes require remote access to the
organizations databases for their individual tasks.
Re. prop. 5: The selected interviewees stated to be
interested in 3DVE for either direct interaction or for
observing locations without traveling. Rehearsability
and reprocessability are not seen as relevant for team
task performance, thus not confirming the
The interview questions did not require any
adaptation of the work processes and technologies.
All interviewees were able to find their own work
processes and tasks as well as technologies they use
in the suggested structure. The overall use of
synchronous and asynchronous technology for
processes proves to be as recommended by the
matching. Yet, the individual manifestations of
technology use vary significantly. The two extremes
are one company with centralized, highly structured
and lean technology use and the other company with
a variety of technologies that are used or not used
based on each employee’s liking.
4.3 Validity of the Proposed Matching
The matching results and derived propositions are
mainly supported by the interviews as described
above. We therefore consider the proposed matching
algorithm as valid method for analyzing and planning
appropriate technology choice and development. The
granularity and structure of work processes as well as
the proposed classes of technologies were confirmed
to model reality throughout the interviews. The
algorithm consists of two initial steps and one
synthesizing step. The two initial steps are (1)
analyzing work process requirements and (2)
analyzing technologies, both on the level of
capabilities. Finally, (3) the manifestations are
matched and the results assessed regarding their
accuracy of fit. The proposed algorithm is modeled
for our use case in figure 2.
Figure 2: Modeled matching algorithm.
The matching results as well as the insights from
interviews are mostly in line with the hypotheses
from MST regarding the capabilities of synchronous
and asynchronous technologies. Email applications
were not taken into account; still, most interviewees
used email as benchmark for other technologies. This
phenomenon could be interpreted as a transition from
the email era as former main communication tool and
could be an issue for further investigation.
Work Processes in Virtual Teams: A Matching Algorithm for Their Technological Facilitation
The matching algorithm presents the main
contribution of this study. The foundations are closely
based on MST and the proposed results are evaluated
through interviews. The algorithm allows for an
adaption for varieties of technological solutions, e.g.
management systems with discussion sections, due to
its high level of abstraction and with generalizability.
Future research could focus on matching
technological solutions with the needs of certain
professional fields, e.g. for researchers or legal
consultants, as we did not specify the requirements of
certain professions. We assessed the insights of the
evaluation cautiously because of the following weak
points. The number of interviewed experts was
relatively small and thus provides only indicative
results. Insights by expert interviews are known to
tend to rather validate whatever is assumed
beforehand (Kromrey, Roose and Strübing, 2016).
Subsequent studies could provide further insights for
enhancing the matching algorithm, also including
longitude studies analyzing changes of technology
use over time (DeSanctis and Poole, 1994) or
focusing on specific industries or requirements by
diverse user groups. The proposed results of the
matching algorithm can serve virtual teams by
optimizing their technology choice and support future
decisions in technology design.
The current revival of “the three Ds” - the trends
and visions of new work - manifests in deploying
virtual teams, and it is enabled through new
technology and requested by the current and future
workforce. Scientific research is encouraged to
further develop an understanding and moreover
provide guidance for these and upcoming trends and
visions of new work.
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Work Processes in Virtual Teams: A Matching Algorithm for Their Technological Facilitation