PSSST! The Privacy System for Smart Service Platforms: An Enabler for
Confidable Smart Environments
Christoph Stach
, Frank Steimle
, Clémentine Gritti
and Bernhard Mitschang
Institute for Parallel and Distributed Systems, University of Stuttgart, Universitätsstraße 38, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Department of Information Security and Communication Technology, NTNU, Elektro B, Gløshaugen, Trondheim, Norway
Privacy, Access Control, Internet of Things, Smart Service Platform, Sensors, Actuators, Stream Processing.
The Internet of Things and its applications are becoming increasingly popular. Especially Smart Service
Platforms like Alexa are in high demand. Such a platform retrieves data from sensors, processes them in a
back-end, and controls actuators in accordance with the results. Thereby, all aspects of our everyday life can be
managed. In this paper, we reveal the downsides of this technology by identifying its privacy threats based on a
real-world application. Our studies show that current privacy systems do not tackle these issues adequately.
Therefore, we introduce PSSST!, a user-friendly and comprehensive
ystem for
ervice Pla
limiting the amount of disclosed private information while maximizing the quality of service at the same time.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is nowadays monitor-
ing and controlling many aspects of our daily lives.
This becomes particularly apparent in the increasingly
popular Intelligent Personal Assistants such as Alexa.
These are technical tools that determine user requests
via sensors and subsequently fulfill them as effectively
as possible via actuators. In the case of Alexa, this is
represented by a speaker with a built-in microphone,
the so-called Echo
. Via the microphone, the user
can make requests in natural language to Alexa, e. g.,
Alexa, what is the weather forecast tomorrow?”). The
captured voice message is then sent to the Alexa Cloud
service to analyze and interpret it. After the meaning
of the question is identified, a corresponding answer
is retrieved from a knowledge base. The data are then
sent back to Echo and read to the user (Chung et al.,
As a result of this special kind of interaction, Alexa
is no longer seen as a technological gadget, but as a
strong social presence (Purington et al., 2017). There-
fore, users interact much more naturally with Alexa
so that the collected data provide deep insights into
their everyday lives (Orr and Sanchez, 2018). Users
are therefore increasingly concerned about whether
the provider of such a Smart Service Platform handles
these highly private data in a trustworthy manner. It
is also unknown whether only such data are collected
which are necessary to provide the specific services.
The user cannot verify which data are captured and
what knowledge can be derived from them. So, s/he
has to rely solely on the good nature of the platform
provider. Yet, studies show many potential privacy vul-
nerabilities in these platforms (Chung et al., 2017a).
On top of this, Alexa shares its data with various
third-party Cloud services (e. g., ridesharing providers)
and operates several compatible third-party IoT de-
vices (e. g., Smart Lighting Kits) (Chung et al., 2017b).
That is, even if the provider of the respective Smart
Service Platform is entirely trustworthy, its control
over the private data ends when such data have been
disclosed to these third parties (Alhadlaq et al., 2017).
Samsung even predicts that by 2020 all Samsung
household appliances will be interconnected. Then
sensors and actuators should be integrated into every
device so that these devices can interact with each
other autonomously (Samsung Newsroom, 2018).
Although Smart Services provide great conve-
nience for users, the privacy threats they pose are im-
mense (Apthorpe et al., 2016). So, there is an urgent
need for privacy systems for Smart Service Platforms.
In this respect, it is important to involve the user in
all decisions (Rashidi and Cook, 2009). Nevertheless,
the autonomous nature of the Smart Service Platform
must not be restricted unnecessarily in order to sustain
its service quality (Townsend et al., 2011). Due to this
balancing act, today’s privacy systems fail in the con-
Stach, C., Steimle, F., Gritti, C. and Mitschang, B.
PSSST! The Privacy System for Smart Service Platforms: An Enabler for Confidable Smart Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0007672900570068
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2019), pages 57-68
ISBN: 978-989-758-369-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
text of Smart Service Platforms: they are unnecessary
restrictive (Schaub et al., 2017), are not tailored to the
privacy requirements of the users (Felt et al., 2012a),
and they overburden the users (Felt et al., 2012b).
For this reason, we introduce PSSST!, a novel
ystem for
ervice Pla
forms that is
designed to meet the specific requirements of such an
ecosystem. To this end we make the following ve
We provide insight into a Smart Ser-
vice Platform, namely MIALinx (Wieland et al., 2016),
and describe how it operates based on an exemplary
application scenario. From this, we derive both privacy
issues and requirements towards a privacy system in
such a context.
We introduce a mechanism to pre-
vent Smart Devices and Smart Service Platforms from
deriving specific knowledge about its users.
describe a method to prevent a Smart Service Platform
from bypassing this mechanism.
We ensure a high
quality of service despite the privacy measures.
combine these three security measures in PSSST!.
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows: In Section 2, an application scenario for a Smart
Service Platform is introduced. This exemplary sce-
nario illustrates the functionality of such a platform
and its inherent privacy threats. Subsequently, in Sec-
tion 3, requirements towards a privacy system for such
a platform are derived from this scenario. Section 4
discusses existing privacy approaches for Smart De-
vices and Smart Services. As these approaches do not
meet all the requirements towards a privacy system for
Smart Service Platforms, Section 5 first introduces the
concept of our approach PSSST! before Section 6 de-
scribes its implementation. Section 7 assesses PSSST!
and reveals whether it fulfills all requirements. Finally,
Section 8 concludes this paper.
In the following we describe an example for a realistic
Smart Home application and identify the components
applied in this scenario (see Section 2.1). In this ex-
ample, an IoT platform, namely MIALinx, is used to
provide support for Smart Services. MIALinx eval-
uates simple IF-THIS-THEN-THAT (ITTT) rules to
react to specific events. Although IoT platforms such
as Alexa have a lot of further functionalities, the basic
principles of such a platform can be illustrated using
MIALinx as an example (see Section 2.2). Based on
this scenario, we describe inherent privacy risks of
such an IoT platform (see Section 2.3).
2.1 Application Example
Home heating is one of the major energy consumers
in a household. Therefore, increasing the efficiency
of home heating is an essential goal. With the help
of IoT technologies, a need-based heating control is
achievable. Figure 1 shows a setup for such an IoT
supported heating system. This application example is
inspired by the study of Kleiminger et al. (Kleiminger
et al., 2014). It reflects the state of the art of technology
in the field of Smart Heating control.
A Smart Heating is basically a common heating
system that can be controlled remotely. For this pur-
pose, it can be accessed e. g. via Bluetooth. In our
application example it therefore represents an actuator.
Various sensors enable to determine the condition in a
Smart Home. For instance, Smart Thermostats can be
used to determine the temperature in each room. These
data are forwarded to a local Control Unit. This control
unit can thus detect when the temperature in a room
drops below a specified threshold. It can then trigger
the Smart Heating to reestablish the room temperature
as specified by the user.
However, the potential offered by such a Smart
Environment is considerably farther. Via Smart Room
Management sensors, such as microphones or cam-
eras, it is possible to determine in which rooms how
many people are currently present. In this way, un-
used or very crowded rooms can be heated less, which
significantly reduces energy consumption. However,
the coordination and interpretation of all these data
sources exceed the capabilities of a user.
The automatic analysis and consolidation of all
these sensor data are therefore carried out by an exter-
nal service provider for the user. The user only speci-
fies certain parameters (e. g., thresholds for his or her
individual comfortable temperature) and the service
provider generates corresponding rules. In addition,
the service providers have the capacities to store the
history data of their users and to perform analyses on
it. This enables them to learn more about the habits
of their users (e. g., the user is never at home on the
weekend) and to tailor their services accordingly (e. g.,
the room temperature can be decreased at weekends).
External service providers have another decisive
advantage: they are able to join data from different
Smart Environments. In our application example, we
chose the user’s Smart Car. Modern Smart Cars are
able to identify the driver, e. g., via individual keys for
each driver. In addition, such cars are not only able
to determine their current location, but they have also
access to various data sources. For instance, they can
retrieve real-time traffic information, have access to
navigation data, and know the appointments a user has
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Smart Home Service Provider
User ID
Smart Car
Smart Heating Router
Control UnitSmart Room
Cloud-based Smart
Service Platform
Figure 1: Setup of an IoT Supported Smart Heating System.
stored in his or her personal organizer. This enables
them to know when a user is driving home and when
s/he is likely to arrive there. By sharing this informa-
tion with the service provider, the Smart Heating can
be adjusted so that the temperature requested by the
user is reached as soon as s/he enters his or her home.
This application example illustrates that Smart Ser-
vices have to process data from various sensors and
have to be able to react to certain sensor values. A
variety of actuators must be triggered for this purpose.
Furthermore, it is evident that a platform for such
services must interact with and coordinate multiple
heterogeneous Smart Environments. A very simple
example of how such a platform operates is described
below based on MIALinx. Yet, the insights also apply
to other Smart Service Platforms, such as the Alexa
platform mentioned in the introduction.
2.2 MIALinx
MIALinx (Wieland et al., 2016) is a Smart Service
Platform designed for Industry
. It provides a flexi-
ble and easy-to-use integration of assets on the shop
floor. The platform allows the creation and execution
of ITTT rules. Such a rule describes how to react to
certain sensor values, i. e., which actuators have to be
addressed. Despite its focus on an industrial context,
MIALinx can be applied to any given scenario.
The operating principle of MIALinx is shown in
Figure 2. MIALinx introduces an adapter concept in
order to be compatible to any given sensor and actuator.
An adapter is a digital twin for actual physical assets.
This means that for each sensor and actuator MIALinx
requires such an adapter, which can be seen as a driver
which can be added to the platform at runtime. The
adapters read the data from their corresponding sen-
sors and convert these raw data into values that can be
processed by MIALinx. For instance, the adapter of
a Smart Thermostat can convert its raw data into de-
grees Celsius. Likewise, the actuator adapters receive
commands from MIALinx and convert them into in-
structions that are executable by the physical actuators.
A single sensor can feed several adapters and a single
adapter can combine the data of several sensors (this
also applies to the actuators). For instance, an adapter
can represent a virtual Smart Room Management sen-
sor analyzing both camera data and microphone data
and determines how many people are in the room by
combining both types of data. Then, the adapter passes
only the amount of people to core of MIALinx, its rule
engine. Here virtual sensors are linked to virtual actu-
This linkage is realized via ITTT rules, where the
left side (IF) represents a virtual sensor and the right
side (THEN) a virtual actuator. In addition, a condition
is attached to the sensor values under which the rule
has to be executed. In the example given in Figure 2,
the heating should be turned down when the tempera-
ture is above 25
C and it should be increased when the
user arrives at home in less than 15 minutes. Machine
learning techniques can be applied to this rule base to
come up with new rules or to refine existing ones.
Rule EngineVirtual SensorsPhysical
Virtual Actuators Physical
> 25°C < 15’
ITTT Rule Base
Figure 2: Basic Concept of a Smart Service Platform
exemplified by MIALinx (cf. (Stach et al., 2018c)).
PSSST! The Privacy System for Smart Service Platforms: An Enabler for Confidable Smart Environments
2.3 Privacy Threats
This application example reveals various privacy
threats due to the use of a Smart Service Platform:
The sensors share their data unrestrictedly with
the external service provider. The user cannot track or
control which data are transmitted (i. e., which data are
leaving his or her sphere of influence). For instance,
s/he cannot control whether the Smart Room Manage-
ment component only passes on the number of people
in a room or also its video and audio recordings.
The service provider may add further rules to
the rule base at any time (e. g., via machine learning).
While this is necessary to improve the service quality,
it can also be misused to spy on the user. For instance,
a rule could be added which sends an email to the
service provider, informing him or her when and how
long the user leaves the house.
The service provider is also able to control all
actuators at will. Depending on the actuator, this can
cause high costs or even hazards. For instance, the
user cannot restrict access to the heating system (e. g.,
set a limit for operating hours at the heating system).
The communication between the sensors and
actuators is not secured and can be intercepted.
Any data source can forward data to the service
provider. An attacker could therefore pretend to be
the user’s thermostat and use fake data to cause an
incorrect control of the heating system.
Sensors for home use are produced very cheap
and therefore often provide temporary wrong values.
This can trigger the wrong rules if the service provider
does not filter out such outliers.
These privacy threats result directly in requirements
towards a privacy system for Smart Service Platforms:
To prevent
, a privacy system has to be able to
control the use of private data as close to sensor as pos-
sible. The restriction method must be adapted to the
respective sensor, e. g., reducing the accuracy makes
sense for location data whereas this method cannot be
used for the user ID. Overall, the best privacy strategy
is not to pass on any data which are not required for
the intended Smart Service to the processing platform.
To prevent
, a privacy system has to be able
to monitor and control all data processed by a Smart
Service Platform. Only at the platform, all data are
available which are processable by the Smart Services.
All data sources have to be known to the privacy sys-
tem to enable it to analyze which knowledge can be
derived from the data. In addition to the real-time sen-
sor data, also the knowledge base of the platform (i. e.,
history data) has to be taken into account.
To prevent
, similar to
, also the use of
actuators has to be restricted locally at the actuator.
That is, the interface of actuators must be manipulated,
e. g., disable a function or restrict the use of a function.
To prevent
, the communication channels be-
tween the sensors / actuators and the Smart Service
Platform must be fully encrypted.
To prevent
, all sensors / actuators have to
authenticate to the Smart Service Platform.
To prevent
, all sensor data have to be val-
idated sensor-sided, i. e., before passing it on to the
Smart Service Platform. The options to deal with out-
liers largely depend on the respective sensor.
In addition, there are further requirements towards
such a privacy system in order to be effective:
The quality of the Smart Services must be retained.
If no data are shared with the platform, privacy is fully
protected, but the quality of service is nonexistent.
Whereas if all data are shared with the platform, the
quality of service is maximized, but there is no privacy.
Therefore, an adequate trade-off has to be achieved.
A Smart Service Platform is a dynamic execution
environment—new sensors and actuators can be added
at any time. So, a privacy system has to be extendable
to cope with such structural and technological changes.
The configuration of the privacy system has to
be simple, as most users of Smart Services are no IT
experts. For this purpose, the specification of privacy
requirements must not be at the sensor level, but at a
higher level. That is, the user describes which knowl-
edge about him or her has to be concealed (e. g., the
platform must not detect that the user is never at home
on weekends)—s/he does not want to worry about
which sensors might reveal this information.
The privacy approaches which are applicable to Smart
Service Platforms can be divided into four categories:
attribute-based privacy rules, context-sensitive privacy
rules, privacy via mock data, and statistical privacy
techniques. Some approaches have features of several
categories. When discussing related work, we do not
differentiate between approaches for Smart Devices
and approaches for IoT back-ends, as both have to be
considered by a privacy system (see
). The
overview is not intended to be exhaustive due to the
sheer number of similar approaches. We list represen-
tatives for the respective categories, only.
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Attribute-based Privacy Rules.
Attribute-based pri-
vacy control is a relatively simple approach. In this
privacy technique, the user defines which attributes a
third party gets access to. In the simplest case, one
attribute comprises all data of a certain sensor class.
Transferred to the application example in Section 2.1,
a user could prohibit that GPS data are forwarded to
the Smart Service Platform. DEFCON (Migliavacca
et al., 2010) is such a privacy system for data streams.
All events of a restricted sensor are not processed or
forwarded—i. e., it appears that these events never oc-
curred. That can also be applied to databases. Kabra et
al. (Kabra et al., 2006) introduce a fine-grained access
control for database queries. Specific rows or columns
can be excluded when processing a query, i. e., partic-
ular readings as well as sensor attributes (e. g., latitude
or longitude) can be concealed. Dr. Android and Mr.
Hide (Jeon et al., 2012) proceeds more fine-grained,
as it also takes the data format of the respective source
into account. Depending on the data format, the user
has differently detailed restriction options.
Overall, all of these approaches have a common
shortcoming. Their attribute-based data filtering is
highly restrictive. That is, a user either shares his or her
GPS data with a third party or s/he does not. However,
with this technique it is not possible to disclose only
when a user will arrive at home without sharing his
or her location permanently. So, either the privacy
protection or the service quality is heavily impaired.
Context-sensitive Privacy Rules.
A less restrictive
access control mechanism is enabled by context-based
privacy rules. This means, each access rule is linked to
an activation context. So, it is possible to share a user’s
GPS data only when s/he is close to his or her house,
i. e., only when it is relevant for controlling the Smart
Heating. ACStream (Cao et al., 2009) implements such
an access control for data stream systems. While in
ACStream the context refers only to the content of the
transmitted data, CRePE (Conti et al., 2010) uses any
available sensor data to define the context. However,
this leads to an increased complexity regarding the
description of the context. To reduce this complexity,
Wallis et al. (Wallis et al., 2018) take the application
domain into account and consider only aspects which
are relevant in the respective domain.
However, all these approaches have the problem
that they either consider only spatiotemporal data as
context or they completely overburden users with the
definition of a more complex context.
Privacy via Mock Data.
Approaches of the third cat-
egory do not restrict access to data sources but enable
users to reduce the data quality when necessary. In
this way it is possible to provide less trustworthy re-
cipients with manipulated or even completely random-
ized data. MockDroid (Beresford et al., 2011) imple-
ments this in a very minimalistic manner—the recipi-
ent only receives empty result sets. AppFence (Horny-
ack et al., 2011) therefore adopts a more comprehen-
sive approach towards data shadowing. Instead of
empty result sets, plausible mock data are returned—
i. e., the data are within the expected value range. For
instance, AppFence provides valid latitude and lon-
gitude data when mocking a real GPS source. How-
ever, these values still might be implausible (e. g., they
might point to a location in the middle of the ocean).
PRIVACY-AVARE (Alpers et al., 2018) therefore takes
the properties of the respective source into account. It
introduces a specific mocking technique for each data
source. For instance, when the accuracy of location
data are reduced, it is ensured that properties such as
direction of motion or traveled distance are preserved.
Yet, the impact on service quality is unpredictable
if data are arbitrarily manipulated, e. g., if the predicted
number of people in a room is incorrect, it is unclear
how this affects the Smart Heating. Moreover, the
intentional manipulation of data is a breach of contract,
if this results in a monetary advantage for the user.
Statistical Privacy Techniques.
Statistical Privacy
Techniques follow a completely different approach.
Instead of focusing on the data of a single user, these
approaches consider larger user groups. The basic idea
is that in this way an individual person vanishes into
the crowd. Thereby statistical information about the
dataset as a whole can be obtained without being able
to draw conclusions about individual users. Sopaoglu
and Abul (Sopaoglu and Abul, 2017) introduce a tech-
nique to ensure k-anonymity for big data processing
platforms—i. e., each record cannot be distinguished
from at least
k 1
other records. Yet, k-anonymity
does not guarantee that each group of
records is het-
erogeneous whereby knowledge about an individual
user can still be gained. DAHOT (Kotecha and Garg,
2017), a privacy approach for data streams, prevents
such homogeneity attacks by ensuring the l-diversity
property as well—i. e., the intra-group diversity in each
group of
records is guaranteed. In order to prevent
an attacker from exploiting prior knowledge to identify
an individual within a group, FLEX (Johnson et al.,
2018) applies differential privacy (Dwork, 2006).
Yet, this cannot be applied to Smart Service Plat-
forms. These platforms have to be able to identify and
address each sensor and actuator individually—the ser-
vice must not activate
heating systems only because
one of the k users is on his or her way home.
An inherent problem of all these approaches, how-
ever, is their strict focus on raw data. Users, on the
other hand, think at a higher level of abstraction re-
garding their privacy—they know which information
PSSST! The Privacy System for Smart Service Platforms: An Enabler for Confidable Smart Environments
they want to conceal but not which sensor data might
reveal this information. Therefore, users are not able to
specify their privacy requirements properly (Barth and
de Jong, 2017). Also, from a technical point of view,
these approaches are not capable of addressing com-
plex privacy requirements adequately. In such cases,
the privacy settings have to be much too restrictive and
thus impair the service quality unnecessarily.
Since on the one hand none of the existing privacy
solutions is suitable for Smart Service Platforms (see
Section 4) and on the other hand such a platform poses
a great threat potential (see Section 2.3), we have de-
veloped a concept for a novel privacy system for Smart
Service Platforms called PSSST!. Its basic architecture
with its three key components is shown in Figure 3.
PSSST! applies a two-layered privacy approach.
On the one hand, initial privacy control and access
restriction measures are enforced directly at the sensor
and actuator level. On the other hand, all communi-
cation with the Smart Service platform is secured via
a second access control layer. In this way PSSST!
brings together the best of both worlds. The privacy
components for the sensors and actuators are able to
monitor data where they are produced. In this way it
is ensured that no sensitive data are accessible from
these data sources and no third party is able to access
critical features of an actuator. In this layer, however,
only a very restrictive privacy control can be applied,
whereas the second layer knows the entire execution
context (all involved data sources) and is therefore able
to carry out a much more fine-grained access control.
This second layer has to be implemented in the
Edge, i. e., on a central processing node of the respec-
tive Smart Environment. As several Smart Environ-
ments can provide data for a Smart Service, the in-
frastructure of the Smart Service Platform provider
would be the best execution environment for the pri-
vacy measures of this layer, from a technical point of
view. From a privacy point of view, however, this is out
of the question—this would put the fox in charge of the
henhouse. As a consequence, several Secure Access
Control Layers (one per Smart Environment) might
be responsible for a certain Smart Service. There is
therefore a Cloud-based master instance for the config-
uration and coordination of these layers. These three
components are detailed in the following.
Privacy Control for Sensors and Actuators.
As the
MIALinx example showed (see Section 2.2), there is
always a digital twin for each physical sensor or actu-
ator, via which a Smart Service Platform can interact
Smart Service
Sensors & Actuators
Cloud-based Access
Control & Configuration
Query / Command
Data / Reply
Settings &
Trusted Components
Figure 3: Basic Architecture of PSSST!.
with the respective component. This is where PSSST!
steps in. This software has to be installed in the Smart
Environment which hosts the corresponding hardware.
That is, it is not controlled by Smart Service Platform
provider and so it can be enhanced.
These privacy extensions of PSSST! integrate the
features of attribute-based privacy rules and privacy via
mock data approaches. Thereby, for each sensor the
transmission of all data can be blocked—to the outside,
it appears as if the sensor is not sending any data.
For actuators, the public interface can be restricted,
i. e., less functions are available to the public. It is
also possible to manipulate individual sensor attributes,
e. g., reduce the accuracy of location data. Likewise, it
is possible to reduce the functionality of an actuator,
e. g., the Smart Heating cannot be set to a temperature
above 30
C. Since adapters have to be tailored to the
respective sensors or actuators anyway, it is possible in
PSSST! to adapt the privacy techniques to the sensors
and actuators similar to PRIVACY-AVARE.
The adapters are also able to verify sensor readings.
As adapters know the technical specification of their
corresponding sensors, they are able to detect outliers.
Technical experts specify how to deal with corrupted
sensor values in such cases. For instance, these values
can be dropped, replaced by the last known valid value,
or corrected (e. g., replaced by the average value).
As the study of related work reveals, this approach
is unnecessarily restrictive. It is not possible to apply
context-based rules as each sensor only knows its own
data. Thus, outsourcing data processing entirely to
Smart Devices, as practiced in Secure Function Evalu-
ation (Mood and Butler, 2018), is not an option. This
approach also does not reflect the way people think
about privacy as it is based exclusively on data sources.
So, the PSSST! adapters must not be configured di-
rectly by the users. Rather, they are configured by the
central Secure Access Control Layer. This layer not
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
only holds the context knowledge from all data sources,
but also the view on privacy is more user-friendly.
Privacy Control for Smart Environments.
We ap-
ply a novel pattern-based access control mechanism in
the Secure Access Control Layer of PSSST!. The term
pattern refers to a certain chronological sequence of
sensor values. Each of these patterns can be assigned
to a certain implication. An example for such a pattern
is that the location of a user is in his or her house and
then the number of people in the house increases. This
pattern could indicate that the user is having a party.
As the detection of a pattern is not necessarily a bad
thing (it can either be used to spy on the user or to
control the Smart Heating), we distinguish between
public patterns, that should be detectable by a Smart
Service Platform, and private patterns, that have to
be concealed. The following example illustrates the
difficulties of this approach. Assuming A, B, and C are
sensor readings and the following data are transmitted:
The indices specify the timestamps of the readings,
e. g.,
was transmitted immediately before
be a private pattern and
a public pattern:
= C B A P
= A B A
could be concealed by dropping
. However,
this would also prevent the detection of
at the
same time.
could also be concealed by dropping
without affecting the detection of
. Yet, if an
attacker knows that
occurs at any even timestamp,
s/he can still detect
. Different techniques for
concealing private patterns have to be considered and
the one that has the least impact on the recognition of
public patterns (i. e., the service quality of the Smart
Service Platform) has to be chosen by PSSST!.
As a Smart Service Platform can only access sen-
sors and actuators via the Secure Access Control Layer,
these components have to register at that layer first.
This registration process involves an authentication
step to ensure that no unauthorized components send
data to or receive messages from the platform.
However, this approach has the inherent problem
that each Smart Environment hosts its own instance of
this layer. To allow users to specify their privacy re-
quirements only once, and to ensure that these require-
ments are subsequently applied to all environments, a
central control unit is required to coordinate them.
Cloud-based Access Control and Configuration.
Studies by Zheng et al. (Zheng et al., 2018) show
that Smart Home users are totally overburdened with
the specification of their privacy requirements as they
cannot comprehend how their data are processed. On
the one hand, they fear that if they apply a particular
privacy setting, they will no longer be able to use a
certain Smart Service. On the other hand, they are not
aware of which data are collected at all.
For this very reason, we adopted a different ap-
proach in PSSST!. Users describe their privacy re-
quirements at a high level in natural language. They
solely focus on knowledge that must not be disclosed
to third parties without considering which data sources
are available to the Smart Service Platforms. Tech-
nology and domain experts then translate the require-
ments into private patterns. These experts know in
detail what data sources are available in a given Smart
Environment and what knowledge can be derived from
them. In addition to the privacy requirements, users
also specify the service quality they expect from a
Smart Service Platform. The technology and domain
experts define public patterns from these quality re-
The specification of quality requirements is not
mandatory for the user. It can also be done through the
Smart Service Platform, for example. But even if no
public patterns are defined, PSSST! still can be used.
The public patterns only help to maximize the service
quality of Smart Services (see Section 6.2).
Once all patterns have been specified, they are con-
verted into configurations for the adapters and Secure
Access Control Layer and deployed to all Smart Envi-
ronments. If new sensors or actuators are added to an
environment, the central control unit is informed and
there the configurations are adjusted accordingly.
To realize PSSST!, we rely on established technolo-
gies, namely the PMP (Stach and Mitschang, 2013),
PATRON (Stach et al., 2018b), and CHARIOT (Gritti
et al., 2018). Yet, PSSST! is more than the sum of the
positive properties of these three technologies. The
concept of PSSST! yields synergy effects that not only
improve privacy and service quality, but also signifi-
cantly reduce the computational overhead.
First, we detail in Section 6.1 how we can integrate
the PMP into the digital twins to enforce privacy and
at the same time validate the data. In Section 6.2
we address how PATRON realizes the privacy control
for Smart Environments. Then, we outline how the
policy-based access control mechanism of CHARIOT
can be used to authenticate the sensors and actuators
in Section 6.3. Finally, in Section 6.4 we describe
how PATRON’s tool support can be applied to the
configuration mechanism of PSSST! in order to reduce
the experts’ effort and automatize most of their tasks.
PSSST! The Privacy System for Smart Service Platforms: An Enabler for Confidable Smart Environments
Figure 4: Classification of PSSST! Adapters.
6.1 The PMP Resources
The PMP (Stach and Mitschang, 2013) is a privacy
mechanism for Smart Devices. In a nutshell, the PMP
deploys content providers on the Smart Device that
run as background services. These content providers
are called PMP Resources. Each resource is respon-
sible for a specific type of data (e. g., location data,
health data, or contact data). The PMP ensures that
applications only have access to the respective data via
the Resources. For each data access, the responsible
Resource checks whether the requesting application is
allowed to query these data. Yet, the PMP not only re-
stricts access to data, but also access to critical system
functions. To this end, Resources are used as service
providers via which system functions are invoked.
Unlike many similar approaches, the PMP not only
enables users to define whether a certain request should
be executed or rejected. Rather, data access can be
restricted at a fine-grained level. Depending on the
protected data source or system functionality, there
are different classes of PMP Resources. For instance,
there are Resources that support the randomization of
data, Resources that block certain data attributes, or
Resources that reduce the accuracy for numerical data.
Since the PMP is extendable, i. e., its plugin con-
cept allows to add Resources at runtime, it is feasible
to create and apply specialized Resources dedicated for
a specific use-case. For instance, Stach (Stach, 2018)
introduces a Resource, that enables users to control to
which domains an application may send data.
As the adapters of a Smart Service Platform have a
similar functionality, we can adopt the access control
features of the PMP Resources in PSSST!. That is,
the adapters verify before every data access whether it
satisfies the privacy policy. Figure 4 shows the privacy-
aware adapter classes, that we introduced in PSSST!.
Each adapter is able to block access to its data plus
there are adapters to provide mock data, to conceal
certain attributes, and to reduce the accuracy of the
data. Specialized adapters can be deployed if needed.
Stream Processing System
X = 70 X = 83 Z = 67 Y = 33Y = 87
t = 1t = 3t = 5t = 7t = 9
Y = 63
(a) Concealing Techniques for Stream Processing.
Virtual Data Store (VDS)
(b) Concealing Techniques for Data Stores.
Figure 5: Pattern-based Privacy Control in PSSST!.
6.2 The PATRON Execution Layer
PATRON (Stach et al., 2018b) is a privacy system for
the IoT. It provides an access control tier isolating data
sources from data consumers, i. e., it is able to monitor
the entire data transfer. To ensure privacy, PATRON
also relies on private patterns that have to be concealed
and public patterns that have to be detectable. Various
techniques can be used for this purpose (Zhang et al.,
2017). PATRON selects the technique that results in
the best service quality, i. e., the one causing the least
false positives (a public pattern is wrongly detected)
and false negatives (a public pattern is not detected).
To this end, the following quality metric is used:
QM =
f alse_positive
f alse_ j
Hence, the detected public patterns are counted and the
false positive as well as the revealed private patterns
are subtracted. Each factor is individually weighted,
e. g., to declare a private pattern as less privacy critical.
For each configuration (i. e., a selection of concealing
techniques), this quality metric is calculated and the
one with the highest value is applied in PATRON.
Maximizing this metric is very computation-
intensive. As PSSST! filters data in its adapters al-
ready, the calculation is accelerated considerably.
The selected configuration is then applied to both
real-time and history data (see Figure 5). As shown in
Figure 5(a), data can be dropped, the time stamps of
data can be swapped, additional data can be injected
into the data stream, or data values can be changed to
conceal private patterns in data streams (Palanisamy
et al., 2018). The concealing procedure for data stores
is shown in Figure 5(b). An abstraction layer (VDS)
is introduced for this purpose. Externally, the VDS
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Smart Service
ActuatorTrusted Execution
Cloud Service
Figure 6: Adapter Authentication (cf. (Gritti et al., 2018)).
acts like the original data store. Internally however,
the VDS rewrites incoming queries, adds filters, and
applies anonymization functions to the query results to
conceal private patterns (Stach and Mitschang, 2018b).
6.3 The CHARIOT Protocol
In the IoT, most of the Smart Devices have very limited
resources in terms of memory and computing power.
For this reason, many sophisticated security mecha-
nisms cannot be applied to them. CHARIOT (Gritti
et al., 2018) addresses this problem. To this end, a
server-aided access control mechanism is introduced.
Via this mechanism IoT platforms are enabled to deter-
mine whether a certain Smart Device has the required
credentials to transmit its data to the platform or fetch
data from the platform. For this, it is necessary that
the devices authenticate to the platform. To ensure that
this does not compromise a user’s privacy (most Smart
Devices are explicitly linked to a user), an Attribute-
Based Signature is used (Gritti et al., 2019). Since the
computation of this signature is computation-intensive,
CHARIOT outsources such operations to the Cloud to
reduce the Smart Devices’ workload.
Figure 6 shows how CHARIOT can be applied to
PSSST!. Initially, a trusted authority creates a public
/ private key pair for each sensor and actuator. An
outsourcing key is sent to a Cloud service which is
considered as honest-but-curious, i. e., it is not fully
trusted. Whenever a sensor or actuator interacts with
the Smart Service Platform (via the Secure Access
Control Layer), it needs to sign all messages using its
attributes. The recipient can then verify the signature
without disclosing the identity of the sender. As this
signing process is costly, it is outsourced to the Cloud
service. This service operates with the outsourcing
key and the sensor or actuator only has to finalize the
signature with its private key. Due to this distributed
approach, the Cloud service cannot access the data.
This solves the problem that PATRON’s access con-
Smart Service
Experts with
Tool Support
Quality Metric
for a Privacy
Figure 7: PSSST! Configuration Process.
trol tier cannot verify the identity of sensors and actua-
tors. In addition, by applying CHARIOT in PSSST!,
its asynchronous encryption can also be used to secure
all communication channels.
6.4 The PATRON Configuration Layer
In PATRON (Stach et al., 2018b), users express their
privacy requirements in natural language to domain
experts, i. e., which knowledge must not be revealed
to a third party. The domain experts then analyze the
IoT setting (e. g., available data sources or data con-
sumers) and derive privacy threats. In addition, they
determine from which data the knowledge that has to
be concealed can be obtained. Based on this prepara-
tory work, they create the private patterns, which are
then converted into a configuration for PATRON as
described in Section 6.2. Users can also formulate
service quality requirements, which are similarly con-
verted into public patterns. To reduce manual effort,
PATRON introduces tool support to assist experts in
identifying privacy threats (Mindermann et al., 2017).
ACCESSORS (Stach and Mitschang, 2018a) pro-
vides an additional support for the experts. Using
this modeling technique, experts can describe cor-
relations between data sources and derivable knowl-
edge. This model is used for further analyses. To this
end, the RAKE algorithm initially extracts keywords
from the privacy requirements. These keywords are
then correlated with the derivable information mod-
eled in ACCESSORS to identify privacy threatening
data sources. Since this can be done automatically,
domain experts only have to intervene manually if the
model has to be extended, e. g., when new data sources
PSSST! The Privacy System for Smart Service Platforms: An Enabler for Confidable Smart Environments
are available. Using collaborative filtering, it is also
possible to recommend further privacy requirements
that the user did not think about. EPICUREAN (Stach
and Steimle, 2019) is such a recommender system for
privacy requirements.
PSSST! makes use of all those tools. Figure 7 de-
picts the process of how a PSSST! configuration is
generated. Similar to PATRON, users describe their
privacy requirements in natural language. Smart Ser-
vice Platforms can provide their requirements towards
data quality as well—i. e., they disclose partially which
patterns they need to detect in order to provide a cer-
tain service. The public and private patterns are then
derived from this information using PATRON’s tool
support as well as EPICUREAN’s machine learning
techniques. The therefore applied machine learning
models can be trained in a privacy-aware manner (Shu
et al., 2018). Subsequently, these patterns are deployed
in the Secure Access Control Layer of each relevant
Smart Environment. There, the quality metric deter-
mines which configuration matches these patterns best.
Stach et al. (Stach et al., 2018a) discuss how config-
urations for a privacy system can be deployed in hetero-
geneous infrastructures whereas Giebler et al. (Giebler
et al., 2018) introduce an architecture to manage both
data streams and databases via a shared configuration.
Since different Smart Environments are also very het-
erogeneous and have to deal with both real-time data
(via data stream processing systems) and history data
(via database systems), these approaches can be used
in PSSST! to distribute the configuration.
In the following, we assess whether the concept and
implementation strategy of PSSST! meets all require-
ments towards a privacy system for Smart Service Plat-
forms (see Section 3) and thus eliminates all threats
caused by such a platform (see Section 2.3).
By extending the adapter concept and integrating
the techniques from the PMP Resources, data access
can be restricted directly at the sensor. The data can
either be completely suppressed or manipulated be-
fore they are forwarded (
). Via the Secure Access
Control Layer, PSSST! is able to monitor and con-
trol all data sources available in a Smart Environment.
Additionally, the VDSs in these layers contain the
complete data history. As all of the layer instances are
configured and coordinated by a central control unit,
PSSST! has total control over all data available to a
Smart Service Platform (
). Similar to the sensors,
also actuators can be secured by applying the con-
cept of PMP Resources to their adapters. In this way,
their functionality can be restricted (
asymmetric encryption can be used for both protecting
communication channels and authenticating sensors
and actuators. Thus, third parties can neither inter-
cept data nor inject corrupted data into the system (
). All sensor data must be obtained in PSSST!
via the adapters. These adapters are designed for the
respective sensor, i. e., they can verify the data and
handle sensor errors (R
The requirements that are not directly related to
privacy issues are addressed in PSSST! as well. While
private patterns are used to ensure privacy, PSSST!
uses public patterns to maximize the quality of Smart
Services. Its fine-granular access control impairs data
quality as little as possible, so that even unspecified
public patterns can still be detected (
). The adapter
concept enables PSSST! to be extendable as required.
Therefore, it dynamically adapts to structural and tech-
nological changes in Smart Environments (e. g., adding
a new sensor) at any time. ACCESSORS enables ex-
perts to model new findings regarding the relation-
ships between data and derivable knowledge and to
apply them directly to existing and new Smart Ser-
vices. Thus, PSSST! is also extendable with regard to
new Smart Services (
). Finally, in PSSST! a user
defines his or her privacy requirements at a high level
in natural language. As a result, the configuration is
user-friendly and the privacy settings exactly meet his
or her expectations. Additionally, EPICUREAN iden-
tifies other relevant privacy requirements, whereby the
configuration is further simplified (R
Thus, PSSST! meets all requirements towards a
privacy system for Smart Service Platforms and offers
a comprehensive privacy protection for such platforms.
Smart Services powered by IoT technologies are be-
coming increasingly popular. They are applied in var-
ious domains to facilitate our everyday life. Smart
Service Platforms such as Alexa collect all kinds of
sensor data and process these data in order to be able
to derive the current situation. Thereby they are able
to tailor their services to their users and even to react
autonomously to certain situations with the help of
actuators. An example of such a service is the user-
specific control of a Smart Heating.
However, these Smart Services also represent a se-
rious privacy threat, as they collect and process a great
amount of data on the one hand and on the other, they
are able to operate autonomously. In this paper we
therefore examined a real-world application example
for Smart Services and analyzed the functionality of a
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Smart Service Platform. Based on these insights, we
were able to identify privacy threats related to Smart
Services. To address these threats, we specified re-
quirements towards a privacy system appropriate for
Smart Service Platforms. As state-of-the-art privacy
approaches do not meet these requirements properly
(i. e., they are overly restrictive, they overburden the
users, or they are not applicable to Smart Services),
we came up with a novel concept for a novel
ystem for
ervice Pla
forms called PSSST!.
For the realization of PSSST! we combined three exist-
ing privacy systems, namely the PMP, PATRON, and
CHARIOT. The final evaluation of PSSST! confirms
that our approach meets all requirements.
We thank the BW-Stiftung for financing both, the
PATRON as well as the MIALinx research project
and the DFG for funding the SitOPT research project.
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IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security