21st Century Skill Building with Web-based Games
William DeRusha
and Timothy Hickey
EdX, Cambridge MA, U.S.A.
Computer Science Department, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, U.S.A.
21st Century Skills, Game-based Education.
Financial knowledge has a tangible impact on an individual’s ability to make positive financial decisions in
their life. It has been estimated that the difference between the 75th and 25th percentile of the financial
literacy index is equivalent to approximately an 80,000 euro difference in net worth and has significant impact
on financial decisions made throughout one’s working life and into retirement. The need for quality financial
education is clear, but many studies show that personal finance classes offered today do not seem to have
significant impact on the financial literacy of the students who take them. One hypothesis of this paper is
that traditional instruction methods, which do not force students to exercise the financial tools they need to
be fluent with as adults, hinder their ability to improve their financial literacy. We also argue that analysis of
game interactions may be a more effective assessment mechanism than traditional academic tests. There is
a growing body of evidence that the immersive elements of particular styles of games can have a significant
impact on learning outcomes. This paper offers a potential starting point from which an immersive game,
which leverages real world financial decision-making as its main mechanic, can be born. We will discuss
the underlying design of such a game and how it lays the foundation for a game that could achieve financial
literacy outcomes. Such outcomes would empower students with the skills to make positive financial choices
in their lives and better achieve personal financial goals.
In 2005 at Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, David
Foster Wallace gave a commencement speech which
began with a joke where one fish asks, “How’s the
water?” to which another fish replies “What is wa-
ter?”. This is an apt metaphor for the role that finances
and financial concepts play in our lives. Some people
are aware of them and their ubiquity, while others are
less conscious of finances and their impact. However,
regardless of awareness, finance is a topic that per-
meates modern day life. The vast majority will be
forced to manage liabilities such as credit cards, stu-
dent loans, and mortgages throughout their life. They
will make financial decisions in the midst of interest
rate data, depreciation schedules, and tax-favorable
savings vehicles. Their understanding of the financial
system will have a real, measurable impact on how
well they are able to navigate that world and the suc-
cess they are able to find on the other side of those
One study by van Rooij, Lusardi, and Alessie on
financial literacy in the Netherlands found that the dif-
ference between the 75th and 25th percentile of peo-
ple on the financial literacy index is approximately
e80,000 in net worth, close to $100,000 USD at the
time of this writing (van Rooij et al., 2012). Other
analyses of the current literature by Mandell have
concluded that “results suggest that financial knowl-
edge is related to self-beneficial financial practices”.
Mandell also notes that “25 percent of undergraduate
college students have four or more credit cards and
about 10 percent carry outstanding balances between
$3,000 and $7,000.” The imperative of financial edu-
cation is not lost on educators. They see the differ-
ence education makes and understand that they must
arm students with the knowledge they need to handle
these commonplace scenarios.
The term “21st Century Skills” is used to describe
the wide-ranging body of skills, knowledge areas, and
core competencies required to succeed in 21st cen-
tury society and workplaces. There is still debate as
to exactly how to define and categorize the skills ex-
actly. However, most frameworks include financial
literacy among the required competencies, including
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills Framework.
DeRusha, W. and Hickey, T.
21st Century Skill Building with Web-based Games.
DOI: 10.5220/0007673201960203
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), pages 196-203
ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Simulation Screen. The left panel shows the current weekly status with a slider to adjust simulation speed. The
center panel is an visual representation of their current level of happineness. The right panel provides details about their
quality of life. The buttons on the bottom enable them to make life choices.
While there are multiple organizations pushing educa-
tors to adopt different 21st Century skill frameworks,
P21’s conceptualization of 21st Century skills is more
detailed and more widely adopted than any of the al-
ternatives (Dede, 2010). To further define this set of
skills, we can also look to The Jump$tart Coalition
for Personal Financial Literacy, which defines a set
of financial literacy standards in their publication of
“National Standards in K-12 Personal Finance Edu-
cation” (k12, 2015). It is from here that we can find
more granular definitions of financial skills to focus
on building and assessing.
With regard to assessment, one interesting find-
ing by Mandell (Mandell, 2009) on financial literacy
acquisition is the observation that personal finance
courses in college and high school don’t have a strong
impact on the student’s long term financial literacy
as assessed by traditional testing, but they do have a
positive impact on some areas of financial behavior.
This suggests that assessment using traditional multi-
ple choice and short essay questions may not be the
most effective way to measure the long term impact
of a financial literacy intervention.
It is the responsibility of educators to adapt and
create new content and pedagogies for ensuring the
success of students. Educators do not need to train
the next generation of students how to use the lat-
est technology, but as Marc Prensky says, they do
need to move away from the “old” pedagogy of teach-
ers “telling”, to the “new” pedagogy of kids teach-
ing themselves with a teacher’s guidance (Prensky,
2008). Game-based learning is one of the pedagogi-
cal approaches that fit this vision (Malone, 1980; Gee,
2003). It is the intent of this paper to propose that ed-
ucational games are an appropriate activity for K-12
classroom instruction and that they are potentially a
very effective medium for teaching financial concepts
and increasing desired financial literacy learning out-
In this paper we present an initial version of a
game to teach students to make effective financial de-
cisions in their lives. Fig. 1 shows the initial screen af-
ter the student starts the game when they are 18 years
old with no job and no housing.
There is a rich body of existing research on edu-
cational games ((Malone, 1980; Gee, 2003; Man-
dell, 2009; Kafai, 2006; Allery, 2004; Habgood and
Ainsworth, 2011) and the game this paper proposes
leverages many of these general educational game de-
sign concepts. Habgood discusses the value of intrin-
sically integrated games which fully engage the stu-
dent and in which the learning is intrinsically embed-
ded within the structure of the game itself. As the
player explores the gaming world they are also explor-
21st Century Skill Building with Web-based Games
ing the conceptual world of the learning domain, and
their interactions with the game correlate to deepen-
ing their understanding of these educational concepts
(Habgood and Ainsworth, 2011). This type of game-
play seems ripe for financial skills as it puts their ap-
plication at the forefront of the game strategy rather
than as an ancillary detail, thus encouraging more in-
teraction with the skills.
Understanding what makes a game effective is im-
portant in design. Gunter proposes a unique rubric
(RETAIN) for scoring educational games on their
ability to engage learners and affect learning out-
comes using the following six weighted factors: rel-
evance, embedding, transfer, adaptation, immersion,
and naturalization. (Gunter et al., 2008). This work
informed many of the choices made during the game
design phase and informs many of the proposed im-
provements to be made to the gameplay experience
in the future. In particular the initial game focuses
heavily on some of the highest weighted factors of
naturalization and adaptation, forcing players to syn-
thesize the multi-faceted financial impact of their de-
cisions on concepts that they are already familiar with
from everyday life. Sweetser and others have also
proposed models for evaluating player enjoyment in
games (Sweetser and Wyeth, 2005; Sweetser et al.,
2012) and this is an active and important area of re-
search in educational games.
Another important concept in game-based learn-
ing is the difference between instructionist and con-
structionist games. Kafai, in discussing technolog-
ical literacy (Kafai, 2006), argues that fluency in a
domain is more than just being able to recall defi-
nitions and solve standardized problems, it requires
the ability to use these skills and concepts to impact
the world in significant ways. For technological lit-
eracy this entails building computational artifacts, for
financial literacy it corresponds to making effective
life choices in a real or a game-based context. By
leveraging constructivist principles this game hopes
to empower learners to develop and transfer in-game
skills to the real world.
The importance of feedback cycles in gameplay
has been well-documented. Linehan notes that ef-
fective games provide players with a variety of dif-
ferent rewards whose effects on the player are easily
evaluated (Linehan et al., 2011) and computer games
are well-suited to deliver because they can continu-
ously monitor the player’s interactions with the game
and estimate which rewards are most effective, ed-
ucationally. While this particular type of dynamic
feedback cycle was deemed out of scope for the ini-
tial game, providing clear visual feedback to rein-
force positive behaviors certainly plays a role in guid-
ing learners through their decision-making as they ex-
plore the simulation game space. All of this existing
research was taken into account when determining the
exact pedagogical design goals of the pilot game.
The overall goal of this project is to merge learn-
ings from existing research around educational game
effectiveness, traditional game design, and personal
finance education to create an education experience
that effectively teaches students the 21st century fi-
nance skills outlined by The Partnership for 21st Cen-
tury Skills Framework and further detailed in “Na-
tional Standards in K-12 Personal Finance Educa-
In particular we focus on the following “Spending
and Savings” skills:
Spending behaviors and habits affect personal sat-
Use income to meet current obligations and future
Every spending and saving decision has an oppor-
tunity cost.
The game is purposefully designed as an “intrinsically
integrated game” as described by Habgood which
means that it ”delivers learning material through the
parts of the game that are the most fun to play”. The
results of their studies provide strong evidence to sup-
port the benefits of such a game, with the children ex-
posed to the intrinsic game making the most learn-
ing gains of any group in the study (Habgood and
Ainsworth, 2011).
Another design goal of this project is to engage
students in a way that they identify as the main char-
acter. This is achieved in the few ways. First, by
forcing the learners to choose their own financial
goals, they can take ownership of helping the char-
acter achieve those goals. We also build some owner-
ship specifically by avoiding common ownership pit-
falls as described by Shirts including “assigning at-
titudes and values along with the role”, “determin-
ing consequences with a model which the participant
feels is inappropriate or inaccurate”, or “making the
choices obvious so the consequences have little mean-
ing. (Shirts, 2013). Fig. 1 shows the initial screen
shot from the simulation phase when the player has no
job and no housing. It accurately captures the mood
of many students as they transition from high school
to college or a working life.
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: Welcome screen and First Life Goal Screen. The player is given a general overview of the goal of the game and
must start by choosing life goals which cannot be changed during the game play.
As stated earlier in this paper, traditional college
courses on personal finance do not seem to have a
significant impact on financial literacy, but they seem
to have some impact on financial behavior (Mandell,
2009). We propose that the reason finance courses do
not impact literacy in the same way that they impact
behavior is the lack of application. By creating an
intrinsic game where students must set goals and em-
ploy financial skills to achieve them they will have
more grounded learnings that carry with them into
real world scenarios. We also hypothesize that such
a game can be used for assessment as a better proxy
for real world outcomes than existing financial liter-
acy assessment, which is typically exam-based.
By leveraging these design insights in the pilot
game we hope to see students applying many of the
stated 21st Century finance skills in conjunction with
each other. It was important to ensure that the game
was not simply one in which the student grinds out the
maximum amount of money to win, but instead makes
choices and uses financial tools to achieve their per-
sonal experiential goals while maximizing their aver-
age and final happiness.
Each game can be completed in a few minutes and
we assume that each user will play the game multi-
ple times. The game
is divided into three phases as
pregame phase is where the player selects their
personalized life goals for the game,
The initial version of this game can be played at
simulation phase is where they make decisions
that effect the quality of their life,
endgame phase is where the salient results of their
simulated life are summarized.
4.1 Pregame
In the pregame screens shown in Fig. 2, the player
is given a light narrative of what’s to come, priming
them for the decisions they will need to make on the
next screen. Once they have started the game they
are immediately asked to set some life goals for their
avatar. The current version has only two types of
living style (urban, suburban, rural)
education (BA, MA, PhD)
There is purposefully little direction here as to the im-
portance of this selection and its impact on the game
to encourage players to select goals that map to their
own goals rather than choosing goals to influence any
in-game objectives. One of the goals of the game is to
help player explore the consequences of real-life de-
cisions. In particular, getting a higher level of educa-
tion increases the opportunities for employment and
the potential for a higher annual salary. Likewise, liv-
ing in the country results in a fewer job opportunities
or longer (and possibly prohibitive) commute times.
The commute times can be ameliorated by purchasing
a car, but this requires savings. These consequences
are not explained in the pregame screens; players will
discover these consequences when they look for a job
and see how their income compares to their expenses.
21st Century Skill Building with Web-based Games
4.2 Simulation and Player Agency
After selecting their goals the simulation begins and
the player is shown the Simulation Screen in Fig. 1.
The simulation screen can be divided into 4 sections.
A fluctuating data section on the left, an avatar sec-
tion in the middle, a decision result section on the
right, and an action section along the bottom. In
the fluctuating data section the player can see the
current date and the avatar’s current age, as well as
what things happens as time passes. The amount
they earn and spend impacts how much savings they
have. Their overall happiness monitor ebbs and flows
as they make decisions in the game and attempt to
achieve their financial goals. In the avatar section a
simple avatar reflects the current mood of the player
as shown in Fig. 3. The image changes in concert with
the happiness bar to provide an emotional indicator to
the player as to how they feel about their situation.
Figure 3: Three visual levels of avatar satisfaction. The
sad figure indicates life threatening situations such as home-
lessness or working/commuting with no time to sleep. The
happy figure indicates that the avatar’s lifegoals have been
In the decision result section the player can see
the current state of their choices, some features are
directly in their control and some indirectly. For ex-
ample, they can choose to own a vehicle and live in
a certain place (direct choices). This section will also
show things like time spent commuting (an indirect
outcome of their transportation choice, home location
choice, and work location choice).
Finally, the action section consists of a series of
buttons that allow the player to make their in-game
decisions about where to live, what jobs they want to
have, and what items they want to purchase. They
can also control the speed of the game, slowing down
gameplay to make a handful of decisions and then
speeding it up to see how those decisions impact their
avatar over time.
The simulation ends when the avatar passes away.
The precise time of death for the player’s avatar is
based on the latest statistical data about average lifes-
pans in the United States(nat, 2006), wealth is not fac-
tored in to the lifespan calculation, though it might be
more accurate to include poverty as a negative impact
factor on lifespan.
4.3 EndGame
When the avatar’s simulated life is over, the game
displays a summary screen which the player can use
to judge whether they have lived a successful life.
A sample screen is shown in Fig. 4. The summary
screen currently shows average and final happiness as
well as the number of goals met, but does not indi-
cate how much money, if any, they had saved. After
playing the game a few times, it becomes clear that
the goal is to meet your goals and attain the highest
average and final happiness.
Figure 4: Summary Screen showing results of the simulated
We decided to use an industry standard game engine,
Unity3D, to encourage future improvements to the
game’s visual aesthetic. By using a fully featured
game engine we have the flexibility to take the un-
derlying simulation code and map it to any number of
visual representations. For this initial pilot the visu-
als are simple, but the path to future UI enhancements
is straightforward using the Unity framework. Each
object in the simulation has a corresponding display
object that is 2D for this pilot game, but to create and
integrate 3D objects would not alter the backing sim-
ulation in any way.
Under the hood the simulation leverages a consis-
tent interface pattern, which allows future developers
to register new types of game objects and integrate
them easily into the simulation. The most prevalent
example of this is that each game object implements
its own “onTick” function that is called each time the
simulation moves forward in time. This allows each
game object to manage its own simulated state. What
that means for development is that each object’s sim-
ulation can be made as complex or simple as desired
without altering the rest of the system.
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The final major architecture choice that enhances
our ability to improve upon the game design is the
use of Unity3’s scriptable objects. By designing ob-
ject templates it is trivial to test many variations of the
game using new values. It is possible to have people
not familiar with the underlying code generate these
objects and put them into the game. This is an effec-
tive way to test difficulty levels when tuning the game
for general use or for a particular player demographic.
The existing research shows that there are key strate-
gies that can be employed in game design to enhance
learning outcomes and keep players engaged with the
game content. There are also many standards bodies
designing skill-based outcomes to be used assess stu-
dents abilities to learn new skills for which there is no
standard curriculum. However, since current assess-
ments of financial literacy are not strongly impacted
by traditional teaching methods it is reasonable to ap-
ply findings in effective educational game design re-
search to 21st century financial literacy skills in an
attempt to give students alternative ways to exercise
financial skills and potentially to evaluate financial lit-
eracy. The pilot game designed is one such attempt
that can be iterated upon with user feedback to ap-
proach achieving those outcomes.
In the future our plan is to run a pilot study to assess
the effectiveness of this approach in producing posi-
tive learning outcomes, and to expand the scope of the
game play to include additional 21st Century Skills
7.1 Gameplay Tuning
A critical phase of game development is the playtest
phase. This helps to tune many of the nuances of
game mechanics. Allowing the designers to adjust
and tweak small things like the cost of items, scor-
ing mechanisms, and game tempo. It can also result
in larger changes like redesigning the user interface.
Since the game has yet to enter this phase of devel-
opment it should be expected that there are many im-
provements to be made which are not yet known and
will be discovered through playtesting and user feed-
It is important to consider the balance of tradi-
tional playtesting and expected learning outcomes.
That is one area where having the financial skills as an
integrated game mechanism helps ease some of this
tension. One does not need to sacrifice educational
content to increase playability. Also, in terms of bal-
anced gameplay, a financial game is unique in that it
can draw much of its data from the existing markets
that are naturally balanced. Using up-to-date salary,
housing, and commercial goods pricing data ensures
the proper balance but also increases the realism of
the game and the likelihood that skills are transferable
outside of the game.
The biggest area where the game, in its current
state, feels to be lacking is the level of immersion.
This is probably the most challenging part of design-
ing a game around an abstract concept such as finance.
With other simulation games like SimCity, the visual
construction integrated into the gameplay experience
effectively immerses players in the game. With ab-
stract simulations there is no natural immersion so it
is up to the game designer to determine how to incor-
porate the gameplay elements in an immersive way.
The game could, in theory, be played inside of a ro-
bust excel spreadsheet. It is paramount that playtest-
ing phase garners feedback in how to make the game
more immersive to keep players engaged long enough
for learning to take place.
7.2 The Challenge of Assessment
A valid assessment of skills is paramount to under-
standing the educational value in playing this game. It
is not clear from the literature exactly what financial
literacy assessments were used in evaluating financial
literacy claims discussed by Mandell, but if financial
courses are not significantly impacting financial lit-
eracy scores but are, however, positively impacting
some financial habits of individuals then it is not an
unreasonable conclusion that we may be evaluating
based on the wrong criteria. Using a more traditional
pre-test and post-test method may still be a reason-
able approach but more investigation would be neces-
sary to ensure that we do not fall into the same trap of
evaluating literacy skills as having not improved de-
spite observing the positive application of those skills
(which is the true intent of the instruction).
Since the game itself requires players to exercise
financial skills and understand financial concepts it is
possible that the results a player achieves in the game
can be a reasonable proxy for skill and knowledge ac-
quisition. Let’s take a look at the three granular finan-
cial concepts targeted by the game and how gameplay
could be used to evaluate them.
The players ability to increase the happiness of
their avatar requires an understanding of how “spend-
ing behaviors and habits affect personal satisfaction”.
21st Century Skill Building with Web-based Games
The richer and more complex the spending and life-
action options that are made available to the player,
the more connections to this skill they will be forced
to make. Assessing the players’ final happiness scores
as well as how quickly they are able to leverage
spending and habits to get such scores will indicate
a mastery and understanding of that skill.
Similarly, achieving goals is a main mechanism of
the game and the primary way to build in-game hap-
piness. Thus, measuring how quickly players are able
to achieve certain in-game goals is a very good proxy
for their development of the skill of “using income to
meet current obligations and future goals”.
The last piece of understanding, where “every
spending and saving decision has an opportunity cost”
is not as directly integrated into the game mechanics
as the first two. The game does require certain mile-
stones to be met before some actions are available,
for example needing a bachelors degree before get-
ting access to certain jobs. Players are forced to make
the trade-offs between spending money on education
to access those jobs and saving money for items like
vehicles to help them commute faster to jobs. As a
matter of course players engage with these decisions
and players who do well in the game are those who are
able to manage opportunity costs appropriately. One
way in which using gameplay results as an assessment
of this skill could be correlated more strongly would
be giving the players differently balanced games and
seeing if they still make the same trade-offs. Players
who do well in all versions of the game could be said
to understand this financial concept.
While the assessment of skills and understanding
is one thing, an open question remains as to the trans-
ferability of in-game skills to real life. Using more
longitudinal observations of players real life financial
activities would allow for even stronger evidence that
the game itself and the virtual application of real fi-
nancial tools is an effective method for teaching and
evaluating the understanding of those tools.
7.3 Feature Enhancement
There are many future improvements that would be
interesting to explore in this field. The decision to
pursue any of these should be informed by the initial
results of the pilot study. However, some possible ar-
eas of exploration that likely make sense are:
The usage of closed loop feedback systems to
keep learners in the zone of proximal develop-
Using socio-economic status starting situations to
build empathy for others as well as to be able to
better reflect the student in the avatar.
Using existing data and statistics to more accu-
rately simulate market conditions and provide a
more realistic experience for the players.
Include more immersive game elements, both au-
ral and visual, to make the student more engaged
with the content.
Leaning on the RETAIN model, including more
immersive game elements, both aural and visual,
to make the student more engaged with the con-
Focusing on improving the transferability of in-
game skills (another improvement born of the RE-
TAIN model).
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21st Century Skill Building with Web-based Games