This paper has presented an improved multi-objective
discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm to
solve the task scheduling and resource allocation
problem for the scientific workflows in cloud com-
puting. It makes the three main contributions: a) the
velocity constriction strategy is applied to improve the
search ability of the algorithm in the discrete space; b)
the Gaussian mutation operation is adopted to boost
the diversity of the nondominated solutions in the ex-
ternal archive; c) the different performance metrics
of IMODPSO are compared with three other state-
of-the-art algorithms to validate the efficiency of pro-
posed algorithm. Experiments have shown that the
IMODPSO algorithm can obtain the Pareto optimal
solutions with good convergence and diversity using
less computation time. It is proved to be a stable
and efficient algorithm for solving the multi-objective
discrete task scheduling and resource allocation prob-
Future research will focus on optimizing large-
scale task scheduling and resource allocation problem
in the more practical engineering environment.
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