problem-solving and worked-examples is taken by
students who assessed the direct way of untutored
problem-solving to be -still- impassable, explaining
the relationship with prior knowledge.
Our study is based on creating a taxonomy of
learning behaviours by measuring trace data
generated by student activity in e-tutorials. That
taxonomy corroborates the concept of ‘help abuse’
developed by Shih et al. (2008). Rather than trying to
solve problems by asking for hints, some students
bypass these hints and directly call for complete
solutions. Table 1 makes clear that there exist huge
differences in the ratio of hints called for and
solutions called for between the several categories
generated on the quartile splits. That finding is in line
with the hypothesis of help abuse. However, we
cannot easily characterize the extreme categories of
few hints and many solutions versus many hints and
few solutions in terms of the learning dispositions
included in this study. That is: although we find
categories that might represent help abuse, they are
not easily connected with the notions of good and bad
student use as introduced in Shih et al. (2008).
We also corroborate the findings of, e.g. Amo et
al. (2018) and Amo-Filvà et al. (2019) that traces of
learning processes represent useful sources of data for
profiling learning behaviour. At the same time: these
data do capture only part of the learning process. That
is: the main limitation of this research approach is that
all learning that takes place outside the traced e-
tutorials remains unobserved.
The current study has focussed on individual
differences between students in their preference for
learning strategies, and the relationship with learning
dispositions. In future research, we intend to
additionally include the task dimension, by
investigating student preference for learning
strategies as a function of both individual differences
in learning dispositions and task characteristics.
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