sets for these models is still a challenging task due to
the variety of the applications, scale of working and
target classes or objects. CNN training data sets are
traditionally generated by random sample patches
from the whole image or region of interest.
However, in parallel to the improvements in the
methodology and training processes, several
attempts have been made to improve the quality of
training data sets generating approaches. In this
study, we observed that selecting the CNN sample
patches from only the central part of objects such as
landslides is helpful to increase the final accuracy of
the results. Although we used fewer sample patches
for the central-CNN, we got a better result regarding
mIOU. Thus, we can conclude the quality of the
training data set for CNNs is as important as their
quantity. For our future study, we aim to develop an
object-based CNN method for the CNN sample
patches generation. We also want to evaluate the
multiple window sizes for the selection patches from
the landslides of different sizes.
This research is partly funded by the Austrian
Science Fund (FWF) through the GIScience
Doctoral College (DK W 1237-N23). Special thanks
are owed to Sansar Raj Meena, Department of
Geoinformatics, University of Salzburg, Austria.
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