A Systematic Mapping Study of Deployment and Orchestration
Approaches for IoT
Phu H. Nguyen
, Nicolas Ferry
, Gencer Erdogan
, Hui Song
, St
ephane Lavirotte
Jean-Yves Tigli
and Arnor Solberg
SINTEF Digital, Oslo, Norway
e Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France
Tellu IoT AS, Asker, Norway
IoT, Review, Survey, Deployment, Orchestration, Trustworthiness.
Internet of Things (IoT) systems are typically distributed and perform coordinated behavior across IoT, edge
and cloud infrastructures. Because of the dynamic and heterogeneous nature of these infrastructures, the IoT
is challenging state of the art approaches for the deployment and orchestration of software systems. We need
a clear picture of the research landscape of the existing deployment and orchestration approaches for IoT
(DEPO4IOT). Such a picture can show us how advanced the current state of the art is and what are the gaps to
address. We conducted a systematic mapping study (SMS) to find out the research landscape in this area. The
results of our SMS show the overall status of the key artifacts of DEPO4IOT. Among the results, we found a
sharp increase in the number of primary DEPO4IOT publications in two recent years. We also found that most
approaches do not really support the deployment or orchestration at low-level IoT devices. Meanwhile, there
is a lack of addressing the trustworthy aspects and advanced supports in the existing DEPO4IOT approaches.
Finally, we point out the current open issues in this research area and suggest potential research directions to
tackle these issues.
The world is now on the verge of “the IoT age” with
the Internet of Things (IoT) installed units predicted
to grow to 20.4 billion by 2020
. IoT systems can
be classified as systems of systems in which physi-
cal systems (a.k.a, “things”) and cyber systems are
combined and connected via means of communica-
tion. Despite having enormous potential, the hetero-
geneous nature of IoT brings up great challenges that
must be addressed to fully realize the potential of
the IoT. In particular, because IoT systems are typi-
cally distributed and performing coordinated behavior
across IoT, edge and cloud infrastructures (A. Met-
zger (Ed.), 2015), it is important to facilitate their cre-
ation and operation. In this context, the research com-
munity and industry have been proposing different ap-
proaches and tools to support the deployment and/or
orchestration of IoT systems. However, it is not clear
Gartner, February 7, 2017
what are the primary existing approaches for support-
ing the deployment and/or orchestration of IoT sys-
tems, and how advanced they are.
To provide a clear picture of the research land-
scape of the existing approaches and tools for support-
ing the deployment and/or orchestration of IoT sys-
tems (DEPO4IOT), we conducted a systematic map-
ping study (SMS). Our SMS has three main objec-
tives. First, we want to summarize the existing pri-
mary DEPO4IOT approaches. Second, by analyzing
the existing approaches, we can identify any gaps
in the state-of-the-art. Moreover, we want to ex-
amine whether the DEPO4IOT approaches consider
trustworthiness aspects such as security, privacy, re-
silience, reliability, and safety. Addressing trustwor-
thiness aspects is particularly important because IoT
systems can, for instance, have an impact on the phys-
ical world through actuators or can deal with sensi-
tive data. The ability of a system to evolve, quickly
react to failures and release patches is decisive to
ensure and increase the trustworthiness of IoT sys-
tems. Therefore, we also want to find out whether
there are any approaches that provide advanced sup-
Nguyen, P., Ferry, N., Erdogan, G., Song, H., Lavirotte, S., Tigli, J. and Solberg, A.
A Systematic Mapping Study of Deployment and Orchestration Approaches for IoT.
DOI: 10.5220/0007675700690082
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2019), pages 69-82
ISBN: 978-989-758-369-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
port for the dynamic evolution of IoT systems such
as monitoring and adaptation mechanisms. Third,
based on the results, we propose new research ac-
tivities to fill the gaps for supporting modern IoT
systems. We followed the latest guidelines in (Pe-
tersen et al., 2015) to conduct our SMS. We have sys-
tematically filtered thousands of relevant papers from
four main on-line publication databases, and a man-
ual search process, to finally obtain a set of sixty-
nine (69) primary DEPO4IOT studies. We extracted
and synthesized data from the primary studies to an-
swer our research questions (RQs). The main con-
tributions of this work are our answers to the follow-
ing RQs. RQ1: What are the publication statistics of
the primary DEPO4IOT studies? RQ2: What are the
primary DEPO4IOT approaches and how advanced
are they, especially in addressing trustworthiness as-
pects? RQ3: What are the open issues to be further
investigated in this field?
In the remainder of this paper: Section 2 gives
some background definitions. In Section 3, we
present our SMS approach. To facilitate the data ex-
traction and comparison, Section 4 describes our clas-
sification schemes for the primary studies. We present
the results of our SMS in Section 5. Related work is
discussed in Section 6. Finally, we conclude the paper
with the major findings and some directions for future
work in Section 7.
In this section, we give the definitions of IoT systems
(subsection 2.1), orchestration and deployment (sub-
section 2.2), and trustworthiness (subsection 2.3) that
were used to define the scope of this study.
2.1 Definition of IoT Systems
An IoT system is a system of entities (including
cyber-physical devices, information resources, and
people) that exchange information and interact with
the physical world by sensing, processing informa-
tion, and actuating (IEEE Standards Association
et al., 2016). In this work, we consider DEPO4IOT
approaches that are independent or specific to an IoT
application domain such as smart city or health-care.
2.2 Definition of Deployment and
Software deployment typically refers to a post-
development activity performed once a piece of soft-
ware has been developed to make it available for use
(Carzaniga et al., 1998). In this study, approaches are
considered as supporting deployment when they ex-
plicitly offer mechanisms enabling the software de-
ployment process, which typically consists of the
following stages: (i) release, (ii) installation, (iii)
activation, (iv) update, (v) adaptation, and (vi) un-
deployment (Dearie, 2007).
Deployment approaches typically rely on the con-
cept of software artifacts or components as a mod-
ular part of a system that encapsulates its contents
(Dearie, 2007). A deployment configuration is thus
a connected graph that describes deployment arti-
facts along with targets and relationships between
them from a structural perspective (Bergmayr et al.,
2018). In the cloud context, the term “topology” is
often used as well. A deployment configuration or
topology typically includes the description of how its
software components are integrated and communicate
with each other. This typically overlaps with the con-
cept of software orchestration (or composition) be-
cause an orchestration is also often represented as a
graph describing relationships between software ele-
ments or processes. However, contrary to deployment
configurations, these relationships may represent an
order of operations required to realize a behavior. Us-
ing this definition, any service composition approach
that targets IoT domain is considered as an orchestra-
tion approach for IoT.
2.3 Definition of Trustworthiness
Trustworthiness refers to the preservation of security,
privacy, safety, reliability, and resilience of systems
(Griffor et al., 2017). Security refers to the preser-
vation of confidentiality, integrity and availability of
information (IEC, ISO, 2012). Privacy refers to the
protection of personally identifiable information (PII)
(IEC, ISO, 2011). Safety refers to the ability of the
systems to ensure the absence of catastrophic conse-
quences on the life, health, property, or data of stake-
holders and the physical environment (Griffor et al.,
2017). Reliability refers to the ability of the systems
to deliver stable and predictable performance in ex-
pected conditions (Griffor et al., 2017). Resilience
refers to the ability of the systems to withstand in-
stability, unexpected conditions, and gracefully return
to predictable, but possibly degraded, performance
(Griffor et al., 2017).
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
We conducted our SMS by following the latest guide-
lines in (Petersen et al., 2015) and other relevant
guidelines in (Kitchenham, 2004). With the context
and motivation presented in Section 1, we define our
RQs for this work in Section 3.1. To explicitly define
the scope of our SMS and reduce possible bias in our
selection process, in Section 3.2, we clarify the inclu-
sion criteria for selecting primary studies. Section 3.3
shows our search strategy to find the primary studies
for answering the RQs.
3.1 Research Questions
We detail the general RQs given in Section 1 into
the sub-RQs as follows. RQ1 includes three sub-
RQs. RQ1.1 - In which years were the primary stud-
ies published and how many publications per year?
Answering this question allows us to know for how
long this field has been studied, and how often are
there publications. This is an indicator to assess if this
field has got more attention from the research commu-
nity. RQ1.2 - In which targeted venues (e.g., Software
Engineering-SE, IoT, Cloud/SOA, and Network) and
venue types (i.e., conference, journal, workshop) were
the primary studies published? Answering RQ1.2 en-
ables us to know which venues have been the tar-
gets for publication of primary studies, knowing that
DEPO4IOT approaches could crosscut several related
research areas such as SE, IoT, SOA, Cloud. The
venue types could also provide some hints on the ma-
turity of the primary studies, e.g., papers published at
journals are supposed to report more mature studies
than papers published at conferences and workshops.
RQ1.3 - What is the distribution of publications in
terms of academic and industrial affiliation? A paper
is classified as academia if all authors are affiliated
with a university or a research institute, and indus-
try if all authors are affiliated with a company, and
both (academia and industry) if there is a mix of au-
thors from academia and industry. Answering RQ1.3
would give us an indication of how much collabora-
tion between academia and industry on this topic as
well as on the interest and need for DEPO4IOT ap-
proaches in the industry.
RQ2 is broken down into the following sub-RQs.
RQ2.1: How do the primary DEPO4IOT approaches
support IoT orchestration? Answering RQ2.1 allows
us to assess the characteristics of the primary studies
in IoT orchestration techniques. RQ2.2: How do the
primary DEPO4IOT approaches support IoT deploy-
ment? Answering RQ2.2 allows us to assess the char-
acteristics of the primary studies in IoT deployment
techniques. When answering RQ2.1 and RQ2.2, we
also examine how the primary DEPO4IOT approaches
support deployment, orchestration of IoT systems
across the vastly heterogeneous IoT, edge and cloud
space. Particularly, we examine how trustworthi-
ness aspects are supported by the primary DEPO4IOT
studies. Trustworthiness aspects are important in the
development and operation of IoT systems and are
thus often checked in surveys of IoT (e.g., (Tran et al.,
2017)). RQ2.3: Are there any primary approaches
explicitly addressing trustworthiness aspects? An-
swering RQ2.3 allows us to examine the support of
the primary DEPO4IOT approaches towards trustwor-
thy IoT systems. RQ2.4: Are there (runtime) adap-
tation or shared access to resources mechanisms sup-
ported in the primary DEPO4IOT approaches? An-
swering RQ2.4 allows us to check if any approaches
have provided advanced supports such as adaptation
or shared access to resources to increase IoT systems
trustworthiness (see Section 4.3). RQ2.5: How were
the primary DEPO4IOT approaches evaluated? An-
swering RQ2.5 allows us to know what evaluation
methods have been used in the primary studies, e.g.,
industrial case studies or empirical studies. How an
approach has been evaluated is an indication of the
maturity of the work. For example, if the approach is
evaluates based on industrial case studies or empiri-
cal studies, then that indicates a higher maturity level
compared to approaches that have not been evaluated.
Based on the answers to the RQ1 and RQ2, we
can point out the open issues that would deserve more
investigation in the future and some potential direc-
tions to tackle these issues. RQ3 has two sub-RQs:
RQ3.1 - What are the open issues of DEPO4IOT re-
search? RQ3.2 - What research directions could be
recommended for tackling the open issues?
3.2 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Based on the RQs and the scope of our study pre-
sented in Section 1, we clearly predefined the inclu-
sion and exclusion criteria to reduce bias in our pro-
cess of search and selection of primary studies. The
primary studies must meet ALL the following inclu-
sion criteria (IC):
- (IC1) Must propose a deployment OR orchestration
- (IC2) Must be explicitly for IoT area, either in gen-
eral or in a specific application domain of IoT.
- (IC3) Must have software engineering approaches as
software is the main drive of deployment and orches-
tration for IoT.
We excluded non-peer-reviewed or unpublished
A Systematic Mapping Study of Deployment and Orchestration Approaches for IoT
paper, white paper, technical report, thesis, patent,
general web page, presentation, book chapter, and pa-
per not written in English.
3.3 Search and Selection Strategy
Fig. 1 shows an overview of the search and selection
process with the results for each step, which we de-
scribe in the following sections.
3.3.1 Database Search
Using the online search functions of popular publica-
tion databases is the most common way to search for
primary studies when conducting secondary studies
(Petersen et al., 2015). We used four popular publi-
cation databases IEEE Xplore
, Science
, and Scopus
to search for candidates of pri-
mary studies. We did not use Google Scholar and
SpringerLink. Scopus and ACM DL already index
(Tran et al., 2017). Google Scholar re-
turns all kinds of papers, in which peer-reviewed ar-
ticles should have been covered by our four chosen
databases. Worse, Google Scholar also returns many
non-peer-reviewed and non-English papers, which
should have been excluded at the first place. The four
chosen databases contain peer-reviewed articles, and
provide advanced search functions, especially search
in meta-data such as title, abstract, keywords that we
used. Based on the RQs, we identified the search key-
words. Basically, we used the following search query:
(“Internet of Things” OR IoT OR “Web of things” OR
WoT) AND (orchestration OR deployment OR chore-
ography OR topology OR composition OR dataflow)
AND (Tool OR Middleware OR Service OR Frame-
work). For each database, the search string needs to
be applied according to the search functions provided.
For each candidate paper, we first read the paper’s
title, keywords and abstract. If a candidate paper ap-
pears in more than one database, we only kept the
original one where it was published first. If the title,
keywords and abstract are insufficient for us to de-
cide to exclude a candidate paper, we further skimmed
and scanned the paper’s full content. We rather kept
any candidate paper in doubt at one point for further
checks later. In the end, we hold discussions among
reviewers to crosscheck the candidate papers in doubt
and agreed on including or excluding each paper. Af-
ter group discussions, we obtained 63 primary studies.
3.3.2 Manual Search
It is impractical to make sure the database search
results can cover all DEPO4IOT publications in
our study. Therefore, we tried to complement the
database search by a manual search. We started our
manual search by initiating a set of the DEPO4IOT
studies that we have known of such as the studies
numbered 22, 24, 26, 30, 31, 35, 42, 49, 50, 53,
55 in Table 1. This was also the test set to fine-
tune the search query in the database search. More-
over, we checked the latest work of the authors of
these DEPO4IOT studies and their related work to
find more DEPO4IOT studies (using Google scholar).
We found six new primary studies that have not been
found in the database search (because the common
keywords are not in their titles or abstracts). In total,
we obtained the final set of 69 primary studies
data extraction and synthesis to answer the RQs.
Figure 1: Overview of the search and selection steps.
To analyze the primary studies for answering our
RQs, we have defined a taxonomy as a classifica-
tion and comparison framework for the primary stud-
ies. Our taxonomy consists of the key aspects of de-
ployment and orchestration for IoT (Figure 2). We
adopted some of the concepts in the taxonomy from
the review on cloud deployment modelling languages
(Bergmayr et al., 2018) but our taxonomy is specific
for IoT. We group them into the following categories:
deployment and orchestration support (Section 4.1),
design support (Section 4.2), and advanced support
(Section 4.3).
Our search and selection process for the primary stud-
ies ended on 16 March 2018
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 2: A Taxonomy of Deployment and Orchestration for IoT.
4.1 Deployment and Orchestration
In this section, we discuss the specific aspects that
we used to analyze the primary studies according to
deployment support (4.1.1) and orchestration support
4.1.1 Deployment Support
Different deployment approaches can be classified
by deployment kind, target, network specification,
whether cloud provisioning is supported, and what
kind of bootstrap is used in the deployment process.
Deployment Kind: Automatic deployment typi-
cally comes in two flavors: imperative and declarative
(Binz et al., 2013). The imperative approach requires
a “deployment plan” that details how to reach the de-
sired deployment, usually by leveraging a workflow
language. This deployment plan defines a sequence of
atomic tasks to execute possibly in parallel. This im-
perative approach gives full control over the deploy-
ment process, but it remains difficult to specify and
reuse such plans. In contrast, the declarative approach
only requires a specification of the desired deploy-
ment. This state usually captures the needed applica-
tion structure and deployment configuration using a
domain-specific languages (DSL) and a “deployment
engine” then computes how to reach this state. This
approach better supports evolving and reusing topol-
ogy models, however the deployment engine may not
compute optimal plans.
Target: IoT systems are typically running over
heterogeneous infrastructures ranging from tiny de-
vices over gateways to cloud resources. Following
the layered architecture presented in (Bonomi et al.,
2012) we divide this infrastructure into three layers,
starting from the most constrained: (i) the device
layer, which typically consists of embedded devices,
sensors and actuators with low power and bandwidth;
(ii) the edge/fog layer, which consists of the infras-
tructure located at the edge of the network who bridge
the gap between the tiny devices and the cloud; and
(iii) the cloud layer, which offers a virtually infinite
set of computing and storage resources. The latter is
commonly categorized based on the layers of virtual-
ization (Armbrust et al., 2010): infrastructure (IaaS),
platform (PaaS), and software (SaaS).
Network: Deployment approaches must consider
networking aspects to ensure that connected soft-
ware components, deployed over the whole IoT, edge
and cloud space, can properly interact with each
other (e.g., custom addressing and segmentation of
launched Virtual Machines - VMs).
Cloud Provisioning: One key characteristic of a
modern cloud environment is the capability to dynam-
ically provision cloud resources (Mell and Grance,
2001). Cloud users can provision and release cloud
services on demand and pay only for what they have
actually consumed. This includes compute, storage
A Systematic Mapping Study of Deployment and Orchestration Approaches for IoT
and network resources. It is not only important to
distinguish tools that actually support cloud resources
provisioning from others but also to identify which
virtualization layer (i.e., IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) their pro-
visioning engine supports.
Bootstrap: This characterizes the kind of boot-
strap the solution relies on. A bootstrap is a basic
executable program on a device, or a runtime envi-
ronment, which the system in charge of the deploy-
ment relies on (e.g., Docker). This aspect relates to
the specificity of the solution and its dependency to
particular technologies (Arcangeli et al., 2015).
4.1.2 Orchestration Support
Orchestration approaches can be classified by kinds
of communication and integration.
Communication Support: we classify five dif-
ferent kinds of communication support in orches-
tration (Eugster et al., 2003): MessagePassing,
SharedSpaces, MessageQueue, Publish-Subscribe,
and RemoteInvocations (e.g., Java RMI, CORBA).
MessagePassing: the producer sends messages
asynchronously through a communication channel.
The consumer receives messages by listening syn-
chronously on that channel. Shared space: Produc-
ers insert data asynchronously into the shared space,
while consumers read data synchronously. Message
queuing: Messages are stored in a FIFO queue.
Producers append messages asynchronously at the
end of the queue, while consumers dequeue them
synchronously at the front of the queue. Publish-
Subscribe: subscribers have the ability to express
their interest in an event, or a pattern of events, and
are subsequently notified of any event, generated by a
publisher, which matches their registered interest.
Integration Support: The interactions between
the software components that compose an orchestra-
tion or a deployment can be specified and managed
at different levels of abstraction. Deployment tools
typically manage logical ports (e.g., port 22 should be
open for SSH) for setting up the communication chan-
nel between the software components to be deployed.
Orchestration tools, which are more concerned with
the business logic of an application, typically manage
these interactions at a lower level of abstractions (e.g.,
remote methods invocation).
4.2 Design Support
This section presents the design support aspects that
are common for both deployment and orchestration,
e.g., specification language, specification capabilities.
4.2.1 Specification Language
To specify the orchestration and deployment of an IoT
system, a language must be used.
Representation: The abstract syntax of a lan-
guage defines its concepts and how they relate to each
other. A concrete syntax is concerned with the form
(Moody, 2009) of a language and defines how abstract
elements are realized in a concrete representation. A
language may have textual and/or graphical syntaxes.
Language Type: Languages for the deployment
and orchestration of IoT can be a general purpose lan-
guages (GPL) but are typically designed specifically
for that purpose (i.e., DSL) (Fowler, 2010). A DSL is
either developed on top of an existing GPL (base el-
ements of the GPL are extended) or from scratch and
has its own custom concepts without explicit relation-
ships to any existing language (Mernik et al., 2005).
Programming Model: The selection of a pro-
gramming model typically depends on the pragmatic
of a tool (Bergmayr et al., 2018). For instance, re-
active and event-driven programming is often used
to design IoT systems, flow-based programming is
well suited for orchestrating data flows between IoT
devices and services whilst component oriented pro-
gramming is typically used to specify deployment
4.2.2 Specification Capabilities
Here, we want to analyze how the DEPO4IOT ap-
proaches specify IoT applications and their corre-
sponding deployment structure.
Application Structure: To ensure separation of
concerns, complex distributed systems are typically
designed as a set of software components. A com-
ponent is basically a unit of computation in an appli-
cation, whereas interactions among components are
represented by connectors (Medvidovic and Taylor,
2000). Components and connectors are used to de-
scribe the high-level structure of an application in
terms of a component configuration. Practically, in
this paper we call such components: entities. This is
to avoid any confusion with the programming model
used to implement them (e.g., service, component).
The application structure may also leverage prede-
fined operators like Business Process Model and No-
tation (BPMN) operators for orchestration logic.
Deployment Structure: Modelling a deployment
structure typically overlaps with application structure
because to specify the deployment of a system on a se-
lected target infrastructure, its entities need to be allo-
cated to IoT, edge or cloud resources. More precisely,
what needs to be allocated on these resources are the
implementations of those entities (Bergmayr et al.,
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
2018). The notion of a deployable artifact supports
exactly the reference between logical components and
connectors to their implementations. For instance,
a cloud application implemented in Java is possi-
bly packaged into several archives, i.e., “JAR files”.
Those archives can be represented on the model level
via artifacts. Allocating them to a cloud service, e.g.,
a compute service including a Java platform, should
have the effect that the “JAR files” are physically al-
located to the provisioned service (Bergmayr et al.,
2018). Furthermore, we use the term dependencies to
depict the fact that application entities (i) may need to
interact with each other and (ii) may depend on other
entities of specific platforms (Bergmayr et al., 2018).
To actually ensure that connected cloud services can
in fact interact with each other, properties related to
networking concerns need often to be explicitly spec-
ified (Bergmayr et al., 2018).
4.3 Advanced Support
Modern IoT systems must be trustworthy to re-
ally realize their values. We check whether the
DEPO4IOT approaches address trustworthiness as-
pects (presented in Section 2.3), which often require
advanced supports such as adaptation, monitoring,
and managing shared access to resources.
Adaptation: (McKinley et al., 2004) define two
main types of adaptation: (i) static adaptation and (ii)
dynamic adaptation. Static adaptation typically hap-
pens at development time whilst dynamic adaptation
happens at runtime. Orchestration and deployment
tools can support these two types of adaptation for
modifying: (i) the application itself (e.g., replacing
one software component by another) and (ii) its in-
frastructure (e.g., bursting from one cloud to another).
Monitoring: Monitoring is a key activity to rea-
son on the state of a system and for controlling and
managing hardware as well as software infrastruc-
tures (Aceto et al., 2013). Monitoring probes are used
to deliver information and indicators characterizing
the system and the context in which it is running. The
purpose of the monitoring can be multiple. In this
study we identify the following: (i) measuring QoS of
the system, (ii) capturing the status and health of a de-
ployment, (iii) depicting the state of the environment,
and (iv) observing the execution flow of the system,
for instance, for debugging purpose.
Shared Access to Resources (Direct/Indirect):
Because IoT systems may involve actuators it is im-
portant to control the impact these actuators can have
on the physical world and to manage conflicting ac-
tuation requests. More generally, this applies to the
management of shared accesses to resources, which
can be of two types: (i) direct concurrent access to
resources (e.g., several entities accessing to the same
service/actuator) or (ii) indirect shared access to a re-
source (e.g., actuators from different applications are
modifying the temperature with possibly conflicting
goals) (Ma et al., 2016).
Table 1 shows an overview of the primary DEPO4IOT
studies. Based on the taxonomy, we have extracted
and synthesized the data from the primary studies to
answer the RQs of this work.
5.1 Answering RQ1
Answering RQ1.1: as we can see in Fig. 3, the earli-
est primary study was published in 2008, when IoT
research was starting to emerge. There is a sharp
rise in the number of DEPO4IOT publications in the
last two years (2016, 2017), especially regarding the
numbers of journal (J) and conference (C) papers
(2016: 3J, 6C and 2017: 7J, 18C). This rise shows
the crucial need of DEPO4IOT research and more at-
tention to this research area has gained from the re-
search community. We completed our search process
in March 2018 and found five primary studies pub-
lished in 2018 (3J, 2C).
IoT with its heterogeneous nature spans multiple
relevant research domains among which we identi-
fied Software Engineering (SE), Cloud or Service-
Oriented Architecture (SOA), Network, and recently
specialized IoT research domain (Borgia et al., 2016).
Answering RQ1.2: Fig. 4 shows the times that each
research domain appears in the calls for papers in
the publication venues where the primary DEPO4IOT
studies published are quite close (SE: 22, IoT: 32,
Clould/SOA: 26, Network: 18). Note that the publica-
tion venues can have not only one but several research
domains in their calls for papers. These numbers do
reflect the heterogeneous nature of IoT research, with
IoT research domain is getting more visible. Due
to the increasing popularity of the IoT research do-
main, and because the tools for the deployment and
orchestration of application and services in the cloud
have lately reached a high level of maturity, the focus
for the research on deployment and orchestration ap-
proaches has moved toward the IoT and Edge spaces.
Answering RQ1.3: By checking the affiliations of
the authors, we can see in Fig. 5 that a majority of
the authors who have published results on DEPO4IOT
are from academia (86%). The involvement of in-
dustry in this research is still very limited, which
A Systematic Mapping Study of Deployment and Orchestration Approaches for IoT
Table 1: Overview of the primary DEPO4IOT studies
(sorted by year of publication)
# Title* Year v f
1 Challenges and Solutions in Fog Computing Orches-
2018 J O
2 Deploying Edge Computing Nodes for Large-scale
IoT: A Diversity Aware Approach
2018 J D
3 Cloud-Fog Interoperability in IoT-enabled Healthcare
2018 C D
4 A visual programming framework for distributed In-
ternet of Things centric complex event processing
2018 J B
5 Enhancing Middleware-based IoT Applications
through Run-Time Pluggable QoS Management
2018 C D
6 A Dynamic Module Deployment Framework for
M2M Platforms
2017 C D
7 A Middleware for Mobile Edge Computing 2017 J B
8 A service orchestration architecture for Fog-enabled
2017 C O
9 Distributed Orchestration in Large-Scale IoT Systems 2017 C O
10 Internet of Things: From Small- to Large-Scale Or-
2017 C O
11 QoS-Aware Deployment of IoT Applications
Through the Fog
2017 J D
12 Service Orchestration in Fog Environments 2017 C O
13 Towards Container Orchestration in Fog Computing
2017 C O
14 A Framework based on SDN and Containers for Dy-
namic Service Chains on IoT Gateways
2017 W D
15 A framework for MDE of IoT-Based Manufacturing
2017 C O
16 A Novel Service-Oriented Platform for the Internet of
2017 C O
17 Design and Implementation of a Message-Service
Oriented Middleware for Fog of Things Platforms
2017 C O
18 Empowering End Users to Customize their Smart En-
2017 J O
19 Feasibility of Fog Computing Deployment based on
Docker Containerization over RaspberryPi
2017 C B
20 Semantics Based Service Orchestration in IoT 2017 C O
21 An Object-Oriented Model for Object Orchestration 2017 C B
22 A TOSCA-based Programming Model for Interacting
Components of Automatically Deployed Cloud and
IoT Applications
2017 C B
23 An edge-based platform for dynamic Smart City ap-
2017 J D
24 Calvin Constrained: A Framework for IoT Applica-
tions in Heterogeneous Environments
2017 C B
25 InterCloud Communication Through Gatekeepers to
Support IoT Service Interaction in the Arrowhead
2017 J O
26 Internet of things out of the box Using TOSCA for
automating the deployment of IoT environments
2017 C B
27 Platform-as-a-service gateway for the Fog of Things 2017 J B
28 Runtime deployment and management of CoAP re-
sources for the internet of things
2017 J D
29 Composing Continuous Services in a CoAP-based
2017 C B
30 Niflheim: An end-to-end middleware for applications
on a multi-tier IoT infrastructure
2017 C B
31 Foggy- A Framework for Continuous Automated IoT
Application Deployment in Fog Computing
2017 C D
32 A Web of Things Based Device-Adaptive Service
Composition Framework
2016 C O
33 Application Orchestration in Mobile Edge Cloud:
Placing of IoT Applications to the Edge
2016 W O
34 Optimizing Elastic IoT Application Deployments 2016 J D
35 FRED- A Hosted Data Flow Platform for the IoT built
using NodeRED
2016 W B
36 Incremental deployment and migration of geo-
distributed situation awareness applications in the fog
2016 C D
37 On Building Smart City IoT Applications- a
Coordination-based Perspective
2016 W B
38 Orchestrating the Internet of Things Dynamically 2016 W B
39 SoIoT: Toward A User-Centric IoT-Based Service
2016 J O
40 A Container-based Edge Cloud PaaS Architecture-
based on Raspberry Pi Clusters
2016 C B
41 Automated Deployment of SmartX IoT-Cloud Ser-
vices based on Continuous Integration
2016 C D
42 Cloud4IoT: A Heterogeneous, Distributed and Auto-
nomic Cloud Platform for the IoT
2016 C B
43 Reliable services composition method for the internet
of thing using directed service-object graph deploy-
ment scheme
2016 C O
44 Integration of Heterogeneous Services and Things
into Choreographies
2016 W O
45 A Scalable Framework for Provisioning Large-Scale
IoT Deployments
2016 J D
46 A Data-Centric Framework for Development and
Deployment of Internet of Things Applications In
2015 C D
47 Towards a Semantic Model for Automated Deploy-
ment of IoT Services across Platforms
2015 C D
48 A component based approach for the Web of Things 2015 W O
49 A Generic Service Oriented Software Platform to De-
sign Ambient Intelligent Systems
2015 C O
50 Developing IoT Applications in the Fog: a Dis-
tributed Dataflow Approach
2015 C B
51 A Full End-to-End Platform as a Service for Smart
City Applications
2014 W B
52 A Novel Deployment Scheme for Green Internet of
2014 J D
53 glue.things - a Mashup Platform for wiring the Inter-
net of Things with the Internet of Services
2014 W B
54 Toward a Distributed Data Flow Platform for the Web
of Things
2014 W O
55 BeC3: Behaviour Crowd Centric Composition for
IoT applications
2014 J B
56 Dioptase: a distributed data streaming middleware for
the future web of things
2014 J B
57 Application deployment for IoT: An infrastructure ap-
2013 C B
58 Orchestration in distributed web-of-objects for cre-
ation of user-centered iot service capability
2013 C O
59 Towards Automated IoT Application Deployment by
a Cloud-Based Approach
2013 C D
60 Mobile Fog: A Programming Model for Large-Scale
Applications on the Internet of Things
2013 C D
61 Gateway as a service- A cloud computing framework
for web of things
2012 C O
62 Behaviour-Aware Compositions of Things 2012 C O
63 Knowledge-Aware and Service-Oriented Middleware
for deploying
2012 J B
64 Mashing up the Internet of Things: A framework for
smart environments
2012 J O
65 D-LITE: Distributed logic for internet of things ser-
2011 C B
66 Adaptable Service Composition for Very-Large-Scale
IoT Systems
2011 W O
67 INOX: A managed service platform for inter-
connected smart objects
2011 W B
68 Connecting Smart Things through Web Services Or-
2010 W O
69 COSMOS: a middleware for integrated data process-
ing over heterogeneous sensor networks
2008 J O
PV = Short name of publication venue.
Venue type: J = Journal (19), C = Conference (37), W = Workshop (13).
Focus: D = Deployment, O = Orchestration, B = Both Deployment and Orchestration.
* The titles are clickable to link to the corresponding publications
Figure 3: Publications per year, per venue type.
is understandable for a relatively new research area
like IoT. Answering RQ2.5: Regarding the types of
case studies used for evaluating the DEPO4IOT ap-
proaches, Fig. 6 also shows the similar dominance
of academic approaches. We classify the case stud-
ies that are not from industry as academic studies,
e.g., motivational examples, prototypes or simulations
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
developed by researchers for discussing or evaluat-
ing their DEPO4IOT approaches. Nearly one tenth
of the studies do not really provide evaluation details
(not available, N/A) because of the early stage of their
work, e.g., reported in short papers or new ideas pa-
pers. But, the number of industrial case studies or
empirical studies (with industry) account for 13% in
total, which is still encouraging. We would call for
more collaboration between academia and industry
for more practical DEPO4IOT research in particular,
but also IoT research in general.
Figure 4: Research topics per publication venue.
5.2 Answering RQ2: Deployment &
Orchestration Support
Answering RQ2.1 and RQ2.2: Fig. 7 shows the
distribution of primary studies based on their focus:
orchestration, or deployment, or both orchestration
and deployment. We can see that the orchestration-
focused studies are nearly double the deployment-
focused studies. The main reason could be that
the orchestration-focused studies are around IoT data
Figure 5: The affiliations
of authors.
Figure 6: Evaluation case
mash-up at cloud or edge level, which we show later
in Fig. 8. It is understandable that the first IoT re-
search focus is more on building IoT applications (or-
chestration) before deploying them. These studies do
not technically contribute to low-level orchestration
involving IoT devices or gateways but rather make
assumptions on low-level IoT infrastructure. About
one-third (37%) of the approaches support both de-
ployment and orchestration. Note that the degrees of
support for deployment and orchestration are not at
the same level. In other words, approaches that sup-
port deployment somehow also support orchestration
(as part of the deployment specifications overlap with
orchestration specifications). However, the orchestra-
tion support in these cases is often at a higher level of
abstraction than the orchestration-focused approaches
that offer specific support for orchestration (i.e., logi-
cal port vs. method).
Figure 7: Main focus of the primary DEPO4IOT studies.
Figure 8: Target infrastructure.
Fig. 8 shows how the primary DEPO4IOT stud-
ies support for different layers of IoT infrastructure:
cloud, edge, or IoT devices. Most studies (71%) dis-
cuss about mashing up data streaming from IoT de-
vices at cloud (7%) or edge/fog (32%) or both (32%).
A Systematic Mapping Study of Deployment and Orchestration Approaches for IoT
Figure 9: Deployment en-
Figure 10: Cloud provi-
But, few studies (29%) really support orchestrating
and/or deploying software on IoT devices. We would
argue that deployment and orchestration at IoT de-
vices are the most challenging research problems in
DEPO4IOT because of the diversity of IoT devices,
their networking protocols and connectivity issues,
and their different computing resource constraints. To
really support for modern real IoT systems in which
trustworthy aspects are crucial, DEPO4IOT studies
must advance to the technical details of edges and IoT
devices. Even among the 29% mentioned above, we
find very limited support for modern IoT systems as
discussed in the following paragraphs.
Looking closer into the studies that support de-
ployment (59%, Fig. 7), we find that nearly two-third
(64%, Fig. 9) of them have declarative deployment
type vs. one-third have imperative type. We would
argue this is because imperative approaches are typi-
cally more complicated to specify and reuse (as they
require the specification of a deployment plan). On
the other hand, they give full control over the deploy-
ment process, thus allowing its optimization. Very
few approaches (6%) provide users with the ability
to select between both approaches. We would also ar-
gue that hybrid approaches could be beneficial. For
instance, a deployment engine could first derives a
tentative deployment plan from a deployment config-
uration describing the desired system state. Then, if
necessary, the user or a reasoning engine could use an
imperative approach to adjust this plan before the ac-
tual deployment. Also among 59% of the studies that
support deployment, less than half (46%) support the
provisioning of cloud resources before deployment
(Fig. 10). This means only one-third (59% times
46%) of the total primary studies support cloud re-
sources provisioning, which is an important feature in
any advanced DEPO4IOT approach. This illustrates
the need for further integration of the works from the
cloud and IoT domains.
Among the studies that support orchestration
(78%, Fig. 7), we find that the communication types
in orchestrating IoT components are diverse (Fig. 11).
However, we observe that approaches offering the
Figure 11: Orchestration
communication types.
Figure 12: Integration
best decoupling in time and space (Eugster et al.,
2003) (between subscribers and publisher), i.e., mes-
sage passing, message queues and publish/subscribe,
are largely adopted (73% in total). The integration
level at methods (66%, Fig. 12) for orchestration is
more common than at logical port (34%). Only 11%
support both levels, which is often needed for orches-
trating more complex IoT systems.
5.3 Answering RQ2: Design Support
This section gives more answers to the RQ2.1 and
RQ2.2, regarding the design support aspects of or-
chestration and deployment. Fig. 13 shows that the
most common term to depict deployment and orches-
tration entities is service, which is significantly more
often than component and node. We find that most
orchestration approaches have used services for data
mash-up. Node term seems getting more common in
supporting both deployment and orchestration (e.g.,
in NodeRED-based approaches). The total number
of primary studies that provide technical informa-
tion about connectors is 43, which is two-third of the
DEPO4IOT approaches. High-level operators (like
BPMN operators) for supporting deployment and or-
chestration are not common because very few have
been mentioned in the approaches.
Figure 13: Application structure.
Any thorough DEPO4IOT approaches, should
have provided technical information about bootstrap
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 14: Bootstrap and
network specification pro-
vided with deployment?
Figure 15: Programming
and network specification. But, Fig. 14 shows that
only less than one-third (32%) of the deployment ap-
proaches have provided any such information. This
could be interpreted that most current approaches do
not address the technical details of deployment and
make assumptions on the support of underlying op-
erating systems or execution engines. We also find
in Fig. 14 only about half having either bootstrap
(52%) or network specification (55%) with deploy-
ment. A thorough deployment approach should also
have included network specification(s) to support for
low-level deployment on IoT devices, where diverse
network topologies and protocols must be considered.
Aligned with the popular of “service” discussed in
the previous paragraphs, service-oriented model is the
most common (34%, Fig. 15) programming model in
the DEPO4IOT approaches, followed by component-
based (19%), and flow-based (13%). These models
can provide a modular, loosely-coupled specification
of the orchestration and its deployment so that the
modules can be seamlessly substituted and reused.
The language support is important to make
DEPO4IOT approaches more practical, but more than
one-third of the approaches do not provide language
support for deployment and orchestration (N/A in Fig.
16). Using DSL seems to be more popular than GPL
because DSL could be more expressive in specifying
DEPO4IOT aspects. Fig. 17 shows that textual is the
most popular form of language support (28%), com-
pared to graphical (17%). Some approaches (12%) do
have both graphical and textual formats.
5.4 Answering RQ2: Trustworthiness &
advanced supports
Answering RQ2.3 and RQ2.4: Trustworthiness as-
pects must be supported in the orchestration and de-
ployment of modern IoT systems. However, Fig. 18
shows that very few primary DEPO4IOT studies ad-
dress trustworthy aspects: security (18 out of 69 stud-
ies), privacy (8), resilience (6), reliability (8). Among
the trustworthiness aspects, security is the most ad-
Figure 16: Language
Figure 17: Representation
Figure 18: Trustworthiness aspects.
dressed one in the primary DEPO4IOT studies. Even
so, most of 18 DEPO4IOT studies addressing se-
curity only briefly mention security aspects in their
DEPO4IOT approaches. Studies that address security
in more details are very rare (e.g., the study #24 in Ta-
ble 1). None addresses safety, which should be also
a crucial property of critical IoT systems. This re-
lates to the Shared access to resources (including ac-
cess to actuators), which is a rare feature in the ex-
isting DEPO4IOT approaches (e.g., in the study #49).
We believe a reason for that is that IoT system inno-
vations have until now mainly been concerned with
sensors, device management and connectivity, with
the mission to gather data for processing and analy-
sis in the cloud in order to aggregate information and
. Management of actuators has thus only
recently appeared as a research priority in the com-
munity. In general, Fig. 19 shows that few primary
DEPO4IOT studies provide advanced supports such
as monitoring, runtime adaptation, shared access. It
is worth noting that it is often the same approaches
that support adaptation and monitoring. We believe
this is due to the fact that both are complementary.
Indeed, before triggering an adaptation it is important
to observe and understand the status of the system.
IEC white paper entitled “IoT 2020: Smart and secure
IoT platform”. http://www.iec.ch/whitepaper/pdf/iecWP-
A Systematic Mapping Study of Deployment and Orchestration Approaches for IoT
Figure 19: Advanced supports.
5.5 Answering RQ3
This section gives our answers to the RQ3.1 and
RQ3.2 that are supported by the findings presented
above. Even though there is a big jump in the number
of primary DEPO4IOT studies recently, our analyses
show that DEPO4IOT research is still in its infancy.
Thus, there are fundamental technical gaps and open
issues to be tackled.
We found that the number of orchestration ap-
proaches, often for IoT data mash-up, is nearly dou-
ble the number of deployment approaches. The or-
chestration approaches for IoT data mash-up such as
the studies numbered 10, 20, 33, 62, 64 in Table 1
often make assumptions of readily deployed IoT sys-
tems in operation. IoT deployment approaches should
receive more attention. Without proper deployment
approaches to deploy IoT systems, orchestration ap-
proaches cannot thrive. Besides, it is worth to note
that most of the primary DEPO4IOT approaches do
not really support deployment and/or orchestration at
IoT devices, e.g., without bootstrap or network spec-
ification. Only by going into low-level details, IoT
engineering can really control the whole chain of IoT
software deployed from cloud until IoT devices. In
this way, it would be more likely that the trustworthy
aspects and advanced supports can be addressed more
systematically and efficiently.
They are also immature in addressing trustwor-
thy aspects and advanced supports. The number
of existing DEPO4IOT studies addressing trustwor-
thy aspects is very small. Even among those stud-
ies, we have not really found any that explicitly and
systematically considered trustworthy aspects. The
same observation applies to the advanced support of
DEPO4IOT studies, i.e., regarding monitoring, adap-
tation, and shared access to resources. We would
propose that new DEPO4IOT research should address
more thoroughly and systematically the trustworthy
aspects and advanced supports, which are crucial for
modern IoT systems.
Finally, the dominance of academia-only in
DEPO4IOT research suggests that there should be
more collaboration between academia and industry
to make DEPO4IOT approaches more practical and
closer to the needs in industry.
IoT has emerged as an important area of research and
development in the recent years. There have been
efforts to review the state of the art in different as-
pects of IoT. Some surveys have addressed IoT mid-
dleware (Razzaque et al., 2016; Ngu et al., 2017), IoT
platforms (Mineraud et al., 2016), and IoT architec-
tural concerns (Gill et al., 2017) but none has sys-
tematically, specifically investigated deployment and
orchestration approaches for IoT. We have reported
some preliminary results of our SMS in (Nguyen
et al., 2019). In this paper, we report the full results of
our SMS. Note that we have clearly defined the scope
of our SMS, which only considered peer-reviewed
publications, not white papers from industry. Thus,
our SMS reports the state of the art in DEPO4IOT re-
search, not including the state of practice in industry.
From the software architecture view, an IoT mid-
dleware provides a layer between application soft-
ware and system software. DEPO4IOT approaches
are not necessary about middleware because they
are more vertical along the IoT engineering life-
cycle from development to operation of IoT sys-
tems. Research on IoT middleware highly overlaps
with DEPO4IOT because DEPO4IOT approaches of-
ten leverage middlewares for integrating heteroge-
neous computing and communications devices, and
supporting interoperability within the diverse appli-
cations and services running on these devices. In
(Razzaque et al., 2016) and (Ngu et al., 2017), the
authors conducted two different surveys of the ex-
isting middlewares to classify them and find out the
main challenges. The results of these studies not only
address the functional aspects of IoT middleware but
also some quality aspects such as security, adaptation
that we also considered in our work. However, these
two studies are not systematic studies.
(Mineraud et al., 2016) provide a gap analysis on
the well-known IoT platforms. In particular, the au-
thors identify gaps related security (fine grained ac-
cess control), cross-platform and cross-layer DSL to
reduce threats on privacy and security. Their work
is not a systematic study and mainly focuses on plat-
forms maturity and usability. (Gill et al., 2017) con-
ducted a systematic study on the key IoT architec-
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
tural concerns. It highlights a set of challenges that
is a combination of technical, human, financial and
ethical aspects. Their work is complementary to our
work reported in this paper as it does not focus on
deployment, orchestration and trustworthiness. How-
ever, our work and (Gill et al., 2017) share some com-
mon findings, e.g., the lack of support for IoT security,
and the need for runtime adaptation of IoT systems.
Deployment and orchestration approaches for IoT
should be advanced enough to support distributed pro-
cessing and coordinated behavior across IoT, edge
and cloud infrastructures. In this paper, we have ex-
amined the research landscape of deployment and or-
chestration approaches for IoT, by conducting a sys-
tematic mapping study. After systematically identify-
ing and reviewing 69 primary studies out of thousands
relevant papers in this field, we have found out that
1) there is a sharp rise in the number of publications
addressing this field in the two recent years; 2) how-
ever, there are still different gaps that the current ap-
proaches seem to be immature to address such as the
real, low-level technical details of deployment and/or
orchestration at IoT devices level; 3) new deployment
and/or orchestration approaches should also focus on
addressing the trustworthy aspects and advanced sup-
ports for modern IoT systems. To make the IoT de-
ployment and orchestration approaches more practi-
cal, there is a need for increased research collabora-
tions between academia and industry. We will address
these open issues in our current research projects, es-
pecially for the trustworthiness of IoT.
This work is supported by the H2020 programme un-
der grant agreement no 780351 (ENACT).
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IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security