classification approaches are implemented and cross
tested on the discussed data classes. The results show
that there are significant differences in the accuracy
of the classification approaches in context of specific
data classes. The use of a flexible and dedicated clas-
sification of semantic concepts, like we presented in
this paper allows for better suggestions and improves
the semantic labeling process massively. To improve
our approach, we already started to evaluate the use
of a summarized representative, using a combination
of multiple classification approaches. In this con-
text, we envision the use of a hierarchical approach
for the classification, i.e., creating a global classi-
fier which contains a selection of specialized ones.
Creating specialized classifications would result in a
self optimized adaptation of the look up strategies of
a global method. However, at the moment, the re-
sults of our summarized representatives are only sim-
ilar to the ones achieved without the creation of sum-
marized representatives. Hence, further research is
needed. Beside summarizing representatives, another
direction of research includes the enhancement of the
approaches applied to the different classes, such as us-
ing further machine learning methods for dealing with
full texts. Another important point is the evaluation
of different classification approaches. Preliminary re-
sults of using machine learning-based approaches like
Autoencoders promise better classification results. In
addition, it must be examined to what extent the re-
sults of our approach can be generalized in larger real
applications. It will therefore be necessary to carry
out evaluations with a larger number of data sets with
similar yet different concepts and data attributes. In
these cases it might be helpful to additionally support
the classification by considering label-based sugges-
tions with methods like (Paulus et al., 2018). Finally,
the determination of the data classes is currently lim-
ited to the identified ones and is a manual process. An
extension would include the implementation of a fea-
ture that allows for any granularity in data classes and
an automated identification of those.
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ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems