Enhancing Knowledge Graphs with Data Representatives
e Pomp
, Lucian Poth
, Vadim Kraus
and Tobias Meisen
Institute of Information Management in Mechanical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Computer Science, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Chair of Technologies and Management of Digital Transformation, University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany
Semantic Model, Knowledge Graph, Ontologies, Semantic Similarity, Machine Learning.
Due to the digitalization of many processes in companies and the increasing networking of devices, there is
an ever-increasing amount of data sources and corresponding data sets. To make these data sets accessible,
searchable and understandable, recent approaches focus on the creation of semantic models by domain experts,
which enable the annotation of the available data attributes with meaningful semantic concepts from knowl-
edge graphs. For simplifying the annotation process, recommendation engines based on the data attribute
labels can support this process. However, as soon as the labels are incomprehensible, cryptic or ambiguous,
the domain expert will not receive any support. In this paper, we propose a semantic concept recommendation
for data attributes based on the data values rather than on the label. Therefore, we extend knowledge graphs
to learn different dedicated data representations by including data instances. Using different approaches, such
as machine learning, rules or statistical methods, enables us to recommend semantic concepts based on the
content of data points rather than on the labels. Our evaluation with public available data sets shows that
the accuracy improves when using our flexible and dedicated classification approach. Further, we present
shortcomings and extension points that we received from the analysis of our evaluation.
Growing digitalization in companies results in an in-
creasing amount of generated data. For using the
potential of machine learning approaches and realiz-
ing visions such as the Internet of Production (IoP)
(RWTH Aachen University, 2017), which pursues
the goal of guaranteeing the availability of (applica-
tion dependant) real-time information at any time and
place, companies start to collect and store these data
sets. With growing amounts of sensors and applica-
tions within a production facility, such visions will
lead to an improved quality management as goods can
be checked much faster, easier and more reliably in
the production line (Li et al., 2017).
In order to store and process the generated amount
of data, recent solutions rely on data lakes, which al-
low to store structured and unstructured data by fol-
lowing a schema-on-read approach. Compared to pre-
vious approaches like data warehouses, data lakes of-
fer the flexibility that modern data analytics and ma-
chine learning processes require. However, to en-
able data scientists to access, find and understand the
stored data sets, metadata has to be created for every
data set as there exists no global schema like in data
warehouses. (Terrizzano et al., 2015) propose to use
a curated data lake where the data does not need to
be fully transformed and cleansed before integration,
but has a data manager for annotating the data with
meta-information to improve the processing steps and
make the data valuable. In order to keep a consistent
semantic meaning and common understanding of the
metadata over multiple data sets, companies start to
establish knowledge bases in the form of ontologies,
business glossaries or knowledge graphs. The pur-
pose of such a knowledge base is to offer semantic
concepts that can be annotated as metadata to a data
set. By adding these concepts to data sets and putting
them in relation to each other, one can describe a data
set in more detail. This process is called semantic
However, creating semantic models is a cumber-
some task that is very time consuming and requires
a lot of domain knowledge. The amount of concepts
in ontologies can easily extend a size feasible to be
manageable by humans as shown by the compared on-
tologies of (Groß et al., 2016) under consideration of
the bio-medical domain. With numbers over 300,000
Pomp, A., Poth, L., Kraus, V. and Meisen, T.
Enhancing Knowledge Graphs with Data Representatives.
DOI: 10.5220/0007677400490060
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 49-60
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
concepts, it becomes increasingly difficult for a data
steward to select the right concept for the data at-
tributes of a data set. To support the data steward,
concepts can be recommended based on a deep anal-
ysis of the data. For instance, (Paulus et al., 2018)
proposed a solution for recommending semantic con-
cepts that uses the combination of data labels from
a data set together with additional information ex-
tracted from other knowledge bases.
Although Paulus et al. achieve very good results
on data sets that have conventional data labels, they
also identified a class of data labels, called random la-
bels, in which their recommendation framework will
never be able to identify the correct concept by just
analyzing the labels of a data set. In these cases, the
label may be just a random number of characters that
is auto-generated, e.g., by a database management
system. This implies that the concept recommenda-
tion has to be performed based on the data instances
rather than on the data labels.
Thus, the goal of our work is to exploit which
data-driven approaches are suitable for different types
of data and how those approaches can be used to learn
the data representation of semantic concepts. We
therefore develop a data-driven recommendation ap-
proach which is based on the knowledge graph pro-
vided by the semantic data platform ESKAPE (Pomp
et al., 2017). We show that our approach is capable
of learning multiple data representations, called data
representatives, for concepts and is able to use those
learned representations to recommend concepts. Each
data representative is based on a defined classification
approach, which can be a machine learning model,
a rule or a statistical method. The idea of learning
multiple representatives and equip them with differ-
ent classification approaches for a single concept is
motivated by an analysis of public data sets in which
we identified different types of Data Classes. These
classes are built on a combination of different metrics,
such as data type, number of possible values, etc. We
expect multiple recommendation strategies to achieve
different accuracies based on the data class in which
a set of values is grouped.
To analyze the accuracy of our data-driven rec-
ommendation approach, we annotated real-world data
sets with semantic models and evaluated the quality of
the semantic concept recommendation under the con-
dition of the different data classes. Altogether, the
main contributions of this paper are
1. an approach that makes it possible to learn seman-
tic concept representations for dynamic knowl-
edge bases which are not yet considered by related
work, since knowledge bases are always consid-
ered static here,
2. an extension of the knowledge graph model pro-
posed by (Pomp et al., 2017) for equipping knowl-
edge graphs with data representations,
3. an approach that maintains multiple data repre-
sentatives and classification approaches for a sin-
gle semantic concept,
4. a more detailed identification of different types of
data classes compared to related work which just
considers numbers or text,
5. an evaluation that compares the performance of
the different classification approaches for the
identified data classes.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 motivates the necessity to develop a recom-
mendation approach that uses data instances and can
deal with knowledge bases that are extended at run-
time. Afterwards, Section 3 provides an overview of
related work and Section 4 defines the data classes
which we identified when reviewing real-world data
sets. Based on these classes, we present our identified
classification approaches and the implementation of
our approach in Section 5. Section 6 gives an evalua-
tion of our approach before we conclude with a sum-
mary and a short outlook in Section 7.
In this section, we provide a motivating example il-
lustrating the necessity for developing a recommen-
dation framework that supports a user during the cre-
ation of semantic models with giving recommenda-
tions which are not solely relying on data labels but
also on data values.
In the following scenario, we consider a large
global enterprise that is active in many different in-
dustries with multiple sites in different countries. For
instance, it develops mobility solutions as well as con-
sumer goods. Thus, the company has a lot of different
production processes. Due to the digitalization strat-
egy of the company, for some years now, the company
is already storing the collected data in their data lake.
For each production process, the company is planning
to setup a digital twin which virtually models the be-
haviour of the involved machines. Those digital twins
are later used for optimizing the operation and main-
tenance of the production processes. Since the de-
velopers, such as data scientists, who are involved in
the construction of the digital twins, have to find and
access the data they are looking for, the company es-
tablished a metadata-management solution. This ap-
proach uses an enterprise ontology and user-defined
semantic model to describe the data sources in more
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Exemplary data set for which a data steward wants
to create a semantic model.
prodID tmp tinms e-mail sta
313-16 856 1476912300 x@cp.com OK
215-14 857 1476922300 y@cp.com NOK
513-31 845 1476932300 x@cp.com OK
... ... ... ... ...
detail. The semantic models are created by data stew-
ards, who are employees that are domain experts and
know the semantics of the data very well.
Since data sources in industrial environments can
contain hundreds of data attributes (Paulus et al.,
2018), creating sophisticated semantic models is a
complex and time-consuming task. In order to im-
prove the quality of the semantic models, it is there-
fore important to support the data steward during the
creation process. We assume that a data steward
wants to create a semantic model for the simplified
data set in Table 1, which shows a product that has
been dried in an oven at a certain temperature and was
later manually checked for proper functioning by an
employee. The data steward selects concepts from the
underlying ontology and maps them to the columns
of the table. For instance, the column prodID would
be mapped to the concept Identifier and the column
tinms to the concept Timestamp. In addition, the data
steward can specify more details, like the unit Sec-
onds in which the timestamp is measured. Later on,
these detailed information will help the developers of
the digital twin application to understand the data and
implement their application correctly (e.g., consider-
ing the correct unit for timestamps).
Examining this table and the presented task of the
data steward shows that, if the data sets become much
larger, the creation of semantic models will be a com-
plex and time-consuming task, which requires impor-
tant domain knowledge. Supporting the user with rec-
ommendations based on labels would already help to
reliably identify concepts, like E-Mail for the column
e-mail but would fail for all other columns. Examin-
ing the data instances of the columns raises the sus-
picion that a recommendation based on the data in-
stances can lead to better results. For instance, the
columns prodID as well as e-mail follow a fixed pat-
tern whereas the temperature values in column temp
are limited to a certain range (845-857
C) and the sta
column only consists of two valid values (OK, NOK).
However, the diversity of the different kinds of data
instances also shows that it is not possible to develop
a solution that solely relies on a single classification
approach. For instance, training a machine learning
classifier that detects a valid temperature is possible
whereas the training for product identifier will not
work since each entry is unique. However, defining
rules for the product identifier, e.g., by using regular
expressions, would result in a valid data representa-
tion for this concept. Nevertheless, only assigning a
single data representative to a semantic concept will
also lead to wrong results. Depending on the pro-
duction process and its context, the data instances for
a semantic concept may differ. For example, there
might exist production processes in which the values
of valid temperatures are not between 845-857
C but
between 12-15
C. In these cases, it will be necessary
to learn a different data representation for the same
semantic concept.
Beside these examples, the scenario also relies on
a fixed underlying vocabulary provided by the under-
lying ontology. In this case, one could also try to con-
vert the use case with all its data to a multi-class clas-
sification problem where each data representation for
each semantic concept will result in one class. While
this would be a first solution, it leads to a very static
scenario. In cases where the underlying vocabulary of
the ontology will be extended or where new machines
with different data representatives for the same con-
cept are introduced, it becomes necessary to re-train
the whole machine learning model which is very time-
consuming and not manageable in a company with
multiple sites and a very diverse product portfolio.
It is therefore necessary to develop an approach
that takes into account not only the names of the data
attributes, but also the data instances. In addition,
this approach should be independent of the number
of available concepts. If new concepts are introduced
or data instances with different representation forms
are added, it must be possible to learn these as well.
The research areas of semantic annotation, labeling or
modeling have the goal to assign semantic concepts
to data attributes of structured data sources. In order
to simplify the finding, accessing and storing of data,
several attempts have been made to support the data
annotation. Strategies on how data sets can be ana-
lyzed to suggest concepts fitting to their attributes are
elaborated by different researchers. First approaches
focused on the analysis of the labels attached to the
attributes in order to suggest concepts. Other ap-
proaches take the relations of those labels into ac-
count and recent papers also focus on the analysis of
the instances the attributes are assigned to. Current
approaches perform this task by either suggesting se-
mantic concepts based on the label or by exploiting
the data instances of the corresponding data attributes.
Enhancing Knowledge Graphs with Data Representatives
For instance, (Syed et al., 2010) or (Wang et al.,
2012) suggest semantic concepts based on external
knowledge bases. Therefore, they evaluate if the data
label matches a semantic concept in one of the knowl-
edge bases WordNet, Wikipedia or Probase. Another
approach that also relies on external knowledge bases
is presented by (Paulus et al., 2018). They improve
the semantic concept suggestion by examining not
only single data labels but by considering them in
their complete context. Therefore, the authors send
all data attributes to multiple knowledge bases. The
returned results are then automatically merged and
rated with a corresponding algorithm. Another ap-
proach which also solely focuses on the analysis of
data labels is presented by (Goel et al., 2011) and
(Goel et al., 2012). Goel et al. make use of condi-
tional random fields (CRF) to annotate the labels of
a data set with semantic labels. In order to improve
the semantic labeling, Goel et al. do not only make
use of the labels themselves but divide them into to-
kens, based on the instances in the fields of the data
set (e.g, a value 70
F with the key TempF is divided
into the tokens 70,
and F, which all separately get a
token label). The newly created tokens are combined
with the original field labels in order to create a se-
quence CRF graph. Results of experiments in which
data from three different domains was used showed
an accuracy between 89% and 98%. In distinction
to our work, both approaches exploit the same clas-
sification strategy (CRF) for the annotation process
whereas our approach considers multiple classifica-
tion approaches per semantic concept. In addition,
the authors always rely on meaningful labels whereas
(Paulus et al., 2018) argued that there exist many data
sets where a label-based strategy cannot work.
Thus, in (Ramnandan et al., 2015), the authors
present a further enhancement of the approach that
has been made by Goel in (Goel et al., 2011). In
comparison to the previously presented papers, the fo-
cus for the assignment of semantic labels is shifted
from the analysis of attribute and key names to the in-
stances of a data set. They do not take every value
of an attribute by itself into context but the set of
all instances mapped to that attribute as a whole to
analyze which characteristics describe that attribute.
Those characteristics are then linked to semantic con-
cepts of an ontology. The authors differentiate be-
tween textual and numerical data as they use different
analysis techniques on them. To suggest a label for
the attribute of a new text document, the cosine sim-
ilarity between all indexed documents and the new
document is calculated to present the top k elements
with the highest similarity score. For numerical in-
stances, a statistical hypothesis testing is used, which
is performed between a new data set that should be la-
beled and every numerical data sample used for train-
ing. As a new data set is compared with every already
learned characteristics, the system is adoptable to new
semantic labels without any effort. Ramnandan et al.
evaluate their implementation on data from five dif-
ferent domains (museum, city, weather, flight status,
and phone directory). With the size of the test data
sets being quite small (9 different labels in the flight
status domain), they achieve a maximal Mean Recip-
rocal Rank score ranging from 0.421 up to 0.943 for
the first four concept suggestions. The basic idea of
this approach is similar to ours as it is also rather fo-
cused on the exploitation of the data instances than the
attribute names. However, the authors only differenti-
ate between text and numerical instances whereas our
approach focuses on more fine-granular data classes.
In addition, we allow to learn multiple data represen-
tations for the same semantic concept.
In (Pham et al., 2016), the authors present an ap-
proach that does not focus on the pure data instances
but the similarity of the metadata (respectively sim-
ilarity metrics) of these instances, whereby their ap-
proach becomes independent of the domain the model
was trained upon. As similarity metrics, the au-
thors use Attribute Name Similarity, Value Similar-
ity, Distribution Similarity for numerical instances,
Histogram Similarity for textual instances and Ratio
for cases where a mixture of numerical and textual
instances is available. For every attribute of a set
, a
, ...a
}, a feature vector f
i j
(i 6= j) is computed.
Every similarity metric in dimension k is thereby cal-
culated for itself, with f [k] representing the similarity
of a
and a
under metric k. Every calculated vector is
annotated manually, whether the attributes are seman-
tically similar or not. Based on the identified feature
vectors, they train a machine learning classifier. They
evaluated their approach for data sets of four differ-
ent domains under the usage of two different classi-
fiers, respectively Logistic Regression and Random
Forest, with Logistic Regression showing the better
performance. Compared to our approach, Pham et
al. only train one classifier whereas our work per-
mits multiple data representations per concept where
each representation can be based on different classi-
fication approaches. Similar to our approach, Pham
et al. already take the data class into account to cal-
culate similarity metrics differently, but they restrict
their differentiation merely to textual and numerical
instances, with the classifier handling them similar.
The data classes evaluated in our work offer a broader
variety and the impact of different classification ap-
proaches is evaluated on all data classes.
While these approaches provide good results for
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
extending the recommendation of semantic concepts
for data attributes, we believe that it is not possible
to cover all different concepts with a single approach
just as label recommendation, similarity measures or
machine learning. Instead, we believe that the quality
of the recommendation for data instances depends on
the data class the instances belong to.
Since our approach is targeting semantic concept sug-
gestion based on the concrete data values, we need
to consider the basic properties of data values. We
identified a certain categorization which groups these
properties in data classes. These classes are later
used as an additional feature or criteria for the selec-
tion of the suggestion method. This section gives an
overview of the data classes we identified and we dis-
cuss their specialties. The overview is based on a se-
lection of data sets also used by (Paulus et al., 2018),
mainly in the domain of publicly available, municipal
data sets as well as the data set used by (Pham et al.,
2016) from the domain of soccer and museums. Pham
et al. already divide their data sets into textual and nu-
merical values to perform different suggestion algo-
rithms based on the data type, but we expect that fur-
ther gradations of the data properties might improve
the accuracy of suggestion strategies.
We do not claim that the following list of prop-
erties and classes is exhaustive, however, all assump-
tions can be validated and they cover the most seen
properties. Also, video, picture, sound and any more
complex data is not covered by this classification, as
the assumption is made that they can be transformed
into numerical values for semantic analysis.
The following data properties were observed. The
first defining property of a data point is the Data
Type. A data type defines the most basic limitation to
the expressiveness to one single data value. The ob-
served types range from numbers (discrete and float-
ing) to a sequence of any characters. Other properties
are defining the relation between two data points. A
Scale provides the possibility to interpret the distance
between two data points. Scales can be either categor-
ical or numerical, whereby the categorical scale can
be divided into nominal or ordinal scales. In a nom-
inal scale there is no relation between the instances,
they are comparable to labels. In an ordinal scale, the
difference between two values is still not quantifiable
or has no specific meaning, however, values can be
Sorted. Finally, in a numerical scale, even the dis-
tance between two values has a meaning.
The following data classes are a result of the com-
bination of the previously described properties:
Full Text: This class (text-class) is the least re-
strictive. Many of the reviewed data sets contained
attributes whose values consisted of longer texts (e.g.,
a description or an abstract). As most of the ma-
chine learning techniques we use are based on numer-
ical values, their application for values that consist of
longer texts is quite challenging. Also, histograms are
insufficient as the variety of the texts is too high. One
possible solution for this issue is assumed to be a dic-
tionary of n-grams in order to have a look up for cer-
tain phrases occurring in a longer text.
Identifier: This class (id-class) restricts the first
class in two aspects. First, it contains less charac-
ters and second, the characters follow a more or less
strict pattern. Names are a typical representative of
this class. However, determining whether an arbitrary
sequence of characters is conceptually a name is hard,
as names do not follow any predictable pattern. Same
holds true for other identification strings or numbers,
which can also occur in a combination of characters
and numbers. Other identifiers like an IBAN or ISBN
on the other hand have a fixed pattern by which they
are created. Email addresses make up a set in between
as all of the contain an ”@”, which is rarely used in
a different context, but the rest of the address is quite
Bag-of-words: The next class also consists of
limited character sequences, however, in this case the
structure of the character sequence is of secondary
importance. The defining criteria of this class is that
the attributes are composed only from a fixed set of al-
lowed values called a bag-of-words (bow). Examples
for this are soccer player positions (”Goalkeeper”,
”Left-back”, ”Centre midfield”, ”Striker”, ...) or nom-
inal scales (”good”, ”average”, ”bad”). A direct trans-
fer from values with a similar semantic meaning but
different representations is not possible. For example
a fixed set of words cannot be recognized by the ab-
breviation of the words (e.g., for soccer ”GK”, ”LB”,
”CM”, ”ST”) or one nominal scale by another (e.g.,
English to German grades). The new set has to be
attached to the corresponding concept in order to sug-
gest the concept to new data.
Numerical Values: The last class consists of only
numbers (discrete or floating point). Numerical val-
ues (num-class) occur in any form of measurement or
calculated results. The possible values in a data set
with real values cannot be grouped with a fixed set as
there are arbitrary many valid values. In difference
to the identifiers that may also be composed of num-
bers, real numbers can be put in a relation to each
other which allows different evaluations as they can
be placed on numerical scale.
Enhancing Knowledge Graphs with Data Representatives
In this section, we present our developed approach
which we integrated into the semantic data platform
ESKAPE (Pomp et al., 2017), which offers Ontology-
Based Data Access (OBDA). The idea of ESKAPE
is that data stewards publish data sources and de-
scribe the additional required and interesting meta-
information with semantic models. Based on the se-
mantic models, other users like data scientists, can
query and access these data sources later on. In or-
der to support the data steward during the seman-
tic model creation, ESKAPE identifies semantic con-
cept recommendations based on the framework pre-
sented by (Paulus et al., 2018). Data stewards can
then create the semantic models with the graphical
user interface of ESKAPE (Pomp et al., 2018) where
they can choose from the recommendations or browse
through all existing semantic concepts and relations
provided by ESKAPE’s underlying knowledge graph,
which encourages them to make choices upon that
shared terminology. Compared to traditional OBDA
approaches, users can extend the knowledge graph’s
vocabulary by introducing new concepts or relations
on-demand directly to the knowledge graph to make
them available for others. This circumstance is very
crucial for the design of our approach as it excludes
the possibility of using a multi-class classification ap-
proach. If we would use this method, the approach
would require re-training after a new semantic con-
cept has been added to the knowledge base. How-
ever, this would be very time- and resource-intensive.
Hence, the goal of our approach is to enhance each se-
mantic concept with data representatives that capture
or describe the characteristics of the data instances
that are annotated with this concept.
We therefore identified different approaches, such
as statistical methods, regular expressions and ma-
chine learning methods that can be used for represent-
ing the instances of a semantic concept. The goal of
these approaches is to evaluate later on if a number of
data instances are valid or invalid representatives of
this semantic concept. We call these approaches clas-
sification approaches. Each semantic concept can be
represented by one or more classification approaches.
For instance, one could have different machine learn-
ing models or statistic methods that are used for iden-
tifying if a data value is a representative of this seman-
tic concept. We decided to link a semantic concept to
different classification approaches as the instances of
data attributes can belong to different data classes. We
then integrated our framework into the semantic data
platform ESKAPE and modified the semantic model-
ing approach of ESKAPE. In the following, we give
an overview of the identified classification approaches
(cf. Section 5.1), the modifications which we made
for the knowledge graph model provided by ESKAPE
(cf. Section 5.2) and the process of how the recom-
mendation and training works (cf. Section 5.3 and
5.1 Classification Approaches
Classification approaches represent the idea that we
can describe a semantic concept based on the sum of
all of its data instances. However, since the same se-
mantic concept can be represented by different kinds
of data instances (e.g., as a textual representation or
as a number), we identified that it is not possible to
solely find a single classification approach that is ca-
pable of capturing all characteristics of the semantic
concept. Based on the data classes and their charac-
teristics that we identified in Section 4, we selected
classification approaches which match these. As clas-
sification approaches, we chose a rule-based approach
based on regular expressions, a histogram approach as
statistical method and one machine learning approach
in the form of a one-class classifier.
Regular Expression: The analysis of the given data
sets showed that certain attributes contain instances,
which follow a fixed set of syntactic rules. For ex-
ample, the attribute dim of a data set with informa-
tion to paintings contain instances like 135.7x55.3cm,
44.2x55.0cm and 62.8x81.9cm. The concept of the
attribute is ”dimension”, which can be described
by a representative based on a regular expression
(RegEx) as the instances follow a fixed pattern. The
RegEx sufficient to characterize this instances would
be (\d)*.\d x (\d)*.\dcm. The disadvantage of
this approach is that the user has to come up with the
RegEx by hand in order to describe the instances. It is
also necessary to keep the RegEx as specific as possi-
ble in order to prevent it fitting to other concepts. The
RegEx .* would also cover the top example, but ev-
ery other value would also be verified by this pattern.
Histogram: Opposed to the rule-based approach,
which takes every value separately into account, the
histogram-based method is chosen to use the fre-
quency of every value as metadata. This frequency
is intended to provide a better insight into the data
set, as it provides an opportunity to distinguish con-
cepts that inherit similar instances, but are semanti-
cally different. As a histogram does not consider the
order of the instances, a distribution of the instances
is not taken into account. As mentioned in Section 4,
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the order of the instances might include further infor-
mation on a data set if the instances are denoted in a
fixed order which is often encoded in the instances of
a different attribute. For real numbers we also con-
sider binning strategies based on a rounding factor.
For textual instances, this binning is not implemented
(e.g., to group instances with a similar meaning).
One-Class Classifier: In order to detect boundaries
between instances that represent one concept and in-
stances representing another one, a one class classifier
(OCC) is used. The usage of an OCC provides the ad-
vantage over other classification techniques that it is
restricted to a training set containing only valid in-
stances. For the classification approaches of the con-
cepts, this is useful as each classification approach
becomes independent for the other. New classifica-
tion approaches can be added without the need for
re-training of previously trained models. Currently,
we use a support vector machine (SVM) as one-class
classifier. However, other solutions, like AutoEn-
coder would also be possible.
5.2 Knowledge Graph Model
For our implementation, we first extended an exist-
ing knowledge graph model provided by the semantic
data platform ESKAPE (Pomp et al., 2017) to be ca-
pable of linking semantic concepts to data representa-
The original graph model described by (Pomp
et al., 2017) describes a basic model for semantic con-
cepts, called Entity Concepts, and the relations be-
tween them. To additionally enable the learning of
data representations for those Entity Concepts, we
extended the graph model. Therefore, we extended
each Entity Concept node ec
with an additional data
representation node drn
. The data representation
node drn
is linked to the different data representa-
tives drc
that were trained for the entity concept ec
We introduce for each new data representative j, a
new node drc
and attach it to the corresponding drn
node. Depending on the type of the data representa-
tive (Histogram, Regex, OCC, etc.), each of those drn
nodes has different properties. For histograms, we
save the data class for which this histogram was cre-
ated, a location where we store the histogram model
and the rounding which describes on how many dec-
imal places we round, or 1 if it is a text-based his-
togram. For the one class classifier, we store the loca-
tion where the trained model is stored and for which
data class it was trained. Finally, for a regular ex-
pression, we store the data class, the pattern and a fit
percentage which describes the percentage of data in-
Figure 1: Example for the concept Temperature. Based on
the currently annotated data, four different data representa-
tions were created. The weights w show that most of the
annotated data attributes were trained with the One Class
stances of the annotated data attributes on which this
regular expression matched.
Since the number of possible data representations
per semantic concept potentially increases with the
number of new data sources, we added a weighting
factor w to the edge e
i j
between the data represen-
tation node drn
i and the corresponding data repre-
sentative drc
. This weighting factor describes how
many percent of all annotated data attributes were
used with this concept to train this data representa-
tive. Figure 1 shows an example. For the semantic
concept Temperature, ten data attributes were anno-
tated with this concept, but only four different data
representatives were trained. Two of those represen-
tatives are Histograms, one OCC and one regular ex-
pression. The weighting factor shows how many data
attribute columns were used for the different data rep-
resentatives. For instance, the 0.6 for the OCC indi-
cates that the instances of six out of ten data attributes
were currently used to train the OCC model, whereas
for the regular expression representative the instances
of only one data attribute were used. In the later rec-
ommendation process, the data representatives with
the higher weight will be evaluated first.
5.3 Recommending Concepts
The recommendation and the training or updating
of existing data representatives is done during the
schema analysis and the semantic model creation in
the ESKAPE platform. During the schema analysis,
ESKAPE identifies the best fitting semantic concept
for a corresponding data attribute. Previously, this
process was based on the recommendation framework
provided by (Paulus et al., 2018). We extended this
process to additionally evaluate the already existing
data representatives. First, we randomly sample ten
Enhancing Knowledge Graphs with Data Representatives
Value 1
Value 2
Value 3
New data set
calculate a fitting coefficient of every
characteristic for the new data set
return top 5 chars
with their concept
Figure 2: Model of the concept suggestion based on differ-
ent classification approaches. The instances of a new data
set are analyzed and compared with every existing classi-
fication approach and a similarity score is calculated. The
concepts with the highest score are returned.
percent of the available data instances dv from the
data attribute da. For each available concept that has
already attached data representatives in the knowl-
edge graph, we check how well this concept repre-
sents the data instances. Therefore, we calculate for
each data representative drc a similarity score s be-
tween the set of randomly extracted data instances and
the drc. This similarity score defines how well the
data instances fit the current representation of the se-
mantic concept. To speed-up the finding of a match,
we first evaluate the data representatives that have a
higher weight. If a data representative with a high
similarity score, i.e., at least 80% , was identified, the
concept is marked as relevant and the other data repre-
sentatives of this concept are not evaluated anymore.
As soon as all semantic concepts were evaluated, the
top five concepts with the highest similarity score are
returned as recommendations. Figure 2 shows this ap-
proach for a small example.
Similarity Score: The calculation of the similar-
ity score depends on the different classification ap-
proaches. For the rule-based approach based on reg-
ular expressions and for the one class classifier, the
strategies are quite similar. In both cases, for every
data value of the attribute that is about to be anno-
tated, it is checked whether they fit into the given data
representation or not. For the rule-based approach,
the RegEx pattern is evaluated on every value and for
the OCC-based method every value is classified by the
OCC algorithm and the percentage of instances fitting
the class is used for evaluation. The higher the per-
centage of fitting instances is, the more it is assumed
that the concept associated with the respective data
representation fits to the attribute of the instances. To
suggest a concept based on a histogram classification
approach, the histogram for the instances of the data
set is calculated. The histogram is normalized as the
amount of instances should not effect the calculation.
Afterwards, the histogram of every available repre-
sentative is compared with the one from the new data
set and the intersection for them is calculated. Due
to the normalization, results between 0 and 1 occur
with the highest rated intersections being used for the
suggestion of their respective concepts.
5.4 Training Concepts
With each new data set and the corresponding cre-
ated semantic model, the concept representations are
updated and/or extended. For training classification
approaches for semantic concepts, we have to differ-
entiate between different cases.
No Representation Available: In this case, we al-
low the user, who is creating the semantic model, to
select a classification approach that should be used
for learning the semantic concept. Hence, if the user
selects the histogram or one class classification ap-
proach, the system will calculate a histogram or train
a SVM classifier for the annotated data attribute and
store them on the underlying storage system. For
the histogram, the user has to additionally define the
rounding factor. For the SVM classifier, the user does
not have to define anything. Currently, all SVM pa-
rameters are set to default. However, in the future we
plan to perform an automatic grid search with a differ-
ent parameter set. With the help of cross-validation,
we will then select the best fitting parameters for the
available data instances. If the user selects a regular
expression, he has to define it and provide it to the
system. Our approach will then create a new data rep-
resentative for the used semantic concept.
Representation Available but Inappropriate: If a
semantic concept has already assigned classification
approaches but none of those were valid candidates
for the recommendation, then we request the user to
define the same information as if no representation
would be available. This means a user has to choose a
classification approach and has to define the required
parameters. Our approach will then create a new data
representative for the used semantic concept.
Appropriate Representation Available: If an ap-
propriate representation is available, i.e., the similar-
ity score was larger than 80%, this representation will
be extended with the new instances. In case of a regu-
lar expression classification approach, the fit percent-
age value will be updated. In case of histogram, we
will create a new histogram and store it. The one class
classifier will be re-trained with the old and new data
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
This section evaluates the three implemented classifi-
cations approaches (histogram-, rule-based and OCC-
based approach) and how accurate their suggestions
of concepts are compared to manually annotated con-
cepts. All evaluations are conducted with respect to
the data classes (cf. Section 4). This means that
we considered the four identified data classes (bag-
of-words (bow), Numerical values (num), identifiers
(id) and textual (text)). The results are compared with
the ones achieved by (Pham et al., 2016). To achieve
compatibility with Pham et al., we limit our evalua-
tion to the data sets of the domains museum and soc-
cer. The source data sets museum and soccer can
be summarized with following distribution: The mu-
seum data set contains 4132 entries over 28 different
semantic concepts in total. Most frequently, the bow
class can be observed with 18 entries. The other con-
cepts are evenly distributed among the other classes.
For the soccer data set, the bow class and the numeric
class are the most prominent with 14 and 13 out of
33 respectively. The other classes are also evenly dis-
tributed. There are 9443 entries in total in this set.
The other domains provided either only ten data val-
ues or provided only five attributes.
6.1 Evaluation Method
All measurements are conducted on a knowledge
graph, which contains all concepts that are manually
assigned to the attributes of the data sets.
Two varieties of hit ranks are measured. The Mean
Reciprocal Rank (MRR) of the top four elements
(MMR4) is evaluated beside the top-rating (T1). The
top four elements are evaluated as they are also used
by (Pham et al., 2016) for their evaluation. The MRR
is defined by (Craswell, 2009) as followed:
Mean Reciprocal Rank. The Reciprocal Rank
(RR) information retrieval measure calculates the re-
ciprocal of the rank at which the first relevant docu-
ment was retrieved. RR is 1 if a relevant document
was retrieved at rank 1, if not it is 0.5 if a relevant
document was retrieved at rank 2 and so on. When
averaged across queries, the measure is called the
Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR). Mathematically de-
scribed as followed for all queries Q:
After the hit rank is evaluated, the current accu-
racy of the suggestion process is evaluated and a rep-
resentation that is created based on the values of the
Figure 3: Box plot diagrams of the measurement series’
over the different data classes with different classification
approaches on the museum data set.
Figure 4: Box plot diagram for the evaluated accuracy on
the soccer data sets. The data class text is left out as the
amount of attributes associated with that class is too low.
current attribute is attached to manually labeled con-
Since we propose an evolutionary learning ap-
proach, the order in which the data representatives are
added to the concepts might affect the quality of the
suggestion process. Therefore, we perform a ten-fold
cross validation using a random shuffle of the labeled
6.2 Classification Methods
To evaluate which of the classification approaches
suits best for which kind of data class, we first com-
pare our suggestions in their basic form on single do-
mains. In the next step we increase the complexity by
considering multiple domains.
Single Domain. Figure 3 (museum data set) and
Figure 4 (soccer data set) show the domain depen-
dent results of the evaluation of which classification
approach suits best for which kind of data class, a
cross evaluation of all approaches on the data sets
from the domain museum and soccer is conducted.
As the number of attributes associated with the data
class text in the soccer domain data sets are too few,
they were left out of the evaluation. The data set con-
tained only seven entries, which are all labeled with
Enhancing Knowledge Graphs with Data Representatives
For the museum data set, the OCC approach is
only evaluated on the data class num, since the map-
ping process from text values to numerical values is
too expensive, i.e., the suggestion of a single concept
takes on average 10 minutes, even if only a few rep-
resentatives are available. The OCC accuracy is eval-
uated for the data set from the soccer domain, since
the number of data values per attribute is much lower
than those for the museum data set. However, the cal-
culation of the OCC approach is still slower than that
of the other approaches.
In the museum data, the best results for numerical
data could be achieved through a rule-based approach
with a measured accuracy of T1: 0.9182 (MRR4:
0.9575). For the soccer data set, the OCC-based
approach performed better with accuracies of only
0.7353 (0.8480), however. While the histogram ap-
proach achieves reasonable results for the museum
set, it has a very low accuracy in the soccer case
0.3744 (0.3902).
The bow-class is similarly well predicted by the
histogram- and rule-based approach in the museum
case, with accuracies of 0.7137 (0.7640) for the
histogram-based and 0.6583 (0.7436) for the rule-
based approach. The histogram result can be re-
produced in the soccer case 0.7462 (0.7831), how-
ever, the rule-based approach performs badly 0.2795
The histogram-based approach performed well for
the id-class and text-class, while the text-class has
generally a bad accuracy for the museum data sets.
In the soccer set, the rule-based approach performs
best with accuracies of 0.9737 (0.9868), while the
histogram-based approach also has reasonably fine
and even significantly better results than for the mu-
seum case, i.e., 0.8684 (0.8989) vs. 0.7137 (0.7640).
These results indicate that no single approach is
a universal winner, the proper approach seems to be
highly dependant on the individual data points.
Mutliple Domains. As the previous tests where re-
stricted to only one domain, the evaluation of this sec-
tion measured the accuracy for the mixture of soccer
and museum based data sets. This enlarges the set of
possible concepts that can be suggested to an attribute
and creates a broader variety of concepts within one
knowledge graph. The results of the evaluation are
depicted in the box plot diagram of Figure 5.
The results of the analysis show that the developed
framework holds up the measured accuracy for mostly
all combinations of data classes and classification ap-
proaches. The only significant drops of quality oc-
curred with the rule-based approach being conducted
to the data classes bow and id. For the bow-class, the
Figure 5: Box plot diagram for the accuracy measured over
all data classes and classification methods with data sets
from the museum and soccer domain being included into
the knowledge graph and annotated randomly mixed.
quality dropped from 0.6583 (0.7436) in the museums
domain to 0.4020 (0.5570) in the overall approach.
The range of the box plot diagram is also enlarged
indicating the importance of the order in which the
representatives are added to the concepts. This might
be explained with the low quality of the rule-based
approach achieved on the soccer domain for data sets
that are assigned to the bow-class.
One significant improvement of the accuracy
could be measured for the combination of the data
class num and the histogram-based classification ap-
proach. The quality was enhanced from 0.2795
(0.5057) in the soccer domain based data sets to
0.7244 (0.7572) in the domain mixed approach. Also
the range of the box blot scale shrinks drastically for
the histogram-based approach.
The results of this test show that the enlargement
of the concept variety does not impact the accuracy of
the classification methods as long as the boundaries
of the added concepts stay disjointed.
Comparison to Pham. This section provides a dis-
cussion of the measured results. As the accuracy mea-
sured on the data sets from the domains soccer and
museum is based on the same data sets as the eval-
uation of Pham et al., the results will be set into the
context of their evaluation. Unfortunately, the results
presented in their paper could not be reproduced by
the provided code, so the results denoted in their out-
line will be used as a comparison.
Table 2: MRR scores of different classifiers when training
on soccer by (Pham et al., 2016).
soccer museum
Logistic Regression 0.814 0.863
Random Forest 0.794 0.799
As our evaluation was only conducted of the data
sets from the domains soccer and museum, only those
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 3: MRR scores of different classifiers when training
on museum by (Pham et al., 2016).
soccer museum
Logistic Regression 0.815 0.845
Random Forest 0.820 0.778
Table 4: MRR scores of the classification approaches on
soccer. Bold marked values scored higher than the best re-
sult of Pham et al. on the soccer data.
bow num id text average
Histogram 0.783 0.390 0.899 0.954 0.757
Rule 0.506 0.771 0.987 0.983 0.812
OCC 0.687 0.848 0.907 0.950 0.848
Table 5: MRR scores of the classification approaches on
museum. Bold marked values scored higher than the best
result of Pham et al. on the museum data.
bow num id text average
Histogram 0.764 0.877 0.793 0.783 0.804
Rule 0.752 0.974 0.457 0.200 0.596
OCC 0.843 0.843
results are relevant for comparison with the results of
Pham et al. and presented in Table 2 and 3. Since
Pham et al. present the results of a MRR of the top
four suggestions, the same measured results are pre-
sented in Table 4 and Table 5.
The results of this paper are achieved by a dif-
ferent approach than the one used by Pham et al.,
but show a similar accuracy like the one measured
by Pham et al. Certain combinations of classification
approach and data class showed to be more efficient,
while other performed worse.
As the provided data sets and number of concepts
is not that high, with 12 data sets of soccer and 28
data sets of museum data, the results can be described
as equally accurate. Since the actual concepts used by
Pham et al. are not all listed in their paper, the same
ones could not be annotated to the attributes, evalu-
ated by this paper. As the used concepts are unknown,
the variety of annotated concepts is also slightly dif-
ferent. Pham et al. distinguish 20 concepts in the
museum domain and 14 in the soccer domain. In this
paper, for the museum domain 28 concepts and for
the soccer domain 33 concepts have been identified.
However, as described in Section 4 they are split up
into the different data classes in this paper.
Both methods are domain independent but follow
different strategies to achieve this goal. The method
presented by Pham et al. relies on the training of
one ML model, trained to tell whether two attributes
can be associated with the same concept based on
the metadata of the data instance. While Pham et
al. distinguish between textual and numerical values,
the here presented method focuses further on the data
class a set of values can be described by. Textual data
is split into the data class bow, id and text and nu-
merical data is split into the data classes num, bow
and id. The numerical values are mapped to the class
bow or id if their semantic meaning does not focus
on the numerical comparison of the values, but could
be replaced by text (e.g., replace a rating from one to
ten in a survey or replace a numerical id by a textual
unique identifier). The implementation of this paper
offers individual classification approaches for every
concept. Similar to the method of Pham et al. the
here presented implementation follows the suggestion
strategy, which compares the representatives of an at-
tribute that should be annotated with every previously
integrated representative.
The results of the comparison between the differ-
ent data classes and classification approaches show
that for certain combinations one or the other is more
efficient. While the histogram underperformed on the
data class num on the data sets of the soccer domain,
the rule-based approach showed to be inefficient on
the classes id and text of the museum data.
In this paper, we presented a novel approach on the
process of concept suggestion for data sets in order
improve the quality and duration it takes to integrate
them into a semantic model. We discussed different
existing strategies and methods, which revealed that
only a few approaches make use of the data instances
to recommend semantic concepts. Most research fo-
cuses on the evaluation of the attribute labels.
Therefore, we focus on the suggestion of concepts
based on the data instances of a data set, whose se-
mantic meaning is encapsulated in a characteristic
that is added to the concept via a representative. In
order to exploit the metadata of values, the attributes
of the values are associated with different data classes,
before concepts are suggested. The classes were de-
termined based on the evaluation of different real-
world data sets and consist of bag-of-words, numer-
ical, identifier and full text.
The concept classification approaches developed
are rule-, histogram- and one-class-classifier-based.
As a foundation for the implementation, certain parts
of the ESKAPE platform by (Pomp et al., 2017) are
used, with the goal to extend it by the named func-
tionality. To do so, the knowledge graph used by
ESKAPE is extended by the possibility of adding
data representatives to the concepts. Next, the named
Enhancing Knowledge Graphs with Data Representatives
classification approaches are implemented and cross
tested on the discussed data classes. The results show
that there are significant differences in the accuracy
of the classification approaches in context of specific
data classes. The use of a flexible and dedicated clas-
sification of semantic concepts, like we presented in
this paper allows for better suggestions and improves
the semantic labeling process massively. To improve
our approach, we already started to evaluate the use
of a summarized representative, using a combination
of multiple classification approaches. In this con-
text, we envision the use of a hierarchical approach
for the classification, i.e., creating a global classi-
fier which contains a selection of specialized ones.
Creating specialized classifications would result in a
self optimized adaptation of the look up strategies of
a global method. However, at the moment, the re-
sults of our summarized representatives are only sim-
ilar to the ones achieved without the creation of sum-
marized representatives. Hence, further research is
needed. Beside summarizing representatives, another
direction of research includes the enhancement of the
approaches applied to the different classes, such as us-
ing further machine learning methods for dealing with
full texts. Another important point is the evaluation
of different classification approaches. Preliminary re-
sults of using machine learning-based approaches like
Autoencoders promise better classification results. In
addition, it must be examined to what extent the re-
sults of our approach can be generalized in larger real
applications. It will therefore be necessary to carry
out evaluations with a larger number of data sets with
similar yet different concepts and data attributes. In
these cases it might be helpful to additionally support
the classification by considering label-based sugges-
tions with methods like (Paulus et al., 2018). Finally,
the determination of the data classes is currently lim-
ited to the identified ones and is a manual process. An
extension would include the implementation of a fea-
ture that allows for any granularity in data classes and
an automated identification of those.
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ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems