Web framework, and in the end they filled a
questionnaire. The questions in the questionnaire
focused on three XIS-Web aspects: the language, the
framework and the general approach. The results
obtained from this experiment were also very
positive. These results showed preliminary
evidences of XIS-Web’s usefulness, and usability to
modelling responsive web applications.
For future work we identify some aspects to
improve. First, the case studies presented in this
research can only exercise and evaluate certain parts
of the framework; thus, to better evaluate the
proposed approach, one needs to conduct other case
studies, varying in complexity and subject. Second,
currently XIS-Web is applying the Master-Detail UI
pattern; to diversify the type of applications that can
be generated by XIS-Web it would be important to
add the generation of other UI patterns like
Breadcrumbs, Galleries or Dashboards (Crumlish
and Malone, 2009; Scott and Neil, 2009). Third,
considering that IFML is the OMG standard for UI
modelling, we would consider integrate its
constructs in XIS-Web, particularly those related
with the Interaction and Navigation views.
This work was partially supported by national funds
under FCT projects UID/CEC/50021/2019 and
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ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering