Figure 6: Image segmentation and edge detection through the gradient image processing by plasmonic mask (a) Original
image, (b) Image after applying plasmonic mask, (c) Original image, (d) Image after applying plasmonic mask, (e) The middle
image is the designed plasmonic-photonic mask, the color bar in the right side illustrates the normalized NPs localized
plasmonic field (Salmanogli et al., 2017).
mask on Fig. 6a, the discontinuity of the intensity at
different interfaces is clearly seen in Fig. 6b. On the
other hand, we need to detect discontinuity by this
mask. For this reason, the designed plasmonic-
photonic mask is applied on the poor image shown in
Fig. 6c. Low intensity incoming wave is enhanced by
the high intensity generated around the near-field of
the nanoparticles. Afterwards; amplified signals are
detected and captured by the traditional CCD. To put
it in other words, the image is constructed by the
intensified plasmonic field rather than the traditional
incident wave which is scattered from the area.
After applying the plasmonic-photonic mask, the
boundaries due to augmentation of the gradient image
can be easily detected. The result is depicted in Fig.
The results indicate that utilizing the plasmonic-
photonic mask clearly improves the imaging system
performance. Please note that this is a short paper
about the general features of the studied system.
However, one can find more details in cited
references. All of the mentioned cases can be found
in (Salmanogli and Salimi, 2017) – (Salmanogli and
Farhadnia, 2016) – (Salmanogli and Gecim, 2018) –
(Salmanogli et al., 2018) – (Salmanogli et al., 2017).
In this study a new biomedical imaging system is
presented. This system is assumed to operate for early
detection of the breast cancer. In this work, the block
diagram of the system is illustrated. Necessary
matching between the system operation and image
processing toolbox is successfully established.
Examples of some results obtained from this study
were shown in Fig. 6. Finally, it can be concluded that
using plasmonic-photonic mask clearly results in
improvement on the blurred images.
This work is supported by Cankaya University,
Ankara, Turkey.
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