the semantic weights of relations in the real world.
This conversion step allows the Two-Stage-MR-BPR
to learn ranking edges based on their weights and to
learn to distinguish observed edges from unobserved
ones. Experiments on four real-world datasets sho-
wed that Two-Stage-MR-BPR outperformed the ori-
ginal MR-BPR and other state-of-art models in the
task of multi-label network classification and docu-
ment classification. In future work, we are planning to
explore and integrate several possible approaches to
further expand the capacity of the BPR models. Two
of those possible approaches for expansion are lear-
ning nonlinear latent representation and using non-
uniform samplers (Rendle and Freudenthaler, 2014).
The authors gratefully acknowledge the fun-
ding of their work through the
UberDax project
UberDax.html) which is sponsored by the Bundesmi-
nisterium fr Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) under
the grant agreement no. 01IS17053.
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