Cascaded Acoustic Group and Individual Feature Selection for
Recognition of Food Likability
Dara Pir
Information Technology Program, Guttman Community College, City University of New York, New York, U.S.A.
Food Likability, Acoustic Features, Group Feature Selection, Large Acoustic Feature Sets, Computational
This paper presents the novel Cascaded acoustic Group and Individual Feature Selection (CGI-FS) method for
automatic recognition of food likability rating addressed in the ICMI 2018 Eating Analysis and Tracking Chal-
lenge’s Likability Sub-Challenge. Employing the speech and video recordings of the iHEARu-EAT database,
the Likability Sub-Challenge attempts to recognize self-reported binary labels, ‘Neutral’ and ‘Like’, assigned
by subjects to food they consumed while speaking. CGI-FS uses an audio approach and performs a sequence
of two feature selection operations by considering the acoustic feature space first in groups and then individu-
ally. In CGI-FS, an acoustic group feature is defined as a collection of features generated by the application of
a single statistical functional to a specified set of audio low-level descriptors. We investigate the performance
of CGI-FS using four different classifiers and evaluate the relevance of group features to the task. All four
CGI-FS system results outperform the Likability Sub-Challenge baseline on iHEARu-EAT development data
with the best performance achieving a 9.8% relative Unweighted Average Recall improvement over it.
Computational Paralinguistics (CP) tasks attempt to
recognize the states and traits of speakers. Whereas
Automatic Speech Recognition’s goal is to predict
which words are spoken, CP is concerned with the
manner in which those words are spoken (Schuller
and Batliner, 2014). The ICMI 2018 Eating Analysis
and Tracking Challenge’s Likability Sub-Challenge, a
CP task, aims at recognizing self-reported binary rat-
ing labels, ‘Neutral’ and ‘Like’, assigned by subjects
to the food type they consumed while speaking. Food
likability is a new research domain with potential ap-
plications in many fields such as emotion recognition,
product evaluation, and smart assistance.
The Sub-Challenge baseline results using the au-
dio mode alone outperform those using the video and
the audio-plus-video modes on development data. We
therefore choose an audio approach that employs the
acoustic Sub-Challenge baseline feature set extracted
by the openSMILE toolkit (Eyben et al., 2013) from
the audio-visual tracks of the iHEARu-EAT database
(Hantke et al., 2018; Hantke et al., 2016; Schuller
et al., 2015).
The openSMILE generated baseline acoustic fea-
ture sets have been used in the Interspeech CP tasks
since their inception in 2009 (Schuller et al., 2009).
The baseline acoustic feature set is generated by ap-
plying statistical functionals like the mean to low-
level descriptors (LLDs) like the spectral energy
(Schuller et al., 2009; Weninger et al., 2013; Eyben,
2016). The number of features in the baseline fea-
ture set has increased from 384 in 2009 to 6373 in
2013 (Schuller et al., 2013) and using larger feature
sets has resulted in improved accuracy performances.
Large feature sets, however, may degrade accuracy
performances by inducing the curse of dimensionality
problem. Performing dimensionality reduction may
therefore prove helpful in addressing this problem.
In this paper, we present the Cascaded acous-
tic Group and Individual Feature Selection (CGI-FS)
method for automatic recognition of food likability.
CGI-FS performs a group feature selection operation,
which is followed by an individual feature selection
one. First, we consider the acoustic feature space in
groups and select an optimum subset of group fea-
tures. We define an acoustic group feature as a col-
lection of features generated by the application of a
single statistical functional to a specified set of au-
dio LLDs (Schuller et al., 2007). Next, the selected
features of the previous step are used in the individ-
ual feature selection operation. Group features parti-
Pir, D.
Cascaded Acoustic Group and Individual Feature Selection for Recognition of Food Likability.
DOI: 10.5220/0007683708810886
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2019), pages 881-886
ISBN: 978-989-758-351-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tioned by either statistical functionals or LLDs have
previously been used together with feature selection
methods (Schuller et al., 2007; Pir and Brown, 2015;
Pir, 2018). To further improve classification perfor-
mance, CGI-FS applies individual feature selection to
the already selected group feature(s). We investigate
the performance of CGI-FS using four different clas-
sifiers. In addition, we evaluate the relevance of group
features to the task of food likability recognition.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 pro-
vides details about feature selection as a dimension-
ality reduction method. Section 3 describes the two
steps of the CGI-FS method. Section 4 provides in-
formation about the corpus and the classifiers used in
the implementations of the CGI-FS method. Experi-
mental results are shown and explained in Section 5.
We conclude and mention future work in the last sec-
Feature selection methods achieve dimensionality re-
duction by selecting a subset of features from the orig-
inal feature set deemed more relevant to the associ-
ated task (Dougherty, 2013). An aim of feature se-
lection may be to reduce the dimensionality of the
feature space to render the training phase of complex
learning algorithms more tractable. Another aim may
be to improve the classification performance by re-
moving irrelevant and/or redundant features. Since
feature selection does not generate new features, e.g.,
as combinations of existing features, it offers an ad-
vantage when interpretability of the relevance of the
selected features to the associated task is of impor-
Filters and wrappers are the two main types of fea-
ture selection methods (Kohavi and John, 1997). To
evaluate feature subsets, filters rely on the properties
of the data alone whereas wrappers use a classifier’s
accuracy scores. The wrapper, therefore, tends to pro-
vide superior performances as it uses a classifier’s bi-
ases in subset evaluation (Ng, 1998).
This section describes the two steps of the CGI-FS
method. First, we describe the group feature selection
method, which operates on the entire Sub-Challenge
baseline acoustic feature set generated by the openS-
MILE toolkit. Next, we provide details on the indi-
vidual feature selection method that operates on the
resultant feature subset obtained in the previous step.
Four implementation of the CGI-FS method are made
each using a different classifier.
3.1 Group Feature Selection
In the group feature selection method we consider the
acoustic feature space in groups where each group
consists of all the features generated by the applica-
tion of a single functional to a specified set of set
of LLDs. The number of classifier evaluation cycles
is reduced from 6373 (number of baseline features)
to 56 (number of baseline functional groups). Af-
ter evaluating each functional group, they are ranked,
from high to low, according to their evaluation scores.
Since the highest performing group, for each of the
four implementations, already outperforms the base-
line, and in the interest of achieving substantial di-
mensionality reduction, we select only the top per-
forming group and use it as input to the individual
feature selection step that follows.
3.2 Individual Feature Selection
The individual feature selection is performed only on
the top ranking group feature. We use a wrapper-
based Rank Search (RS) algorithm (Gutlein et al.,
2009), which is a two-phase process. In the first
phase, we rank feature subsets according to their sub-
set evaluation scores, from high to low. Next, we
use the RS algorithm to obtain the feature subset that
achieves the highest evaluation score.
4.1 Corpus
The audio-visual tracks of the iHEARu-EAT database
were made by asking subjects to consume one of
six food types (Apple, Nectarine, Banana, Gummi
bear, Biscuit, and Crisps) or no food while speak-
ing. Recordings were made from subjects’ readings
of phonetically balanced text as well as from their
comments to various prompts.
At the end of the recordings, the subjects rated
how much they liked each food type they had con-
sumed by setting a continuous slider’s position to a
value between 0 and 1, associated with the cases of
extreme dislike and extreme like, respectively. The
chosen values were then mapped to binary labels of
‘Neutral’ and ‘Like’ based on the distribution of the
ratings. Since the subjects did not consume the food
type they disliked, a ’Dislike’ label was not necessary.
In addition, the ‘Neutral’ label was set for cases where
ICPRAM 2019 - 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 1: Top 5 and bottom 5 group features ranked by group
feature selection for the RF classifier. The ranking is based
on UAR scores, from high to low. R: Rank of the group in
the list of 56 ranked group features. Group: Name of the
group feature. UAR: UAR evaluation score in %. S: Size
represented by the number of features in the group. The
name and UAR entries for the top group, which is chosen
for the individual feature selection, are shown in bold.
R Group UAR S
1 amean 70.5 71
2 meanFallingSlope 70.3 118
3 rqmean 70.1 130
4 meanRisingSlope 69.8 118
5 percentile1.0 69.8 130
52 meanSegLen 56.9 119
53 maxPos 56.1 130
54 upleveltime90 55 130
55 minSegLen 54 119
56 nnz 48 1
Table 2: Results for the SGD classifier.
R Group UAR S
1 amean 68.1 71
2 posamean 67.5 71
3 stddev 67.2 130
4 rqmean 67 130
5 percentile99.0 66.6 130
52 qregc1 53.5 71
53 minRangeRel 53 118
54 maxSegLen 52.4 119
55 minSegLen 51.4 119
56 nnz 50 1
the subjects were not eating while speaking. Further
detail about the corpus can be found in (Hantke et al.,
2018) and (Hantke et al., 2016).
4.2 Classifiers
Each of the four CGI-FS systems presented in this
paper uses one of WEKA toolkit’s classifier imple-
mentations: RandomForest (RF) (Breiman, 2001),
Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), VotedPerceptron
(VP) (Freund and Schapire, 1999), and SimpleLogis-
tic (SL) (Sumner et al., 2005). Our preprocessing step
standardizes all features to zero mean and unit vari-
ance prior to classification. The training is performed
with 10-fold cross-validation in all cases.
Table 3: Results for the VP classifier.
R Group UAR S
1 amean 68 71
2 quartile3 66.9 130
3 posamean 66.7 71
4 percentile99.0 65.7 130
5 stddev 65.4 130
52 upleveltime90 53.1 130
53 peakRangeRel 52.8 118
54 minRangeRel 52.7 118
55 minSegLen 51.8 119
56 minPos 51.6 130
Table 4: Results for the SL classifier.
R Group UAR S
1 flatness 68.3 130
2 amean 67.7 71
3 rqmean 67.7 130
4 iqr1-3 67.4 130
5 posamean 67 71
52 upleveltime90 54.5 130
53 minRangeRel 54.1 118
54 peakRangeRel 53.7 118
55 nnz 53.4 1
56 minSegLen 53.1 119
The experimental results obtained by all four systems,
i.e., implementations using the RF, SGD, VG, and SL
classifiers, are shown for each of the two steps of the
CGI-FS method in this section. We then briefly de-
scribe previous work in the Likability Sub-Challenge.
5.1 Group Feature Selection Results
Table 1 shows the top five and bottom five group fea-
tures ranked, from high to low, according to their Un-
weighted Average Recall (UAR) evaluation scores for
the CGI-FS implementation using the RF classifier.
The amean group feature, which includes 71 features,
achieves the highest performance with an evaluation
score of 70.5% UAR. The amean functional is defined
as the arithmetic mean of the underlying contour (Ey-
ben, 2016; Eyben et al., 2013). Similarly, Tables 2, 3,
and 4 display results obtained by the CGI-FS systems
implemented using the SGD, VP, and SL classifiers,
We note that for three out of four systems the
amean group achieves the highest performance while
attaining the second best score in the system that uses
Cascaded Acoustic Group and Individual Feature Selection for Recognition of Food Likability
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
UAR [%]
Best and all features results
Sub-Challenge baseline
Best and all features results
Sub-Challenge baseline
Figure 1: UAR evaluation scores of the individual feature
selection step of the CGI-FS system using the RF classifier.
The best UAR score of 73.0% is achieved with a feature
subset size of 57. The x-axis represents the selected feature
subset size. Both the best and the baseline (which uses all
features) results are shown using square shapes. The Sub-
Challenge baseline is displayed with the dashed line.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
UAR [%]
Figure 2: Scores obtained using the SGD classifier.
the SL classifier, where the flatness group ranks first.
The flatness functional is defined as the ratio of the
geometric mean to the arithmetic mean, both in ab-
solute values (Eyben, 2016). In addition, the rqmean
and posamean groups are ranked in the top five groups
list for three of the classifiers.
On the low performing end, the minSegLen group
is shared by all four systems while the upleveltime90,
minRangeRel, and nnz groups are shared by three sys-
tems in their respective lists of the five lowest per-
forming groups.
The degree of similarity among the tables sug-
gests that the relevance of the functional-based feature
groups to the task, indicated by the group rankings,
is potentially valid in general regardless of the spe-
cific classifier used. (Eyben, 2016) provides further
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
UAR [%]
Figure 3: Scores obtained using the VP classifier.
20 40 60 80 100 120
UAR [%]
Figure 4: Scores obtained using the SL classifier.
detail about the statistical functionals used for gener-
ating the group features employed in this paper.
5.2 Individual Feature Selection Results
Figure 1 displays the result of the wrapper-based in-
dividual feature selection method using the RS algo-
rithm for the system implemented with the RF clas-
sifier. The highest UAR evaluation score of 73.0% is
attained using a feature subset of size 57 out of the
original 71 features of the amean group feature. The
baseline for the amean group shown in Figure 1 is
greater than the value of 70.5% reported in Table 1
due to the reordering of the positions of the features
in the ranked feature subset. Both the highest and the
baseline values, indicated by the squares, are above
the Sub-Challenge baseline of 66.5% indicated by the
dashed line.
Figures 2, 3, and 4 display the results obtained
by systems using the SGD, VP, and SL classifiers,
respectively. In all four cases, the highest attained
ICPRAM 2019 - 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 5: Classification results of the CGI-FS systems. CLS:
Classifier name. G-FS: UAR evaluation score of the group
feature selection step in %. I-FS: UAR evaluation score
of the individual feature selection step in %. N: The final
feature subset size in number of features (baseline feature
set size is 6373). BL: Performance improvement of the
CGI-FS system over the Sub-Challenge baseline of 66.5%
in %. The highest score and the highest improvement are
shown in bold.
RF 70.5 73.0 57 9.8
SGD 68.1 69.8 50 5.0
VP 68.0 69.1 43 3.9
SL 68.3 69.8 87 5.0
values are above the baseline, which uses all of the
features in the subset. Comparison of graph patterns
displayed in the figures reveal that although the RF-
based system starts out with the lowest evaluation
score the accumulative subset selection process helps
it bypass the Sub-Challenge baseline in fewer steps
as well as achieve the highest performance among all
four systems.
Furthermore, both the highest and the baseline
values are above the Sub-Challenge baseline. The dis-
played results show that each step of our two-step fea-
ture selection process has improved accuracy perfor-
mances using each of the four systems. In addition,
the dimensionality of the problem has been greatly
reduced from the original feature set’s 6373 features
to subset sizes in double digits. Table 5 displays,
for each of the four CGI-FS systems, the evaluation
scores obtained in the two feature selection steps, the
final feature subset size, and the relative UAR im-
provement achieved over the Sub-Challenge baseline.
5.3 Previous Work
Addressing the Likability Sub-Challenge, (Guo et al.,
2018) and (Haider et al., 2018) use development data
to report results that outperform the baseline. A fu-
sion of systems using deep representation, bag-of-
audio-words, and functional-based features obtains
the best performance in (Guo et al., 2018). The best
result for (Haider et al., 2018) is obtained with a fu-
sion of systems including those that use active fea-
ture transformation and active feature selection. The
lack of performance report and the unsurpassed base-
line performance result on test data (achieved using
the video mode), highlight the fact that development
models do not always generalize to the test data.
This paper presents the Cascaded acoustic Group and
Individual Feature Selection (CGI-FS) method for au-
tomatic recognition of food likability addressed in the
ICMI 2018 Eating Analysis and Tracking Challenge’s
Likability Sub-Challenge. CGI-FS employs an audio
approach and is performed in a sequence of two fea-
ture selection operations. First, group feature selec-
tion is used to select the best performing functional-
based group feature. Second, individual feature se-
lection is performed on the previous step’s resultant
subset using a wrapper-based Rank Search algorithm
for feature subset evaluation.
Four classifier-specific CGI-FS systems are im-
plemented. All four CGI-FS system results outper-
form the Sub-Challenge baseline on iHEARu-EAT
data suggesting the effectiveness of the method in
general. The system implemented using the Ran-
domForest (RF) classifier attains the best UAR score
of 73.0% achieving a 9.8% relative UAR improve-
ment over the Sub-Challenge baseline. The RF-based
system reduces the number of baseline features from
6373 to 57, achieving a greater than 99% reduction in
Future work includes investigating the use of other
dimensionality reduction methods for both the group
and the individual feature selection steps of our cas-
caded approach. In addition, to further improve clas-
sification performance, various fusions of the predic-
tions made by our four CGI-FS systems will be con-
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ICPRAM 2019 - 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods