Recommendation Framework for on-Demand Smart Product
Laila Esheiba, Amal Elgammal and Mohamed E. El-Sharkawi
Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
Keywords: Product-service Systems, PSS Customization, Recommender Systems, Big Data Analytics.
Abstract: Product-service systems (PSSs) are being revolutionized into smart, connected products, which changes the
industrial and technological landscape and unlocks unprecedented opportunities. The intelligence that smart,
connected products embed paves the way for more sophisticated data gathering and analytics capabilities
ushering in tandem a new era of smarter supply and production chains, smarter production processes, and
even end-to-end connected manufacturing ecosystems. This vision imposes a new technology stack to support
the vision of smart, connected products and services. In a previous work, we have introduced a novel
customization PSS lifecycle methodology with underpinning technological solutions that enable collaborative
on-demand PSS customization, which supports companies to evolve their product-service offerings by
transforming them into smart, connected products. This is enabled by the lifecycle through formalized
knowledge-intensive structures and associated IT tools that provide the basis for production actionable
“intelligence” and a move toward more fact-based manufacturing decisions. This paper contributes by a
recommendation framework that supports the different processes of the PSS lifecycle through analysing and
identifying the recommendation capabilities needed to support and accelerate different lifecycle processes,
while accommodating with different stakeholders’ perspectives. The paper analyses the challenges and
opportunities of the identified recommendation capabilities, drawing a road-map for R&D in this direction.
Manufacturers today are seeking to fulfill orders on
demand by doing their business processes through
short-term networks where they negotiate value-
adding processes dynamically while taking into
consideration customer demands, quality, time, price,
viability, sustainability, and other dimensions
(Elgammal et al., 2017; Song, 2017; Papazoglou,
Elgammal and Krämer, 2018). In order to make
themselves unique, manufacturers are not only
offering products but they provide products
accompanied with services (Product-as-a-Service).
Product-as-a-Service starts by sensor-based products
that generate data in a continuous manner, these data
can be utilized for delivering preventive and proactive
maintenance. Product-as-a-Service often called
Product/Service Systems (Bustinza et al., 2015).
However, the current state of practice of
engineering PSSs still suffer from severe drawbacks
(Elgammal et al., 2017; Song, 2017; Papazoglou,
Elgammal and Krämer, 2018). The most noticeable
drawback is that PSS remains at conceptual level
considering a marketing or business perspective and
missing solid IT implementation. Furthermore, PSSs
do not accommodate growing user preferences or
product diversity features to enable effective
customization. They are incapable to tackle different
stakeholders’ views to automatically fit product
design to customer’s requests in real-time. PSSs are
unable to capture a full view of products and services
linking product structure with product quality,
production processes and services. More importantly,
they do not support analysis of product-related data
gathered along product lifecycles to improve data-
driven decision making.
This demands the use of novel lifecycle,
techniques, and technologies to enable manufacturers
to connect their data, processes, systems, personnel
and equipment to support customers with the aid of
product designers and engineers to co-design
customized products and services.
In a previous work, we have analysed and
conceptually designed and developed a novel PSS
customization lifecycle with supporting IT tools and
techniques taking a customer-centric approach, which
Esheiba, L., Elgammal, A. and El-Sharkawi, M.
Recommendation Framework for on-Demand Smart Product Customization.
DOI: 10.5220/0007684401770187
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 177-187
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
assures customers’ requirements and preferences are
taken into consideration and product improvements
are attained through the process of PSS
customization. The PSS customization lifecycle is
established on the basis of the tried and tested
knowledge-intensive structures called manufacturing
blueprints (blueprints for short), which semantically
captures product-service and production-related
knowledge (Papazoglou, Van Den Heuvel and
Mascolo, 2015; Papazoglou and Elgammal, 2018).
Blueprints integrates dispersed manufacturing data
from diverse sources and locations, which includes
and combines business transactional data and
manufacturing operational data to gain full visibility
and control, and provides the basis for production
actionable “intelligence”.
The PSS lifecycle incorporates five core
processes (Papazoglou, Elgammal and Krämer,
2018), i.e., Smart product ideation, PSS
Customization, Production Planning, Production
Execution and Production Monitoring (cf. Figure 2).
The lifecycle provides a closed monitoring feedback
loop that enables continuous product and service
improvements. Big data analytics is of utmost value
to support the different lifecycle processes from the
early stages of smart product ideation and
customization all the way to smart product
monitoring and improvement (the lifecycle is
summarized in Section 6).
Big data analytics are classified into descriptive,
predictive and prescriptive techniques (Donovan et
al., 2015; Nagorny et al., 2017). Predictive analytics
is an advanced branch of analytics that uses data
mining, statistics, machine learning and artificial
intelligence to make predictions about unknown
future events. Predictive maintenance, in which data
are gathered from smart, connected machines to
predict when and where failures could occur,
potentially minimizing unnecessary downtime
(Coleman et al., 2018).
Descriptive analytics uses data integration and
data mining to describe or summarize what happened
in the past. For example, reports that provide
historical insights regarding the company’s
production. Prescriptive analytics can be applied to
recommend the best course of action for a given
situation, such as, the analysis of equipment
monitoring data can alert the factory-floor operators
of a detected emergent situation that need their
attention/action, or may trigger automated corrective
action(s) to mitigate the detected disturbances, and
prevent any further damage. Prescriptive analytics
ICP4Life project:
falls under the bigger class of Recommendation
Systems (RSs), which has a potential role throughout
the different processes of the smart product lifecycle,
which has not been tackled in the literature.
RSs are software tools that are used to make
useful suggestions to users taking into consideration
their preferences/requirements (Priyanka, 2017). In
PSS customization lifecycle, recommendation
facilities can be utilized to assist various involved
stakeholders in making informed decisions and
enable the re-usability of previous successful
customization artefacts that are maintained in the
blueprints knowledge base. For example, during the
early stage of smart product ideation, the customer
may be recommended by the top smart product
variants (that’s previously customized smart product
requests/designs). The recommendation in this
example is based on the customer’s preliminary
requirements and the information stored on customers
profile such as (business type, business size, location,
companies/customers she cooperates with, etc.).
The contributions of this paper is three-fold:
The analysis and development of a
recommendation framework that supports the
different processes of the PSS lifecycle
introduced in (Papazoglou, Elgammal and
Krämer, 2018). The framework is iteratively
built on the basis of case study conducts
(Hevner et al., 2004) and our intensive
involvement with four major industrial partners
as part of the H2020 ICP4Life
project. The
framework identifies the recommendation
needs of different stakeholders involved in
each lifecycle process, which enables the re-
usability of manufacturing knowledge, and
assists in informed decision making.
We have differentiated between the
recommendations needs of two distinct
business models: Business to Consumer (B2C)
and Business to Business (B2B). In the later
model (B2B), the customer is actually a
business that our findings indicate that her
recommendation requirements varies from the
former model (B2C). It is worth noting that
recommendation approaches proposed in the
literature to support B2B is scarce, as opposed
to B2C, e.g., (Lu et al., 2015);
Challenges and opportunities for each
identified recommendation feature have been
analysed for its realization from both a
theoretical and technical perspective, which
acts as a roadmap for R&D in this direction.
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The rest of this paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 presents the background about the different
types of recommendation techniques. Related work
is analysed in section 3. This is followed by
presenting a pilot case in section 4, which will be used
as a running example throughout this paper.
Manufacturing blueprints are presented in section 5,
followed by the proposed recommendation
framework for on-demand customization PSS
lifecycle in section 6. Finally, the paper is concluded
in section 7 by highlighting ongoing and future work
Recommendation technology is a growing domain of
research, and is considered a hot topic in the
information technology industry. RSs have been
applied in many research areas such as e-commerce,
fraud detection, logistics, e-learning, health,
transport, etc. RSs are being used to give advice to the
user about a decision to make or action to take (Beel
et al., 2016). These recommendations are based on the
user behavior, preferences, context and/or actions
during interaction with a website or an application.
There are several types of recommendation
techniques. The most common techniques are:
Collaborative Filtering (CF) Techniques: these
techniques make predictions of what might
interest a person based on the taste of many
other users. CF techniques are divided into
user-based and item-based CF approaches, the
former makes suggestions by considering the
users having similar interest, while the latter
suggests items that are similar to the items that
are similar to those items that the people have
liked before (Beel et al., 2016);
Content-Based Techniques: focus on the
features of products themselves and the
preferences of the user. They recommend items
that are similar in features to those items
enjoyed by a user in the past. These techniques
do not depend on the interaction of other users
before recommending a product (Beel et al.,
Hybrid Techniques: are built based on joining
the best features of two or more
recommendation techniques into one hybrid
technique, to enhance the performance of the
traditional recommendation techniques;
Knowledge-Based Recommender System
(KBRS): are presented to tackle the problems
of the above techniques. These include: new
user problem (cold start), new item problem as
well as the grey sheep problem (which occurs
when a user can be classified in more than one
group of users) (Priyanka, 2017).
In essence, the main components of any KBRS
Knowledge Base: the nature of the KB varies
depending on the type of KBRS; that’s, it might
be a simple database, a set of domain
ontologies, or a case base (Bouraga and Jureta,
2016). In this paper the manufacturing
blueprints, discussed in section 5 acts as our
rich KB;
User profile: due to the fact that KBRS
provides personalized recommendations, a user
profile is a major component and must be
maintained. A user profile consists of user’s
preferences, interests, and needs. These pieces
of information can be elicited explicitly or
implicitly. Explicit elicitation implies for
example, using elicitation requirements
engineering techniques, such as interviews,
while implicit elicitation means an analysis of
the user behavior over time to gather
information about her preferences.
KBRS distinguishes itself by providing
recommendations based on the domain knowledge, it
does not take into consideration the behavior of other
users. Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) is a common
expression of KB recommendation techniques. CBR
is the process of solving new problems by reusing the
solutions of the most similar past problems based on
the assumption that similar problems will have
similar solutions. CBR working cycle consists of four
sequential steps around the knowledge of CBR
system (Aamodt and Plaza, 1994) as follows: (i)
Retrieve: involves retrieving the most similar case(s)
from the case base using a similarity measure; (ii)
Reuse: reusing the retrieved case(s)to attempt to solve
the current problem; (iii) Revise: revising the
proposed solution -if any- by taking feedback either
in the form of a correctness rating of the result or in
the form of a manually corrected revised case; (iv)
Retain: the updated solution is stored in the case base
as a part of the new case.
To keep the discussion focused, this section is mainly
focused on surveying prominent related work efforts
in (KBRS) in different domains, which represent the
Recommendation Framework for on-Demand Smart Product Customization
basic chosen technique for our recommendation
framework presented in Section 6. Recommendations
in KBRS depend only on the domain knowledge of
the considered problem and do not take into
consideration the behavior of similar users. The
nature of the knowledge in this direction may take the
form of a simple database (Ghani and Fano, 2002), or
it may exist in the form of domain ontology (Ajmani
et al., 2013) or the knowledge may amount to a case
base (Khan and Hoffmann, 2003). Most of the
KBRSs apply a case-based recommendation
approach, where recommendations are achieved by
retrieving the most similar case(s) to the user query
by following CBR working cycle as discussed in
section 2. Quantitative KB typically applies some sort
of a similarity measure (Hsu, Chang and Hwang,
2009) as the recommendation strategy, while
qualitative KB follows some sort of a matching
technique (Blanco-Fernandez et al., 2008).
Influential related work efforts in case-based
recommendations are reported in (Chattopadhyay et
al., 2012; Yuan et al., 2013) A case-based reasoning
system for medical diagnosis was developed in
(Chattopadhyay et al., 2012), where the system
focused on a particular medical diagnosis, namely,
Premenstrual syndrome. After a number of similar
cases are retrieved, human experts verify whether the
cases are satisfactory or not. If not, the search process
is refined and process continues iteratively until the
correct and acceptable diagnosis is reached.
A case-based recommendation system to the real-
estate domain was presented in (Yuan et al., 2013),
where users are required to input some information,
including for example, the desired location, price, and
housing unit property. Then the recommendation is
carried out based on the similarity between the
problem description and the cases on the case base.
Other stream of research work efforts utilizes a
conversational case-based approach to perform the
recommendations. The purpose of the conversational
part is to build users profiles, this conversation is
done through a list of questions directed to the user,
and then the recommendations are performed based
on the Knowledge Base (KB) and the induced user
profiles. Work efforts in (Lee, 2004) and (Aktas et al.,
2004) follow this direction.
Some authors have adopted a technique similar to
the content-based approach (cf. Section 2) (Carrer-
Neto et al., 2012), (Kaminskas et al., 2012). Research
efforts in this direction typically built a KB and users
profiles, and then, a similarity is measured to match
items in the KB with a specific user’s preferences. In
(Carrer-Neto et al., 2012) the authors proposed a
social knowledge based recommender system for the
movie domain. Elements in users’ profiles are
categorized according to their preferences. The
system gathers information to initiate a movie domain
ontology, and then, the recommendation is calculated
based on analyzing the user’s profile and her links to
other users. Analogously, the approach in
(Kaminskas et al., 2012) is based on a KB music
recommendation system for places of interest. The
goal of the system is to generate music corresponding
to the place of interest. Similarly, in (Ajmani et al.,
2013), a KBRS for personalized fashion
recommendation is constructed. The system
determines the visual personality of the user, and
subsequently, generates recommendation using the
ontology for fashion recommendation given the user
personality and the occasion.
To the best of our knowledge, no previous work
has considered the utilization of recommendation
capabilities to assist in the manufacturing domain. In
addition, the recommendation approaches in
literature to support Business-to- Business (B2B) are
scarce, as opposed to Business-to-Consumer (B2C).
To improve understanding, we present a
comprehensive industrial-strength pilot that was
conducted in the context of the EU H2020 ICP4Life
project. The pilot was provided by PRIMA Industries
( a leading
manufacturer of laser and sheet metal machinery. The
different requirements of the pilot case are tagged as
Req#x”, where
, which will be cited in
the framework in Section 6 to exemplify the different
components of the recommendation framework.
In this pilot study we assume that a turbine engine
manufacturer (customer) is interested in a multi-axis
laser processing system and specifies its requirements
and preferences, and co-designs the product with the
help of stakeholders from an OEM, such as product
designers using the novel Product-oriented
Configuration Language (PoCL) (Papazoglou and
Elgammal, 2018), which is a user-friendly domain-
specific language aims at easing the collaborative
product design task using the same jargon familiar to
customers and other stakeholders, in an abstract and
intuitive manner. For example, the customer may
specify that the laser processing system features
should include a CO2 laser generator, its power is
4000W and its speed is 5 m/min, positioning
capability combined with a high-accuracy rotary table
motion to enable new manufacturing processes while
improving existing ones (Req#A). The work area
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
should be X 600 mm – Y 600 mm – Z 600 mm
(Req#B). The customer wishes to extend the laser
welding nozzle of a multi-axis laser processing
product with a cross-jet element that provides a high
velocity gas barrier to prevent molten metal spatter
and weld zone fumes from contaminating the
protective lens cover slide (Req#C). The aerospace
engine manufacturer may also demand to include
sensors that meter multiple parameters providing
services that measure the actal laser output, motion,
temperature, humidity, process gases, and process
control in both workstations (Req#D). In addition, the
customer may enhance the multi-axis laser processing
system functionality by specifying safe impact
protection services by means of including a capacitive
sensor for automatically maintaining the pre-set
stand-off from the sheet metal (Req#E).
Manufacturing data and knowledge come from a wide
range of sources such as: shop-floor equipment,
control systems, quality tracking systems, PLM
systems, monitoring systems, CAD/CAM systems
and maintenance systems. These data and knowledge
are not completely captured nor gathered in a digital,
searchable form. These massive amounts of
knowledge and data will be useless unless they are
transformed into actionable insights. To overcome
this problem, manufacturing data must be captured,
stored, structured and inter-related through a formal
knowledge model. To achieve this objective, in a
previous work (Papazoglou, Van Den Heuvel and
Mascolo, 2015; Papazoglou and Elgammal, 2018) we
have developed a knowledge-driven manufacturing
This framework depends on the novel concept of
Manufacturing Blueprints. Manufacturing blueprints
rely on model-based design techniques to manage and
inter-link product data and information (both its
content and context), product portfolios and product
families, manufacturing assets (personnel, plant
machinery and facilities, production line equipment),
and in general, help meet the requirements
(functional, performance, quality, cost, time, etc.) of
an entire manufacturing network. This information
can be collated and put within a broader operational
context, providing the basis for manufacturing
actionable “intelligence” and a move toward more
fact-based decisions.
Figure 1: Manufacturing blueprint models.
As shown in Figure 1, the suppliers, product and
production knowledge are encapsulated in the five
interconnected extendable abstract knowledge as
described below, which called blueprint images:
Supplier Blueprint: describes business and
technical details of a partner firm such as
production capabilities, production capacity and
stakeholder roles.
Product Blueprint: defines the details of base or
configured product, product parts, and
materials. Such information is coupled with
other relevant data such as machine parameters,
personal skills, machine and tool data and all
entities that is necessary to represent a full
product. It also includes definitions of product
families and connects them to products, product
parts and materials.
Production Process Blueprint: this blueprint
captures the standard assembly and production
solutions in addition to suitable production
execution plan, embedding end-to-end
processes into workflows and linking the events
of discrete activities associated with all aspects
of actual production on the factory-floor.
Quality Assurance: Blueprint: it defines
process performance and product quality
metrics (KPIs) to monitor production operations
and solve operation problems across supply
production-chains. The objective of this
blueprint is to increase process efficiency and
asset utilization, equipment health and
consumption levels.
Recommendation Framework for on-Demand Smart Product Customization
Service Blueprint: according to PSS, smart
connected products require a number of services
across the full lifecycle of the product. These
services range from how the product is
operated, maintained and upgraded. Instances
of this blue print define the characteristics of all
services that are coupled with the physical
product. These include services types, sensors,
service metrics, scope of plans, service
schedules, and work orders created from service
plans, compliance standards, service history and
cost estimates.
This section presents the recommendation framework
that supports the novel smart product PSS lifecycle
we introduced in (Papazoglou, Elgammal and
Krämer, 2018) (cf. Figure 2). The results presented in
this Section have been iteratively identified, refined
and validated by ICP4Life Industrial partners, which
ascertains the applicability, efficacy and utility of the
work presented in this article (Hevner et al., 2004).
Based on the findings of the literature review
presented in Section 3, we have selected the KBR
technique as the main technique supporting the
proposed recommendation framework, due to the
advantages cited in Section 2. The next subsections
discuss the recommendation capabilities at each PSS
lifecycle process by accommodating with relevant
stakeholders’ views/requirements involved in each
6.1 User Engagement and Smart
Product Ideation
The lifecycle starts by the Smart Product ideation
process (the left hand-side of Figure 2) such that a
customer wishing to configure and customize a base
product or a previously customized PSS variant that
s/he can retrieve from the PSS library to meet her
unique requirements (step-1 in Figure 2).
During this phase, the customer collaboratively
with the designer/engineer elicit and validate
requirements of extending base products with
pluggable parts and services, quality attributes, etc.,
to enable product-service differentiation. During the
user engagement process, customers may specify
product requirements, parts and preferences and co-
design the digital product with the help of OEM
product engineers using the novel PoCL.
As shown in Figure 2 the main identified and
validated recommendation capability for this process
concerns itself with “Recommending previously
customized product variants or base products”. This
acts as a starting point of the customization process,
and enables the re-usability of product and service
knowledge, maintained in the blueprints knowledge
rep. (cf. Figure 1). For example, reverting back to the
pilot case in section 4, Req#A describes the main
requirements of the customer, which we regarded by
the KBR technique as a new case. In addition to these
requirements, the information stored in the user
profile such as (business type, business size, location,
with whom he co-operates (companies or customers),
etc.) may be taken into consideration for doing
suggestions/recommendations. Assume that there are
three previously customized product variants V
, the content of these variants is represented in
terms of their parts’ attributes and their associated
values as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Examples of previously customized products.
laser 3000w
Rotary table
YAG laser 4000w
Rotary table
YAG laser 3000w
X-Y table
Given the initial requirements of the customer
described in the pilot case as Req#A, this
recommendation capability may find the most similar
case(s) (product variant(s)) from the variants stated
before (cf. Table 1), by using a possible similarity
measure such the Nearest-Neighbor function in (1),
that computes the similarity between the stored cases
(previously customized products) and the new input
case (Customer requirement) based on weighted
similarity(CaseI,CaseR) =
Where is the importance weight of a feature,
 is the similarity function and
are the
values for feature in the input case and the retrieved
cases respectively.
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Recommendation framework for PSS customization.
If the value of feature belongs to numerical class
then the similarity function will be defined as the
absolute difference between
as in (2)
If the value of the feature belongs to categorical
class, then the similarity function will be defined as
in (3)
Implying that the features having the same value
get a similarity score of 1 and 0 otherwise. Now
assume that the weights of the features as follows:
laser generator (0.5), laser power (0.1), laser speed
(0.1) and workpiece (0.3).
By using the above function, the similarity values
between the customer requirements (input case) and
the stored cases (variants) will be as follows:
Similarity (case I, V
) =0.97, Similarity (Case I, V
) =
0.47 and Similarity (case I, V
) = 0.175.This
recommendation facility will rank the stored
previously customized variants and will display in a
user-friendly and intuitive manner the ranked
recommendations that the customer can scrutinize.
Assume that customer chooses to base her new
smart product customization effort on recommended
. The customer can then tweak the new customized
product in many aspects.
If there are no previous cases that match the
customer’s requirements, we identify two scenarios:
Scenario 1: the customer may need to update
her requirements and the recommendation
process described above restarts. This process
repeats iteratively until a recommended smart
product variant is satisfactory enough to the
customer to start with.
Scenario 2: the system will recommend a base
product (base laser machine) where the
Recommendation Framework for on-Demand Smart Product Customization
customer starts customization efforts from
Any of these three identified scenarios will
eventually result in a new smart product variant that
is also stored in the blueprints KB for further
This recommendation facility opens these
opportunities such as: (i) Offering varying levels of
product differentiation to accommodate with diverse
customers’ requirements which will increase the
customer retention and satisfaction, (ii) Reducing the
time and the cost of doing customization from
We envision the R&D challenges to support this
recommendation facility as follow: (i) Visualizing
/presenting recommendations in a user friendly
manner, which may be incorporated by utilizing
domain-specific languages, 3D visualization, and
Augmented and Virtual Reality (White et al., 2016);
(ii) Explaining why each of the recommended
artefacts are recommended, which would assist the
customer to make a more informed decision. This
belongs to the stream of descriptive analytics
described in section 1. Prominent visualization
techniques in this area are tables, text- highlighting,
images, diagrams, rating and animation
(Richthammer, Sänger and Pernul, 2017). These may
be combined with advanced visualization capabilities
described above.
The output of this process is a set of validated and
well-documented requirements that act as inputs to
the next process: “PSS Configuration and
6.2 PSS Configuration &
Once the user input from Step-1 is validated, the PSS
customization process begins. Here, products and
services are customized according to the user
requirements. At this stage the flow moves to the
“PSS Configuration” process (Step-2 in Figure 2)
where a customized product is created. This process
is interleaved with service customization (Step-3 in
Figure 2) where services for the customized products
are created in a manner that enables a seamless
product and service integration. It is worth noting that
PSS customization varies according to the business
model, whether it is a B2B or a B2C. In the B2B
model, the customer is an advanced customer who
can adaptively customize the PSS by
adding/removing/replacing components and parts.
However, in a B2C model, Customers are typically
novice, so, more guide and control should be
provided during customization.
Step-2 and Step-3 in Figure 2 are described as
6.2.1 Customization of Base Products & PSS
The customization of base products or PSS variants
can be done through two customization scenarios:
Parameterized Product Customization: the
customer with the help of product
designer/engineer, performs parameterized
customization by adjusting the feature values
of the newly customizer PSS. This is done by
adjusting desirable values for parameters
defined in the respective blueprints models e.g.,
material types, product dimensions, etc. This
results in a new product configuration or
Adaptive Customization: a more advanced
customization can be created by extending a
base product with additional pluggable parts, or
by replacing existing parts of a base product
with new pluggable parts that achieve better
functionality while preserving operational
As shown in Figure 2 the main identified and
validated recommendation capabilities for this
customization activity are:
Recommending top N parts, that meets
customer requirements;
Recommending parts that are frequently
ordered in line with certain product’s part;
Recommending accessories (e.g., laser glasses,
safety curtains, ESD protection).
These recommendation capabilities are provided
based on both the customer requirements and the
information stored in her profile.
For example, according to the customer
requirements described in the pilot case section 4,
Req#C, we could recommend the top N cross jet
elements to the customer. We may recommend other
parts or elements that are frequently ordered when
requesting this cross-jet element. In addition,
accessories (e.g., welding glasses or safety curtains)
are recommended to the customer.
6.2.2 Customization of Services
It involves expansion of existing products by adding
smart sensors or Internet of Things communication
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
devices to improve product usage. As shown in
Figure 2, the recommendation capabilities identified
for this customization activity are:
Recommending services;
Recommending sensors.
For example, according to the customer
requirements identified in Req#D and Req#E in the
pilot case, the recommendation facility will
recommend another services that are always
accompanied with the requested service such as
services to measure humidity or process gases. In
addition, sensors and IOT devices that are used to
realize the requested service(s) are recommended.
The same challenges and opportunities for the
recommendation capabilities identified in the user
engagement and smart product ideation process apply
6.3 Production Planning
The main aim of this process is to interconnect every
step of the production process by transferring
individual product specifications into plans, working
instructions, and machine configurations, which are
to be dispersed to the respective facilities on the shop-
floor. As shown in Figure 2 the main identified and
validated recommendation capabilities for this
process targeting the production engineer are:
Recommending suppliers: which may provide
the production engineer with the best supplier
for supplying a certain product’s part (e.g.,
Angle- torch). The recommendation strategy
maybe based on machine learning approaches,
i.e., Ranking Neural Network (RankNet)
(Zhang et al., 2016);
Recommending previous production plans and
business processes: by re-using the production
plans and production business processes of
previously customized products that are most
similar to realize the new customized PSS
The same approach used in the user engagement
and product ideation process will be used to find the
most similar previously customized product then, its
associated production plan and production business
process in the Blueprints KB are recommended to the
production engineer to reuse. In the example
explained in Section 6.1, V
is the most similar
product to the customer requirements, its associated
production plan will be recommended to the
production engineer as a consequence.
The presence of these recommendation
capabilities will open these opportunities: (i)
Reducing the time and cost of constructing
production plans and processes from scratch; (ii)
Avoiding mistakes by adapting the previous
successful plans/business processes; (iii) Automatic
selection of the best suppliers may reduce the time of
locating a supplier manually by the production
Nevertheless, the existence of opportunities does
not mean the absence of obstacles and challenges: (i)
Adoption/adaptation of effective and efficient
adaptation techniques that will be used to make
updates on the recommended solution (e.g.,
Production plans); (ii) Visualizing/presenting these
recommendations in a user friendly manner.
6.4 Production Execution
The purpose of this process is to execute production
processes and manage order execution, equipment
downtime, assets and manufacturing operation
execution. During this process, some machines may
be broken down. As shown in Figure 2 the main
identified recommendation capability for this process
concerns itself by “recommending previous solutions
for current equipment downtime” that will assist the
shop-floor operator.
The recommendation technique may be based on
the CBR approach. The knowledge base amounts to a
case base, the case represents a diagnostic situation
and contains description of the symptoms, the failure
and the cause, and description of a repair strategy. By
using the Nearest-Neighbor function in (1) the most
similar case will be retrieved, reused, refined and
stored as a new solution for the current machine
Obviously, the existence of this recommendation
capability will open new horizon of opportunities
including: (i) Reducing the time and cost for doing
maintenance/repair by adopting previous successful
solutions; (ii) Increasing customer’s trust and
retention by promptly and effectively reacting to
shop-floor disturbances.
These recommendation facilities face the same
challenges of the recommendation capabilities
identified in the production planning process.
6.5 Production Monitoring
The aim of this process is to continuously monitor
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and quality
attributes, to ensure quality manufacturing by
identifying early signs of problems. In order to assist
Recommendation Framework for on-Demand Smart Product Customization
the factory-floor operator, the main identified
recommendation capability for this process is
recommending a set of corrective actions” based on
the nature of the predicted error, such as shutting
down the machine or having it serviced, activating
standby machines, etc.
The recommendation strategy to realize this
facility may be based on the analysis of machine
sensor data, operational data, and process data by
applying predictive analytics techniques such as
machine learning, data mining and deep learning.
Comparing the results of this analysis to historical
data stored in quality assurance blueprint, problems
are predicted and as a consequence a set of corrective
actions are recommended using prescriptive
The opportunities identified for this
recommendation capability are: (i) Increasing
machine life time; (ii) Reducing maintenance cost;
(iii) Increasing customer trust by committing to
delivery time; (iv) Faster detection and correction of
The realization of these recommendations will
face some challenges such as: (i) Adoption/adaptation
of effective and efficient techniques for collecting
vast real-time data and integrating it with historical
data are required; (ii) Pre-processing and processing
of this large volume of data requires powerful
processing tools and techniques; (iii) The availability
of condition monitoring tools and sensors is very
Big data analytics help organizations exploit their
data and use it to identify new opportunities. This
leads in turn to smarter business moves, more profits
and satisfied customers, and more efficient
operations. Prescriptive analytics falls under the
bigger class of Recommendation Systems (RSs),
which has a potential role in assisting involved
stakeholders throughout the different processes of the
PSS lifecycle for informed decision making.
In this paper we have analyzed and identified a
novel recommendation framework that supports all
processes of the PSS customization lifecycle
introduced in (Papazoglou, Elgammal and Krämer,
2018). In this framework a set of recommendation
capabilities are identified for each process. For each
recommendation capability, we have identified the
challenges and opportunities for its realization. The
framework is iteratively built on the basis of case
study conducts and the intensive involvement of four
major industrial partners as part of the H2020
ICP4Life project.
Future work efforts are ongoing into a number of
parallel and complementary directions. This includes
extending the blueprints models to meet the
realization of the identified recommendation
capabilities; in addition, tackling the challenges
identified for each recommendation facility and
building efficient and effective/theoretical conceptual
solutions by utilizing the recent advances in ICT, and
developing an integrated manufacturing
recommendation tool-suite.
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Recommendation Framework for on-Demand Smart Product Customization