Deriving Spelling Variants from User Queries
to Improve Geocoding Accuracy
Konstantin Clemens
Technische Universit
at Berlin, Service-centric Networking, Germany
Geocoding, Postal Address Search, Spelling Variant, Spelling Error, Document Search.
In previous research, to mimic user queries with typos and abbreviations, a statistical model was used. It was
trained to generate spelling variants of address terms that a human would use. A geocoding system enhanced
with these spelling variants proved to yield results with higher precision and recall. To train the statistical
model, thus far, user queries and their expected results were required to be linked with each other. Such
training data is very costly to obtain. In this paper, a novel approach to derive such spelling variants from user
queries alone is proposed. A linkage between collected user queries and result addresses is no longer required.
The experiment conducted proves that this approach is a reasonable way to observe, derive, and index spelling
variants too, allowing to measurably improve the precision and recall metrics of a geocoder.
Digital maps and digital processing of location in-
formation are nowadays widely used. Besides vari-
ous applications for automated processing of location
data, as described in (Can et al., 2005), (Sengar et al.,
2007), (Borkar et al., 2000), or (Srihari, 1993), human
users rely on computers to navigate, store, retrieve,
and display location information. Nevertheless, inter-
nally, computers reference locations through a coor-
dinate system such as WGS84 latitude and longitude
coordinates (National Imagery and Mapping Agency,
2004). Humans, on the other hand, refer to loca-
tions by more comprehensible addresses or common
names. The process of mapping such names or ad-
dresses to their location on a coordinate system is
called geocoding.
There are two phases to this error-prone process
(Fitzke and Atkinson, 2006), (Ge et al., 2005), (Gold-
berg et al., 2007), (Drummond, 1995): First, the
geocoding system has to parse the user query and
to derive the query intent, i.e., the system needs to
understand which address entity the query refers to.
Only then, the system can look up the coordinates of
the entity and return that result. The latter step is a
mere lookup and only complex from the perspective
of collecting correct data and keeping it up-to-date.
The first step, on the other hand, is a non-trivial task
algorithmically, especially when considering the hu-
man factor: Parts of the address might be misspelled
or abbreviated by users in a non-standard way. Also,
while postal addresses seem structured and as they ad-
here to a well-defined format, (Clemens, 2013) shows
that each format is only valid within a specific re-
gion. Considering addresses from all over the world,
address formats often contradict to each other, e.g.,
expecting a house number before or after the street
name. No pattern exists that all queries would fit in.
In addition to that, human users may not adhere to
a format, leaving names of address elements out or
specifying them in an unexpected order. Similarly,
humans might specify spelling variants of terms by
misspelling or abbreviating them. Such incomplete
and shuffled queries with spelling variants are often
ambiguous, as similar or same names are reused for
different addresses or different address parts. Vari-
ous algorithms can be employed to mitigate these is-
sues. Even with the best algorithms at hand, however,
a geocoding service can only be as good as the data it
builds upon, as understanding the query intent is not
leading to a good geocoding result if, e.g., there is no
data to return.
Many online geocoding services as those offered
by Google (Google, 2017), Yandex (Yandex, 2017),
Yahoo! (Yahoo!, 2017), HERE (HERE, 2017), or
OpenStreetMap (OpenStreetMap Foundation, 2017b)
are easily accessible by the end user. Because most of
these systems are proprietary solutions, they neither
reveal data nor algorithms used. This makes it hard
to compare distinct aspects of such services. An ex-
Clemens, K.
Deriving Spelling Variants from User Queries to Improve Geocoding Accuracy.
DOI: 10.5220/0007685700530059
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (GISTAM 2019), pages 53-59
ISBN: 978-989-758-371-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ception to that is OpenStreetMap: The crowd-sourced
data is publicly available for everyone. Open-source
projects like Nominatim (OpenStreetMap Founda-
tion, 2017a) provide geocoding services on top of
In this paper, data from OpenStreetMap is indexed
in the document search engine Elasticsearch (Elastic,
2017) - a method that has proven to work well as a
geocoding system in (Clemens, 2015a) and (Clemens,
2015b). This system is evaluated for its accuracy as a
baseline. Next, an enhancement step is executed that
is expected to increase the precision and the recall of
the geocoding system: Spelling variants typos, ab-
breviations, etc. – are extracted from queries that pro-
duce a result with a good-enough score; these spelling
variants are then indexed in the system as part of the
respective address. The enhancement is repeated mul-
tiple times, after each execution, the system is evalu-
ated again for precision and recall.
This paper builds on work done in (Clemens, 2018).
There, the geocoding system was enhanced with
spelling variants too; a statistical model was trained
from real user queries and their clicks on geocod-
ing results to generate spelling variants similar to
those that a user would do. The statistical model
assumed that some spelling variants are used by hu-
mans repeatedly while others are never appearing in
user queries. Hence, computing and indexing specific
spelling variants was adding the necessary flexibility
to support common spelling variants without allow-
ing spelling variants that are made rarely or not at all.
Compared to allowing edit distances, the ambiguity of
queries was reduced this way. Therefore, the accuracy
metrics of a geocoding system enhanced with spelling
variants were superior to those of a geocoding system
that allowed edit distances between misspelled query
tokens and address terms. In this paper the spelling
variants are not generated prior to indexing using a
statistical model; instead, they are computed from the
queries sent to the geocoder. The experiment con-
ducted evaluates how this approach allows deriving
spelling variants for indexing. It also evaluates the
impact on accuracy metrics of indexing spelling vari-
ants derived this way. Unlike in (Clemens, 2018), the
approach proposed here does not need user queries to
be linked to actual addresses through clicks or manual
annotation of queries.
Work on comparing geocoding services has been
undertaken in, e.g., (Yang et al., 2004), (Davis
and Fonseca, 2007), (Roongpiboonsopit and Karimi,
2010), or (Duncan et al., 2011). Mostly, these papers
focus on the recall aspect of a geocoder: Only how of-
ten a system can find the right result is taken into con-
sideration. Also, other evaluations of geocoding sys-
tems treat every system as a black box. Thus, a sys-
tem can be algorithmically strong but perform poorly
in a measurements because it lacks data. Vice versa,
a system can perform better than others just because
of great data coverage and accuracy, despite being al-
gorithmically simple. In this paper, the algorithmic
aspect is evaluated in isolation, as all systems are set
up with the same data. Also, a better way of mea-
suring the geocoders performance is employed in this
paper: The statistical model introduced in (Clemens,
2018) is based on real user queries and is used to gen-
erate erroneous, user-like queries for any given ad-
dress. This allows measuring a system on a much
greater number of addresses, generating user-queries
with spelling mistakes and incompletely specified or
shuffled address parts.
An orthogonal approach to the geocoding prob-
lem is to find an address schema that is easy to
use for both: humans and computers, and is stan-
dardized in a non-contradicting way. While cur-
rent schemata of postal addresses are maintained by
the UPU (Universal Postal Union, 2017), approaches
like (what3words, 2017), (Coetzee et al., 2008),
(Mayrhofer and Spanring, 2010), (Fang et al., 2010),
or (geo poet, 2017) are suggesting standardized or en-
tirely alternative address schemata. (Clemens, 2016)
showed that some alternative address schemata are
simpler to remember for humans, though these are far
from being adopted into everyday use.
The precision of a system is the ratio of correctly re-
trieved results to all results retrieved. For this paper,
the stricter variant precision@1 is used. For that, only
the top result of each response is considered; correct
and incorrect results in second place and below are
not considered for precision calculation. Similarly,
while the recall is defined by the ratio of correct re-
sults retrieved to all the correct results available, in
this paper recall@1 is used taking only the top result
of each response into consideration. Thus, the metrics
denoting the performance of a geocoding system used
precision =
#responses with correct top result
#queries that returned results
recall =
#responses with correct top result
GISTAM 2019 - 5th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
These stricter metrics fit well to the geocoding use
case: Each query for an address has exactly one cor-
rect result; users want to rely on the top result instead
of reading through the entire result list to select the
best one.
The goal of this paper is to find a suitable approach
to improve these metrics, specifically for queries that
contain typos and abbreviations. Commonly, these
problems are tackled through (i) normalization and
(ii) supporting edit distances between query and re-
sult terms. For normalization (i), address terms are
modified before indexing in the same way as query
terms are during runtime. Normalization would, e.g.,
replace all occurrences of ”avenue with ave” in ev-
ery address indexed and every query received. This
way, it becomes irrelevant which of the two ver-
sions of the term are part of a query: Internally the
lookup will always use the normalized version that
also was indexed. This mechanism of normaliza-
tion, however, can only handle the most common ab-
breviations. Non-standard abbreviations that are not
known up front cannot be normalized away. Edit dis-
tances (ii) can tackle some of such cases together with
some spelling variants or accidental typos. The edit
distance or the Levenshtein distance (Levenshtein,
1966) between two strings is the number of edits one
has to apply to one of them to get the other. The terms
av and ave”, e.g., have an edit distance of one,
as one single edit appending an e converts the
first term into the second one. Thus, if addresses are
indexed so that looking them up with terms with an
edit distance of one is possible, a query with the non-
standard abbreviation av” will retrieve addresses that
contain the term ”avenue” too, given that the normal-
ized version ave was indexed. Additionally, typos
like Nw Yorg still can retrieve addresses in New
York”, as both terms are only one edit away from their
correctly spelled counterparts.
Elasticsearch (Elastic, 2017) is a generic docu-
ment search engine that supports retrieving docu-
ments by terms that are up to two edits apart from the
indexed terms. It also relies on importance weight-
ing of the query terms using TF/IDF (Salton et al.,
1975) or BM25f (Robertson et al., 2004) formula to
score documents. Therefore, it performs well with
query formats that contain incomplete addresses and
shuffled address parts as has been shown in (Clemens,
In (Clemens, 2018), an alternative to edit dis-
tances and normalization has been evaluated and
proven to be superior. There, a log of real user queries
and their clicks on search results were used to cre-
ate statistical models capable of two things: Given
a term, such a model can compute spelling variants
users might use for that term, together with the prob-
ability of each such variant. Also, given a fully qual-
ified address, it can generate queries in a format a
user would state, i.e., it generates queries with such
address parts and in such order like a human would
compose the query. Again, generated query formats
come with their probability of being used by a human
user. In that paper, one such model was used to gener-
ate spelling variants for address terms and index them
along with the actual address. That approach yielded
better results than allowing edit distances.
To train the statistical models, user queries and
real address data were linked by user clicks, assuming
that users would select by a click the result that they
queried for. This paper tries to avoid the need for user
queries being linked to addresses, by entirely remov-
ing the dependency on a trained statistical model. In-
stead, spelling variants are derived from queries sent
to the system and results returned by it. In other
words, the geocoding service, of which we want to
improve the metrics, functions as a model that defines
which spelling variants are to be indexed for which
documents. A model from (Clemens, 2018) is only
used to generate training and test queries at scale.
While it is understood that geocoding itself is
error-prone, the hypothesis is that it is possible to re-
duce the problem of false results well enough to be
neglectable. It is expected that indexing spelling vari-
ants derived from queries will produce an observable
increase in precision and recall metrics.
To conduct the experiment, addresses needed to be in-
dexed in Elasticsearch. For that, a Nominatim (Open-
StreetMap Foundation, 2017a) geocoder has been set
up. Nominatim is an open source geocoder that builds
on top of a PostGIS (PostGIS, 2017) enabled Post-
greSQL (PostgreSQL, 2017) database. It comes with
a long-running process to compile addresses out of
OpenStreetMap data into its PostgreSQL data base.
From there, all address entities can be extracted with
their IDs, latitude, longitude and address text. This
way two geocoders Elasticsearch and Nominatim
containing the exact same data are made available.
Nominatim will, therefore, function as a baseline too,
next to an Elasticsearch index that has not been en-
hanced with spelling variants.
It is worth noting that, like all crowd-sourced data,
OpenStreetMap data is not fully correct and consis-
tent. Some addresses have false address parts in them,
others are plain wrong. Some addresses are present
multiple times in the data. Also, OpenStreetMap data
Deriving Spelling Variants from User Queries to Improve Geocoding Accuracy
qualified address
ID 23481
house number 7
street Ernst-Reuter-Platz
city Berlin
postcode 10587
country Germany
query format
street, house number, city
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7 Berlin
spelling variant
"Reuter" "Reeter"
query with spelling variant
Ernst-Reeter-Platz 7 Berlin
query and result
Ernst 7
Reeter Ernst
Platz Reuter
7 Platz
Berlin Berlin
new spelling variant
assign to minimize distance
Ernst Ernst
Platz Platz
7 7
Berlin Berlin
enhanced document
23481: 7, Ernst-Reuter-Platz, 10587,
Berlin, Germany, Reeter
indexed document
23481: 7, Ernst-Reuter-Platz, 10587,
Berlin, Germany
Figure 1: Example flow of generating user-like queries with spelling variants (left), address document before and after en-
hancing (center), and how spelling variants are derived from the queries and results to enhance indexed addresses (right).
(a) qualified address picked from the data (b) query format chosen (c) query without spelling variants generated (d) spelling
variant chosen for random query term (e) query with spelling variant (f) same query and correct result tokenized (g) terms
aligned so that the sum of the edit distances is minimal (h) spelling variant derived.
contains points of interest that sometimes share one
same address. While, for this experiment, exact ad-
dress copies have been deduplicated, all their IDs
have been aggregated. This way, results for dupli-
cate addresses contained the IDs of all the duplicates.
Yet, all further inconsistencies were left in the data.
In sum, all OpenStreetMap data for Europe has been
indexed in Nominatim. All compiled addresses with
house number have been extracted from Nominatim
and indexed in Elasticsearch as plain documents.
To measure and enhance the performance of
geocoding systems with user-like queries, a statisti-
cal model from (Clemens, 2018) has been used. First,
50,000 addresses indexed in the system were selected
uniformly at random. Next, the model’s capability
to generate queries in user-like formats along with
their probability has been used to create queries for
the selected addresses. Queries were chosen so that
their formats were distributed in accordance with the
formats probabilities: Queries with likely to be gen-
erated formats were picked more often than those
with unlikely ones. In the last step, the same model
was used to replace some of the query terms with a
spelling variant. Like with query formats, the proba-
bility a spelling variant was selected was exactly the
probability of that spelling variant. Thus, rare spelling
variants were chosen rarely, while common spelling
variants were picked often. For each address, four
queries, each with zero, one, two, or three spelling
variants, were generated. In total, 200,000 queries
were generated from the set of 50,000 randomly se-
lected addresses. The query formats and the spelling
variants in these queries thereby varied in the same
way as they varied in real user queries the model was
trained on. However, because the queries were gener-
ated from known addresses, the correct response for
each of them was known. The query set was shuffled
randomly and used as an enhancement set the set
of queries that were used to enhance the system. A
subset of the enhancement set, 40,000 randomly cho-
sen queries, was selected as the test set. The test set
was large enough to contain a representative distribu-
tion of the training set with regards to spelling vari-
ants present, their number, and query formats. It was
used to measure the precision and recall metrics of
geocoding systems under test, and how they evolve
after indexing derived spelling variants. The test set
is required to be part of the enhancement set, as only
addresses from results for queries in the enhancement
set are enhanced. At the same time, the enhancement
set needs to be much larger to assert that enhancing
additional addresses does not degrade the metrics of
the system.
The experiment was conducted as follows: The
test set was used to assess the precision and the recall
of the geocoding system based on Elasticsearch with
plain address documents. Because the expected result
for each query was known upfront, and because IDs of
duplicate addresses were aggregated already, this was
a simple task. Afterward, the training set was used
to enhance the index with spelling variants. To mit-
igate the risk of incorrect results, two simple thresh-
olds were established: For one thing, the top result
needed to match to the query well enough. The result
score, as computed by Elasticsearch, counts the num-
ber of query terms matching address terms, weighting
each match with the TF/IDF weight of the respective
term. It therefore weights important terms that ap-
GISTAM 2019 - 5th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
Figure 2: Precision and recall of the geocoders Nominatim,
Elasticsearch with plain address documents, Elasticsearch
with allowed edit distances of one and two, as well as of
Elasticsearch enhanced with derived spelling variants after
one, two, and three iterations.
pear in few addresses higher than common terms that
appear in many. For the other thing, the relative dis-
tance between the scores of the first and the second
results was calculated. In few iterations on a small
random subset of the enhancement set the two thresh-
olds were chosen manually. The goal was to make
sure that as many queries as possible lead to derived
spelling variants, while keeping the ratio of spelling
variants derived of incorrect results at ca. 10%. The
first threshold for the minimal score of the top result
was set to 22. For the second threshold the score of
the second result was required to be less than 96%
of the score of the first result. If only one result was
present in the response, the second threshold was not
evaluated. In such scenarios spelling variants were
derived if only the first threshold was satisfied.
To match queries with spelling variants at all, edit
distances of two were allowed during the enhance
step. Whenever a query and a result set met the
thresholding criteria, the spelling variants were de-
rived: First, the Levenshtein distance between each
query term and each address term of the top result
were computed. Then, the Hungarian method (Kuhn,
1955) was used to assign query terms to address terms
of the top result while minimizing the sum of all Lev-
enshtein distances between assigned terms. Finally,
each query term that did not exactly match its as-
signed address term was simple to collect spelling
variant for that address. The original address a query
was generated from was known up front so that, again,
it was a simple task to assess how many incorrect re-
sults were used to derive spelling variants on. These
cases have been counted and categorized by the num-
ber of spelling variants in the query for statistical rea-
sons; that information, however, has not been used to
affect the behavior during the enhancement step: All
derived spelling variants were used to update the in-
dexed addresses.
After enhancing the index with spelling variants
computed this way, another measurement step was
executed. To see if more spelling variants can be de-
rived by repeating this process, the iteration has been
repeated three times. Additionally, the test set was
used to measure precision and recall of Nominatim
and Elasticsearch with allowed edit distances of one
and two so that any improvement achieved through
spelling variants can be compared to that achieved by
allowing edit distances.
Figure 1 illustrates how user-like queries with
spelling variants are generated and how such spelling
variants are derived to enhance the index for future
querying. In the center of the figure, the same address
document is presented right after indexing, as well as
right after enhancing.
The chart in Figure 2 summarizes the precision and
recall metrics measured. Nominatim performs much
worse than any other system in both metrics. This be-
havior is in line with measurements made in previous
papers. A slight increase in precision from 81.14% to
81.37% when an edit distance of one is allowed is in
line with previous measurements too. Also observed
in previous work: Allowing an edit distance of two
reduces the precision to 80.42% – a value lower than
geocoding with Elasticsearch with no edit distances
allowed. Doing so allows a large portion of query
terms to match to wrong addresses causing more harm
than good here. The best recall achieved is 48.32%
with address documents indexed in Elasticsearch with
an allowed edit distance of one. Again, increasing the
allowed edit distance to two only has a negative effect
reducing the recall to 46.71%. Clearly visible on the
chart, too, is that deriving and indexing spelling vari-
ants increases the precision further than allowing edit
distances. After the first execution of the enhance-
ment step, precision grows by over 6% from 81.14%
with plain Elasticsearch to 86.38%. That is more than
allowing an edit distance of one, which achieves a
precision of just 81.37%. Though by smaller extent,
recall too grows from 35.38% to 39.22% when en-
hancing addresses with spelling variants. The chart
also shows that the second and the third iteration of
the enhancement process do not further improve the
metrics. In fact, after the third iteration precision
starts regressing to 87.51% from 87.54% after the sec-
ond one.
Figure 3 is a chart presenting the ratio of queries
for which spelling variants could be derived, plotted
next to the ratio of spelling variants derived from in-
correct results. For queries with zero spelling vari-
Deriving Spelling Variants from User Queries to Improve Geocoding Accuracy
ants, unsurprisingly, almost no spelling variants can
be derived. Those few variants that the system was
able to derive, however, are almost exclusively based
on incorrect results. With one single spelling vari-
ant in the query, the picture turns around: 29.29%
of queries had results passing the threshold criteria
and leading to derived spelling variants. Only 6.29%
of these were based on incorrect results. The more
spelling variants are present in a query, the more
derivations are made based on incorrect results, and
the fewer results are passing the thresholds and allow
deriving spelling variants.
The experiment proves: With two simple thresholds
and an off-line enhancement process, the accuracy
of a geocoding system can be enhanced measurably.
Recorded queries just need to be replayed against the
existing index while allowing edit distances not al-
lowed during geocoding. From queries and results
spelling variants can be derived accurately enough
so that when they are indexed, precision and recall
metrics are improved. Especially the precision is im-
proved with this approach more than with allowing
edit distances. Though to a smaller extent, recall is
growing too. The experiment also shows that this pro-
cess is not an iterative one: Queries that have been
used to enhance the index once, should not be used
again. For a production system, however, that is not
a problem as new queries flowing in can be recorded
continuously. A look into the correctness of results
for which spelling variants are derived shows that
this approach works best with queries with one single
spelling variant in them. Disregarding queries with-
out any spelling variant, that is exactly the kind of
queries that a production system will likely experi-
ence the most too.
The proposed approach is executed off-line, first
Figure 3: Ratios of queries allowing deriving spelling vari-
ants and ratios of incorrect results spelling variants are de-
rived on, by the number of spelling variants in queries.
using a live system to collect spelling variants and en-
hancing it in a separate step. That makes it easy to
integrate into existing geocoding solutions. Similarly,
a geocoding system could continuously augment it-
self with spelling variants derived from every query
in real time. As geocoding is an error-prone process,
it is clear that some spelling variants will be derived
based on incorrect results. The experiment proves,
however, that the fraction of such cases is not harm-
ing more than enhancing the index with spelling vari-
ants helps, even if queries with two or three spelling
variants make 50% of all queries encountered.
On the flip side, the proposed approach does not
obsolete the need to standardize. While the model
in (Clemens, 2018) derived commonly used abbrevia-
tions as spelling variants from user clicks, in the pro-
posed approach only spelling variants in an edit dis-
tance of two can be derived. Most abbreviations are
more than two edits apart from the fully spelled out
word, like, e.g., ”st” and ”street”.
An angle to further improve the method is to fine-tune
the thresholds used. Language- or region-specific
thresholds might reduce the fraction of spelling vari-
ants derived from incorrect results while growing the
fraction of queries for which spelling variants can be
derived. Considering additional aspects of responses,
besides the score of the top result, could be beneficial
A clear lack of the proposed method is to extrap-
olate derived spelling variants to addresses other than
those in results of queries. The mechanism derives
spelling variants per query and result, only enhancing
the result address itself, even if the spelling variant
derived was for a region or city name. All other ad-
dresses in that region or city do not benefit from the
derived spelling variant.
Another enhancement possibility is the time fac-
tor. Some spelling variants are made often and con-
tinuously, others are only made once. The geocoding
system could keep track of the derived spelling vari-
ants and weight them based on the number of their oc-
currences. Rarely made spelling variants would have
a smaller impact compared to those made often, pos-
sibly reducing the negative impact of falsely derived
spelling variants. With the same goal, spelling vari-
ants that were not observed for some time could ex-
pire and be removed from the documents.
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