This day-ahead optimization algorithm requires
either forecast data or data provided by charging
protocol ISO 15118 as input parameters. The protocol
allows accessing the SoC and capacity of the EV
battery. There is currently no EV on the market,
which supports this standard protocol. When
forecasting is used, the forecast errors are quite high
(around 2.5 hours) (Renner, 2018). To reduce the
forecast errors, more application data is needed. The
Mobility2Grid project is working on that subject
(Voß, 2018). The optimization algorithm can also be
used for electric vehicle or bus fleets with known
data, such as the timetables of EVs and load profiles.
In that case, the problem of forecast errors or
inaccessible data of the vehicles does not apply.
The work in this paper is part of the Mobility2Grid
research project, which is funded by the German
Ministry for Research and Education and supported
by the Deutsche Bahn Energie GmbH.
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