then using these EMEs to scope the model and guide
inspectors during defect detection.
For evaluation, we conducted a controlled experi-
ment with students using real industrial artifacts aim-
ing to understand how Model Scoping with EMEs
would influence the model inspection effectiveness
and efficiency. The experiment results indicate, with
statistical significance and large effect sizes, that ap-
plying Model Scoping with EMEs before the inspec-
tion improved both, effectiveness and efficiency of
the inspectors when reviewing UML class diagrams
against the functional specification excerpts. Addi-
tionally, qualitative data indicated that inspectors per-
ceive their inspection tasks less complex when Model
Scoping with EMEs has been applied before inspec-
Our takeaway message is that we recommend ap-
plying Model Scoping with EMEs before inspections
in situations where large UML class diagrams are to
be inspected against excerpts (or increments) of func-
tional specifications. Nevertheless, further investiga-
tions to precisely estimate in which cases Model
Scoping with EMEs would be (most) worthwhile the
upfront investment are needed. We call out to the
community for replicating the reported experiment on
Model Scoping with EMEs, including the use with
other diagrams in other contexts, to reinforce experi-
mental evidence and improve external validity.
The financial support by the Christian Doppler Re-
search Association, the Austrian Federal Ministry for
Digital & Economic Affairs and the National Foun-
dation for Research, Technology and Development is
gratefully acknowledged.
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