Guidelines for Integrating Social and Ethical User Requirements in
Lifelogging Technology Development
Julia Offermann-van Heek, Wiktoria Wilkowska, Philipp Brauner and Martina Ziefle
Human-Computer Interaction Center, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Keywords: Technology Acceptance, Lifelogging Technology, Ethics, User Diversity, Guidelines.
Abstract: Lifelogging technologies have the potential to facilitate and enrich the everyday life of younger as well as
older people. On the one hand, tracking and logging of data about activities and behavior support an active
lifestyle. On the other hand, tracking medical data and movements support increasing safety by detecting,
e.g., emergencies or falls. From a technical perspective, a variety of technologies enable lifelogging and are
already available on the market. Instead, there is very little knowledge about the perception and acceptance
of lifelogging technologies from users’ socio-ethical perspective. Hence, this paper presents research results
from four online survey studies (n = 1107) aiming at covering a broad range of lifelogging applications and
reaching diverse target groups. Being based on insights gathered from the quantitative data collection, this
paper derives guidelines for integrating ethical and social perspectives in lifelogging technology development
and emphasizes gaps within the research landscape regarding its perception and acceptance.
Demographic developments along with increasing
proportions of older people in need of care pose tre-
mendous social, political, and economic challenges
for today’s society and its care sectors (Pickard, 2015;
Bloom and Canning, 2004; Walker and Maltby,
2012). For example, Germany is one of the countries
representing strong demographic change develop-
ments resulting in 21% of the population aged above
65 years and 11% aged above 75 years in 2014
(Haustein et al., 2016). Decreasing proportions of
people who are able to pay and care for the increasing
proportions of older people aggravate this problem-
atic development. Although, 64% of people beyond
90 years of age are in need of intensive care (Haustein
et al., 2016), the majority of older people desires to
stay at home as long as possible, staying active and
living their life as independently and autonomously
as possible (Wilkowska and Ziefle, 2011).
The usage of lifelogging technologies represents
one approach to address and support the fulfillment
of these wishes. Also, such technologies (e.g., smart
watches, fitness trackers) have a preventive function
in motivating and supporting a healthier and more ac-
tive lifestyle for younger and older people likewise
(Lidynia et al., 2018). These diverse functions already
imply a very broad range of technologies that can be
used for lifelogging, e.g., differing between wearable
and non-wearable technologies, a single device and
complex smart home systems, or camera-based vs.
motion sensor-based systems (Rashidi and Mihai-
lidis, 2013; Bouma et al., 2007).
Since such systems intervene deeply in the auton-
omy of their users, it is necessary to consider ethical,
legal, and social aspects in addition to a solely tech-
nical perspective. Even if the implementation of a
technology is aligned with engineers, lawyers and
ethicists, its use can fail due to a mismatch between
the system and the social expectations, and thus, a
lack of social acceptance.
Consequently, this article presents users social
and ethical expectations of life-logging technologies
for different stakeholders and different usage con-
texts. The findings from our four studies inform about
which aspects are accepted and which are rejected.
Taking this knowledge into account, this research can
contribute to the development of accepted lifelogging
Heek, J., Wilkowska, W., Brauner, P. and Ziefle, M.
Guidelines for Integrating Social and Ethical User Requirements in Lifelogging Technology Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0007692900670079
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2019), pages 67-79
ISBN: 978-989-758-368-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In the following, the current state of the art is pre-
sented starting with a short technical overview of life-
logging, followed by research on users’ perception of
lifelogging technologies. Finally, the related research
project of the current studies and the underlying re-
search questions are detailed.
2.1 Lifelogging Applications
Commonly, the term lifelogging relates to different
types of digital self-tracking and recording of every-
day life. It is often interchangeably used with self-
tracking or quantified self (QS) (Selke, 2016; Gurrin
et al., 2014a). In general, lifelogging is understood as
capturing human life in real time by recording physi-
ological as well as behavioral data, whereas by stor-
age of data, self-archiving, self-observation, and self-
reflection are enabled. Thus, lifelogging represents a
phenomenon whereby people can digitally record
their own daily lives in varying amounts of detail, for
a variety of purposes (Gurrin et al., 2014b).
As there is no tight boundary, lifelogging is con-
nected to other research areas and can be seen as part
of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) aiming for activ-
ity monitoring, recognition of abnormal behavior, re-
minding, detection of emergencies, as well as sup-
porting and facilitating everyday life (Rashidi and
Mihailidis, 2013). Within the context of AAL, diverse
technologies and sensors used for lifelogging reach
from ambient-installed to wearable configurations
and can be used in private environments, smart
homes, as well as in professional care institutions for
old and frail people (e.g., Jalal et al., 2014). In this
way, collection, processing, and analyzing of person-
related data can help to improve a longer independent
living and provides assistance for diverse stakehold-
ers (e.g., older and frail people, professional caregiv-
ers, relatives of people in need of care, etc.).
The spectrum of single lifelogging applications is
extremely broad, reaching from assisting technology
devices for older people to sportive devices mainly
used by younger people during their leisure time. To
mention some technology examples, health and mon-
itoring tools aim for monitoring of single activities
and movements (Nambu and Masayuki, 2005), rec-
ognizing social activity (Wang et al., 2009), identify-
ing changes in movements or behaviors as indicators
for dementia (Hayes et al., 2008), or enabling fall de-
tection (Shi et al., 2009). Instead, sportive technology
applications aim for tracking and improving of phys-
ical activity, nutrition, and gamification (e.g.,
Schoeppe et al., 2016). Besides technical opportuni-
ties, functions, and feasibility, the users’ perception
and acceptance of those technologies is essential.
2.2 Users Perceptions of Lifelogging
With regard to a social perspective, lifelogging tech-
nologies are overall seen as a possible solution for the
challenges of demographic change, are mostly per-
ceived and evaluated positively, and the necessity and
usefulness of technical support are highly acknowl-
edged (Beringer et al., 2011; Gvercin et al., 2016).
Within the perception of benefits of using assisting
technologies, the opportunity of staying longer at the
own home and an independent life are strong motives
to use (or imagine using) assisting lifelogging tech-
nologies especially with regard to older adults and ag-
ing in place. In particular, a reminding function is fre-
quently confirmed as a reason for creating a lifelog by
different stakeholders (i.e., older and younger adults
as well as children likewise) (Morganti et al., 2013;
Gall et al., 2016). Apart from these functions, when
asking older people about potential benefits of life-
logging technologies, also safety-related benefits
(e.g., alarms, fall detection) are of major importance
(Schomakers et al., 2018; Biermann et al., 2018).
Sharing and collecting information with people - in
specific the family circle - (Caprani et al., 2013;
Caprani et al., 2014) represents a further specific mo-
tivation to use lifelogging technologies. On the other
hand, restraints and acceptance barriers such as feel-
ings of isolation (e.g., Sun et al., 2010), feelings of
surveillance, and invasion of privacy (e.g., Wilkow-
ska et al., 2015) were frequently mentioned when ask-
ing people to think about using lifelogging technolo-
gies in their everyday life. In more detail, a perceived
loss of control over sensitive data or unauthorized for-
warding to third parties are great barriers for using
life-logging applications (Lidynia et al., 2018).
Theories of technology acceptance have mainly
focused on the two key components, perceived use-
fulness and perceived ease of use, so far. But studies
have shown, that additional motives and barriers play
a crucial role in the context of assistive technologies
for older adults (e.g., Jaschinski and Allouch, 2015;
Peek et al., 2014). Frequently, AAL technologies are
designed to operate in our homes and be close to our
bodies, are associated with negative aspects of aging,
illness, and even with surveillance. Thus, barriers re-
garding stigmatization, privacy, and usability are pre-
dominant. Studies show that users acknowledge the
potential of AAL technologies but are also concerned
because of barriers. Thus, trade-offs between per-
ICT4AWE 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
ceived benefits and barriers are crucial for the ac-
ceptance of AAL technologies (van Heek et al.,
2017a,b). Besides potential and perceived benefits
and barriers, the type of technology (Himmel and
Ziefle, 2016) and application context (van Heek et al.,
2016) have been proven to impact acceptance pat-
terns. Further, previous research has identified age
and gender (Wilkowska and Ziefle, 2011), health sta-
tus (Klack et al., 2011), and professional care experi-
ence (Peek et al., 2014) to be impacting user diversity
factors for the acceptance of assisting and lifelogging
In contrast to social perspectives on lifelogging
technology usage, there are only few studies focusing
empirically on user-related ethical issues of using
lifelogging technologies in diverse contexts. Within
ethical considerations, a user-oriented structuring and
preservation of personal privacy of the lifelogging
technology users represents one of the most challeng-
ing tasks (Jacquemard et al., 2014). Some studies em-
phasize the importance of asking the legitimate and
ethical questions related to sharing, ownership, and
security of data (e.g., Wolf et al., 2014): In more de-
tail, people want to know which data is tracked, when
data is tracked, what happens to tracked data, and who
has access to tracked or logged data. Other studies
provide first ethical frameworks for specific types of
technologies focusing on privacy, data handling, and
provided information, e.g., wearable cameras (Kelly
et al., 2013). Beyond privacy-related aspects, ethical
considerations start even earlier asking for what are
lifelogging technologies generally allowed to do or
who has the right to make decisions referring to tech-
nology usage. So far, there has been hardly any re-
search on a general ethical framework for a broad
range of lifelogging technologies, diverse lifelogging
contexts and target groups. In addition, it is question-
able whether ethical requirements are influenced by
user factors playing a crucial role for users’ social
perception of lifelogging.
2.3 Project PAAL and Research Aims
Parts of the European research project PAAL (Pri-
vacy Aware and Acceptable Lifelogging services for
older and frail people) address exactly this gap by
providing an empirically derived, user-related socio-
ethical framework for lifelogging technology devel-
opment. On this basis, privacy-aware lifelogging
technologies will be developed and evaluated in the
future project progression. To provide a framework
for a broad spectrum of lifelogging technologies, ful-
filling social and ethical perspectives, an empirical
approach is necessary investigating diverse lifelog-
ging contexts, diverse target groups of lifelogging us-
ers, and in particular their ethical and privacy-related
concerns referring to lifelogging technology usage.
Hence, the underlying research questions aim for an
investigation whether the social perception of lifelog-
ging technologies, their benefits and barriers depend
on the lifelogging context and on user factors. Fur-
ther, it will be analyzed in detail how diverse users
perceive ethically relevant aspects of lifelogging
technology usage and whether the ethical perception
of data handling (e.g., data types, ways of handling,
data access) depend on the lifelogging context. An-
swering these research questions will then provide the
basis to derive guidelines for considering ethically
and socially relevant issues in lifelogging technology
This section presents the methodical approach of the
study, starting with the empirical concept, followed
by short descriptions of the conducted studies and
their respective samples.
3.1 Research Approach
Beyond normative legal and ethical considerations,
the current research approach aimed for an empirical
exploration of socially and ethically relevant aspects
for lifelogging from the user’s perspective. In order to
answer open research questions in regarding user-re-
lated socio-ethical requirements for a broad spectrum
of lifelogging technology development, four different
quantitative studies were conducted. Each of the stud-
ies had another thematic context and a specific target
group: sportive, medical home, caregivers, and aging
and health. The target groups reached from healthy
young adults, middle-aged adults, middle-aged pro-
fessional caregivers to a large sample of adults of all
ages having experiences with chronic diseases and
All quantitative studies are based on preceding
qualitative studies (interviews and focus groups).
Overall, four online surveys were conducted reaching
a total of N = 1107 participants in Germany.
3.2 Empirical Studies Design
Each of the studies presented here is based on a spe-
cific qualitative preceding study enabling the concep-
Guidelines for Integrating Social and Ethical User Requirements in Lifelogging Technology Development
tualization of the respective quantitative online sur-
vey study. A short overview of the single studies
concepts and sample is presented in the following.
3.2.1 Study 1: Sportive Lifelogging
The first study aimed for an investigation of young
adults’ perceptions of lifelogging technologies in a
sportive usage context.
Online Survey. Following a short introduction into
the topic of lifelogging technologies for leisure appli-
cations (e.g., sports and health monitoring), the par-
ticipants were asked for demographic information.
Afterwards, attitudinal characteristics such as the par-
ticipants’ attitudes towards technology (5 items; =
.857) and their perceived needs for privacy (3 items;
= .778) were assessed. Among others, the partici-
pants were then asked to evaluate a) potential benefits
(11 items; = .873) and barriers (16 items; = .899)
of lifelogging technology usage, b) their acceptance
of lifelogging technology usage (3 items; = .929),
and c) which information should be tracked by life-
logging technologies (17 items). Finally, the partici-
pants also assessed diverse options to realize lifelog-
ging technology (17 items) and different applications
contexts of lifelogging technology usage (17 items).
Sample. Overall, N = 169 participants completed the
online questionnaire in summer 2018. The mean age
of the participants was 35.3 years (SD = 14.1; min =
15; max = 69) with 56.8% (n = 96) females and 43.2%
males (n = 73). The educational level of the partici-
pants was high with 48.8% holding a university de-
gree and 35.5% a university entrance diploma. Fur-
ther, 10.2% reported a completed apprenticeship as
highest educational level, while 5.4% hold a second-
ary school certificate or had no degree (yet). 19.3% (n
= 33) of the participants indicated to suffer from a
chronic illness. Considering attitudinal characteris-
tics, the participants indicated to have a rather posi-
tive attitude towards technology (M = 3.8; SD = 1.1;
min = 1; max = 6) and they classified their needs for
privacy as rather high (M = 4.1; SD = 1.1; min = 1;
max = 6).
3.2.2 Study 2: Medical Lifelogging at Home
The second study aimed at an analysis of middle-aged
persons’ perception of medical lifelogging technol-
ogy usage at home. Two focus groups provided the
basis to conceptualize the quantitative study.
Online Survey. The participants indicated demo-
graphic information after a short introduction into the
topic of using lifelogging technologies for monitoring
(e.g., vital parameters) and reminding (e.g., intake of
medicine) at home. Further, they reported if they suf-
fer from a chronic illness or depend on care. Subse-
quently, the participants indicated previous experi-
ences with care (e.g., family member in need of care).
Referring to attitudinal characteristics, the partici-
pants evaluated their attitude towards technology (5
items; = .873). As technology-related aspects, the
participants assessed potential benefits (5 items; =
.873) and barriers (5 items; = .873) of lifelogging
technology usage as well as acceptance (5 items; =
.873). Further, the participants also evaluated specific
functions lifelogging technologies should fulfil (5
items; = .873). From an ethical perspective, the
participants were asked to evaluate aspects lifelog-
ging technologies were allowed (5 items; = .873)
and were NOT allowed to do (5 items; = .873).
Sample. A total of N = 195 respondents participated
in the online survey and supplied all required infor-
mation in September 2018. The participants were on
average 41.7 years old (SD = 14.7; min = 16; max =
71) with 65.1% females (34.9% males). The educa-
tional level was rather high with 41.5% of the partic-
ipants holding a university degree and 19.0% a uni-
versity entrance diploma. In addition, 28.2% indi-
cated to complete an apprenticeship and 11.3% sec-
ondary school. Referring to health- and care-related
issues, 32.3% (n = 63) of the participants indicated to
suffer from a chronic illness, while only 2.1% (n = 4)
reported to depend on care. Further, 24.1% (n = 47)
reported to have professional care experience. Con-
cerning private experience in care, 52.8% (n = 103)
indicated to have a family member in need of care,
while 41.0% (n = 80) have already been a caregiver
for a family member in need of care.
3.2.3 Study 3: Caregivers and Lifelogging
A further study specifically focused on professional
caregivers’ perception of lifelogging technologies in
care contexts and focused on data security and pri-
vacy issues (van Heek et al., 2018).
Online Survey. The online survey started with asking
the participants for demographic information. Subse-
quently, the participants evaluated their needs for pri-
vacy (6 items; = .883) as well as their attitude to-
wards technology (4 items; = .884). All participants
had professional experience in working as caregivers
in the areas geriatric care, medical care, and care of
people with disabilities. Evaluating lifelogging tech-
nologies for monitoring and safety reasons in profes-
sional care contexts, the participants assessed poten-
tial benefits (14 items; = .923), barriers (17 items;
= .944), and acceptance of lifelogging technologies
ICT4AWE 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
(6 items; = .932). Focusing on data security and pri-
vacy aspects, the participants evaluated which types
of information (14 items; = .856) they allow to be
gathered by lifelogging technologies as well as con-
ditions of data storage (3 items; = .760) and data
access (3 items; = .802).
Sample. Overall, N = 170 completed the online sur-
vey in summer 2017 and fulfilled the condition to
have relevant experience in working as a professional
caregiver. The participants were on average 36.3
years old (SD = 11.2; min = 19; max = 68) with 74.7%
females (n = 127). The educational levels were me-
dium with the majority of participants holding a com-
pleted apprenticeship as highest degree. Further,
23.0% hold a university degree or a university en-
trance diploma, whole 11.8% completed secondary
school or had a comparable degree. With regard to at-
titudinal characteristics, the participants indicated a
medium attitude towards technology (M = 3.4; SD =
0.7; min = 1; max = 6) and rather high needs for pri-
vacy (M = 4.2; SD = 0.9; min = 1; max = 6).
3.2.4 Study 4: Lifelogging and Aging
A last study focused on a larger sample of adults of
all ages having different experience with chronic dis-
eases and care. This study aimed for an investigation
of ethically relevant aspects in the context of aging
and usage of lifelogging technologies.
Online Survey. First, the participants indicated de-
mographic information which provided the basis for
a census representative selection of the sample re-
garding age and gender. Further, the participants eval-
uated their attitudes towards technology (4 items; =
.842). Subsequent to a short introduction into the
topic of lifelogging technologies and their opportuni-
ties for aging in place, the participants assessed dif-
ferent benefits (14 items; = .957) and barriers of
technology usage (15 items; = .953) as well as their
acceptance of lifelogging technologies (3 items; =
.761) referring to different health scenarios. In addi-
tion, the study had an ethical focus asking for evalua-
tions of life-end-decisions and who is allowed to de-
cide in critical situations.
Sample. A total of N = 573 participants completed
the online survey in spring 2018. The mean age of the
participants was 48.3 years old (SD = 16.6; min = 20;
max = 85). 13.6% (n = 78) of the participants were
younger than 25 years, 29.5% (n = 169) were between
26 and 45 years, 30.7% (n = 176) between 46 and 60
years, and 26.2% (n = 150) were older than 60 years.
Gender was almost equally spread (47.8% females, n
= 274; 52.2% males, n = 299). The highest educa-
tional level was completely mixed: 36.0% completed
an apprenticeship, 21.6% hold a university degree,
19.2% a university entrance diploma, and 23.2% di-
verse secondary school certificates. With regard to
health- and care-related issues, 61.3% of the partici-
pants (n = 351) indicated to suffer from a chronic ill-
ness and 11.4% (n = 65) reported to depend on care
in their everyday life. Among the indicated chronic
illnesses, typical age-related illnesses (e.g., diabetes,
high blood pressure, arthrosis, back pain due to
slipped disc) were mentioned nearly as often as age-
independent illnesses (e.g., multiple sclerosis, depres-
sions, epilepsy). Referring to attitudinal characteris-
tics, the participants’ attitude towards technology was
on average rather positive (M = 4.4; SD = 1.1; min =
1; max = 6).
The four studies aimed at answering the research
questions introduced in section 2.3. In the following,
the research questions are answered starting with rel-
evant aspects belonging to the social perspective on
lifelogging technologies. Afterwards, a focus on eth-
ically relevant aspects provides detailed insights into
data security and privacy-related evaluations of di-
verse user groups. Besides descriptive data analyses,
correlation, regression, and inferential statistical anal-
yses were applied. Whiskers within the diagrams of
the results section indicate the standard deviations.
4.1 Social Insights
Regarding socially relevant aspects of lifelogging
technologies, their perception and acceptance are fo-
cused on exploring perceived benefits and barriers of
technology usage and impacting user factors.
4.1.1 Social Perception of Lifelogging
Taking all studies into account (N = 1107), step-wise
linear regression analyses revealed that 49.4% (adj. r
= .494) variance of general acceptance of lifelogging
technology usage was explained by perceived bene-
fits ( = .547) and perceived barriers ( = -.312). Ac-
cording to that, the use is driven rather by perceived
benefits than by barriers. To gain deeper insights into
the importance of single benefits and barriers, step-
wise linear regression analyses were conducted for
each study.
Within the sportive usage context (n = 169), a fi-
nal regression model showed that 55.6% (adj. r
.556) variance of lifelogging technology acceptance
was explained by five specific benefits and barriers:
Guidelines for Integrating Social and Ethical User Requirements in Lifelogging Technology Development
increased life quality ( = .288), comfort ( = .199),
increased mobility ( = .206), feeling to be not able
to control the technology ( = -.270), and feeling of
being controlled ( = -.178).
In contrast, in the professional care context study
a lower percentage of variance of lifelogging technol-
ogy acceptance was explained, being based on four
different specific benefits and barriers (n = 170): here,
38.9% (adj. r
= .389) were explained by relief in pro-
fessional everyday life ( = .298), increased auton-
omy (for patients) ( = .241), fear of replacing human
care by technology ( = -.186), and fear of a complex
technology handling ( = -.174).
Similar results were found within the regression
analysis of older participants’ perceptions of lifelog-
ging technologies in the context of medical monitor-
ing at home (n = 195). Here, a higher percentage of
lifelogging technology acceptance’ variance (46.7%,
adj. r
= .467) could be explained by the benefits relief
in everyday life ( = .171), increased autonomy ( =
.234), increased feeling of safety ( = .181) and by
the barriers invasion of privacy ( = -.244) and fear
of replacing human care by technology ( = -.150).
Asking in particular older participants, who are
experienced with illnesses and care (n = 573) revealed
partly similar results: 42.0% of technology ac-
ceptance’ variance were explained by the perceived
benefits increased feeling of safety ( = .429), relief
in everyday life ( = .121), increased autonomy ( =
.117), and the perceived barrier invasion of privacy (
= -.161).
4.1.2 Realization of Lifelogging
The realization of lifelogging technologies and their
specific functions represented a further element of
some of the conducted studies.
Within the sportive usage context (n = 169), the
participants evaluated (well-known) smart watches as
best option of realizing lifelogging technologies.
Health-related functions and applications were most
desired emergency detection, reminding functions
(e.g., medicine, nutrition), control of health and activ-
ity , while applications supporting social interaction
or control of working progress were rather rejected.
With regard to professional care applications (n =
170), professional caregivers evaluated also already
used and well-known technologies as most suitable:
emergency buttons. Further, fall sensors, room sen-
sors, or motion sensors were also accepted as options
of lifelogging in professional environments. In con-
trast, audio- and video-based realizations of lifelog-
ging technologies were clearly not desired.
4.1.3 Impact of User Diversity
As illustrated in Figure 1, all studies were analyzed
for potential relationships between lifelogging tech-
nology perception and user factors (N = 1107).
First of all, the results revealed strong relation-
ships between lifelogging technology acceptance and
perceived benefits as well as perceived barriers. Fur-
ther, the acceptance of lifelogging technologies cor-
related with all investigated user factors.
Figure 1: Correlations of demographic factors and social perception and acceptance of lifelogging technologies (n = 1107).
Acceptance of
lifelogging technologies
Perceived benefits
Perceived barriers
(1 = female; 2 = male)
Chronic illness
(1 = yes; 2 = no)
Professional care
(1 = yes; 2 = no)
ICT4AWE 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
In particular, older participants tend to accept life-
logging technologies and acknowledge potential ben-
efits more than younger people, while there was a
negative correlation between age and the perception
of barriers. Regarding gender, the results indicate that
men were more inclined to accept lifelogging technol-
ogies than women, while women see higher barriers
of lifelogging technologies. Considering experience
with a chronic illness, people who suffer from a
chronic illness tend to accept lifelogging technologies
and their potential benefits more than healthy partici-
pants. Instead, healthy participants showed to higher
evaluations of potential lifelogging technology barri-
ers. Taking professional care experience into account,
professional caregivers were characterized by a lower
acceptance and lower evaluation of lifelogging tech-
nology benefits, while they showed a higher evalua-
tion of potential barriers compared to participants
without professional care experience. Summarizing,
acceptance increases with demand through age or ill-
These relationships give rise to the necessity to
analyze ethically relevant aspects (i.e., ethics- and
barrier-related issues such as privacy and data secu-
rity) in more depth and for diverse lifelogging con-
4.2 Ethical Insights
This section represents results referring to user-re-
lated ethical requirements for using lifelogging tech-
nology. Thereby, aspects like data access, data han-
dling, and decision-making are focused.
4.2.1 Which Data May be Gathered?
In study 1 (N = 169), predominantly young partici-
pants were asked to indicate which information they
want to track using lifelogging technology (Figure 2).
The most frequently mentioned information referred
to tracking of vital parameters, sleep, and nutrition.
Daily steps and travels were also mentioned fre-
quently. Besides further health-related information
such as weight or burned calories, also other areas
like tracking of finances, hobbies, or exposure of time
were indicated. Compared to that, aspects like track-
ing of number of spoken words, places, creative ideas,
or mood were mentioned occasionally.
Asking professional caregivers for their opinion
which information is allowed to be gathered in their
professional everyday life, clear statements were
found (n = 170) (van Heek et al., 2018): Within pro-
fessional care contexts, they clearly agree with track-
ing of emergency-related information, e.g., actuation
Figure 2: Mentioned information being allowed to be gath-
ered using lifelogging technologies (n = 169).
of emergency buttons or recordings of cries for help.
Further, the professional caregivers also accepted to
track room data enabling smart home functions, such
as automated doors and windows. Tracking of pa-
tients’ position was merely tolerated, while tracking
of the caregivers’ position was strictly rejected alt-
hough the potential benefits of knowing the positions
of colleagues for fast support were acknowledged. Fi-
nally, the use of microphones or video-based technol-
ogies to track care-related information, such as dura-
tion of care, times at which rooms are entered or left,
or talks during care, were strongly rejected.
4.2.2 How Should Data be Handled?
The way of data handling was also evaluated in study
3 (Figure 3). Independent from the type of data, the
participants were only willing to accept data to be
evaluated for the moment. Storage on a daily basis or
long-term storage was most likely accepted for room
data, while it was clearly rejected for more privacy-
intensive data such as position, audio, and video data.
Figure 3: Evaluation of data handling (n = 170).
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
allowed to be only
evaluated for the moment
allowed to be stored on a
daily basis
allowed to be stored long-
evaluation (min = 1; max = 6)
rejection agreement
room data
audio data
video data
Guidelines for Integrating Social and Ethical User Requirements in Lifelogging Technology Development
In interviews with some of the participants of this
study it became clear that the willingness of data stor-
age increased with a deeper understanding of the ad-
vantages of data storage compared to data processing
(e.g., enabling detailed health analysis, movement
analyses). Hence, more detailed information about
data storage and its related characteristics led to ac-
ceptance of at least short-term storage of health-
related data. Correlation analyses revealed that those
evaluations were not related with user factors, such as
age, gender, or duration of care expertise.
4.2.3 Who is in Control? Who Owns Data?
In diverse studies, the participants were asked for
their opinions on who is allowed to access personal
data, when using lifelogging technologies. In profes-
sional care contexts (study 3, n = 170), personal data
was neither allowed to be accessible for colleagues
(M = 2.9; SD = 1.2), nor direct supervisors (M = 2.9;
SD = 1.3), and in particular not for all supervisors (M
= 2.5; SD = 1.2). Correlation results revealed that de-
mographic characteristics of the professional caregiv-
ers did not affect these results. In contrast, a tendency
was observable that position and room data were
more likely to be accessible for colleagues and super-
visors than audio and video data.
In the fourth study, participants were asked, who
is allowed to make decisions in severe health situa-
tions (Figure 4). The majority of the participants
(59.8%) indicated to want to decide totally them-
selves. Smaller proportions want that the doctor
(27.6%) or their immediate family (23.6%) decide. In
contrast, the participants did clearly not want that
other relatives had decision-making power (5.1%).
Further, the selections show that doctors are accepted
to decide largely by 38.0% of the participants.
The evaluation pattern of “not at all allowed to de-
cide” confirms that other relatives are not accepted to
make health decisions (35.0%), followed by the im-
mediate family (12.6%). To decide “not at all” for
themselves (1.7%) and decisions by doctors (2.8%)
received the lowest selections. Here, correlation anal-
yses revealed influences of age referring to the selec-
tion of “myself” (r = .222; p < .01) and my “relatives”
(r = -.129; p < .01) are allowed to decide: the results
indicate that older adults were more inclined to decide
“themselves” and expressed more strongly not to
want their “relatives” to decide compared to younger
Figure 4: Participants’ selections (n = 573) who is allowed
to decide (and to what extent) in severe health situations.
4.2.4 Do’s and Don’t’s of Lifelogging?
Figures 5 and 6 show the results of the participants
evaluation of allowed and not allowed functions of
lifelogging technologies (study 2).
As shown in Figure 5, lifelogging and monitoring
technologies are highly desired to be used for func-
tions of reminding (M = 5.3; SD = 0.8) or supporting
in everyday life (M = 5.0; SD = 0.9). Functions like
recognition of languages and gestures (M = 4.8; SD =
1.1), fingerprints (M = 4.7; SD = 1.3), medical moni-
toring (M = 4.6; SD = 1.2), and storage of data (M =
4.4; SD = 1.3) were also allowed. In contrast, there
Figure 5: Evaluation of allowed functions of lifelogging
0 20 40 60 80
not at all (0%)
a little (25%)
partly (50%)
largely (75%)
totally (100%)
selection in procent (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Complement social contacts
Video surveillance (in the
Storage of data when data is
Monitoring (measurement,
recording of a process)
Recognition of fingerprints
Video surveillance (outside
the own house)
Recognition of language and
Support or help
Reminder (intake of
medicine, appointments)
evaluation (min=1; max=6)
rejection affirmation
What is lifelogging technology allowed to do?
ICT4AWE 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
was no clear agreement to use technology to comple-
ment social contact (neutral evaluations: M = 3.7; SD
= 1.5). Referring to the usage of video cameras, a
clear distinction between outdoor and indoor usage
was striking: while it was accepted outdoor (M = 4.6;
SD = 1.2), video cameras were clearly not wanted to
be used inside the own house (M = 3.7; SD = 1.5).
Referring to the functions the participants want
lifelogging technologies not to do, also a diverse eval-
uation pattern was striking (Figure 6). High agree-
ments of the participants show that they clearly do not
want to be dependent on a technology (M = 5.0; SD
= 1.2). Further, they do not want lifelogging technol-
ogies to make decisions independently (M = 4.9; SD
= 1.4). The evaluations show that not surprisingly -
the technology should not fail (M = 4.8; SD = 1.5),
should not restrict the freedom of choice (M = 4.6;
SD = 1.7), nor taking over too much tasks (M = 4.3;
SD = 1.5) or substitute social contacts (M = 4.4; SD
= 1.7). Recording audio and video material (M = 3.7;
SD = 1.5) was slightly confirmed to be not allowed
by the technology.
Figure 6: Evaluation of NOT allowed functions of lifelog-
ging technologies.
Both ethical assessments of allowed and not al-
lowed technological functions were analyzed for in-
fluences of user diversity using correlation analyses.
Neither age, gender, suffering from a chronic illness,
nor care experience were related with the overall
evaluation of allowed and not allowed functions.
4.2.5 What about Life-end-decisions?
The probably most critical aspects within an ethical
perspective on technology use in health contexts meet
life-end-decisions. As optional questions, participants
were asked for their evaluation of technology use in
severe heath situations. In study 4, the question “Is
technology allowed to prolong life?” was confirmed
by 75.5% of the participants, while 24.5% of the par-
ticipants denied this question. Instead, the comple-
menting optional question “Is technology allowed to
delay death?” was affirmed by only 42.7% of the par-
ticipants, while 57.3% denied this question.
The second study confirmed these results by eval-
uations of two similar and one additional statement
(Figure 7). Here, the participants showed a slight
agreement referring the item “technology is allowed
to prolong life” (M = 4.1; SD = 1.3; min = 1; max =
6) and a slight rejection of “technology is allowed to
delay death“(M = 3.0; SD = 1.5; min = 1; max = 6).
In addition, the item “technology is allowed to decide
between life and death” (M = 1.8; SD = 1.1; min = 1;
max = 6) was clearly rejected by the participants.
Both studies were analyzed for influences of user
diversity on the evaluations. Yet, neither gender, suf-
fering from a chronic illness, nor care experience in-
fluenced these results. In contrast, correlations with
age were observable for both studies. In study 2 (r = -
.220, p < .01) and study 4 (r = -.140; p < .01), older
participants tend to reject that technology is allowed
to prolong life stronger than younger participants. In
line with this, older participants also denied more
strongly than younger participants that technology is
allowed to delay death (study 2: r = -.222; p < .01 ;
study 4: r = -.219; p < .01). Consequently, younger
people have less concerns about technology influenc-
ing the end of life than older people.
Figure 7: Evaluation of life-end-decisions and technology
usage (n = 195).
1 2 3 4 5 6
Audio and video recordings
To be complex
Taking over too many tasks
Substitute social contacts
Restricting freedom of choice
Technical failure
Making decisions
Making dependent on
evaluation (min=1; max=6)
rejection agreement
What is lifelogging technology NOT allowed to?
1 2 3 4 5 6
... decide between life and
... delay death."
... prolong life."
evaluation (min = 1; max = 6)
rejection affirmation
"Technology is allowed to...
Guidelines for Integrating Social and Ethical User Requirements in Lifelogging Technology Development
This article provides empirical insights into socially
and ethically relevant user requirements for develop-
ment and usage of lifelogging technologies. In addi-
tion to conventional, normative (technical, legal, and
ethical) considerations for lifelogging technology de-
velopment, distinct agreements and rejections of eth-
ically relevant user requirements within our study
confirm the importance of empirical ethical and social
considerations. Otherwise, technically, legally, and
normatively harmonized lifelogging solutions will
lack social acceptance and will not have viable socie-
tal impact. In the following, the research results are
first discussed within the research field of lifelogging
technology perception. Afterwards, guidelines are de-
rived from the research findings (Table 1) and gaps
for future research are highlighted.
5.1 Socio-ethical Insights
In particular, the results referring to socially relevant
aspects revealed insights comparable to previous re-
search in the field. In line with the results of the cur-
rent study, perceived benefits and barriers have al-
ready been proven as relevant factors for lifelogging
technology acceptance (Jaschinski and Allouch,
2015; Peek et al., 2014). In more detail, the current
study confirmed that acceptance depends on the ap-
plication contexts (van Heek et al., 2016) and also on
the respective target group (van Heek et al., 2017a).
In line with previous research (Himmel and Ziefle,
2016), the study also showed that acceptance depends
on the type of technology: e.g., video cameras are not
desired to be used compared to other technologies.
Here, it has to be investigated if this pattern changes
for different privacy-aware camera systems.
Compared to the socially gained insights, the stud-
ies revealed new and specific results referring to eth-
ically relevant requirements. As an example, Wolf et
al. (2014) have emphasized data security and privacy
as most relevant ethical issues. However, specific in-
sights in users’ perception of ethically relevant data
security and privacy parameters as well as concrete
knowledge about ethically accepted or rejected tech-
nologies, functions, and recorded information have
not yet appeared. The current study showed which in-
formation have been seen critically by participants,
how processing of data should be handled, and who
is allowed to have access to data. Existing ethical
frameworks (e.g., Kelly et al., 2013) are mainly based
on normative investigations for a single technology
here wearable cameras and include politically and
legally relevant aspects, e.g., data storage should be
“according to national data protection regulations” (p.
318). In contrast, our findings give detailed insights
into future users’ wishes, needs, and requirements re-
garding lifelogging technology use in different situa-
tions. These insights are used to derive guidelines to
integrate socially and ethically relevant user require-
ments into the development of a broad spectrum of
lifelogging technology and for diverse stakeholders.
5.2 Lifelogging Technology Guidelines
Guidelines were derived from the studies’ findings
and are detailed in Table 1. Overall, guidelines were
developed for three areas: design of lifelogging tech-
nology, data requirements, and information and com-
munication of lifelogging technology.
A participatory technology “design” is required,
integrating users from initial development phases in-
stead of users’ evaluations of final products. Thereby,
it should focus on decision-making power, specific
technology characteristics, interaction with the tech-
nology, and transparency of the design.
As data security and privacy represent the most
crucial barriers of technology adoption, in the area of
data requirements well-defined and transparent
regulations of data handling are essential. In particu-
lar, accepted and rejected data types as well as ways
of data processing should be considered.
Finally, it is of utmost importance to provide users
with open, transparent, and comprehensible “infor-
mation and communication”. Thereby, technology
development should consider which information fu-
ture users need, how accessible information can be
provided, and how technology should be communi-
cated to respective stakeholders.
5.3 Gaps for Future Research
Research on lifelogging perception has mainly fo-
cused on isolated evaluations of benefits and barriers
of using specific technologies. Hence, there is cur-
rently hardly any knowledge about relationships and
trade-offs between beneficial and impeding factors
answering which aspect is more important in deci-
sions on using lifelogging technologies.
A further aspect refers to the majority of existing
studies focusing on country-specific evaluations of
lifelogging technologies. As previous research did
hardly investigate lifelogging perception internation-
ally and cross-culturally, future studies should focus
on direct comparisons of lifelogging perceptions and
relevant ethical issues depending on different coun-
tries, their cultures, and backgrounds.
In addition, future investigations should focus on
ICT4AWE 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Table 1: Guidelines for lifelogging technology development.
further user diversity factors impacting lifelogging
perception and ethically relevant parameters (e.g., at-
titudes towards aging and care, privacy needs). As
there is also hardly any cross-cultural knowledge
about attitudinal characteristics (e.g., attitudes to-
wards aging) and their relationships with (ethical)
lifelogging perceptions, future studies should also
aim for cross-national comparisons in this regard.
The authors thank all participants for their openness
to share opinions on lifelogging technologies. Further
thanks go to Simon Himmel and Sean Lidynia for
support, ideas, and encouragement in the collabora-
tion. This work has been funded by the German Fed-
eral Ministry of Education and Research project
PAAL (6SV7955).
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participatory design integrating users iteratively from initial phases
making power
users want to decide themselves: keep the user in control
technology should not patronize and decide for users
self-determined data sharing policy: sharing of data should be under control of users
optimum: technology profiles with different integrated levels of privacy preservation: should be predefined
but individually adaptable (ideal for diverse applications contexts and stakeholders)
possibility of system deactivation: users should be in control of system’s operation (e.g., emergency switch)
keep technologies easy to handle, as easy to learn as possible, as complex as necessary
prevent feelings of heteronomy by well-defined and transparent data handling regulations
design technologies that can be integrated in or combined with (well-known) existing systems (e.g., in care
institutions, smart home systems)
enable a transparent overview of functions and performable actions
ask beforehand if a specific action should be performed (depending on context, if possible)
give feedback when a specific action is performed (e.g., transfer of data, activation of alarms or cameras)
Data Requirements
well-defined and transparent regulations of data handling are needed
Type of data
first, focus on safety-relevant functions: emergency detection and calls, monitoring of health parameters
use highly aggregated data (e.g., binary room presence data instead of full sensor data)
prevent a permanent recording of video- or audio-based data; if necessary, enable situational, authorized, and
temporally limited recordings
Data processing
prevent permanent storage, only temporally limited use (as shortly as useful possible; as long as necessary)
enabling authorized and authenticated access to data which can be managed by the user
Information &
providing open, transparent, and comprehensible information
users have to be informed about: which data are logged? where are data logged? who has access to data?
how long is data stored? why is data stored?
providing accessible information (not too much, essential information first; detailed information on request;
“speak the user’s language”)
give the possibility to "turn off" the personal information gathering at any time
promote benefits of technologies and explain handling of potential barriers (e.g., data security)
short and comprehensible explanation of technology usage and system functioning
promote self-determined decisions of technology handling (e.g., data access)
clearly explain relationships between perceived barriers and benefits (e.g., longer data storage enables
deeper analyses of health development, changes in movements or behaviors)
context- and stakeholder-tailored communication as technologies and their benefits and barriers are per-
ceived differently depending on diverse contexts and user groups:
sports: communicate data handling policy to prevent feeling of being controlled
medical home: consultation and recommendations by doctors can facilitate technology adoption (as doctors
are perceived as accepted and trustworthy)
medical home and professional care: promote that technology usage aims for relief, support in everyday
life, and autonomy enhancement; make clear that technology is no substitute for human attention and care
age of users: for younger users explaining handling of data- and privacy-related issues should be focused;
for older users potential benefits should be focused in communication
health status: potential benefits of increased safety should be focused for people with chronic illnesses;
clarifying the benefits of the technology for non-affected people by enabling them to empathize with living
with chronic illnesses
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Guidelines for Integrating Social and Ethical User Requirements in Lifelogging Technology Development