The video analysis technique for intraoperative
navigation during neurosurgery is proposed that
allows simultaneous registration of fluorescent
intraoperative images of tumors and surrounding
tissues at two wavelengths corresponding to the
fluorescence of protoporphyrin IX, which
characterizes the activity of metabolic processes in
cells, and fluorescence of indocyanine green, which
characterizes the parameters of tissue blood supply
with display in mode overlaying two fluorescent
pictures, as well as recording of intraoperative
images of tumors in diffusevely reflected broadband
light to measure the degree of tissue hypoxia.
The reported study was funded by RFBR according
to the research project № 17-00-00162 (K) (17-00-
00159) and partially supported by the
Competitiveness Program of MEPhI.
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PHOTOPTICS 2019 - 7th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology