A Framework to Evaluate Architectural Solutions for Ubiquitous
Patient Identification in Health Information Systems
Zuhaib Memon
, Ovidiu Noran
and Peter Bernus
IIIS Centre for Enterprise Architecture Research and Management, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia
Keywords: Enterprise Architecture, Architecture Principles, Patient Identification, Architecture Evaluation.
Abstract: The lack of accurate, reliable and consistent patient information is a major issue in healthcare, despite a
relatively high Health Information System (HIS) adoption level worldwide. The main reason for this appears
to be patient records lacking accurate particulars, including links to associated care programs, disease
classification and treatment plans. The causes for this are multiple, including incompatibility of healthcare
standards between version releases, inconsistent HIS implementation, lack of effective data input / validation,
and the rapid evolution of and absence of a single ‘universal’ technological solution. Sustainable, stable and
long-term architectural solutions are required. This research builds on previous work identifying major
challenges and root causes of the problem and proposing essential non-functional requirements for HIS
architectures. The paper elaborates on non-functional requirements and proposes an evaluation framework
(based on a new international standard) that can be used to assess aspiring HIS architectures for long term
stability and self-evolution and thus to support strategic decision making from within the evolving HIS.
Having accurate, reliable and consistent patient
information is still a major issue in healthcare despite
a high Health Information System (HIS) penetration
worldwide (Fernandes and O'Connor 2015). The root
cause of this appears to be a lack of accurate records
of patient particulars, associated care programs,
disease classification and treatment plans. While the
effect on HIS efficacy and patient medical security is
obvious, there exist important flow-on effects on
healthcare management and policy-making.
A plethora of triggers result in erroneous patient
records – see. Arts et al. (2002). In previous work, the
authors elaborated on a selection of causes deemed to
be some of the most important and difficult to address
(Memon et al. 2017). For example, the
incompatibility of healthcare standards themselves,
the inconsistent manner that HISs are implemented,
episodic unavailability of HIS leading to duplication
and inconsistency of information, lack of effective
data input and validation, patients spoofing or hiding
information from the system for various reasons, etc.
Previous research identified four main categories
of challenges in implementing portable patient
identification in HIS (technical, cultural, social and
ethical), and spelled out architecturally significant
requirements (Chen 2013), or so-called ‘ilities’ that
should feature in sustainable HIS architectures such
as promoted by the World Health Organisation. The
paper builds on previous work and findings from
literature on use cases and case studies (Aller 2016;
Lowry et al. 2015) using a conceptual-analytical
method to demonstrate how the significant ‘ilities’
can be structured and built into a sustainable long-
term HIS architectural solution. This is then taken one
step forward by proposing a healthcare architectural
evaluation framework usable to underpin strategic
decision making in a sustainable manner, i.e. from
within the evolving HIS itself.
Memon, Z., Noran, O. and Bernus, P.
A Framework to Evaluate Architectural Solutions for Ubiquitous Patient Identification in Health Information Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0007696305800587
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 580-587
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Beyond conceptual problems, e.g., incompatibility of
healthcare standards and inconsistent HIS of
implementation around the world, (Anderson 2007;
LO 2006; Memon et al. 2017; Rinehart-Thompson
and Harman 2006) identified several categories of
challenges as explained below.
2.1 Cultural and Social Barriers
In some (often developing) countries, directly sharing
personal information outside family or larger group is
forbidden. Instead, the family or tribe ‘head’ is to pass
on information, which can result in incompleteness
and inaccuracy (misinterpretation originating due to
lack of proper background, fear of stigma, ‘shame’,
etc.). People outside of the group may not be allowed
contact with members of health care providers; thus,
patient identification may be subject to errors but also
pose a threat to the health workers’ security
(Almutairi and Moradi 2012).
In addition, language barriers and lack of ‘cultural
competence’ (Georgetown University 2011;
Sulaiman 2017) may impair communication and
cooperation at the core of patient information
management (Schyve 2007), so training may need to
be provided and techniques used carefully chosen to
match the cultural environment and afferent degree of
EHR acceptance (Brown 2012; Zoonen 2013).
2.2 Ethical Issues
An essential advantage of HISs is making Electronic
Health Records (EHRs) universally available (when
they are indeed usable and interoperable, as argued by
Reisman (2017)). However, this intrinsically
generates privacy and security concerns – ‘hacking’,
identity theft, unauthorized access or data alteration
(Devon et al. 2010; Ngafeeson 2014). Improper use
of data for serious diseases has the potential to create
significant preconceptions and inequity in workplace
and society (Harman et al. 2012; Ozair et al. 2015;
Sharona 2012). Therefore, ‘information ethics’ as
espoused by Fessler and Grémy (2001) must be
thoroughly observed. This is no trivial task,
considering the effort and costs (Noble et al. 2009) in
the socio-economic and cultural context present in
some geographical areas, especially in developing
2.3 Technical Problems
Ubiquitous patient identification typically relies on
electrical power availability, local or worldwide
networking capability, possibly aiming towards
Internet of Things (IoT)-based pervasive healthcare
(Arnrich et al. 2010; Zdravković et al. 2014), and
based on Wireless Sensor Networks (Ko et al. 2010).
These requirements may present significant barriers
in developing countries or remote areas in general.
Data may require local storage (avoid information
loss or duplication on power loss), and processing/
conditioning (reduce transmission bandwidth need).
Traditionally patient identification has been text-
based, but it is fraught with numerous pitfalls, such as
duplication or unavailability of essential data (e.g.
unique identifiers (names, dates of birth) due to
geographical and cultural factors (Aller 2016), or the
possibility to intentionally provide false information
(e.g. for doctor- and/or drug ‘shopping’).
Alternative technologies proposed are based on
barcodes and/or radiofrequency identification (RFID)
tags, both often used with wristbands, or biometric
identification using body features unique to
individuals (Alyssa 2012; Doll Martin Associates
2008; García-Betances and Huerta 2012). In the latter
category, among the most used are iris pattern, palm
vein and fingerprint (Aller 2016).
Iris pattern can be sensed from a distance
(important if physical contact is a problem due to e.g.
cultural or fomite (infectious transmission)
perceptions, and can be done in infrared (hence less
conspicuous). However it requires a good image, may
be confused with facial recognition (which may be
feared by some members of the public) and may fail
due to rare but existing pigment dispersion conditions
(Pillai et al. 2011; Ross 2010)
Fingerprint technology has been used for decades
and evolved to be able to identify fake or dead prints
and improved reliability by using 3D. While it is an
accepted method in many areas and countries, it does
require good quality readers, may imply a negative
social perception (Wickins 2007) (e.g. due to being
associated with Police work), and may lack accuracy
for young patients or those who practice specific
manual trades affecting finger ridges (Aller 2016).
Palm vein identification is more recent (Zhang et
al. 2007), uses separate templates in each patient
network and is more secure, but this hinders data
consolidation. It can also be affected by ambient light
and palm position, must be refreshed yearly for young
patients and can constitute a fomite (Aller 2016; Patil
and Ajmire 2018).
As can be seen, biometric technologies exhibit a
A Framework to Evaluate Architectural Solutions for Ubiquitous Patient Identification in Health Information Systems
large variety and are in constant evolution. Each
technique is useful in specific conditions and appears
to have its weaknesses; therefore, a combination is
perhaps the solution. Also, in order to triangulate and
to verify results and thereby minimise patient
misidentification, text-based identification may also
be used, but only as a back-up measure and to
facilitate interoperability (e.g., with legacy systems).
Note that ‘blockchain’ technology is also being
considered for compliance, information integrity
preservation, privacy and interoperability, although
the technology is in its infancy (Krawiec 2016).
In view of the above, a question remains: how to
prepare for a long-term ubiquitous solution in view of
the continuous evolution and heterogeneity of
solutions and different levels of technology adoption
worldwide? The solutions must meet patient
identification functional requirements as well as
essential non-functional requirements (HIMSS 2015)
due to the special role of patient identification in the
lives of patients in health services management.
In conclusion, a stable, long-term solution must
specify architectures, rather than specific solutions or
technologies. This creates a problem: how do we
know that such architectures are in fact of ‘good
quality’? The authors argue that there is also a need
for an evaluation framework for assessing the quality
of such architectures. The remainder of this paper
addresses the above two essential questions.
There is an extensive literature of non-functional
requirements (the system ‘ilities’), in the software
engineering (Chung et al. 2000; Jan et al. 2016;
Penzenstadler et al. 2014) and systems engineering
literature (INCOSE 2011; ISO/IEC/IEEE 2011).
However, the authors were unable to find a
comprehensive list that applies to enterprises.
Many ilities known from the systems engineering
literature apply to enterprises including health care
(public health, health care provision & management
(Anyanwu et al. 2003)), but the relevance and
priorities of these properties are expected to be
different from those that apply to a software system
(including an HIS). This is expected, as the health
enterprise is a complex evolving system of systems
(SoS) both on national- and global scales - and the
time horizon on which the long-term viability of this
enterprise needs to be secured is very long (in fact,
open ended).
In recent years, evidence accumulated (at least in
the HIS area) pointing to the need to pay increasing
attention to non-functional requirements. E.g., Lowry
et al. (2015) list as a top priority to “... consistently
display information critical to patient identification in
a reserved area to avoid wrong patient errors”.
Establishing a framework for an open-ended long
term solution to patient identification is facing a
problem that has been documented in the systems
engineering literature (Jain et al. 2009; Warren 2018)
namely that stakeholders are not a good (or reliable)
single source of information when it comes to
determining non-functional requirements of a system.
Accordingly, system ilities are usually not on the
radar of stakeholders (or only trivial ones are
considered): the architects must become protagonists
and educate stakeholders about what they should be
requiring. E.g., maintainability is not in the focus of
typical HIS stakeholders, even though when a system
becomes too expensive to maintain a costly redesign
and re-development will be necessary.
As described by Bellomo et al. (2015), the
software architecture community identified a list of
systemic (non-functional) requirements that dominate
the landscape of software systems architecture.
However, the patient identification problem context
is provided by a ‘system’ that is not software, but
rather an evolving socio technical system of systems
(SoS). This SoS consists of a combination of policies,
laws and processes performed by humans, supported
by a various technologies, and involve independently
managed and evolving services. So, while lessons
learnt from the systems and software engineering
must be considered, we must make adaptations and
look at experiences from other domains.
3.1 Quality Attributes of Systems of
The international Standard ISO 25010 - Quality
Model (2011) provides guidance on quality attributes
of systems (such as: functional suitability, reliability,
performance efficiency, usability, security,
compatibility, maintainability and portability), and
additional attributes relevant when the system is in
use (effectiveness, efficiency, satisfaction, freedom
from risk and context coverage). Section 4.1 of this
standard includes a finer-grained and comprehensive
list of sub-categories (see Table 1).
Despite these quality characteristics being
important, these concentrate on a shorter time scale /
horizon than a patient identification system would
require, because traditional architectural decisions for
software and other technical systems are made
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
assuming that the systems will be designed, built and
used, without necessarily considering very long term
changes (abrupt or evolutionary) in the domains of
technology, or in the socio-economic environment.
Table 1: Categories of quality attributes, with sub-
categories in italics. (Source: the publicly available
informative section of ISO25010 (2011)).
Functional suitability: Functional completeness,
Functional correctness, Functional
Performance efficiency: Time behaviour, Resource
utilization, Capacity;
Compatibility: Co-existence, Interoperability,
Usability (defined by ISO9241 as “the extent to
which a product can be used by specified users to
achieve specified goals with effectiveness,
efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of
use”): Appropriateness, Recognisability,
Learnability, Operability, User error protection,
User interface aesthetics, Accessibility;
Reliability: Maturity, Availability, Fault tolerance,
Security: Confidentiality, Integrity, Non-
repudiation, Accountability, Authenticity;
Maintainability: Modularity, Reusability,
Analysability, Modifiability, Testability,
Portability, Adaptability, Installability,
Satisfaction: Usefulness, Trust, Pleasure, Comfort,
Freedom from risk: Economic risk mitigation,
Health and safety risk mitigation, Environmental
risk mitigation;
Context coverage: Context completeness,
Therefore, as demonstrated in previous work by
two of the authors (Noran and Bernus 2017; Turner et
al. 2018) the solution must be approached as a long-
term infrastructure building endeavour, where during
the lifetime of this infrastructure many changes are to
be expected while preserving continuity. For this
reason the authors propose a working list of ilities
(See Table 2) that adds viability (which is in fact the
ultimate long-term system survival capability) to
Boehm’s (2014) set.
We argue that to decide on the introduction of
sustained use of biometrics in patient identification it
would be impractical to assess all of the ilities of HISs
impacted by the relevant technology choice(s).
Section 4 below proposes reducing the size of the
decision tree to arrive at an evaluation regime that
prunes the options so meaningful comparisons and
associated implementation decisions can be made.
Such a reduced list would contain mandatory
criteria for very long term HIS infrastructure
decisions to eliminate solution options possibly
attractive to some stakeholders (given a shorter term
investment horizon) but which do not satisfy essential
non-functional requirements and go against the
achievement of long term strategic goals.
ISO42030 ‘Architecture Evaluation Framework’
((ISO/IEC 2018) contributes to the maturity of
architecture governance because it systematises the
elements to be considered by a process that supports
architectural decision making. The standard builds on
the concepts of previous work on architecture
evaluation, but generalises these. Such previously
published methods include Architecture Trade-off
Analysis Method – ATAM (Kazman et al. 2000), the
Method Framework for Engineering System
Architectures (QASAR) (Firesmith 2010) and
Analysis of Alternatives (U.S. Air Force 2008).
Accordingly, the evaluation of alternatives should
be performed in two passes: i) eliminate proposals
that do not satisfy mandatory non-functional
requirements, and ii) compare candidate solutions
using and appropriate decision-making method. ISO
42030 (ISO/IEC 2018) requires that based on
business goals architecture governance derive the
evaluation objectives, i.e., what kind of answers do
we expect from the architecture evaluation?
Objectives may include the desire to determine
whether the solution will reduce the total cost of
ownership, to what extent, or if it will improve current
capability/service quality.
Comparing alternative solutions would be
performed by defining factors that influence the
answers, and selecting methods known to deliver
these answers. Evaluation factors (derived from
business drivers) may include cost, schedule, quality,
risk etc., whereupon evaluation methods on this level
would not be very formal (referring to existing
analysis reports, or using expert panels are typical
examples). This is important, because in practical
situations there are too many objectives and factors
and it is necessary to eliminate many of these using
fast and affordable methods.
A Framework to Evaluate Architectural Solutions for Ubiquitous Patient Identification in Health Information Systems
Table 2: Categories of ilities (based on (Boehm 2014)).
Individual ilities
Quality of Service: Performance, Accuracy,
Usability, Scalability, Versatility
Resource Utilization: Cost, Duration, Personnel,
Scarce Quantities (size, weight, energy, …)
Protection: Safety, Security, Privacy
Robustness: Reliability, Availability,
Flexibility: Modifiability, Tailorability /
Extendability, Adaptability
Composability: Interoperability/Portability,
Openness/Standards Compliance, Service-
Composite ilities
Comprehensiveness/Suitability: all of the above
Dependability: Quality of Service, Protection,
Resilience: Protection, Robustness, Flexibility
Affordability: Quality of Service, Resource
Often though, the answers are unclear, and to
compare architectural solutions one also needs to
assess the architecture by asking what is the value of
this architecture (the quality requirement may not be
met? is there a trade-off or opportunity to optimise?,
how do architectural decisions contribute to the
expected quality attributes?).
As part of this value assessment process, one must
determine how/to what extent the chosen architecture
contributes to achieving the business goals? The
value of the chosen approach may be demonstrated
using suitably selected metrics (value factors that
have measurable characteristics), such as speed,
throughput, cost, etc. Given the value assessment
factors, value assessment methods are needed to
compile the findings of architecture evaluation.
Often the desired measures are not readily
available by inspecting the proposed architecture, so
further architectural analysis is needed, and this may
require models to be developed.
Analytical models may be suitable for sensitivity
analyses, e.g., perform quantitative statistical analysis
using simulation models that can be put to test and
provide evidence of the extent the architectural
solution meets the desired quality attributes. Some
systemic properties (availability, changeability,
robustness, evolvability, complexity) may be
expressed using graph properties of the system, or by
entropy calculations, and so on. Architecture analysis
exercises are for the above reason the most costly and
time consuming; therefore it is prudent to eliminate
the need for such analytic work if possible.
Solutions advocated at any one time by protagonists
(namely to use biometrics for patient identification)
must be able to be evaluated against the desired
criteria discussed in Section 3. While the generic
framework of ISO 42030 (ibid.) draft international
standard gives guidance, a practical application
requires the identification of domain-specific
objectives, evaluation factors and methods.
A first-cut version of a specific evaluation
framework can be developed based on the systemic
properties discussed and found desirable for any
proposed solution. Note that in real application the
proposed artefacts must be re-visited, validated with
stakeholders and possibly expanded using the end
user’s architecture governance processes.
As shown in Section 2.3, biometric identification
techniques are useful to various degrees in different
circumstances and have their own characteristics,
requirements, weaknesses and strengths. Thus, given
the uncertainties and the need to adopt future-proof
systems, it is important to have an evaluation
framework at hand that can assess proposed solutions
both in terms of a) the long term sustained
performance of technical systems (such as those using
biometrics) that provide patient identification
services, and b) in terms of how these contribute to
the viability of seamless use of patient identification
functions within relevant processes of the complex
healthcare SoS (the ‘healthcare ecosystem’). Thus,
from patient identification point of view, both the
healthcare ecosystem and the system(s) providing
patient identification service need be considered.
5.1 Evaluation Objectives
In discussing the relevant evaluation objectives for
the architecture of the healthcare SoS, the first
difficulty encountered is that in the healthcare
ecosystem there is no central decision making
authority that has complete control over the system as
a whole (not even on the country or region level).
However, there exist significant players that can
develop and disseminate policies, principles and
standards that influence decision makers in desirable
directions. Accordingly, an evaluation must answer
the following fundamental questions:
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
i) Does the architecture of the healthcare SoS
display a structure enabling continuous long-term
change and improvement (viability)?
ii) Is there a guarantee that the above can happen
without the need for reinventing the way this
essential function is provided by the patient
identification services available at any one time,
now and in the future? Thus, the authors propose
to also investigate evolvability.
iii) Is there a guarantee that system changes satisfy
the end user quality of service requirements (such
as usability)? The reason for usability to make the
mandatory list of ilities is the recurrent reports
about lack of usability and / or good user
experience design result in poor adoption and a
number of adverse effects that prevent the full
benefits from being realised (Lowry et al. 2015).
iv) Other evaluation objectives could be defined and
used (based on the ilities listed in Tables 1 and 2),
but the focus here is on the viability aspects.
Given that the evaluation concerns an SoS, these
objectives are relevant for each level and constituent
of the healthcare ecosystem, according to the theory
of the Viable Systems Model (Beer 1972). Although
the architectural measures taken to ensure viability,
evolvability and usability may not be the same on
every system level, government level measures (laws,
policies, principles and mandatory compliance
processes) must be traced to corresponding decision
making instruments on lower levels of the ecosystem
(e.g. various and allied health care providers).
5.2 Evaluation Factors
Architecture evaluation factors are often categorised
as Political, Economic, Social, Technological,
Environmental and Legal (PESTLE) (Law 2009),
which helps the designer of the evaluation to find
relevant factors and determine what methods to use.
For example, an economic factor of viability is that
the system is affordable to operate, while an
economic factor for evolvability is that changing the
system by adding a new technology is affordable (e.g.
by modularising the system architecture to separate
technology choice from the service user, thus
localising the change effects). When evaluating
systems for usability, one must include economic
factors: it needs to be understood whether the use of
patient identification system requires extra work or
otherwise slows down the medical service.
5.3 Evaluation Method(s)
Depending on the evaluation factors at hand, there
can be a number of options to use, including expert
reviews, references to existing strategic analysis from
respectable sources, etc. If the identified methods
cannot give a conclusive answer, then architecture
evaluation needs to evaluate each relevant factor of
the solution from the point of view of the value it
contributes to business goals. The result is a synthesis
report identifying the extent the architecture satisfies
business goals, as well as identifying risks due to
uncertainty or lack of available information.
5.4 Value Analysis
Value analysis has its own objectives, factors, and
methods, and reports are created that can be
incorporated into the eventual architecture evaluation
synthesis report. Space and scope limitations do not
allow a factors and methods listing, albeit it must be
noted that value assessment should try to use existing
sources of information, such as historical records of
past projects. However, in case the outcomes of value
assessment methods are inconclusive, a third layer of
architecture evaluation 'architecture analysis’ is
5.5 Architecture Analysis
Architecture analysis also has its own objectives,
factors and methods, and the results incorporated into
an eventually produced ‘synthesis report’.
The main difference between this layer and the
first two is that the factors considered are such that
the analysis methods require the use of modelling
and/or experimentation; therefore, the cost and time
involved may be significant. For example, if the value
of a new process cannot be ascertained, business
process modelling and simulation may be required to
model the economic impact of the architectural
Experimentation may involve the creation of a
proof of concept of a pilot implementation, which
then will be used to conduct usability experiments.
This paper proposes an architectural solution for the
currently unsolved patient identification problem,
based on an International Standard for Architectural
Evaluation (ISO 42030) and should be considered as
an example demonstrating the use of this standard.
The difficulty of the problem lies in the following:
A Framework to Evaluate Architectural Solutions for Ubiquitous Patient Identification in Health Information Systems
i) The Healthcare Ecosystem is an SoS without an
ultimate central authority to control its evolution;
ii) A patient identification infrastructure must be
viable on a very long term, and there is only scarce
experience with successful long term IT
infrastructure building, with significant social and
political factors influencing its success;
iii) The technologies of today will change at an
accelerated rate; therefore, a long term solution
must incorporate the ability of the system to
evolve without causing unacceptable disruption.
The proposed framework is a tool that may be
used to assess patient identification improvement
proposals in view of addressing the most significant
stakeholder concerns, which are not always explicitly
espoused in essential non-functional requirements.
End users of this framework may include government
agencies (e.g. health departments, health district
management), NGOs (such as the WHO, standards
bodies, etc.) and even HIS vendors.
Further work will include development of the
details of the evaluation framework and its validation
by selected experts from stakeholder groups.
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A Framework to Evaluate Architectural Solutions for Ubiquitous Patient Identification in Health Information Systems