judgements, future research should integrate
individual factors to develop more target-group
oriented recommendations and communication
strategies (e.g., Arning et al., 2018). Further, the study
should be replicated with a larger representative
sample in Germany, but also with international
samples to allow cross-cultural comparisons of AF
production plant infrastructure acceptance.
The present study successfully identified and
assessed acceptance-relevant factors with regard to
AF production plant infrastructure design. Although
the integration of acceptance evaluations as soft
factor into power design planning tools needs further
methodological refinement, insights on drivers of AF
production plant infrastructure acceptance were
gained, which allowed to simulate preferences for
future AF production plant roll-out scenarios.
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“Tailor-Made Fuels from Biomass”, which is funded
under Contract EXC 236 by the Excellence Initiative
by the German federal and state governments to
promote science and research at German universities.
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