equally significant social dimension. As a result of
this significant omission, society as a whole misses
the opportunity to put the fresh, open young minds
of students to work towards addressing social
challenges, to build social entrepreneurship
mindsets, and to build related practical skills that
will empower students to be active in the future in
civic matters.
Design thinking is a user centred approach in design
that aims to introduce fitting solutions to business or
social challenges by best understanding how a user
experiences a proposed product or service. In
business, it aims at enhancing customer experiences
helping a company grow. In social entrepreneurship
it aims at introducing economically viable solutions
to challenging social issues.
While user centred design has been applied in
diverse principles for some time, design thinking
innovates by introducing a methodology for more
accurately addressing user needs. Design thinking
differs from traditional analytic user centred design
methods by focusing on “going broad” at the initial
stages of design (Baeck and Gremett, 2011) without
evaluating at that stage potential solutions. The key
idea of design thinking is that by fully understanding
users, accurately defining a problem statement, colla-
borating, and thinking out of the box designers may
be able to introduce solutions to “wicked” problems
to which none appears to exist at first glance.
Varying approaches to design thinking have
been introduced; most have as common activities
empathizing with users, getting inspiration, ideating
for generating a broad range of potential solutions,
creating prototypes that a user can interact with, and
validating solutions with the engagement of users.
This work aims at facilitating design thinking in
higher education by introducing an active,
experiential learning approach that engages students
with design thinking principles towards building
their capacity to act as innovators in business and
civic contents (DesignIT project, 2018). This is
facilitated through a the design and implementation
of a digital platform that allows students to
experiment with design thinking practices by
working on problems inspired by the real world
(DesignIT project, 2017).
3.1 A Problem-based, Active Learning
Methodology for Teaching Design
Problem-based learning promotes the development
of knowledge through active approaches that expose
students to problems, often inspired by real life.
Problem based learning is part of wider active
learning models that support the notion that learners
learn better by doing as opposed by being the
passive recipients of information. This links problem
based learning to constructivist learning design that
advocates that knowledge is synthesized rather than
transferred. Various approaches to problem based
learning are used in practice; however the core
principles of identifying a problem, breaking it down
to components, solving those, and synthesizing a final
solution from parts are often part of a problem learn-
ing environment. In additional to core knowledge,
problem based learning supports the development of
transversal learning skills such as analytical thinking,
creativity, ability to collaborate, and others.
This work deploys active and problem-based
learning design by exposing students to real-world
problems that they are asked to solve by applying
design thinking principles (Tsalapatas et. al, 2018).
Students are exposed to a challenge that is based on
the principle of study and has learning objectives
related to curricula work. The challenge is
introduced by the instructor; in some cases, the
challenge may be introduced by an external
company that seeks the innovative mindsets of
young engineers to introduce a potential solution to
actual business challenges within design thinking
practices. Examples of challenges include:
• The design of an e-commerce platform that
allows the marketing of goods and services in
remote areas while at the same time it helps
create sustainable jobs for young individuals.
• The design of a digital learning application
that enriches interactivity and engagement in
high school STEM education.
• The design of a social game for carers.
• The design of a game for raising awareness
on forest fires.
• The design of a user friendly application for
local touristic guides.