items and constituents of a sentence, as in the
classical example the boy saw a man with a telescope.
Sometimes, structural ambiguity is caused by
multiple syntactic category assignment to a lexical
item, as can be seen in visiting relatives can be a
nuisance, in which the first word can be tagged either
as a transitive verb or as an adjective. In this paper, a
computational system is described that detects
syntactic ambiguity in a string and yields the
correspondent structural representations.
For most probabilistic parsers, syntactic
ambiguity, even ungrammaticality, remains
undetected. To deal with structural ambiguity, we
propose a deterministic (symbolic) parser that
produces X-bar structural representations based on
Principle-and-Parameters Theory modules to
generate multiple syntactic parses for syntactically
ambiguous sentences. Deterministic parsers in the
form of minimalist grammars have been already
formalized (Stabler, 1997, 2011; Collins and Stabler,
2016). Other symbolic parsers have been developed
as computational models of syntactic competence
(Berwick, 1985; Fong, 1991, 2005; Chesi, 2004,
2012); however, the parser we propose implements
variation parameters that may account for structural
Principles and Parameters Theory (Chomsky, 1981,
1995) is a generative-derivational theory of the
human Faculty of Language. According to this
theory, a natural (I-)language is an internal,
individual, intensional cognitive state of the human
mind (hence a mental organ) whose initial state,
known as Universal Grammar (UG), contains a set of
invariable principles and constraints that apply to all
languages, as well as a set of variable parameters
(possibly binary-valued) that children set during
language acquisition from the primary linguistic data
to which they are exposed. Among the fundamental
principles of UG are the Structural Dependency
Principle (syntactic structures show hierarchical
structure and non-linear dependencies) and the
Projection Principle (every minimal category projects
its features to a maximal or phrase-level projection).
Some of the best studied syntactic parameters are the
Null Subject Parameter (languages may allow or
disallow null subjects in finite clauses) and the Head
Parameter (syntactic heads can be linearized before or
after their complements). Languages, as steady states
in the development of the Faculty of Language, are
computational cognitive systems consisting of a
lexicon, that contains representations of all primitives
of linguistic computation (along with their features),
and a grammar, a combinatorial system of operations
on these representations. Sequences that satisfy all
grammatical constraints of a language are mapped to
(at least) one tuple of syntactic levels of structural
representations: the theory-internal levels of what has
been known as Deep and Surface Structure (DS, SS),
and the interface levels of Logical Form (LF) and
Phonetic Form (PF). In this theory, constraints are
highly modularized and apply to syntactic structures
from a certain level of representation onwards.
X-bar is a powerful and compact module of
Principles and Parameters Theory (Adger, 2003;
Carnie, 2013; Sportiche, Koopman and Stabler, 2014)
for the representation of syntactic category formation
in natural language, as it yields hierarchical structures
in binary trees that encode the constituency of a
sentence. The syntactic category or part-of-speech of
a lexical item in a sentence is determined according
to the item’s morphology, grammatical features and
syntactic distribution. Syntactic categories with
referential meaning or content are classified as lexical
(nouns, verbs, adjective, adverbs, prepositions), while
those that strictly serve grammatical purposes and are
required for well-formedness are called functional
(determiners, complementisers, coordinators, tense,
auxiliaries, negation). Heads are lexical items from
which full phrases are formed and they project
themselves into different levels. X-bar theory (where
the variable X stands for a syntactic category)
assumes three syntactic projection levels: minimal,
intermediate and maximal. In the X-bar binary tree
structure, minimal projections or heads (denoted
sometimes as X°) are nuclear categories and do not
dominate any other category, in other words, the
terminal nodes of a syntactic tree. Intermediate
projections (denoted as X' and read as “X-bar”) are
typically generated from the merge of a minimal
projection and a subcategorized complement.
Maximal projections or phrases (denoted as XP) are
the highest level of a nuclear category which has
satisfied all its subcategorization requirements and
may dominate another phrase-level constituent (a
specifier) merged with the intermediate projection.
The X-bar module has only three general rules that
apply to all lexical categories, i.e. the specifier rule,
the complement rule, and the adjunct rule. The
context-free X-bar rules may be combined in any
order so it allows the production of different
structures from the same array of words or lexical
items. As a recursive rule, Adjunction is the most