Table 11: Co-owners’ rates on data security features.
Co-owner’s id Confidentiality Integrity Availability Privacy Possession NKP
Bob 1 1 1 0 0 100
Daniel 1 1 1 1 1 0
Table 12: Trust values before sharing the data.
Alice’s Trust in Co-i Co-id Co-i s Trust in Alice p − loss T − loss final-trust-in Alice
0.6 Bob 0.7 0.68 0.47 0.23
0 Daniel 0.5 0.8 0.21 0.29
Table 13: Co-owners’ rates on data security features.
R C f
0.8 0.07 0.256
tures. Once co-owners choose which CIAPP features
are their worries, then the fuzzy logic based decision
system infers the decision. After getting the decision
from the fuzzy logic based system, our system goes
through the sharing process. If the owner choose the
co-owner trust preferential when they set their privacy
policy up on the data, then our system calculates the
privacy loss, the trust loss, and the trust gain values. If
the owner shares the data with targeted group without
considering the co-owners’ choices on the CIAPP fe-
atures, the the owner looses the value on their reputa-
tion. However, if the owner chooses the owner trust
preferential in the beginning, then they do not loss
value on their reputation, since the fuzzy decision is
based on the co-owners choices on CIAPP features.
It is clearly seen that the fuzzy logic decision based
system helps users to make trade-off sharing the data
and getting benefits out of sharing data with incre-
ment on the reputation value.
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