not mainly focused on spyware detection even if they
define a set of rules able to detect specific behaviours.
At the best of our knowledge the only work fo-
cusing on Android spyware detection is the one pro-
posed in (Chatterjee et al., 2018). Authors are focu-
sed in spyware used as intimate partner surveillance
(IPS). The authors crawled apps from Google Play
Store and using a combination of manual inspection
and machine learning based approach discovered a
large number of apps which are designed for legiti-
mate use but also repurposed for IPS. Differently from
this method we consider the model checking techni-
que in order to identify spyware apps. Authors extract
distinctive features from applications in order to apply
machine learning based approach, instead, we define
temporal logic formulae, which are behavioural ba-
sed, to recognize Android spyware. Furthermore, we
are focused about spyware with information gathering
ability (i.e., the most widespread spyware in mobile
environment (Wei et al., 2012)).
Zhang et al. in (Zhang et al., 2018) demonstrate
that Google Assistant can be targeted since it suffers
from some vulnerabilities. They develop an attacking
framework able to record the voice of the user. This
framework launches the attack using the recorded
voice. This is a very dangerous vulnerability since
the built-in voice assistant is able to access system re-
sources and private information. Thus, hacking this
assistant can lead to the leak of private and sensitive
information. Differently, the proposed framework is
able to recognize spyware applications in mobile en-
vironment to stem these types of attacks.
Nowadays smartphones collect a large amount of per-
sonal information. This is the reason why malware
writers target these devices. More specifically, there
is a kind of malicious software aiming to steal and
collect these sensitive information and it is known as
Thus, in this paper we described a spyware de-
tection framework. We exploit model checking
technique and we use temporal logic formulae to de-
tect Android spyware. We generated a synthetic data-
set injected by spyware malicious payload in order to
evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
As future work, we plan to extend the experi-
mental dataset including applications belonging from
third-party marketplaces. We want also largely inves-
tigate for many other applications belonging to the
Android official market. Thus, we want to perform
an in-deep analysis of the applications available in the
stores. Furthermore, also secure information analysis
will be investigated (Avvenuti et al., 2012).
Furthermore, we intend to compare our approach
with other solutions proposed in literature, for exam-
ple the approach proposed by (Chatterjee et al., 2018).
This work was partially supported by the H2020 EU
funded project NeCS [GA #675320], by the H2020
EU funded project C3ISP [GA #700294].
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