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adding global context constraint to other FCN exten-
sion networks, better result can be achieved.
In this work, we propose the global context constraint
network, which allows the direct inclusion of global
semantic context constraint for the task of seman-
tic segmentation. We have explicitly demonstrated
that relying on constrained global context features can
largely improve the segmentation result and eliminate
semantic segmentation confusion because global con-
text constraint loss explicitly predicts the global con-
text information that merged into the final encoded
feature. The result presented on PASCAL VOC 2012
dataset shows that our approach can also reach the
state-of-the-art performance at the same training con-
ditions and its simplicity and robustness of learning
makes it more advantageous.
This work was supported by Institute for Informa-
tion & communications Technology Promotion(IITP)
grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (No.
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VEHITS 2019 - 5th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems