the point of view of the body (volumetric model in
perspective, Figure 8), adjustment of the transparency
(Figure 9), stereoscopic visualization for depth per-
ception (Figure 10), among other resources .
3.3 Stereoscopy
The ability to perceive and interact with the structure
of space is one of the fundamental goals of the visual
system. Two retinal images are different because the
retinas are in slightly different places. Stereopsis is
the ability to use binocular disparity as a cue to depth.
The stereoscopy is the technic used to create the stere-
opsis by devices. There are two kinds of stereoscopy
applicable to digital devices. The first and oldest tech-
nic is the anaglyphic. In this kind, two images create
the stereo pair, one in red and the other in cyan. To
view the effect anaglyphic glasses must be used. The
second is the polarized stereoscopy. Its use is more re-
cent, having a wide range of applications, such as 3D
TV’s, 3D cinema and 3D projectors. There are two
kinds of technics of polarization, the linear and the
circular. In both cases, we must use polarized glasses
(Daly et al., 2011).
The use of stereoscopy in medical applications has
been growing in recent years (Livatino et al., 2015)
(van Beurden et al., 2009). In the simulator, we used
anaglyphic stereoscopy initially, in order to evaluate
its performance at the table. Although the results are
promising, as seen in the projection of the body of
Figure 10, its use will be more effective in the vi-
sualization of the inner organs, whose segmentation
process is in progress.
3.4 Interface Objects
The simulator has a graphical interface managed by
an Interface Object called Draggable DIAL (virtual
mouse that concentrates the manipulation tools of the
volumetric model of the bodies such as rotation Fig-
ure 11(f), perspective Figure 11(e), and transparency
Figure 11(a). It also has rotating menu functional-
ity for selecting anatomical pieces available in a li-
brary, and also an option for selecting a type of tis-
sue to be viewed and manipulated from the selected
anatomical piece, Figure 12. It has too a push button
(on/off) for enabling stereoscopic visualization fea-
tures (with anaglyph glasses), Figure 11(b). A push
button (on/off) for visualization of the 2D cut in the
bodies volumetric model, Figure 11(e). A push but-
ton (lock/unlock) the touchscreen to avoid unwanted
touch, Figure 11(c). A push button (on/off) for en-
abling the slices viewer in the volumetric model, Fig-
ure 11(d). A button for activating active blackboard
functions (pens, markers, rubber, save screen, and
colors), Figure 13(c) and Figure 14. A button for acti-
vating the browser for Internet search, 13(b). Finally,
a button for activating accessibility to the Online Ed-
ucation Platforms (OEP), 13(a). In addition to the
DIAL, the simulator has a second control area for the
manipulation of the cuts (1mm slices of the male body
or 0.33mm of the female body). This area has slid-
ing bars of the three anatomical planes (axial, coronal
and sagittal), for each cut of the plane in highlighted.
The displacement of those bars in the 2D visualiza-
tion allows the same cut in the volumetric model. It
should note that such planes orthogonal to the body
can adjust to any angle by merely shifting the bar of
the plane to the desired angular position.
3.5 Reproductive System
As already mentioned in previous sessions, the simu-
lator has two bodies, one male, and one female. The
sex selection is in an initial screen of the simulator,
or later, through the rotating menu of the DIAL. The
different sexes allow the anatomy teachers to explore,
along with the students, the anatomical differences of
both sexes, as well as to present in detail the reproduc-
tive apparatus. The use of real body models provides
biological data that could not be observed in synthetic
models, such as the influence of hormones, testos-
terone, and progesterone, on the formation, growth,
and aging of organs. In Figures 15 and 16 we can see
both male and female sex respectively.
3.6 Imaging Exams
As seen in the sessions where we described the VHP
database, it has two kinds of set of the imaging exams.
The first set is the computed tomography (CT) images
and the second set is the magnetic resonance (MR)
imaging . The male database consists of axial MR
images of the head and neck taken at 4mm intervals
and longitudinal sections of the rest of the body also
at 4mm intervals. The resolution of the MR images
is 256 pixels by 256 pixels, in grayscale. The MR
imaging database consists of three acquisition modes,
T1, T2, and Proton Density Image (PD). CT data are
taken in the axial plane of computed tomography of
the whole body taken at intervals of 1mm at a reso-
lution of 512 pixels by 512 pixels in grayscale. The
female corpse data set has the same characteristics as
the male corpse, with one exception. Axial anatomi-
cal images were obtained at intervals of 0.33 mm in-
stead of 1.0 mm intervals. As seen, CT and MR im-
ages can provide important educational resources for
studying and practice in imaging exams analysis. The
An Ultra-high Definition and Interactive Simulator for Human Dissection in Anatomic Learning