Reinforcing Diversity Company Policies: Insights from StackOverflow
Developers Survey
Karina Kohl Silveira
, Soraia Musse
, Isabel Manssour
, Renata Vieira
and Rafael Prikladnicki
School of Technology, Pontif
ıcia Universidade Cat
olica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, Brazil
Software Engineering, Software Development, Diversity, Data Visualization, StackOverflow.
Diversity is being intensively discussed by different knowledge areas of society and discussions in Software
Engineering, are increasing as well. There are unconscious bias and lack of representativeness and when
we talk about characteristics as ethnicity and gender, to mention a few. How can tech companies support
diversity, minimizing unconscious bias in their teams? Studies say that diversity builds better teams and
delivers better results, among other benefits. Cognitive diversity is linked to better outcomes, and is influenced
by identity diversity (e.g., gender, race, etc.), mainly when tasks are related to problem-solving and prediction.
In this work, we are interested in understanding the pain points in software engineering regarding diversity and
provide insights to support the attraction, hiring and retention policies for more diverse software engineering
environments. StackOverflow is a popular community question&answer forum, with a high engagement of
software developers. Yearly, they apply a survey, present straightforward results, and made the anonymized
results available for download. So, it is possible to perform additional analysis beyond the original ones. Using
data visualization techniques, we analyzed 2018 data implying insights and recommendations. Results show
that diversity in companies is not yet a conscious decision-making factor for developers assessing a new job
opportunity, and respondents from underrepresented groups tend to believe more they are not as good as their
peers. We also propose a discussion about the unconscious bias, stereotypes, and impostor syndrome and how
to provide support on that.
More than ever, software development is a col-
laborative task. Software development teams are
built on people and, lately, the area is becoming
aware of the problem of underrepresented groups,
like gender, racial, cultural, etc. As mentioned in
Vasilescu (Vasilescu et al., 2014) previous work, gen-
der representation in Science, Technology, Engineer-
ing, and Mathematics (STEM) related subjects raises
the significant attention of researchers and academics,
as well as of policy-makers, all noting a signifi-
cant under-representation of women. Several compa-
nies are doing the challenge of embracing diversity
in the workforce as Google (Google, 2018a), Face-
book (Facebook, 2018), Microsoft (Microsoft, 2018),
and SAP (SAP, 2018).
Software Engineering demands well developed
problem-solving skills from developers. Considering
Agile Methodologies, for example, the Agile Mani-
festo (Mike Beedle, 2001), put people as critical as-
sets to better performance on development and deliv-
ery, by prioritizing ”individuals and interactions over
process and tools”. Roger S. Pressman (Pressman,
2010) says that the agile philosophy emphasizes in-
dividual competence (team members) combined with
group collaboration as a critical success factor for the
team. In other areas, the impact of diversity is also
an object of study. Menard et al. (Menard et al.,
2018) presents how to adequately address cultural di-
versity in organizations regarding practices of infor-
mation protection. F
orster (F
orster, 2018) shows the
effect of ethnic heterogeneity on electoral turnout in
Europe, offering insights into the role ethnic hetero-
geneity plays in political participation. Atadero et
al. (Atadero et al., 2018) discuss how to create an in-
Silveira, K., Musse, S., Manssour, I., Vieira, R. and Prikladnicki, R.
Reinforcing Diversity Company Policies: Insights from StackOverflow Developers Survey.
DOI: 10.5220/0007707901190129
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 119-129
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
clusive environment in the first years of engineering
courses in the light of efforts to broaden the partici-
pation of women and people of color in engineering
degree programs and careers. Software engineering
environments need to be safe for diversity and devel-
opers, managers and all other roles in these environ-
ments need to understand what are the factors that im-
pact work environments, and to help companies to re-
fine their diversity and inclusion policies.
This paper aims to show our insights, based on an
analysis of StackOverflow Developers’ Survey data.
To achieve that, we are interested in exploring the fol-
lowing research question:
RQ. What companies working with software engi-
neering should focus to attract, hire and retain talents
on the specter of diversity?
To answer this question, we derived three other
RQ1. What is being considered by developers
when assessing job opportunities?
RQ2. What are their professional objectives for
the future?
RQ3. How confident developers are in their pro-
gramming skills?
Our analysis shows that diversity in the company
is not yet a conscious decision-making factor for a
developer assessing a new job opportunity except
for non-binary and transgenders. Also, respondents
that identified themselves as women, non-binary and
transgenders tend to doubt more their programming
skills and believe they are not as good as their peers
than the respondents identified as men. A discussion
about the unconscious bias, stereotypes, and impos-
tor syndrome and how to provide support on that is
provided in the Results and Discussions in Section 5.
The rest of the paper proceeds as follows. Sec-
tion 2 presents some background on how some big
players in the software engineering industry are deal-
ing with their diversity and inclusion strategies. Sec-
tion 3 shows some related work regarding data com-
ing from StackOverflow. Section 4 summarizes the
methods we used to analyze the data. Section 5
presents our results, Section 7 the threat to validity,
and Section 6 discusses them and their implications.
Section 8 concludes the paper.
Page (Page, 2007) says that we cannot tell whether
diversity is good or bad unless we first know what
diversity is. They characterized diversity as the dif-
ferences in how people see, categorize, understand,
and go about improving the world, recognizing dif-
ferent dimensions of diversity: cognitive and iden-
tity. Cognitive Diversity is the difference between
how we interpret, reason and solve problems - how
we think. Identity Diversity is determined by affilia-
tion with a social group as gender, culture, ethnicity,
religion, sexual orientation, etc. Identity diversity and
cognitive diversity often go hand in hand. People be-
longing to different identity groups, or with different
life experiences, also tend to acquire diverse cognitive
tools. Education, life experiences, and identity can all
contribute to cognitive diversity. How much of these
matters depend on the task. For identity diversity to be
beneficial in a group, it must link with cognitive diver-
sity, and it happens when tasks are related to problem-
solving and prediction, so the identities translate into
relevant tools. Also, when the members of the group
have little or no preference diversity, and when they
get along with one another. In these cases, identity
diverse groups do perform better than homogeneous
groups (Page, 2017).
2.1 Efforts to have Diverse Workforces
To have diversity in the workforce is a challenge
embraced by several companies. Table 1 summa-
rizes the Gender distribution and Table 2 summarizes
Race/Ethnicity distribution in some huge technology
Google (Google, 2018a) is one of the technology
companies that are engaged in increasing their num-
bers in diversity and inclusion area. They believe
once their mission is to organize the world’s infor-
mation and make it universally accessible and useful,
it means for every one everyone and, to do that well,
a workforce that is a representative of the users they
served is important. They present an accelerated ap-
proach to diversity and inclusion and share, annually,
their Diversity Annual Report on how they plan to
deliver their strategy. There is a disclaimer that cur-
rent gender reporting they published is not inclusive
of their non-binary population and they intend to take
into account research such as Transgender-inclusive
measures of sex/gender for population surveys. One
of the discussed points is regarding unconscious bias,
and they work with the idea that understanding bias
and its intersection with the workplace and the com-
munities around is crucial to promote change. Sci-
ence shows that everyone is biased, once the human
brain is predisposed to negative stereotypes (Spiers
et al., 2017) and they do not expect people to rid
themselves of all bias, but we want them to recog-
nize it. Research shows that when we are more aware
of unconscious bias, we make more objective deci-
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
sions. To date, 84% of Google’s people managers
have taken Unconscious Bias training, and they in-
troduced Unconscious Bias workshops into all new
employees orientations. Also, Google provides nu-
merous guides to practices and tools to improve their
people processes (Google, 2018b).
Facebook (Facebook, 2018) shares, since 2014,
their journey to build a diverse company that reflects
the global community they serve. For 2018 report
they highlight what they believe is working and where
they can do better. Facebook believes that diversity
is critical to their success as a company once peo-
ple from all backgrounds rely on Facebook to con-
nect with others, and they will better serve their needs
with a more diverse workforce. To attract the best
and the brightest, they believe that effective recruit-
ing is critical for building a diverse company. To do
that, they work with organizations that support peo-
ple of color and women in computer science and en-
gineering, some of which include Anita Borg/Grace
Hopper (Institute, 2018), SHPE (SHPE, 2018) and
NSBE (NSBE, 2018), as well as many others that
support a broad range of groups. They see steady
increases in hiring rates for underrepresented people
since they started testing this approach in 2015.
Microsoft (Microsoft, 2018) says that diversity
and inclusion are much more than gender and race
demographics. It is about different cultures, religions,
ages, political affiliations, education, and sexual ori-
entations. The commitment to diversity and inclusion
means creating an environment where everyone feels
included and valued. To do that, Microsoft is commit-
ted to build and expand the pipeline for diverse tech-
nical candidates. They work with girls in early age
to sparking their interest in technology careers. Also,
work in partnerships with associations for women in
STEM and expanding their military academy pro-
gram to military bases worldwide and still to seek
meaningful ways to encourage and cultivate future
workforce. Besides, they are also reviewing their tra-
ditional recruiting practices to become more expan-
sive and more inclusive in the processes. They ex-
panded the scope of universities where they recruit,
such as Historically Black Colleges and Universities
(HBCUs) and also have programs for autism hiring.
Managers should take Inclusive Hiring training. They
believe that build a diverse culture is a critical element
to spark innovation and allow unique perspectives and
insights to the surface.
SAP (SAP, 2018) presents four diversity areas
they work on: Gender, Cross-Generational, Culture
& Identity, and Differently Abled. SAP is dedicated
to eliminating bias in the workplace and want to en-
able individuals to be recognized for what they have
to contribute. The idea is to embrace and encour-
age different perspectives and that they are stronger
by the unique combination of culture, race, ethnic-
ity, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity
or expression, physical or mental ability, and work-
life situations. It can be highlighted the work cross-
generational where people at different stages of life
bring a variety of perspectives and experiences to the
company also, differently abled people and the
Autism at Work program that leverages the abilities
and perspectives of people with autism to foster inno-
vation and to help customers become intelligent enter-
prises. The program aims to reduce barriers of entry
so qualified individuals can fully develop their poten-
tial, and it employs over 140 people and in 12 coun-
Table 1: Gender Distribution in Tech Companies (Technical
Company Female Male
Google 21.4% 78.6%
Facebook 21.6% 78.4%
Microsoft 19.0% 81.0%
SAP 33% 1] -
SAP published only the number of Women in the en-
tire company with no differentiation of kind of role.
Table 2: Ethnicity Distribution in Tech Companies.
Company Asian Black Latinx White Other
Google 41.41% 1.5% 2.8% 50.7% 3.8%
Facebook 50.3% 1.3% 3.1% 42.7% 2.6%
Microsoft 38.2% 2.7% 4.3% 52.3% 2.4%
is a popular question and answer sites
for developers based on gamification where partic-
ipants earn reputation points and badges that can
be seen as a measure of their expertise by peers
and potential recruiters and are known to motivate
users to contribute more (Vasilescu, 2014). An ex-
tensive list of academic papers using StackOverflow
data has been published since it was created in 2008
as Vasilescu et al.(Vasilescu et al., 2013), Bosu et
al.(Bosu et al., 2013) and, Berger et al.(Berger et al.,
2016) to mention a few. However, we did not find
any academic paper using their Annual Developers’
Survey data (published since 2011).
Vasilescu et al. (Vasilescu et al., 2013) inves-
tigated the interplay between StackOverflow activi-
Reinforcing Diversity Company Policies: Insights from StackOverflow Developers Survey
ties and the development process, reflected by code
changes committed to the social coding repository,
GitHub. Their study showed that active GitHub com-
mitters ask fewer questions and provide more answers
than others. They also observed that active Stack-
Overflow askers distribute their work in a less uniform
way than developers that do not ask questions. And,
finally, they showed that despite the interruptions in-
curred, the StackOverflow activity rate correlates with
the code changing activity in GitHub.
Once earning a high reputation score requires
technical expertise and sustained effort, Bosu et
al. (Bosu et al., 2013) analyzed the StackOverflow
data from four perspectives to understand the dynam-
ics of reputation building on it. The results pro-
vided guidance to new StackOverflow contributors
who want to earn high reputation scores quickly in-
dicating the following activities to help to build repu-
tation: answering questions related to tags with lower
expertise density, answering questions promptly, be-
ing the first one to answer a question, being active
during off-peak hours, and contributing to diverse ar-
Berger et al. (Berger et al., 2016) studied Ques-
tion and Answer sites, like StackOverflow, that uses
reward systems to incentive users to answer fast and
accurately. They investigated and predicted the re-
sponse time for questions on StackOverflow, that ben-
efit from an additional incentive through so-called
bounties. In their findings, they noted that topic re-
lated factors provide much stronger evidence than
previously found elements for these questions.
Krueger et al. (Kr
uger et al., 2017) work is about
researchers performing empirical studies in the indus-
try to gain qualitative insights into a real-world prob-
lem. However, common critics are the diversity and
selection process of participants. To address these
issues, they propose to improve the integration of
question-answering systems into an empirical study.
So, they described approaches to conduct studies in
such systems, to exemplify corresponding challenges,
and to discuss their potential. They held their research
on StackOverflow.
Papoutsoglou et al. (Papoutsoglou et al., 2017)
proposed a framework that aims to collect online job
advertisements from a web source which concerns In-
formation Technology job offers and to extract from
the raw text the required skills and competencies for
specific jobs. The selected professional networking
web source was StackOverflow, and multivariate sta-
tistical data analysis was used to test the correlations
between skills and competencies in the job offers
Yin et al. (Yin et al., 2018) described a novel
method for extracting aligned code/natural language
pairs from StackOverflow. The method is based on
learning from a small number of annotated examples,
using highly informative features that capture struc-
tural aspects of the code snippet and the correspon-
dence between it and the original natural language
To answer our research questions, we combined data
visualization and data analysis techniques. In this sec-
tion, we present details about the dataset, the data vi-
sualization and preliminary quantitative analysis. A
more detailed discussion is done in Section 5.
4.1 Data Description
The data provided by StackOverflow (StackOverflow,
2018a) is based on a survey of 101,592 software de-
velopers from 183 countries around the world. Ac-
cordingly the criteria used by StackOverflow, this
number of responses are what we consider “qual-
ified” for analytical purposes based on completion
and time spent on the survey; another approximately
20,000 responses were started but not included in the
analysis because respondents did not answer enough
questions. From the total qualified responses, 67,441
(66.4%) completed the entire survey. The survey was
fielded from January 8 to January 28 and the median
time spent on the survey for qualified responses was
25.8 minutes, and the median time for those who fin-
ished the entire survey was 29.4 minutes. Survey re-
sponses that spent less than 5 minutes were excluded
from the final sample. Respondents were recruited
primarily through channels owned by StackOverflow.
Since respondents were recruited in this way, highly
engaged users on Stack Overflow were more likely to
notice the links for the survey and click to begin it.
Respondents who finished the survey were awarded a
“Census” badge as a motivation to complete the sur-
vey. The data is anonymized and available for down-
load in CSV format, and under the Open Database
License (ODbL). In the following section, we present
the quantitative results that answer our sub-research
questions and support the answer to the primary re-
search question of this work. First, we analyze the
aspects considered relevant by developers regarding
their interests in job opportunities. Then we see re-
spondents future goals. The third aspect we inves-
tigate is confidence. We show these issues as seen
across gender, race, and ethnicity. Finally we present
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Women/Men Priorities when Assessing a Job.
lessons learned that might serve as input for compa-
nies hiring policies.
The primary design goal for visualization is to effec-
tively communicate a thorough understanding of the
data it represents. This utility of visualization does
include usability goals but ultimately revolves around
the visualization’s ability to help people better under-
stand data (Saket et al., 2016). Nowadays many tools
are allowing to visualize and gain faster insights about
the data. In this work, we chose to use Tableau Desk-
top (Tableu, 2018) as the tool to support our visual
data analysis.
In the following sections, we present the data vi-
sualization that aims to provide support to answer the
research questions. In this work, we are not con-
sidering salary as a parameter to the discussion be-
cause it is a very well discussed subject in the in-
dustry and hard news. There are studies about gen-
der pay gaps in different areas and technology as
well (Florentine, 2018)(Tarr, )(Ismail, 2018) (Martin-
son, 2018)(Orphanides, 2018).
5.1 Aspects when Assessing Job
This section aims to support to answer our
RQ1: “What is being considered by developers when
assessing job opportunities?”. In the survey, Stack-
Overflow asked the respondents to rank ten aspects
when assessing a potential job opportunity. They
should rank from 1 (the most important) to 10 (the
least important) the following aspects:
The industry that I’d be working in;
The financial performance or funding status of the
company or organization;
The specific department or team I’d be working
The languages, frameworks, and other technolo-
gies I’d be working with;
The compensation and benefits offered;
The office environment or company culture;
The opportunity to work from home/remotely;
Opportunities for professional development;
The diversity of the company or organization;
How widely used or impactful the product or ser-
vice I’d be working on is.
For a better analysis of this topic, we split the an-
swers by Gender and Race/Ethnicity. The results fol-
5.1.1 Gender Analysis
For women, the most important aspect when assess-
ing a job is “The office environment or company cul-
ture”. The last important one is “The financial perfor-
mance or funding status of the company or organiza-
tion”. For men, the distribution is quite different. Men
tend to consider first “The compensation and benefits
offered” and the last priority is “The diversity of the
company or organization”. Figure 1 compares the dis-
tribution for women and men.
When comparing the first and last ones, the of-
fice environment or company culture, that is the first
Reinforcing Diversity Company Policies: Insights from StackOverflow Developers Survey
Figure 2: Non-Binary/Transgender Priorities when Assessing a Job.
one for women, appears as fourth for men. The fi-
nancial performance or funding status of the company
or organization appears in the tenth and last place
for women and ninth place for men, showing pretty
similar importance. The compensations and benefits
that appear as first for men are in the fourth place for
women. And the diversity of the company, that ap-
pears as last important for men appears in ninth place
for women. So, even with all the discussions about
diversity individual developers that identified them-
selves as Female or Male are not making it a priority
when looking for a job.
However, the panorama changes when we evalu-
ate the data for Non-Binary and Transgender popula-
tion. Individuals that identified themselves as Non-
binaries/Genderqueer or Gender non-conforming put
office environment or company culture and diversity
of the company as their first and second priorities.
Transgenders put culture as the first and diversity as
fifth. The financial performance or funding status of
the company seems to be very well aligned among all
the respondents, no matter the gender - ninth and tenth
place as shown in Figure 2.
5.1.2 Race and Ethnicity Analysis
We also analyzed the aspects when assessing a job op-
portunity by race/ethnicity. The race/ethnicity listed
in the StackOverflow survey were: White or of Euro-
pean descent, South Asian, Hispanic or Latino/Latina,
East Asian, Middle Eastern, Black or of African de-
scent, Native American/Pacific Islander/Indigenous
Australian. Figure 3 compares assessments between
Black or Afro Descent and White or European De-
Compensation and benefits are the priority
for White or European Descent, East Asians,
Hispanic/Latins and, Native American/Pacific Is-
lander/Indigenous Australian. Opportunities for pro-
fessional development are priorities for Black or Afro
Descents and Middle Eastern. Languages and frame-
works were mentioned as priorities for South Asian.
However, diversity of the company is ranked in the
tenth for all. Office environment or company cul-
ture is indicated in third by East Asians, in fourth by
White/European Descents, Native American/Pacific
Islander/Indigenous Australian and Middle Eastern
and, in the fifth by Hispanic/Latin and Black/Afro De-
5.2 Professional Objectives
In this section, the objective is to help to answer our
RQ2. “What are they professional objectives for the
future?”. One of the questions done in the survey
was “What Do Developers Hope To Be Doing in Five
5.2.1 Gender Analysis
While 26% of men want to be Working as a founder
or co-founder of their own company, near 16% of
women, non-binary and transgenders want the same.
Around 42% of women and non-binary wish to be
working in a different or more specialized technical
role in comparison to approximately 33% of men and
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: Race/Ethnicity Priorities when Assessing a Job.
5.2.2 Race and Ethnicity Analysis
When analyzing data from the race/ethnicity point of
view, we have 44.71% Black or Afro descent wanting
to be Working as a founder or co-founder of their own
company and 41.53% of South Asians wanting to be
Working in a different or more specialized technical
role. Figure 5 shows the data for race/ethnicity
5.3 Not as Good Programming as the
This section wants to support to answer our RQ3.
“How confident developers are in their programming
As we can see in Figure 6, most of the answers, no
matter the gender, are on the disagreement range or in
the neither agree nor disagree. However, men tend
to disagree more with the affirmation. On the scale
of agreeing and strongly agreeing, we have 29.73%
of women that agree or strongly agree that is not as
good as their peers, versus 17.28% of men that share
the same belief. 24.5% on non-binary and 19.61% of
transgenders also believe that are not as good as their
5.4 Insights from Results
In this section we intend to perform a more detailed
discussion over the data previously presented and an-
swer our more in-depth research question: “what
companies working with software engineering should
focus to attract, hire and retain talents on the specter
of diversity?”
The first analysis presented was about the aspects
considered by developers when assessing a new job.
Diversity does not seem to be a conscious priority for
most of the developers when assessing a new job op-
portunity. However, non-binaries and transgenders
put this on the top of the rank, followed by the cul-
ture of the company. Culture appears as first for
women and considering gender and race, always mid-
ranked. When sharing their results, StackOverflow it-
self mentioned: “The tech industry is struggling over-
all with issues around diversity, and individual devel-
opers are not making it a priority when looking for a
job.(Stackoverflow, 2018).
It is essential to recall the case of the Google’s
employee fired in 2017 after wrote a memo blaming
biology for technical’s gender gap (Varinsky, 2017).
Here we have a mix of two crucial aspects: diversity
supported by culture. Even if the diversity of the com-
pany is the last item to be considered when a devel-
oper considers a new job opportunity, companies may
consider this aspect once is linked to enterprise cul-
ture and the way to provide a safe work environment
for all.
We also evaluated what the respondents intend to
be doing in five years. Men want to be owners of
their own business when women wish to more spe-
cialized technical positions. It sounds that, devel-
opment programs that offer opportunities for women
improve their technical skills may pay off once they
Reinforcing Diversity Company Policies: Insights from StackOverflow Developers Survey
Figure 4: Gender - In Five Years.
demonstrate higher interest than men to be in special-
ized positions.
The last point analyzed is related to respondents
assessing if they believe they are not as good as their
peers on their programming skills. Women, Non-
binary and transgenders tend to doubt more their pro-
gramming skills comparing to their peers than men.
To perform the analysis of these results, it is essen-
tial to recall previous events. In 2016, Google pub-
lished a study about the diversity gap in computer sci-
ence (Inc. and Inc., 2016). In this study, they iden-
tified that male student are more interested and more
confident in learning computer science, and that fe-
male students rate themselves lower in skills related
to Computer Science. Another point identified by the
study is that stereotypes may influence implicit be-
liefs about who can study computer science and might
introduce unconscious bias in educators and parents,
who may disproportionately and unconsciously en-
courage students who fit the computer scientist stereo-
type to pursue Computer Science. For example, male
students are more likely than female students to have
been told by a teacher (39% vs. 26%) or a parent
(46% vs. 27%) that they would be good at Computer
Science. Teachers and parents may reinforce stereo-
types by telling more male students they think they
would be good at Computer Science, thus furthering
the underrepresentation of females in Computer Sci-
Recent research published in Nature from O’Dea
et al. (O’Dea et al., 2018) says that girls are suscep-
tible to conforming to stereotypes in the traditionally
male-dominated fields of STEM, and backlash effects
hinder girls who try to succeed in these fields. A
girl’s answer to the question of “what do you want
to be when you grow up?” will be shaped by her
own beliefs about gender, and the collective beliefs
of the society she is raised in. The study also com-
pares school grades of girls and boys. They found
out that girls tend to earn higher school grades than
boys, including in STEM subjects. The prediction of
the grade distribution represents that, when all grades
are considered, girls on average earn higher grades
and are less variable than boys, although there are
more highly performing boys than girls at the upper
end of the achievement distribution. Therefore, by the
time a girl graduates, she is just as likely as a boy to
have earned high enough grades to pursue a career in
STEM. When she evaluates her options, however, the
STEM path is trodden by more male competitors than
non-STEM and presents additional internal and exter-
nal threats due to her and societies’ gendered beliefs
(stereotype threat and backlash effects). Additionally,
the paper says that gender differences in expectations
of success can arise due to backlash effects against
individuals who defy the stereotype of their gender,
or due to gender differences in ‘abilities tilt’ (having
comparatively high ability in one discipline compared
to another). Women in male-dominated pursuits, in-
cluding STEM, face a paradox: if they conform to
gender stereotypes, they might be perceived as less
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: Race/Ethnicity - In Five Years.
competent, but if they defy gender stereotypes and
perform ‘like a man,’ then their progress can be halted
by ‘backlash’ from both men and women.
So, the results observed in the StackOverflow De-
velopers’ Survey may be a reflex of stereotypes built
from previous personal experiences and be directly re-
lated to a confidence gap in women, mainly.
An important point to be considered is what
is called the impostor syndrome. Jackson and
Heath (Jackson and Heath, 2014) says that impostor
syndrome is defined as a psychological phenomenon
in which people are unable to internalize their accom-
plishments. Impostor syndrome affects most people
at some point during their careers across all races, all
genders, and all ages.
Sukhai (Sukhai and Mohler, 2016) mentions that
impostor syndrome is common within the academic
environment, particularly at the graduate level stu-
dent - in STEM fields, mainly, where productivity is
a significant measure of a student’s success. Impos-
tor syndrome presents itself as a series of feeling or
thoughts, and one of them is the frustration with the
inability to meet self-set standards (“I will never be
as good as I want to be, so why bother trying?”).
Churchill (Churchill, 2018) points out that over four
decades ago when it was given a name by clinical psy-
chologists Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes in the
late 1970s, this feeling was prevalent among high-
achieving women.
Follow-on research has shown that impostor syn-
drome is very real and very prevalent and that its
effects are undeniably negative. Therefore also un-
surprising that there is a strong correlation between
impostor syndrome and anxiety, stress, depression,
and burnout, the debilitating condition of exhaustion
that can result in talented individuals giving up on
promising careers. StackOverflow shares the results
about disability status in their results page, with num-
bers about anxiety, depression and focus (StackOver-
flow, 2018b), but, unfortunately, the individualized
and anonymized results about it were not shared in
the CSV file, and we could not make the gender cor-
To overcome it, it is essential to have a support
network that helps to identified impostor syndrome in
their workforce. There are some strategies to over-
come the syndrome, for example: instruct employ-
ees that comparison with others must be done with
care (Jackson and Heath, 2014). Comparison with-
out context can be misleading (people will compare
themselves with people in another skill level).
That said, what we found in the data from of
StackOverflow Developers’ Survey suggests the im-
portance of the initiatives to minimize bias and stereo-
types that some companies are doing in their hiring
process and the process of development of their tech-
nical team.
The validity of this work can be subjected to some
threats. In the following, threats to internal validity
and external validity are illustrated.
External validity refers to how much we can gen-
eralize our findings. The presented results are based
on data from the StackOverflow community. We sus-
pect that given the high number of respondents and
the reputation of the community the results could be
generalized outside the scope of our study.
Reinforcing Diversity Company Policies: Insights from StackOverflow Developers Survey
Figure 6: Not as good programming as the peers.
Internal validity often refers to experimenter bi-
ases. For our results, the threat of misreading the
data visualization analysis and getting to conclusions
based on the knowledge areas of the researchers in-
volved in this work.
The present work set out to provide insights to sup-
port the attraction, hiring and retention policies for
more diverse and inclusive software engineering en-
vironments. Using the anonymized data from Stack-
Overflow Developer’s Survey, we performed analysis
and correlations beyond their original ones with the
support of data visualization techniques that implied
in insights to our recommendations. Results show
that diversity in the company is not yet a full con-
scious decision-making factor for developers assess-
ing a new job opportunity, and respondents that iden-
tified themselves as women, non-binary and transgen-
ders tend to doubt more their programming skills be-
lieving they are not as good as their peers. A dis-
cussion about the unconscious bias, stereotypes, and
impostor syndrome was done, and we reinforce the
importance of initiatives to minimize bias and stereo-
types that companies are doing in their hiring pro-
cess and the process of development of their technical
For future work studies, we see opportunities
when we selected more specific aspects in the spec-
trum of the diversity. For example, for cognitive di-
versity, since there has been an increase in computer
science students with the Asperger Syndrom (Ribu,
2010)(Egan, 2005), it is also important to tackle this
issue globally in Software Engineering. There is also
a need for teaching institutions and software compa-
nies to work together to understand these differences
better to include them.
This project is partially funded by FAPERGS, project
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Reinforcing Diversity Company Policies: Insights from StackOverflow Developers Survey