A Deep-learning-based approach to VM behavior Identification in Cloud
Matteo Stefanini, Riccardo Lancellotti, Lorenzo Baraldi and Simone Calderara
Department of Engineering ”Enzo Ferrari”, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy
Cloud Computing, VMs Classification, Deep Learning.
Cloud computing data centers are growing in size and complexity to the point where monitoring and man-
agement of the infrastructure become a challenge due to scalability issues. A possible approach to cope with
the size of such data centers is to identify VMs exhibiting a similar behavior. Existing literature demonstrated
that clustering together VMs that show a similar behavior may improve the scalability of both monitoring and
management of a data center. However, available clustering techniques suffer from a trade-off between the
accuracy of the clustering and the time to achieve this result. Not being able to obtain an accurate clustering
in short time hinders the application of these solutions, especially in public cloud scenarios where on-demand
VMs are instantiated and run for a short time span. Throughout this paper we propose a different approach
where, instead of an unsupervised clustering, we rely on classifiers based on deep learning techniques to assign
a newly deployed VMs to a cluster of already-known VMs. The two proposed classifiers, namely DeepConv
and DeepFFT use a convolution neural network and (in the latter model) exploits Fast Fourier Transformation
to classify the VMs. Our proposal is validated using a set of traces describing the behavior of VMs from a real
cloud data center. The experiments compare our proposal with state-of-the-art solutions available in literature,
such as the AGATE technique and PCA-based clustering, demonstrating that our proposal can achieve a very
high accuracy (compared to the best performing alternatives) without the need to introduce the notion of a
gray-area to take into account not-yet assigned VMs as in AGATE. Furthermore, we show that our solution is
significantly faster than the alternatives as it can produce a perfect classification even with just a few samples
of data, such as 4 observations (corresponding to 20 minutes of data), making our proposal viable also to
classify on-demand VMs that are characterized by a short life span.
The popularity of cloud computing is clearly demon-
strated by its wide adoption: for example, nearly 60%
of the Apache Spark installations are deployed in the
Cloud (Taneja Group, 2018). The benefit from em-
bracing the Cloud paradigms typically lies in the re-
duced cost of ownership for the infrastructure, that
may reach up to 66% for some cases (Varia, 2011).
A critical point for the IaaS Cloud infrastructures
is the monitoring and management of the virtual ma-
chines (VMs) and physical nodes in a data center.
Even just monitoring may present scalability issues,
due to the sheer amount of data involved (Whitney
and Delforge, 2014). In a similar way, the opti-
mization problem for mapping VMs over the infras-
tructure may exhibit an unmanageable dimensionality
forcing the Cloud provider to introduce some over-
simplification (Porter and Katz, 2006). A common
problem that hinders the scalability of monitoring and
management in Cloud data centers is considering each
VM as a black-box independent from the others. Ef-
fective proposal to improve the scalability of Cloud
monitoring and management using a class based-
approach have been recently introduced (Canali et al.,
2018; Canali and Lancellotti, 2015). These class-
based solutions leverage the observation that VMs
hosting the same software component of the same
application exhibit similar behavior with respect to
resource utilization. Hence, by taking into account
the similarity in VMs behavior it is possible, for ex-
ample, to increase by nearly one order of magnitude
the number of VMs that can be considered in the
of the data-center VMs allocation problem (Canali
and Lancellotti, 2015). However, available cluster-
ing techniques to identify VMs that exhibit similar
behavior, show a trade-off between accuracy of VMs
group identification and the amount of observations
(and hence the time) required to reach an accurate
classification (Canali and Lancellotti, 2018). This is-
Stefanini, M., Lancellotti, R., Baraldi, L. and Calderara, S.
A Deep-learning-based approach to VM behavior Identification in Cloud Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0007708403080315
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2019), pages 308-315
ISBN: 978-989-758-365-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
sue hinders the application of a class-based approach
outside a static scenario characterized by long-term
commitments (Durkee, 2010), where cloud customers
purchase VMs for extended periods of time. An at-
tempt to address this trade-off has been made through
a technique named AGATE (Adaptive Gray Area-
based TEchnique) (Canali and Lancellotti, 2018), that
adapts the amount of observations to the level of cer-
tainty of the identification of a VM as belonging to a
cluster. However, also this technique does not ensure
an upper bound on the time to identify VMs.
In this paper we propose a different approach
based on a classifier that uses a deep learning tech-
nique to identify the VMs relying on a model obtained
from preliminary training. While the need to tune the
neural network reduces the flexibility compared to the
purely clustering-based approach proposed in (Canali
and Lancellotti, 2018), the proposed classifier is sig-
nificantly faster and can identify VMs with a perfect
accuracy, observing their behavior for just a few min-
utes, compared to the hours required in the alternative
We tested the proposed classifier using traces de-
rived from the work in (Canali and Lancellotti, 2018).
The results confirm that our proposal significantly
outperforms the alternatives in terms of accuracy in
the classification and in the time required to reach that
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 provides a description of the pro-
posed deep-learning-based classifier including both
the model and the implementation. Section 3 de-
scribes the experimental results. Section 4 discusses
the related work and Section 5 concludes the paper
with some final remarks and outlines future research
Our contribution comprises two learnable models
for VM identification, which we call DeepConv and
DeepFFT. While the former employs a convolutional
neural network to process time signals, the latter com-
bines the Fast Fourier Transform operator and a con-
volutional neural network to analyze the VM be-
haviour in the frequency domain. In the following, we
will first outline the basic elements of a deep learning
approach to classification. Next, we will describe the
DeepConv network and subsequently we will outline
the DeepFFT model by highlighting the differences
with the previous approach.
2.1 Model Overview
We start our analysis with a discussion of the Deep
learning approach to classification that is the core of
the paper. To provide a consistent description, we will
refer to the symbols and the nomenclature shown in
Table 1. As further information, we provide the di-
mensionality/value ranges for the main elements of
the model. We do not provide this information for
the main layers and components of the deep-learning
model (bottom part of the table) because they are de-
scribed in full detail in the following of the paper.
Table 1: Summary of symbols used in the model.
Symbol Meaning Dimensionality
M Number of dataset metrics 16
W Sequence length considered 4 . . . 256
X Input data M × W
C Number of VM classes 2
N batch size 64
Number of model’s blocks 2 . . . N
n-th Block 2 . . . N
Kernel size in convolutions 3
s stride (step) in convolutions 2
out Output of the model C
FC Fully Connected layer
BN Batch-Norm layer (Ioffe and Szegedy, 2015)
Convolution layer
ReLU Activation function
Fast Fourier Transform layer
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are a
class of Artificial Neural Networks that have been
proven very effective in the last years in solving com-
plex tasks involving multimedia data, such as images
and video. They work well for identifying simple pat-
terns within input data which can then be used to form
more complex patterns in subsequent operations and
finally be sufficiently informative to be used to per-
form the specific task at hand (i.e. classification, re-
gression, etc).
Inspired by deep convolutional neural networks,
which are composed of several Convolutional layers
followed by a final Fully Connected layer, our models
are composed by a variable sequence of blocks and a
final Fully Connected layer for the output classifica-
VMs behavior is described as a set of time se-
ries each describing a specific metric (e.g. Memory
utilization, CPU utilization, Network traffic, etc. . . ).
For a complete list of the metric used in our experi-
ments, the reader can refer to Table 2 in the next sec-
tion. Since each metric is a series of samples taken
across time, that are by nature one dimensional sig-
nals, we make use of a specific kind of Convolution,
i.e. 1-dimensional Convolutions, as elementary block
of our network, and we consider each metric as an
input channel on which we calculate the convolution
A Deep-learning-based approach to VM behavior Identification in Cloud Systems
operation independently.
A Convolution 1D is a deep learning linear oper-
ation used to extract features from one dimensional
data like signals, with the aim to identify local pat-
terns within a certain window, which is called kernel
size (K
). The kernel contains the learnable parame-
ters that are used to carry out the operation. Because
this kernel is being shifted along the time dimension
with a certain step, called stride (s), the same calcu-
lation is executed on every patch of the data attended
by the kernel, so that a pattern learned at one position
can also be recognized at a different position, making
1D Convolution translation invariant.
In the simplest case, let’s assume a Convolution
1D layer with input size (N, C
, L
) and output
(N, C
, L
), then the values of the output tensor
can be computed as follow:
out [i, j] = b [j] +
w [j, k] ? input [i, k] (1)
where ? is the convolution operator, N is the batch
size, C denotes the number of channels (for the first
layer, the channels correspond to the VMs metrics), L
is the length of signal sequence (referred to as input).
Furthermore, w and b are the learnable parameters of
the layer, with shape (C
, C
, K
) and (C
), re-
The stride (s) is an hyper-parameter of the 1-
dimensional convolution that controls the step of the
kernel: if greater than one, data is scanned with
greater steps, hence less times, causing a decrease of
the initial dimension length, an effect that can be seen
as pooling, a well-known deep learning strategy to re-
duce data dimensions, useful especially when they are
In our models we also make use of Batch Nor-
malization (Ioffe and Szegedy, 2015), which is a pop-
ular operation that normalizes data across the batch
dimension considered at a time, where the batch is a
subsample of the dataset use in training phase to speed
up gradient based optimization. Applying Batch Nor-
malization after each convolutional layer helps deep
networks to converge faster; and lastly, we use the
non-linear activation function ReLU (Rectified Lin-
ear Unit) that is used to stabilize the gradient during
2.2 DeepConv Model
Each block of our DeepConv network is hence com-
prised of a Convolution1D layer with kernel size of
3 and stride of 2, followed by a Batch-Normalization
layer and a ReLU activation function; this block is re-
peated a variable number of times depending on the
Input metrics
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
Block 4
Fully Connected layer
(data flattened)
Time OR
Figure 1: DeepConv model architecture.
input sequence length (W ), with a minimum of two
times. Following the last block, data is then flattened
and applied to a Fully Connected layer which will out-
put the class results.
The number of blocks of the model is given by the
= max(log
(W ) 1, 2) (2)
Where W is the input sequence length of the data con-
Varying the number of blocks is a consequence of
a simple consideration: the model needs to have a fi-
nal layer with neurons Receptive Field that can ob-
serve, and thus leverage information, over the entire
input sequence; hence, given that we do experiments
with different input sequence length, we need a flexi-
ble model that can adapt its architectures depth based
on the input at hand. The Receptive Field of a general
neuron is nothing but the portion of input data that the
neuron has access to and can influence its activation.
Our generic DeepConv model for an input se-
quence length of 32 timesteps is shown in Figure 1,
where we outline how the data shape changes pass-
ing through each block of the network until the final
Fully Connected layer; each metric is exhibited as a
column of values, so that putting together M metrics
(16 in our case), we obtain an input shape of (W, M ).
Adding also the Batch-Size dimension N , which con-
siders Batch-Size input samples at a time to optimize
the network, we obtain the final input shape for train-
ing of (N, W, M ).
The final out class probabilities given by the
model is calculated as follows:
P (out) = softmax(out) =
Where out is the output of the model, which is com-
puted as follows:
out = (F C B
· · · B
)(X) (4)
with being the concatenation operator for Neural
Network blocks, N
the number of blocks as defined
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
in Eq. 2, FC the final Fully Connected layer, and each
block defined as:
= (A
)(X) (5)
where A
indicates the activation function, BN
a Batch Normalization layer, C
a Convolution1D
layer and X the input tensor.
2.3 DeepFFT Model
Given the periodicity of some of the signals involved,
we derived a second model, namely DeepFFT, with
the same architecture described so far used with time
series data, but applied to data frequencies, hence
transforming the data to the Fourier Domain before
feeding the model.
If we compare DeepFFT with the previously de-
scribed DeepConv model, the only difference lies in
the presence of an additional initial layer which com-
putes the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of each met-
ric sequence and returns the magnitude of each fre-
quency. We empirically found that using the mag-
nitude leads to better results than other alternatives,
such as using the phase or the raw real and imaginary
Therefore the substantial difference between the
two models is that DeepConv works in the time do-
main whilst DeepFFT works in the Fourier Domain,
and we can simply derive its general formulation from
Eq. 4 by adding an initial FFT computation block over
the input (i.e. B
). The new layer is placed before
every other block, as follows:
out = (F C B
· · · B
(X)) (6)
2.4 Implementation Details
We now discuss some details on our implementation
of the DeepConv and DeepFFT models.
We implemented the models using the PyTorch
framework (code is available at the following URL:
Our implementation includes a pre-processing of
the input data. Specifically, we normalize the data to
have zero mean and unit variance in each channel. As
the initial stream of data is partitioned into several in-
put sequences with a length defined as the window W ,
we also leverage data augmentation techniques for se-
quences longer than 64 timesteps; specifically, we ap-
ply 75% overlay between sequences, so that we can
obtain more sequences for train and evaluation pur-
We also balance the data to have the same number
of samples within each class and we split the dataset
in three parts, train, validation and test sets, with the
chosen fractions of 0.7, 0.2 and 0.1, respectively, and
then used separately in the training, validation and test
phases of the models.
For the training phase we use the Cross Entropy as
loss function to evaluate the predictions of the models
and back-propagate the error in training phase. In all
our experiments we use the Adam optimizer (Kingma
and Ba, 2014), with default values, and, after a grid
search on learning rate and weight decay hyperpa-
rameters, we found that a learning rate of 0.0003 and
weight decay of 0.0012 work well in most scenarios.
A more detailed sensitivity analysis with multiple sce-
narios, however, is left as as an open issue to address
as a future work. We also reduce the learning rate by a
factor of 0.6 when we observe that the validation loss
does not decrease for 10 consecutive epochs.
After each training epoch, which is a pass over the
entire training set, we evaluate the model performance
in a validation phase (using the validation fraction of
the dataset). In our experiments, we train each model
for 110 epochs, observing that all models converge
within this range. The validation phase identifies the
best performing model that is used in the final perfor-
mance evaluation with the test data never used before.
Experiments were carried out using a dataset owned
by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, con-
sisting of eight real-world cloud virtual machines,
monitored for a few years and divided in two classes:
Web-server and SQL-server. The list of metric fed
into the classifier is provided in Table 2. The experi-
mental setup used is consistent with the scenario de-
scribed in (Canali and Lancellotti, 2018): in particu-
lar, the classes of VMs and the metrics considered are
the same.
In our experiments we aim to validate the ability
of the proposed model to provide an accurate identi-
fication of VMs based on their behavior. In particu-
lar, we consider our proposed models DeepConv and
DeepFFT compared with other state-of-the-art solu-
tions such as the AGATE technique (Canali and Lan-
cellotti, 2018) and a PCA-based clustering solution
that exploits the correlation between the time series
of the VMs metrics to characterize the VMs behav-
ior. The PCA-based clustering has been used as the
best representative of traditional clustering technique
in (Canali and Lancellotti, 2018). The main metric
in our analyses is the accuracy, that is the percent-
age of samples identified correctly by our classifier.
This metric has been used consistently in previous pa-
A Deep-learning-based approach to VM behavior Identification in Cloud Systems
Table 2: Metrics used for VM classification.
Metric Description
SysCallRate Rate of system calls [req/sec]
CPU CPU utilization [%]
IdleCPU Idle CPU fraction [%]
I/O buffer Utilization of I/O buffer [%]
DiskAvl Available disk space [%]
CacheMiss Cache miss [%]
Memory Physical memory utilization [%]
UserMem User-space memory utilization [%]
PgOutRate Rate of memory pages swap-out [pages/sec]
InPktRate Rate of network incoming packets [pkts/sec]
OutPktRate Rate of network outgoing packets [pkts/sec]
InByteRate Rate of network incoming traffic [KB/sec]
OutByteRate Rate of network outgoing traffic [KB/sec]
AliveProc Number of processes in system
ActiveProc Number of active processes in run queue
RunTime Execution time
pers on VMs identification based on clustering, such
as (Canali and Lancellotti, 2018). However, in some
cases we refer to the dual metric, that is the classi-
fication error percentage. As our goal is to provide
a fast and accurate identification of VMs, we con-
sider important to evaluate how the identification ac-
curacy changes as a function of the window length W .
Specifically, in our experiments W ranges between 4
and 256 timesteps, that in minutes correspond respec-
tively to 20 and 1280 (slightly more than 21 hours).
As a first result we provide an evaluation of the
two proposed models, shown in Figure 2. In partic-
ular, we show the accuracy achieved by the Deep-
Conv and DeepFFT models as a function of the win-
dow length W (we recall that W is measured in 5
minutes time steps). A first significant result of this
evaluation is the overall performance of the consid-
ered model. Looking at the data, we observe that
the accuracy of each model is always higher than
98.5%, that is a fairly good performance for this type
of problems (a quick comparison with the AGATE
technique, shows that both proposed models outper-
forms consistently AGATE). Even more interesting,
the DeepConv model achieves a perfect classification
of VMs, especially for short time windows, that is the
most interesting and challenging scenario because it
enables the identification in near real-time of a VM.
The DeepConv model worsen its performance as the
window increases, likely due to the increased model
complexity and the fixed size of convolutional ker-
nels. The DeepFFT model presents an opposite be-
havior, with performance improving as the window
grows. This effect can be explained by considering
that a longer time window provides more information
for the Fourier-transformed problem and the classifier
can work with a more consistent description of the
VMs behavior.
Figure 2: Models Accuracy.
Having obtained a first assessment of the Deep
learning-based models, we compare our proposal
with state-of-the-art solutions for VMs classification.
In particular, we refer to the AGATE (Canali and Lan-
cellotti, 2018) technique and to the PCA-based clus-
tering. For this comparison we refer to the error per-
centage and, for the AGATE technique, we also show
the percentage of unclassified VMs (that are the VMs
left in the gray-area for additional data collection).
The results of the study are reported in Table 3 and
in Figure 3. In particular, Table 3 shows the error of
the considered alternatives for a window W ranging
from 4 to 256 time steps. As we aim to refer as closely
as possible to the original results in (Canali and Lan-
cellotti, 2018), in the results marked with a star (*),
we approximate the results in hours with the closest
possible window size. Boldface characters are used to
outline, for each value of the window W , the best per-
forming solution. We observe that, as a general rule,
the longer the observation window, the better each so-
lution is performing. For the PCA-based clustering,
the percentage of errors decreases from nearly 18%
to roughly 15%. For the AGATE solution the error
percentage is not monotone but remains in the range
[1.8%, 2.4%]; however we observe a clear reduction
of the un-classified VMs dropping from nearly 50%
to nearly 19% as the window grows. The AGATE so-
lution outperforms by one order of magnitude the pre-
vious solutions. However, the Deep learning-based
models are a clear step ahead compared to the AGATE
technique. We observe that, for every considered win-
dow the best performance are achieved by a deep
learning-based model. Furthermore, for small win-
dows (i.e. W 8 time steps), the DeepConv model
achieves 0% errors with no need to postpone any clas-
sification using the notion of a gray-area.
The results in Table 3 are more clearly visible if
we refer to Fig. 3. The reduction of the gray area
(shown as a gray shadow in the figure) is quite ev-
ident and demonstrates how the AGATE technique
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 3: Error comparison with state-of-the-art.
Method 4 8 16 32 64 128 256
PCA-based - 17.9* 17.5* 16.1* 15.4* 15.2* 15.1*
error - 1.8* 2.8* 2.3* 1.9* 1.7* 2.4*
grey-area - 47.8* 41.1* 27.8* 22.3* 19.9* 18.7*
DeepFFT 1.32 1.24 1.45 1.04 0.79 0.53 0.43
DeepConv 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.64 0.76 1.27 1.17
Figure 3: Comparison with state-of-the-art.
becomes more effective with time, while the amount
of errors (red line) remains in the order of few per-
centage points. On the other hand, the previously
proposed PCA-based clustering (the yellow line) is
clearly affected by an unacceptable amount of errors.
However, the two deep learning-based models (blue
and green lines) are a clear step ahead compared to
the existing techniques as they provide even lower er-
ror rate than the AGATE alternative, without using a
gray area.
The tasks of monitoring and managing Cloud data
centers in a scalable way has received lots of atten-
tion over the last years (Aceto et al., 2013; Beloglazov
et al., 2011).
At the level of monitoring scalability, it is com-
mon to exploit aggregation and filtering techniques to
reduce the amount of data before sending them to the
data center controller.
When focusing on the monitoring of a Cloud in-
frastructure, scalability problems are typically ad-
dressed relying on some form of dimensionality re-
duction (e.g. filtering or aggregation) that occurs be-
fore sending data to the cloud management function.
Such dimensionality reduction is performed by ad-
hoc software, typically in the form of a library or im-
plemented as an data-collecting software agent. Ex-
ample of this approach are provided in (Mehrotra
et al., 2011; Shao and Wang, 2011; Azmandian et al.,
2011; Kertesz et al., 2013). The actual aggregation
policy may vary ranging from extraction of high-level
performance indicators (Shao and Wang, 2011); to
obtaining parameters that aggregate metrics from dif-
ferent system layers (hardware, OS, application and
user) using Kalman filters (Mehrotra et al., 2011); to
a simple linear combination of OS-layer metrics (Az-
mandian et al., 2011); up to systems that extract data
from both the OS and the applications (Kertesz et al.,
2013; Andreolini et al., 2011).
The problem of cloud monitoring is addressed not
just by research proposals but also by full-featured
frameworks both commercial or open source (just to
give a few names, Amazon cloud Watch is a commer-
cial product, while MONASCA, the OpenStack mon-
itor is open source) However, the common limit of
these solution is that each object taken into account in
the monitoring process (either VM or physical node)
is considered as independent form every other ob-
jects. In doing so, these proposals fail to take advan-
tage form the similarities between objects exhibiting
a similar behavior.
The management of Cloud systems is another crit-
ical topic, where several papers have been published,
starting from the early examples based on the prin-
ciples of autonomic computing applied to the the
Cloud (Buyya et al., 2012). Another interesting exam-
ple of Cloud managment is represented by the Bob-
tail library (Xu et al., 2013), that aims at supporting
in each VM the identification of placement problems
that result in high communication latency. All these
solutions rely on the assumption that the cloud user
is willing to install a specific software layer on each
VM, to overcome some limitations of the IaaS vision
of the cloud. Our focus is completely different as we
place no requirement on the VMs user and we comply
completely with the IaaS vision. Other studies aiming
at improving the data center scalability have been pro-
posed, such as (Canali et al., 2018; Canali and Lan-
cellotti, 2015; Mastroianni et al., 2013). Our proposal
can be integrated with these solution to improve the
scalability of the cloud data center management.
Identifying similarities between VMs in a Cloud
infrastructure is the key problem of our research. Sev-
eral relevant works are discussed in the following.
The research in (Zhang et al., 2011) aims at identify-
ing similar VMs, but the similarity detection is limited
to storage resources and its application scope is that of
storage consolidation strategies. Similarly, the study
in (Jayaram et al., 2011) investigates similarities of
VMs static images used in public cloud environments
to provide insights for de-duplication and image-level
A Deep-learning-based approach to VM behavior Identification in Cloud Systems
cache management. Our approach focuses on a wider
range of applications because we do not limit our
analysis to a few resources for a limited purpose,
but we consider a robust and general-purpose multi-
resource similarity identification mechanism. A sim-
ilar focus on similarity detection in VMs character-
izes (Canali and Lancellotti, 2018). Such study aims
to address the trade-off between a fast identification
of VMs and its accuracy using an adaptive approach.
Our proposal addresses the same issue relying on a
deep learning approach that ensures a very fast and
accurate identification of the VMs.
Techniques derived from deep-learning have been
recently proposed to address problems in the field of
distributed infrastructure such as Cloud data centers
and Fog systems. For example, the authors of (Liu
et al., 2017) propose a deep reinforced learning tech-
nique for the management of VMs allocation in Cloud
data center. Our proposal is completely orthogonal to
the proposal in (Canali and Lancellotti, 2015) and can
be integrated with a class-based approach leveraging
the VMs identification proposed in this paper. An-
other application of Deep-learning in distributed sys-
tem is related to anomaly or attack detection. For ex-
ample, (Diro and Chilamkurti, 2018) proposes a deep-
learning classifier for attack detection in a Fog sys-
tem. While the basis of their deep-learning approach
are similar to the ones in our proposal, to the best of
our knowledge, ours is the first attempt to use deep
learning to classify the behavior of VMs to support
monitoring or management purposes, rather than aim-
ing to attack or anomaly detection.
In this paper we focused on the scalability problems
of a Cloud infrastructure, aiming to enable the adop-
tion of solutions that improve scalability of monitor-
ing and management through a classification of VMs
that exhibit a similar behavior.
Existing solution for VMs clustering and classi-
fication are characterized by a trade-off between ac-
curate VMs identification and timely response. Pre-
vious proposals aiming to address this problem ex-
ploited the notion of a gray area. While this approach
is viable for the identification of VMs with a long
life span, it is hard to apply in cloud infrastructures
with on-demand VMs that are typically created and
destroyed in just a few hours.
This limitation motivates our proposal of a differ-
ent approach to the problem that, instead of an unsu-
pervised clustering, exploits classifiers based on deep
learning techniques to assign a newly deployed VMs
to a cluster of already-known VMs. We propose two
deep learning models for the classifier, namely Deep-
Conv and DeepFFT based on convolution neural net-
works and Fast Fourirer Transform.
We validate our proposal using traces from a real
cloud data center and we compare our classifiers with
state-of-the-art solutions such as the AGATE tech-
nique (that exploits a gray area to adapt the observa-
tion time of each VM so that uncertainly classified
VMs are not immediately assigned to a group) and
a PCA-based clustering solution. The results con-
firm that the deep learning models consistently out-
performs every other alternative without the need to
introduce a gray area to delay the classification. Even
more interesting, the proposed classifiers can provide
a fast and accurate identification of VMs. In partic-
ular, the DeepConv model provides a perfect classi-
fication with just a 4 samples of data (corresponding
to 20 minutes of observation), making our proposal
viable also to classify on-demand VMs that are char-
acterized by a very short life span.
This paper is just a preliminary work in a new
line of research that aims to apply deep learning tech-
niques to the problems of cloud monitoring and man-
agement. Future works will focus on a more thorough
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