problem modes (such as set theory) and extensions to
existing problem modes (such as solving inequalities)
are in the dream list.
In some modes, MathCheck often checks the an-
swer only incompletely, by testing with many value
combinations of the variables in question. As a con-
sequence, MathCheck may fail to find an error. Fortu-
nately failure is unlikely as long as the user does not
intentionally exploit the weaknesses of MathCheck.
In return, the testing approach facilitates providing
feedback on all steps of the student’s solution, even in
the absence of a teacher-given solution and indepen-
dently of the path that the student chose towards the
final answer. Furthermore, if the solution proves in-
correct, the student gets a concrete counter-example.
In the equation mode, checking is slightly unreli-
able due to numerical imprecision. Spurious roots are
detected later than one might wish. Again, these are
small problems. In return, the mode can deal with
very many kinds of equations, instead of being re-
stricted to, say, quadratic equations. The array claim
mode is sufficiently reliable only if the teacher takes
the checking algorithm into account when designing
problems. On the other hand, it offers a service that is
absent from most, or perhaps all, other tools.
We also discussed some problems in the estab-
lished mathematical notation. Because of them, most
programs force the user to deviate from the estab-
lished notation, usually by writing additional paren-
theses or explicit multiplication symbols. A lot of
effort was made so that MathCheck would not force
such deviations.
Traditional binary logic does not suffice for Math-
Check. This was solved by introducing a truth value
representing undefined and by using ⇒and ⇔as rea-
soning operators with significantly different proper-
ties from propositional operators.
Not many pedagogical experiments have been
made with MathCheck. In those that have been made,
the results have been very encouraging.
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