NETHIC: A System for Automatic Text Classification using Neural
Networks and Hierarchical Taxonomies
Andrea Ciapetti
, Rosario Di Florio
, Luigi Lomasto
, Giuseppe Miscione
, Giulia Ruggiero
and Daniele Toti
1,2 a
Innovation Engineering S.r.l., Rome, Italy
Department of Sciences, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy
Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Taxonomies, Text Classification.
This paper presents NETHIC, a software system for the automatic classification of textual documents based
on hierarchical taxonomies and artificial neural networks. This approach combines the advantages of highly-
structured hierarchies of textual labels with the versatility and scalability of neural networks, thus bringing
about a textual classifier that displays high levels of performance in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency.
The system has first been tested as a general-purpose classifier on a generic document corpus, and then applied
to the specific domain tackled by DANTE, a European project that is meant to address criminal and terrorist-
related online contents, showing consistent results across both application domains.
With the increasing use of social networks and with
the digitalization of governmental structures, com-
puter scientists are facing new challenges and needs.
Usually, official communications and documentations
are stored in the form of electronic textual docu-
ments. The rest of the personal communications ex-
changed by single individuals is represented by chat
messages, tweets, e-mails, blog entries, etc. This
leads to an increased volume of textual information
that may consequently bring about increasing confu-
sion and hinder the effectiveness of the communica-
tion itself. Understanding the subject category each
data item falls into and the topics discussed has be-
come paramount for an effective management and
analysis of this deluge of information. Indeed, dur-
ing the latest years, significant effort and consider-
able resources have been spent to satisfy this need
within the context of governmental and commercial
projects (Dalal and Zaveri, 2011). One of the poten-
tial techniques to be used in this regard is the auto-
matic text classification, which falls into the category
of supervised machine learning tasks. Such a process
is meant to automatically assign a set of pre-defined
classes by using a machine learning technique (Sebas-
tiani, 2002). This paper describes NETHIC, an auto-
matic text classification system based on a hierarchi-
cal taxonomy and artificial neural networks (ANNs).
Taxonomies represent knowledge in a structured and
human-readable manner. Their hierarchical structure
enables an efficient and automated content classifi-
cation. (Wetzker and et al., 2008). Artificial neural
networks, on the other hand, have some interesting
properties that make this family of machine learn-
ing algorithms very appealing when facing difficult
pattern-discovery tasks. This combined approach is
especially useful when a large amount of data is used
during the training phase, and can be easily imple-
mented in parallel architectures (i.e., with multi-core
processors or systems with dedicated GPUs). This
may drastically reduce the processing time compared
to other kinds of algorithms, while achieving similar
results in terms of effectiveness (Hermundstad et al.,
2011). In this work, the NETHIC system is detailed,
showing how it displays a significant level of perfor-
mance by using different taxonomies. First, a generic
taxonomy is used in order to obtain a general-purpose
text classifier. Then, a specific taxonomy to tackle
domain-specific texts and concepts from the DANTE
Horizon 2020 project is introduced, so that it could be
used to classify documents dealing with terrorist and
criminal activities as well, the latter being the very
objects of the DANTE project itself.
This paper is structured as follows. In Section 2,
Ciapetti, A., Di Florio, R., Lomasto, L., Miscione, G., Ruggiero, G. and Toti, D.
NETHIC: A System for Automatic Text Classification using Neural Networks and Hierarchical Taxonomies.
DOI: 10.5220/0007709702960306
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 296-306
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the DANTE project is introduced and related work is
discussed. Section 3 introduces the building blocks
of the system in terms of the taxonomies and datasets
used. Section 4 describes the actual solution created
for text classification, in terms of its system architec-
ture and classification process. Section 5 shows the
experimentation carried out for the system and its per-
formance in terms of accuracy and efficiency. Finally,
Section 6 concludes the paper and provides pointers
to future work.
The problem of the automatic classification of textual
documents is one of the important tasks solved by text
mining methods. A number of diverse applications of
text classification were reported in literature, ranging
from subject categorization (Sebastiani, 2002), analy-
sis of sentiment of reviews or opinions, to authorship
recognition of documents (Wang and Manning, 2012;
Koppel and Winter, 2014), etc. Standard methods of
text classification represent documents with usually
high-dimensional feature vectors, and then train clas-
sifiers such as SVM, Naive Bayes, k-NN (Vidhya and
Aghila, 2010; Wang and Zhao, 2012), etc. Although
several ways of representing documents with feature
vectors were proposed (e.g. (Forman, 2003)), a com-
monly used approach consists of building feature vec-
tors which represent (potentially weighted) frequen-
cies of selected words or collections of words (bi-
grams, n-grams, phrases) that appear in subsequent
documents. These approaches can be broadly named
as bag-of-words methods. In the traditional bag-of-
words approach the keywords are filtered from train-
ing data. Usually, some Natural Language Process-
ing methods can be involved such as: Segmentation,
Tokenization, POS Tagging, Entity Detection, Re-
lation Detection (Bird et al., 2009); these methods
are broadly used in several general-purpose and/or
domain-specific applications and solutions (Toti et al.,
2012; Atzeni et al., 2011c; Atzeni et al., 2011a;
Atzeni et al., 2011b; Toti and Rinelli, 2016). Cre-
ating such objects from text can give a lot of informa-
tion about its content. The appearance and frequen-
cies of specific tokens or entities are used as a basis
for bag-of-words model. However, the number of this
kind of objects can be very large. Therefore, meth-
ods to reduce dimensionality of data are needed, for
instance TF-IDF, PCA, LDA, SVD, t-SNE (Li et al.,
2015; Lamar et al., 2010; Kowsari et al., 2017), etc.
to keep only the most important words for classifi-
cation. In this work, the purpose is to investigate
the feasibility of a conceptually different approach,
by representing documents with feature vectors, and
training classifiers. Two different ways of represent-
ing sequences of words for training are used: with
a simple encoding of words, and with the Word2Vec
method which represents words in vector space (Ku-
mar et al., 2015). An initial verification of this ap-
proach is provided based on a collection of Wikipedia
articles representing subject categories, with 500 ar-
ticles per category (for a general-purpose taxonomy).
The idea behind this paper is to show how to build an
effective text classifier by using state-of-the-art ma-
chine learning methods and tools and what issues can
arise during this procedure. NLTK (Natural Language
Processing Toolkit) algorithms have been used here
for tokenization. For feature extraction, instead, a dif-
ferent approach has been adopted: rather than encod-
ing the frequencies of keywords, the words from sen-
tences have been directly transformed into sequences
of encoding vectors and have been used for training
deep learning methods. This approach shares a com-
mon factor with probabilistic models such as n-grams,
conditional random fields and other Markov-models,
which also use sequences and are based on the proba-
bility of appearance of specific words. This approach
has been then verticalized onto a specific domain
given by the DANTE project. DANTE (Detecting
and ANalysing TErrorist-related online contents and
financing activities - project id: 700367) is an ongoing
innovation project funded by the European Commu-
nity under the Horizon 2020 grant framework, whose
purpose is to deliver efficient and automatic solutions
for data mining, analytics, as well as an integrated
platform to detect, retrieve, and analyze huge amounts
of heterogeneous and complex multimedia and multi-
language terrorist-related contents from both the Sur-
face and the Deep/Dark Web. Its ultimate goal is
to discover, analyze and monitor potential terrorist-
related activities and people, with a focus on online
fund raising, propaganda, training and communica-
tion activities.
This section describes the building blocks of the sys-
tem, by detailing the structure of the hierarchical
taxonomies needed for the system to work and the
datasets used.
NETHIC: A System for Automatic Text Classification using Neural Networks and Hierarchical Taxonomies
Figure 1: General-purpose taxonomy.
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.1 Hierarchical Taxonomies
Taxonomies play a core role within NETHIC, be-
cause a taxonomy is needed to assign the pre-defined
classes for the system’s neural networks and to build
and organize the required dataset (Dalal and Zaveri,
2011). Taxonomies, as they stand, are tree-like struc-
tures meant as effective means to put a certain degree
of order upon unstructured information and thus to
more easily access it. Logical categories are used to
classify such information in order for users to con-
veniently browse this information. They are also
often employed in conjunction with search and re-
trieval tools, with the purpose of restricting the scope
of the search (Lamont, 2003); as such, they enable
users/systems to focus on a specific area of inter-
est (Tang et al., 2006).
In NETHIC two taxonomies have been defined.
The first is a general-purpose taxonomy, and as
such is able to cover a wide range of general top-
ics; it is made up of a root node and 21 top-level
child categories, 17 of which with a number of sub-
categories/leaves Figure 1. The second taxonomy is
instead domain-specific and has been put in place to
tackle the terrorist/criminal domain of the DANTE
project; it includes a root node, 4 top-level child cat-
egories, and several sub-categories and leaves (Fig-
ure 2). By using the structure given by each taxon-
omy, two datasets have been built, with 57,304 and
12,512 documents, respectively. In Section 4.3, how
these datasets have been used to build the training and
test sets is described.
3.2 Dataset Construction
The main issue to be faced, when creating a mod-
ular, general and hierarchical classifier, is the avail-
ability of the datasets with which to train the un-
derlying neural networks. In order to make up for
this, a number of documents have been collected from
Wikipedia (Alarc
on et al., 2009), due to the latter be-
ing the largest data knowledge archive openly avail-
able on the Internet nowadays. Wikipedia’s freely ac-
cessible APIs have been used to query it in order to
gather the documents needed. This process is as fol-
lows. Firstly, Wikipedia’s whole category graph, i.e.,
the knowledge base’s internal structure used to orga-
nize its massive amount of data, is queried. Then,
from each of its categories, the list of subcategories
and the documents belonging to it are retrieved. This
results in a graph containing about 1.5 million cat-
egories. The subsequent step is to extensively use
a word embedding model (Mikolov et al., 2013) to
calculate the vector for each category, saving this in-
formation in a database. Using these vectors it is
possible to weight the links between a parent cate-
gory and their children using the inverse cosine sim-
ilarity formula (Lahitani et al., 2016). By having a
graph weighted according to the semantic value of
its categories, it is then possible to take advantage of
the properties of Dijkstra’s algorithm (Chen, 2003).
Therefore, starting from a category and using Dijk-
stra, documents can be collected from Wikipedia by
following a semantic path. This process ends ei-
ther when the desired number of documents are col-
lected, or when a given category does not have any
other subcategories. Finally, the hierarchical taxon-
omy mentioned in Section 3.1 is merged with the cat-
egory graph, by mapping each leaf of the taxonomy
to a Wikipedia category, creating a structure of folder
and sub-folder that possesses the same structure of the
taxonomy and where documents are contained only in
the leaf folders. In 4.3 further details will be provided
about how many documents are collected and how
they have been divided into training and test datasets.
In this section NETHIC’s architectural model is de-
scribed, along with the motivation and the choices
made to obtain a neural network hierarchy. The data
pre-processing and training algorithms implemented
to bring about the neural networks will be described
as well.
4.1 Architecture
The general structure of NETHIC’s architectural
model is based on a neural network classifier, whose
categories are the concepts contained in the hierarchi-
cal taxonomy shown in Section 3.1. A neural net-
work hierarchy has been used to increase the sys-
tem’s accuracy for a single application domain. For
example, in order to classify a paper that talks about
kitchens, it may make sense to use a neural network
trained only on documents focused on interior deco-
ration and house supplies, instead of a more heteroge-
neous or too general neural network. In this way, a lot
of unnecessary words will not be considered and the
noise on the classification function will be reduced.
In the proposed implementation, for each taxonomy
concept, except for the leaves, a neural network is
trained and a dictionary of words is built. In the first
levels, the trained neural networks are characterized
NETHIC: A System for Automatic Text Classification using Neural Networks and Hierarchical Taxonomies
Figure 2: DANTE-related taxonomy.
by a horizontal view, which divides documents into
global concepts like Sports, Science, Economy, Re-
ligion, whereas in the nested levels the neural net-
works tend to assume a more vertical division and
classify the documents inside a specific category of
the general concept (here: Sports), for example Bas-
ketball, Combat Sports, Football, Swimming, Tennis,
Volleyball, etc. Thus, the classification function used
in the neural networks, located at different levels in
the hierarchy, is trained with a vocabulary and a set
of words, which have a different logical structure and
granularity. The upper levels are trained with generic
words, similar to general “concepts”, and the vocab-
ulary used does not contain the complete glossary of
words, associated with the context. Descending to-
wards the deeper levels, instead, the need to differen-
tiate between semantically similar concepts increases.
Therefore, the glossary used in the training process
is structured with more specific words, because the
classification function now needs to acquire further
knowledge of the specific area of interest, in order to
effectively classify the textual contents. As such, the
classification process follows an iterative approach —
very suitable for systems based on ANNs descend-
ing to the deeper and more specific levels of classi-
fication. This allows the system to avoid semantic
errors with words that belong to several conceptual
areas like, for example, the word tail (used for de-
scribing both a body part of an animal and a particular
data structure in computer science). This also means
that in some cases the iteration should be stopped ear-
lier, before reaching the deepest levels, when deal-
ing with generic texts, as it is better explained in the
following paragraphs. These observations are very
important, since they are the basis of the following
optimizations: (1) Noise reduction by using appro-
priate glossaries of words for training; (2) Smaller
dimensional space to build vectors from documents
(described in the next section) that increases com-
putational performance. As shown in Figure 3, the
main roles in this architectural structure are played by
the Pre-Processing and Categorizer modules. Start-
ing from a textual content to be classified, each neural
network uses the associated dictionary to transform
the text into a numeric vector, evaluates the most ap-
propriate category for the classification (at the current
stage of iteration at this level of the hierarchy) and
calls the next neural network associated with it, which
iteratively performs the same operation. To improve
the performances, neural networks and dictionaries
are loaded at the beginning and kept in memory until
the end of the process. This choice may involve the
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
usage of conspicuous amounts of memory.
4.2 Data Pre-processing
The first step of the classification mechanism is rep-
resented by data pre-processing. Several studies show
different approaches (Sebastiani, 2002) for the text
mining process. In NETHIC, standard steps have
been chosen to transform non-structured text into
structured data. First of all, text is cleaned from
stop-words and numbers; afterwards, stemming and
lemmatization algorithms are applied on the remain-
ing words. The outcome of this process is a num-
ber of cleaned sentences. After this cleaning step, the
next one is to transform unstructured data in struc-
tured form. To do that, the CountVectorizer function
of the scikit-learn Python library is used to generate a
vector of word counts for each document. Dictionar-
ies are created in the training step, with a set of words
collected from the corpus used to train the model, so
that it is possible to ensure that a particular neural net-
work is linked with a correct dictionary that contains
the main words for the specific context.
4.3 Training
As explained in the previous subsection, in order to
obtain a high accuracy level, a crucial part of the
classification process is represented by the training
process and by the construction of appropriate glos-
saries at the different levels of the hierarchy. For
the general-purpose taxonomy, a vectorized dataset is
obtained that contains 57,304 documents, about 500
documents for each leaf category of the taxonomy.
The dataset has been split into training and test sets
with a ration of 95% and 5%, respectively, thus a
training-dataset with 54,439 documents and a test-
dataset with 2,843 documents have been produced.
The subdivision uses the same proportion for each
category. This is a good way to verify the model’s
accuracy. Since they are driven by the structure of
the hierarchical tree of the taxonomy and by the num-
ber of its nodes, exactly 18 neural networks (17 for
the categories that have subcategories, and 1 for the
root node) have been trained. Since NETHIC’s model
has a hierarchical structure, while the dataset contains
documents for leaf concepts only, a bottom-up ap-
proach to build intermediate datasets for training the
neural networks becomes necessary. A document that
belongs to a specific concept (e.g., chemistry), intu-
itively belongs at the linked generic concept (e.g., sci-
ence): therefore, initially, at the n-1 level, documents
are used for the child concepts. However, in order to
successfully train the neural networks for the highest
Table 1: Configuration details.
Function Solver
Training Test Model
tanh sgd 22.83 25.33
identity adam 97.31 83.68 76.74
identity lbfgs 96.74 82.15 67.56
relu lbfgs 97.02 80.52 68.65
logistic sgd 18.13 18.48
logistic adam 96.66 83.58 77.87
tanh lbfgs 96.87 80.76 66.16
relu sgd 20.63 19.99
relu adam 97.31 83.32 77.06
tanh adam 97.32 83.91 76.46
logistic lbfgs 25.06 27.31
identity sgd 23.32 29.07
levels, it is necessary to build a dataset with at least
500 documents for each concept. To do this, docu-
ments from sub-categories in the dataset are used. For
example, to build the science dataset to train the root
neural network, 50 documents for each sub-category
are taken (biology, chemistry, ecology, engineering,
geography, geology, mathematics, medicine, physics,
Each neural network has only one hidden layer
with 60 neurons since it has been observed by manual
experimentation that this choice is the best in terms of
accuracy and complexity. In order to choose the best
settings, a combination of function-solver (featured
in the sklearn.neural network.MLPClassifier library)
with highest accuracy has been selected. Activation
function is used by the neurons to calculate the value
to be sent to the next level. Solver is used for weights
optimization. In Table 1, results with all combinations
are shown, where each accuracy value is the average
value of all neural networks’ accuracy. logistic-adam
pair was chosen because it returns the best accuracy
for the root NN level, which in NETHIC’s approach is
the the most influential level. This configuration has
resulted in good levels of performance with the data
used for training. More than half of the distribution is
over 96%, the lowest value is near 95% and the low
variance as well indicates how the model is a good fit
for the problem tackled. A similar process has been
used for training the system with DANTE’s domain-
specific taxonomy (omitted here for brevity).
4.4 Algorithm to Build Paths
NETHIC’s model is based on two main parameters:
cutoff This parameter is used by any single
neural network to decide how many categories to
consider. Its initial value is 0.8, and in each itera-
tion it is decremented by 0.1. For a single classifi-
cation process, categories are kept until the cutoff
is reached;
NETHIC: A System for Automatic Text Classification using Neural Networks and Hierarchical Taxonomies
Figure 3: Architecture.
tolerance Represents the threshold to be
reached to deem the set of the results produced as
valid. This value has been set to 0.7, and for each
occurrence the currente tolerance is calculated as
the average of the path scores and compared with
For each returned path, the average between all the
single scores for any corresponding category is com-
puted. For example, given the following path: P
= C1/C2/C3 with its respective scores SC1, SC2
and SC3, its corresponding path score is: SP =
(SC1+SC2+SC3)/3. In Algorithm 1 the pseudo-code
that chooses the categories to return for the next level
of the hierarchy is shown. Basically, the system keeps
considering categories until the probabilities returned
by the current neural networks (a value between 0
and 1) reach a threshold. If after the first classifica-
tion a good current tolerance is obtained, it will con-
sequently lead to a good classification; otherwise, if
such a value is low, it means that there are paths with
a low score. In this case, the cutoff is decremented to
consider less categories in every neural network and a
second classification iteration is run. In general, this
algorithm allows the system to select the highest-level
categories and concepts when the textual content ex-
amined contains only generic terms, whereas it is pos-
sible to select more detailed and low-level categories
and concepts by examining texts that are very specific,
technical or focused on a specific topic.
This section describes NETHIC’s experimental
Algorithm 1: Classification.
1: procedure GETRESULTS(cutoff, tolerance, textToClassify)
2: cutoff 0.8
3: tolerance 0.7
4: results {
5: while cutoff <= 0.4 AND current
tolerance < tolerance do
6: current tolerance 0
7: raw results {
8: raw results classi f ication(cutoff, textToClassify)
9: cutoff cutoff 0.1
10: results computeResults(raw results)
11: for i in results do
12: current tolerance current tolerance +
5.1 Accuracy and Performance with a
General-purpose Taxonomy
To evaluate NETHIC’s classification accuracy, tests
have been performed that consider both the single
neural networks and the general model that takes into
account the whole general-purpose taxonomy (hereto-
fore referred to as “global” model). In order to do
this, a dataset with 2,843 documents has been used.
Firstly, for each neural network trained, as previously
stated, a small dataset has been used to test the 18 neu-
ral networks. To build datasets for categories deeper
down into the hierarchy, the same training procedure
has been used. For evaluating the accuracy, only the
first category returned has been considered, given the
fact that each neural network could return a variable
number of category labels. The first thing to be no-
ticed is that the model does not suffer from overfitting,
i.e. training and test results show consistent levels of
accuracy, since each neural network is apparently able
to generalize well in terms of predictions against new
data. The lowest results are returned by the root neu-
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
ral network, which represents an outlier in this regard.
Given the high number of labels in this classification,
an accuracy of 72.31%, considering only the first la-
bel returned, can be considered a satisfactory result.
In order to better clarify this concept, the correspond-
ing confusion matrix has been provided to highlight
the causes of the errors. In the left side of Figure 4,
the diagonal matrix is immediately apparent. By ob-
serving the high values out of the diagonal, the confu-
sion is caused by semantically-close classes such as:
arts and entertainment and society, or technology and
computing and business and industry, or health and
fitness and food and drink. In fact, classes semanti-
cally distant such as sports and shopping, or style and
fashion and automotive and vehicles do not display
confusion. Afterwards, all the neural networks have
been merged together to classify textual contents by
using the whole hierarchical structure. In this case it
was chosen to return the first three paths/labels given
by the classifier. The reason for this choice is that a
textual content can belong to more than one concept
or topic. In a hierarchy where the leaf concepts are
119, it is in principle correct to assign multiple labels.
By using this assumption, the same 2,843 documents,
earlier classified with a single real label, have been
classified again, and an accuracy equal to 77.87% has
been obtained. By looking at the global confusion
matrix for these results (right side of Figure 4), it is
possible to notice how the error is lower then in the
previous results. In this case, in fact, there are less er-
rors due to the semantic proximity. As proof of this, a
general example is provided below.
To evaluate the performance based on the length
of the text, the dataset has been split into two subsets:
(without considering repetitions): (1) 1 - 100 words
(1553 documents); (2) 101 - 200 words (1254 docu-
The pie charts in Figure 6 show a performance im-
provement when more words are used. Obviously if
more words are used to build a vector, more words
are found in the dictionaries, thus there will be more
items in the vectors greater than 0.
General Example: Racism in sports has been a
prevalent issue throughout the world, and in partic-
ular racism towards African-Americans has been es-
pecially bad over the course of the history of sports in
the United States and around the world. [. . . ]
Results: society/racism/: 0.5580656885761913;
sports: 0.4927055063449122
In the dataset this document is marked as sports,
whereas the first label returned by the classifier is
racism, thus it can be deemed an error. If the cor-
rect label is to be found within the first three labels
returned instead (in this specific case only two are re-
turned), then the classification process can be deemed
5.2 Results with a DANTE-specific
To perform the classification process on DANTE-
related contents a different taxonomy, shown in Fig-
ure 2, has been used. Before analyzing the domain-
specific contents, the system has been tested against
Wikipedia documents. Results, shown in the box-plot
of Figure 5, display a good overall performance. The
greatest confusion is found at the top of the matrix
between the similar concepts group and event. The
global accuracy obtained for this model is 87% on 642
test documents. The single neural networks produced
show good accuracy with values between 77% and
94%. All observations made for the global model are
valid also in this case. Afterwards, to assess the ef-
fectiveness of the system on real, DANTE-related use
cases, a specific dataset has been used for the test. Us-
ing DANTE-related contents (a collection of terrorist-
related documents), a small document set made up of
20 documents has been built, 5 for each of the follow-
ing categories: Weapon, Other, Religion, Religious
Extremist. The main goal here is to detect criminal
and terrorist contents (weapons, religious extremism)
and distinguish them from harmless elements (other,
religion). On this data the system has shown an accu-
racy equal to 95%. A couple of excerpts are presented
Religious Extremist Example: The death of a single
Muslim, no matter his role in society, is more grave to
the believer than the massacre of every k
afr on earth.
And while the Shar
i’ah calls for the invasion of all
afr lands, certainly the aggressors are dealt with be-
fore those nations not actively waging war against the
afah. This is an obvious reality. Any disbeliever
standing in the way of the Islamic State will be killed,
without pity or remorse, until Muslims sufer no harm
and governance is entirely for Allah. Brussels, the
heart of Europe, has been struck. The blood of its vi-
tality spilled on the ground, trampled under the feet
of the muj
ın. Flames ignited years ago in Iraq
have now scorched the battleground of Belgium, soon
to spread to the rest of crusader Europe and the West.
Paris was a warning. Brussels was a reminder. What
is yet to come will be more devastating and more bit-
ter by the permission of Allah, and Allah prevails.
Results: event/violence and aggression/: 0.53;
group/religious extremist/islamic adversary/: 0.52;
event/unrest and threaths/religion and social conflict/:
Weapon Example: 5.4 Fusogen (Nerve Gas) It can
NETHIC: A System for Automatic Text Classification using Neural Networks and Hierarchical Taxonomies
Figure 4: Confusion matrix for the root and the global neural network.
Figure 5: Confusion matrix for the DANTE model.
Figure 6: Test accuracy with different sizes.
be obtained by heating CCl4 with any metal. 5.5 Ni-
trous Oxide: N2O (Laughing gas) Can be obtained by
heating Ammonium Nitrate (a well known fertiliser
and explosive compound) between 250
. In a
closed room, your victims will laugh to death. [. . . ]
Results: weapon/chemical weapon/: 0.83
Religion Example: “Who is a Jew?” is a basic ques-
tion about Jewish identity and considerations of Jew-
ish self-identification. The question is based on ideas
about Jewish personhood, which have cultural, eth-
nic, religious, political, genealogical, and personal
dimensions. Orthodox Judaism and Conservative Ju-
daism follow the Halakha, deeming a person to be
Jewish if their mother is Jewish or they underwent
a proper conversion. Reform Judaism and Recon-
structionist Judaism accept both matrilineal and pa-
trilineal descent. Karaite Judaism predominantly fol-
lows patrilineal descent. Jewish identity is also com-
monly defined through ethnicity. Opinion polls have
suggested that the majority of Jews see being Jewish
as predominantly a matter of ancestry and culture,
rather than religion. Ashkenazi Jews, being the most
numerous Jewish ethnic division, have been the sub-
ject of numerous genealogical studies and have been
found to be a distinct, homogeneous ethnic group.
Results: religion/: 0.91
Other Example: The Pet Travel Scheme (“PETS”)
is a system which allows animals to travel easily be-
tween member countries without undergoing quar-
antine. A Pet Passport is a document that officially
records information related to a specific animal, as
part of that procedure. The effect is to drastically
speed up and simplify travel with and transport of an-
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
imals between member countries, compared to previ-
ous procedures, if the regulations are followed.
Results: other/: 0.96
5.3 Hardware and Implementation
The hardware used to run the tests includes a In-
tel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60 GHz with
16 GB RAM. The actual classifier has been developed
in Python with the scikit-learn, CountVectorizer and
Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) libraries used to build
vectors and for creating the neural networks. The
pickle library has been used to persist the neural net-
works and to load them in memory. In general, with
this hardware the time taken to classify a document is
less than 25 milliseconds.
This paper presented NETHIC, a classifier for textual
contents based on hierarchical taxonomies and neural
networks. The results reported showed that this com-
bined approach has several advantages for tackling
the given task, including modularity, scalability and
overall performance. The system has proved itself to
be successful both on a general and a specific, terrorist
and crime-related domain. As far as the latter is con-
cerned, future developments may include the possibil-
ity of applying the classification process for enhanc-
ing other components of the DANTE project itself,
especially related to the discovery of criminal and ter-
rorist networks from social media via the analysis of
the textual contents shared and discussed online. Ad-
ditional improvements may also involve the introduc-
tion of deep learning algorithms in order to increase
NETHIC’s global accuracy, for example by introduc-
ing more hidden layers for each neural network and
different activation functions (e.g. via frameworks
like TensorFlow (Abadi et al., 2015)); this may lead to
further refinements of NETHIC’s classification mech-
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