CVSS-based Estimation and Prioritization for Security Risks
Roman Wirtz and Maritta Heisel
Working Group Software Engineering, University of Duisburg-Essen, Oststr. 99, Duisburg, Germany
Security Risk, Risk Management, Risk Estimation, CVSS, Pattern, Requirements Engineering.
During software development, it is of essential importance to consider security threats. The number of reported
incidents and the harm for organizations due to such incidents highly increased during the last few years. The
efforts for treating threats need to be spent in an effective manner. A prioritization can be derived from the
risk level of a threat, which is defined as the likelihood of occurence and the consequence for an asset. In this
paper, we propose a risk estimation and evaluation method for information security based on the Common
Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). Our method can be applied during requirements engineering. The
application in one of the earliest stages of a software development lifecycle enables security engineers to
focus on the most servere risks right from the beginning. As initial input, we make use of a pattern-based
description of relevant threats to the software. When estimating the risk level of those threats, we consider
three perspectives: (1) software providers, (2) data owner, and (3) third parties for which a potential harm
may exist, too. Our method combines attributes of the pattern and the different perspectives to estimate and
prioritize risks. The pattern-based description allows a semi-automatic application of our method, which ends
with a ranking of risks according to their priority as final outcome.
Security is one key factor for building successful soft-
ware. The number of reported security incidents and
the resulting harm for organizations and private stake-
holders highly increased during the last few years.
The effort for protecting against such threats in-
creases, the later one considers them during software
development. Therefore, we advocate the concept of
security-by-design, which means to consider security
aspect as early as possible. Prioritizing threats helps
security engineers to spend the necessary effort in an
effective manner. A prioritization can be performed
based on risks. A risk is defined as the combination
of the likelihood of the occurrence of a threat and its
possible consequence for some asset.
A risk management process describes a set of
coordinated activities to identify, estimate and treat
risks. In this paper, we provide a method that assists
security engineers in estimating and evaluating the
previously identified risks during requirements engi-
neering. Our method provides novel contributions for
evaluating risks: First, we identify stakeholders for
which consequences may exist and make their con-
sequences explicit when estimating the risks. Sec-
ond, we make use of existing pattern-based threat
knowledge from which we automatically derive con-
sequence values.
The initial input of our method is a set of iden-
tified threats which are described using an attribute-
based pattern (Wirtz and Heisel, 2019). The pattern
is based on the Common Vulnerability Scoring Sys-
tem (CVSS), which not only provides attributes to de-
scribe vulnerabilities, but also metrics to calculate the
severity of vulnerabilities. In our method, we com-
bine the threat description with the CVSS metrics to
estimate risks. For the estimation, we consider three
different types of stakeholders: (1) software provider,
(2) data owner, and (3) third parties for which a po-
tential harm may exist. Our method starts with iden-
tifying those stakeholders, and we make the value of
the assets explicit for all of these stakeholders. To cal-
culate the severity of a threat, we combine the values
to derive an overall severity. Using risk matrices, we
first evaluate the risks with regard to their acceptabil-
ity and finally, we prioritize unacceptable risks.
The final outcome of our method is a list of risks
which are ordered according to their risk level.
The paper is structured as follows: We introduce
relevant background knowledge in Section 2. In Sec-
tion 3, we describe our method, which is the main
contribution of the paper. To exemplify our method,
Wirtz, R. and Heisel, M.
CVSS-based Estimation and Prioritization for Security Risks.
DOI: 10.5220/0007709902970306
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2019), pages 297-306
ISBN: 978-989-758-375-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
we provide a case study in Section 4. We discuss dif-
ferent aspects and limitations of our approach in Sec-
tion 5, and we discuss related work in Section 6. Fi-
nally, we conclude our work in Section 7 with a sum-
mary and some future research directions.
In this paper, we make use of the Common Vulnerabil-
ity Scoring System (CVSS) (, 2015) to esti-
mate security risks. It consists of different metrics to
calculate the severity of vulnerabilities. In the follow-
ing, we describe the Base Metric Group and parts of
the Modified Base Metrics which we will adapt for our
method. For each metric, there is a predefined qual-
itative scale. To each value of the scale, the CVSS
assigns a numerical value. Those numerical values
are then used in formulas to calculate the severity.
(Wirtz and Heisel, 2019) relate the CVSS to the
description of threats for an application during re-
quirements engineering. The authors propose a pat-
tern which describes a threat based on the base met-
rics of the CVSS. Table 1 shows the relevant excerpt
of a pattern instance for the threat Injection. In the
following, we explain the different metrics and corre-
sponding values.
Threat Description A threat might be accidental
or deliberate (Threat Type). A Threat Agent realizes
a threat and can be human, technical or natural. The
Threat Vector (attack vector in CVSS) describes pos-
sible ways how to realize a threat. There are four dif-
ferent values: (1) network, which means access from
an external network; (2) adjacent, which means a lo-
cal network; (3) local, which means direct access to
the computer; and (4) physical, which describes ac-
cess to the hardware.
The Complexity of a threat is defined by two pos-
sible values: low and high. A high effort is required
when a threat agent needs some preparation to real-
ize the threat and that the threat cannot be repeated an
arbitrary number of times.
To state whether privileges are required to suc-
cessful realize the threat, we make use of the corre-
sponding attribute. There are three possible values:
(1) None; (2) Low, e.g. a user account; and (3) High,
administrative rights.
A threat realization may require some User Inter-
action, for example by confirming the installation of
malicious software.
The Threat Scope may change when a threat agent
uses a component to reach other parts of the software.
The impact on confidentiality, integrity and avail-
ability is measured using qualitative scales. The used
scale consists of three values: None, Low and High.
The pattern provides two different attributes
which are not covered by the CVSS base metrics, but
which supports the estimation of the likelihood of the
occurrence of a threat.
We first distinguish the Threat Type which might
be Accidental or Deliberate. A Threat Agent which
realizes the threat can be Human, Technical or Natu-
Figure 1 provides an overview of the structure of the
method, which consists of seven steps. Steps that
are marked in gray can be carried out automatically.
From the second to sixth step, the method is carried
out iteratively for all assets. In the following, we de-
scribe the different steps in detail.
3.1 Initial Input
To carry out our method, we require the following ini-
tial input:
1. Assets: Since our method focusses on informa-
tion security, we consider an asset as a piece of
information that shall be protected with regard to
confidentiality, integrity or availability. The defi-
nition of assets is not within the scope of the pa-
2. Identified Threats: In previous steps of the risk
management process, we identified threats that
might lead to a harm for at least one asset. Those
threats are represented as instances of the pattern
we introduced in Section 2.
3.2 Step 1: Likelihood Estimation
For each threat that has been identified, it is neces-
sary to estimate its likelihood of occurrence. We de-
fine that likelihood by its frequency of occurrence per
In contrast to the consequence of a threat, the oc-
currence of it is independent of any asset. Therefore,
we estimate the values in the beginning.
Currently, our method does not support an auto-
mated estimation of likelihoods. Therefore, the step
requires the expertise of security engineers and do-
main experts. Nevertheless, the threat description
may support the estimation. For example, in compa-
nies where computer scientists are working, the like-
ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 1: Risk Estimation Method.
lihood of accidental threats for software may be lower
than in other companies.
3.3 Step 2: Stakeholder Identification &
Asset Values
The specific value of an asset may differ for each
stakeholder. For example, harming the integrity of
health records may lead to death for a patient, whereas
for a hospital, it leads to a loss of reputation. In exist-
ing risk management processes, e.g. CORAS (Lund
et al., 2010), security engineers define a single point
of view to estimate risks. Doing so, consequences for
some stakeholders may be omitted, which leads to in-
complete risk estimations.
A distinguishing feature of our method is that we
make all stakeholders explicit. For each identified
stakeholder, we estimate the value of an asset with
regard to confidentiality, integrity and availability in-
dependently. Those values are defined independently
of any threat. We consider three types of stakehold-
Software Provider. Stakeholder or company that is
responsible for the software, e.g. development
and maintenance. Since all assets are related to
the same piece of software, the software provider
is the same for all assets.
Data Owner. Stakeholder to which the asset be-
longs, e.g. a patient is the data owner for his/her
health record. The data owner may also be a com-
pany, for example when protecting business infor-
Third Parties. Set of other stakeholders for which
consequences might exist. We investigate each
relevant third party independently of each other.
Using a detailed description of the context, in
which the application shall be deployed, we identify
data owner and relevant third parties for each asset.
For each so identified stakeholder, we estimate the
impact for each security property using the same unit,
e.g. in terms of monetary impact. The monetary im-
pact can also later be used to evaluate the costs of se-
lected controls.
We use a table as shown in Table 4 to document
the stakeholders and the asset values. There is one ta-
ble per asset. Currently, our method does not require
a common format for the context description. There-
fore, the step has to be carried out manually. Using
context patterns, e.g. (Beckers, 2015), security en-
gineers can be assisted in identifying relevant stake-
3.4 Step 3: Security Requirements
Each threat description states the maximum impact
on confidentiality, integrity and availability indepen-
dently of the concrete context. Therefore, the descrip-
tions also do not consider the specific impact for a
stakeholder. In contrast to existing methods, we put
a special focus on stakeholders and make them ex-
plicit during severity calculation. Therefore, it is nec-
essary to adjust the importance of impact metrics ac-
To reweight the importance of impacts, the CVSS
contains metrics to define security requirements. The
metric is defined as a qualitative scale with the fol-
lowing values: Not defined, Low, Medium and High.
Not defined means that the asset has no value for the
CVSS-based Estimation and Prioritization for Security Risks
stakeholder. Using those metrics, we take the differ-
ent stakeholders into account. We define security re-
quirements for each stakeholder to reflect his/her spe-
cific value of the asset with regard to confidentiality,
integrity or availability.
Since we defined monetary asset values in the pre-
vious step, security engineers need to derive the quali-
tative metric values manually. We make use of a table,
such as shown in Table 5, to document the security re-
quirements for each asset. Since the value of an asset
does not depend on any threat, we do not need to con-
sider threats in this step.
3.5 Step 4: Severity Calculation
Our method provides an easy and precise way to cal-
culate the severity of a threat with regard to a specific
asset and the different stakeholders. We consider the
pattern instances of the identified threats and the secu-
rity requirements metrics of the stakeholder as input.
The severity needs to be calculated for each
threat that might harm the asset under investiga-
tion. Since the impact differs per stakeholder, we
calculate the severity for each stakeholder using the
security requirements metrics and the pattern in-
stances. The CVSS defines formulas for that calcu-
lation (, 2015), which we will use for that
If a security requirement for a security property
has been set to not defined, it is necessary to adjust the
related impact metric. Not defined means that harm-
ing the security property will not lead to an value loss
for the stakeholder. We then define a modified base
metric for that property and set its value to None. Dur-
ing the severity calculation, a modified base metric
overwrites the base metric provided by the threat de-
The calculation yields a set of severities per threat.
Next, we combine the values of the set to derive the
overall severity of a threat for an asset. For this,
we propose two different approaches: (1) Taking the
maximal value of the set or (2) calculating the aver-
age of all values. In case that software provider and
data owner are the same for the asset, we consider the
corresponding severity only once. The corresponding
impact for the stakeholder can also happen only once.
For later prioritizing risks, the values have to be com-
parable for all assets. Therefore, the same approach
has to be taken for all calculations.
Since we defined the metrics for the calculation in
previous steps of our method, the calculation can be
automated by implementing the formulas and provid-
ing the threat description and metrics in a machine-
readable way.
3.6 Step 5: Risk Matrix Definition
When treating risks, it is important to focus on the
most important ones. In a first step, it is necessary to
define risk levels that are considered as acceptable or
unacceptable. Later on, only unacceptable risks need
further inspection and hence, only those risks need
to be prioritized. We make use of risk matrices to
evaluate risks. That kind of matrix has already been
used in other risk methods, for example in CORAS
(Lund et al., 2010).
Define Scales. Prior to the definition of the risk ma-
trix, it is necessary to define its scales. The CVSS
score describes the severity of a threat. The severity
is derived from conditions under which a threat can
be successfully realized and its corresponding impact
on an asset. The second dimension is the likelihood of
the occurrence of a threat as mentioned in the first step
of the method. For creating a risk matrix, we define
intervals for the occurrence which we use to define a
qualitative scale.
The likelihood scale is the same for all risk ma-
trices and hence, for all assets. Therefore, it is only
necessary to define it once during method execution.
The severity calculation leads to values between
0 and 10. In the CVSS specification document
(, 2015), there is an interval-based quali-
tative scale. It consists of the following values: None,
Low, Medium, High and Critical. We make use of that
scale in our risk matrices.
Define Risk Matrices. The acceptance threshold for
risk highly depends on the importance of an asset.
Therefore, it is necessary to provide a risk matrix for
each asset. We annotate the severity scale horizontally
and the likelihood scale vertically. For each cell of the
matrix, it is necessary to define whether the risk level
is acceptable or not. In a graphical representation, we
mark acceptable values in green and unacceptable val-
ues in red. An example of such a risk matrix is shown
in Table 9. Other categories of risks may be added, as
well, e.g. for risks that do not need to be treated but
which shall be monitored.
The likelihood scale might be reused from other
software projects, but the definition of acceptance
needs some manual interaction. Therefore, we do
consider this step currently as non-automatable.
3.7 Step 6: Risk Evaluation
For each asset, we evaluate the acceptance of identi-
fied risks. The risk of a threat for an asset is com-
posed by its corresponding likelihoods (Step 1) and
the severity for the asset (Step 4). Using these values,
we fill the risk matrix. Those risks which are consid-
ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
ered as unacceptable are prioritized in the next step.
Acceptable risks do not need any further investiga-
tion, and hence will be omitted.
3.8 Step 7: Risk Prioritization
A well known concept for calculating the risk level
is to multiply the likelihood and the severity (Stoner-
burner et al., 2007). For prioritizing risks, we con-
sider the numerical values for likelihood and severity,
which enhances the precision.
We calculate the risk level for all unacceptable
risks. The resulting value states the priority of the
risk. The higher the value, the higher the priority.
The final step of our method takes all risks into
account. The final outcome of our method is there-
fore a list of all unacceptable risks which are ordered
according to their priority. The list ensures that risks
can be treated in an effective manner by considering
their priority.
Using the calculated values and the results of risk
evaluation, the step can be automated.
To illustrate our risk estimation and evaluation
method, we make use of a smart home scenario. We
first describe the scenario and the initial input, and
then we execute the different steps of our method.
4.1 Scenario & Input
Our scenario is a smart grid which enables the energy
supplier to measure a customer’s power consumption
remotely. The invoices are calculated automatically
based on the measured values. The gateway at the
customer’s home is called Communication Hub, for
which the software shall be developed. It is the bridge
between energy supplier and measuring units. Cus-
tomers can connect to the communication hub using
a mobile app in the local area network to check the
invoices or to change their personal data. The in-
voices are calculated based on the customer’s tariff
parameters, which are stored at the communication
hub, as well as the personal data and the measured
values. As assets, we consider the customer’s tariff
parameters, which shall be protected with regard to
integrity, and customer’s personal data, which shall
be protected with regard to confidentiality.
In the following, we will focus on the functional
requirement for changing personal data for which we
identified two threats using the method for risk iden-
tification as described by (Wirtz and Heisel, 2019).
Table 1: Description of Injection (Wirtz and Heisel, 2019).
Threat Information
Threat Type Accidental X Deliberate
Threat Agent X Human
Technical Natural
Threat Vector Network X Adjacent
Local Physical
Complexity X Low High
None X Low High
X None Required
Threat Scope Unchanged X Changed
None Low X High
Integrity Impact None Low X High
Availability Impact None Low X High
Injection and Inception are examples of threats for
which we provide pattern instances in Tables 1 and 2.
We will use those threats as the initial input of our
4.1.1 Injection
For an injection (see Table 1), an attacker may take
the role of a user and uses the connection to the gate-
way via the app to insert malicious database queries
and updates. The functional requirement only consid-
ers changing the customer’s personal data. Since the
tariff parameters are stored in the same database, it is
possible to harm the integrity of the asset using mali-
cious updates. The threat agent is defined as deliber-
ate and human. Since the app can be used in the local
area network, the threat vector is defined as adjacent.
The complexity of injecting malicious queries is con-
sidered as low. The threat agent only needs user priv-
ileges to realize the threat, which leads to a low privi-
lege value. There is no additional user interaction and
the threat scope is changed, because the threat agent
uses the software to manipulate the database. In gen-
eral, an injection has possibly a high impact for all
three security properties.
4.1.2 Interception
The threat description for interception is given in Ta-
ble 2. An attacker may also intercept the local net-
work connection (adjacent) to disclose transmitted
data. The threat is relevant for the functional require-
ment of our scenario, because it describes the trans-
mission of personal data. Hence, the threat leads to a
harm of the confidentiality of personal data. The de-
scription of the threat states a human deliberate threat
agent. The threat has a high complexity (and requires
CVSS-based Estimation and Prioritization for Security Risks
Table 2: Description of Interception.
Threat Information
Threat Type Accidental X Deliberate
Threat Agent X Human
Technical Natural
Threat Vector Network X Adjacent
Local Physical
Complexity Low X High
None Low X High
X None Required
Threat Scope X Unchanged Changed
None Low X High
Integrity Impact X None Low High
Availability Impact X None Low High
high privileges. Since the attacker intercepts the con-
nection and only discloses data on that level, the scope
remains unchanged. There is a high impact on confi-
dentiality but no impact on integrity or availability.
In the following, we describe the application of
our method for each step in detail. The first step is
applied for both threats, and the following steps are
performed for both assets, tariff parameters and per-
sonal data.
4.2 Step 1: Likelihood Estimation
For our example, we estimate the likelihood for the
occurrence of the threat injection as 25 times a year.
That is, 25 times a year an attacker tries to inject ma-
licious code to manipulate tariff parameters.
The likelihood that an attacker tries to intercept a
local network is considered as 25 times a year, too.
4.3 Step 2: Stakeholder Identification &
Asset Values
The software provider in our scenario is the energy
supplier, which is the same for all assets.
Tariff Parameters. The first asset are tariff parame-
ters, which shall be protected with regard to integrity.
Since tariff parameters are defined by the energy sup-
plier, we consider that stakeholder as the data owner.
We define an asset value per customer of 200 e, be-
cause invoices are generated automatically based on
the tariff parameters, and not each invoice is checked
for its correctness by the energy supplier. A lower in-
voice amount will lead to a loss of money, whereas a
higher amount might harm the reputation of the com-
pany and also produces effort to correct the incor-
rect invoices manually. In case that the tariff parame-
ters are not manipulated by customers themselves, we
Table 3: Stakeholders and Values for Tariff Parameters.
Stakeholder Conf. Integr. Avail.
(SP) Energy
(DO) Energy
(TP) Customer 50e
Table 4: Stakeholders and Values for Personal Data.
Stakeholder Conf. Integr. Avail.
(SP) Energy
(DO) Customer 50e
consider customers as a relevant third party. Manipu-
lated tariff parameters lead to an incorrect invoice and
may request the customer to pay more money than
necessary. Since most customers check their invoices,
we estimate an impact only at 50 e. Customers who
check their invoices and find errors still have to spend
some effort to get it sorted. Table 3 summarizes the
results for the asset tariff parameters. SP stands for
software provider, DO for data owner and TP for third
party. We only define values for integrity, because the
scenario only requires that security property.
Personal Data. The second asset is the personal data
of the customer who is the data owner. There are
no other third parties. When personal data is dis-
closed, the software provider may be liable for dam-
ages. Therefore, we estimate a value of 400e per cus-
tomer. The personal data only consists of the cus-
tomer’s address to provide the invoice, which may
also be accessible via the phone book. Therefore, we
do not consider address data as highly sensitive infor-
mation, and we estimate a relatively low value of 50e
for the data owner.
4.4 Step 3: Security Requirements
Tariff Parameters. For the asset tariff parameters,
there is no impact on confidentiality and availability
for both stakeholder. The security requirement met-
ric for both security properties is set to not defined
(–). Using the previously defined asset values, we de-
fine the impact on integrity for the energy supplier as
medium and for customers as low. The values are doc-
umented in Table 5.
Personal Data. For the second asset, there is only an
impact on confidentiality. For the customer, we define
the impact as low, whereas for the software provider,
the impact is medium. The results are documented in
Table 6.
ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 5: Security Requirements Metrics for Tariff Parame-
Stakeholder Conf. Integr. Avail.
(SP) Energy
(DO) Energy
(TP) Customer Low
Table 6: Security Requirements Metrics for Personal Data.
Stakeholder Conf. Integr. Avail.
(SP) Energy
(DO) Customer Low
4.5 Step 4: Severity Calculation
In our example, there is one threat per asset for which
we need to calculate its severity.
Tariff Parameters. For the asset tariff parame-
ters, we identified the threat Injection. The formu-
las provided by the CVSS specification document
(, 2015) are filled with the base metrics
contained in the instance of the threat pattern. In the
third step of our method, we defined security require-
ments metrics. Since the metrics for confidentiality
and availability have been set to not defined, we de-
fine corresponding modified base metrics which are
set to none.
The severity needs to be calculated for the energy
supplier and the customer independently. For the cal-
culation, we use a web-based tool
which takes the
metric values as an input and calculates the severity
automatically based on the defined formulas. The re-
sults of the calculation are summarized in Table 7.
There is one column per threat in which we state the
corresponding severity for the energy supplier and
the costumer, the maximum severity and the aver-
age severity. In our example, software provider and
data owner are the same. Therefore, that stakeholder
counts only once for calculating the average.
Personal Data. The severity of the threat Interception
for the asset personal data is calculated in the same
manner. We state the corresponding results in Table 8.
Here, we do not have any third party. The average
severity is only calculated based on software provider
and data owner.
4.6 Step 5: Risk Matrix Definition
Likelihood Scale. We define a qualitative likelihood
scale for the frequency of occurrences per year with
1 - CVSS Cal-
culator v3 (last accessed on 26 November 2018)
Table 7: Severity for Tariff Parameters.
Stakeholder Severity of Injection
(SP) Energy Supplier 6.8
(DO) Energy Supplier 6.8
(TP) Customer 4.5
Average 5.65
Maximum 6.8
Table 8: Severity for Personal Data.
Stakeholder Severity of Interception
(SP) Energy Supplier 4.2
(DO) Customer 2.4
Average 3.3
Maximum 4.2
the following values: Never, Seldom (up to 20 times
a year), Frequently (up to 50 times a year) and Often
(more than 50 times a year).
Risk Matrix. We define a risk matrix to evaluate
whether a risk is acceptable or unacceptable. On
the vertical axis, we annotate the previously defined
likelihood scale and on the horizontal axis we anno-
tate the CVSS severity score. The resulting matrix
is shown in Table 9. Acceptable risks are shown in
green and unacceptable risks are shown in red. In the
present example, we use the same matrix for both as-
Table 9: Risk Matrix.
0 times
20 times
50 times
> 50 times
Table 10: Calculated Risk Levels.
Risk Likelihood Maximal
Risk Level
R1 25 6.8 170
R2 25 4.2 105
CVSS-based Estimation and Prioritization for Security Risks
4.7 Step 6: Risk Evaluation
To evaluate the risks, we make use of the risk matrix
shown in Table 9.
Tariff Parameters. For the asset tariff parameters,
there is one risk concerning the threat Injection. In
Table 9, we use R1 as an abbreviation for the cor-
responding risk. Max indicates the risk level when
using the maximal value of all severities, and avg in-
dicates the average value. Both approaches lead to an
unacceptable risk which is indicated by a red cell.
Personal Data. For the asset personal data, there is
a risk for the threat Interception. In Table 9, we use
R2 as an abbreviation for the corresponding risk. Us-
ing the risk matrix, we consider the risk as acceptable
for using the average value for the severity, which is
indicated by the green cell. The risk is unacceptable
for using the maximum of all severities. Hence, fur-
ther inspection of the threat is necessary for the asset
personal data when taking the maximum severity.
4.8 Step 7: Risk Prioritization
To prioritize risks, we multiply likelihood and sever-
ity for each unacceptable risk. The higher the calcu-
lated value, the higher the priority of the risk.
Using the average of the severities, we only identi-
fied one unacceptable risk in the sixth step. Therefore,
a prioritization is not necessary.
Using the maximum of the severities, there are
two risks that need to be prioritized: R1, risk of in-
jection for the asset tariff parameters; and R2, risk of
interception for the asset personal data. The results of
the calculation are summarized in Table 10. The risk
of injection has a higher level, and hence will have
priority during risk treatment.
Based on the description of our method in Section 3
and the application for the case study in Section 4, we
discuss benefits and limitations of our method.
5.1 Usability
Threats that have been identified during risk identifi-
cation are described in a pattern format. Limiting the
effort for security engineers, the pattern allows to cal-
culate the severity without collecting additional infor-
mation about the threat. For each step, we explicitly
state input, output and procedure which assists engi-
neers in applying our method. Additionally, we pro-
vide a structured documentation for the outcome of
each step in form of tables. We designed our method
in such a way that it can be easily integrated into a
tool (see future research directions in Section 7). To
limit the effort for applying our method, we describe
how steps can be automated.
Nevertheless, the security engineers need some
specific expertise, for example in estimating the like-
lihood for a threat. Using the table-based documenta-
tion, we aim to assist security engineers in collecting
and documenting the results in an effective and struc-
tured way.
5.2 Scalability
The complexity of our method mainly depends on the
number of assets, threats and identified stakeholders.
The complexity of the first step which deals with the
likelihood estimation of identified threats cannot be
improved. It is always necessary to estimate the like-
lihood of a threat depending on the concrete context.
Since we identify different stakeholders for esti-
mating the severity of a threat, we increase the com-
plexity of some steps. When omitting the stakehold-
ers, we will improve the scalability of our method but
the estimated risk levels will be less precise. There-
fore, it is necessary to find a compromise between
both limitations. We automated all steps as much as
possible to limit the manual effort for engineers to
perform those steps. The required calculation is sim-
ple enough to ensure a good scalability. The CVSS
provides a format to store the values of the different
metrics in a vector string. Such a simple format sup-
ports the scalability for larger applications, since it is
easy to use and does not require much storage or com-
plex calculations.
5.3 Precision
To calculate the severity of a threat with regard to a
specific asset, we use the CVSS. The defined metrics
are widely accepted by the community and many in-
dustrial partners to estimate the severity of vulnera-
bilities. Based on the threat description pattern (cf.
Section 2), we adapted the scoring system to estimate
the severity of threats. The corresponding formulas
to calculate the score have been defined by security
experts based on real vulnerabilities. Although the
metrics and formulas have been defined on sound ex-
pertise, there are limitations in their precision. The
instances of the threat pattern do not consider the con-
crete context of the application, and the values for the
metrics are qualitative. As mentioned above, prede-
fined scales have the benefit of a better usability. We
try to address the issue with a context-independent de-
ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
scription by an explicit identification of stakeholders
and by adjusting the base metrics.
To evaluate risks, we make use of qualitative
scales in risk matrices. Those scales are only used
to define intervals for risk acceptance. The scales we
use in this paper can be easily replaced by arbitrary
ones with a more fine-grained resolution. For priori-
tizing risks, we use the numerical values of frequency
and severity which leads to a higher precision when
calculating the priority for a risk.
To identify related work, we performed a simplified
literature review using Scopus
. We used the built-
in search engine to identify relevant publications that
either describe a risk estimation or risk evaluation
method. Those methods should be applicable during
requirements engineering and should put a special fo-
cus on security.
Argyropoulos et al. (Argyropoulos et al., 2018)
suggest to use the analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
(Saaty, 1988) in the context of security. The AHP
method allows to prioritize risks relatively to each
other. The approach has a high precision but requires
an overhead in terms of effort because all risks need
to be compared pair-wise.
o et al., 2015) considers the level of effort
to realize a cyber attack as an important factor to de-
termine the likelihood of the attack. The authors pro-
pose a model-based algorithm to estimate such effort.
In our approach, we consider the level of effort by
some attributes of the CVSS, e.g. threat vector. The
proposed algorithm may improve the precision of our
Using Bayesian Networks and agent-based simu-
lation, other authors aim to provide a probabilistic ap-
proach to support risk analysis (Tundis et al., 2017b;
Tundis et al., 2017a). There, a risk level is defined
as the percentage of failure for a functionality. Us-
ing the mentioned approaches, it is possible to ana-
lyze the propagation of risks throughout the system’s
components. There is no prioritization of risks, but
the approaches may extend our method to analyze the
dependencies between different risks.
ArgueSecure (Ionita et al., 2017) is a method for
argument-based risk assessment that does not rely on
any quantitative estimation of risks. The proposed
framework relies on a qualitative method that is per-
formed in brainstorming sessions. The results are
2 - Scopus (last accessed on 4 Decem-
ber 2018)
documented in a tree structure. The proposed graph-
ical notation is designed for an application by non-
experts, but there are no explicit risk levels, which
makes it hard to evaluate the identified risks. CORAS
(Lund et al., 2010) combines a graphical notation for
risk identification in brainstorming sessions with a
semi-quantitative risk evaluation.
SERA (Abeywardana et al., 2016) is a risk anal-
ysis framework with a special focus on social engi-
neering attacks. The importance of human factors
is also mentioned in other publications (e.g. (Rajb-
handari, 2013)). Currently, neither the CVSS nor our
method supports the consideration of social engineer-
ing, which is a limitation.
Islam et al. (Islam et al., 2016) propose an
attribute-based estimation of risks which is based on
the Common Criteria (Common Criteria, 2017). The
attributes to define the likelihood are comparable to
the CVSS, whereas the impact is not measured with
regard to a specific security property. The values for
the attributes need to be set manually, whereas we
make use of existing pattern-based threat knowledge.
Elahi et al. (Elahi et al., 2010) make use of a quali-
tative method to analyze goal models. The i*-notation
has been extended to model attacks. The authors men-
tion that the qualitative evaluation makes an applica-
tion easier, but it is less precise.
Another approach is to combine threat trees with
Monte Carlo models (Pardue et al., 2009). The risk
is defined by a set of parameters, such as complexity
and motivation of an attacker. The assigned values
are used for a Monte Carlo simulation to estimate risk
values. The method does not rely on existing threat
knowledge and does not allow to prioritize risks.
Labunets et al. have carried out a study to com-
pare graphical and tabular representations for security
risk assessment (Labunets et al., 2017). The results
of the study revealed that there is no significant dif-
ference between both representations with regard to
the perceived efficacy. Our method relies on tabular
descriptions for the results and does not contain any
graphical notation. Since the study shows the equiva-
lence of both notations, there is no need to add such a
In contrast to our method, none of the mentioned
methods makes different stakeholders’ perspectives
explicit for estimating risks. To the best of our knowl-
edge, it is a novelty in our method.
In this paper, we proposed a semi-automatic method
to estimate and evaluate security risks. Our method
CVSS-based Estimation and Prioritization for Security Risks
has been designed for an application during require-
ments engineering, which enables security engineers
in focusing on the most severe risks right from the
beginning of a software development process. The
distinguishing features of our method are:
(1) We make the impact for different stakeholders
explicit. The different perspectives improve the pre-
cision of the risk estimation.
(2) Our method makes use of pattern instances
based on the CVSS for describing identified threats.
The pattern format simplifies the risk estimation.
(3) We provide guidance for each step by defining
input and output and describing its execution in detail.
Since our method is semi-automatic, we reduce the
manual effort for security engineers in applying it.
Based on our method, we plan to assist security
engineers in selecting and evaluating controls. To do
so, we will adapt our method to suggest a combination
of controls that provides a sufficient risk reduction.
The selection will be based on the risk priorities and
the effort for applying a control.
Currently, we only take security for software-
based systems into account. In future work, we plan
to investigate how our method can improve the evalu-
ation of privacy and safety risks. Depending on the
context, we will elaborate whether it is possible to
combine the process for security, privacy and safety.
As mentioned in Section 5, we will develop a tool
for our method. The tool will be designed in form of
a workflow that asks the engineers for inserting the
required data, documents the results in a usable way
and finally provides a list of risks with the assigned
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ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering