has been designed for an application during require-
ments engineering, which enables security engineers
in focusing on the most severe risks right from the
beginning of a software development process. The
distinguishing features of our method are:
(1) We make the impact for different stakeholders
explicit. The different perspectives improve the pre-
cision of the risk estimation.
(2) Our method makes use of pattern instances
based on the CVSS for describing identified threats.
The pattern format simplifies the risk estimation.
(3) We provide guidance for each step by defining
input and output and describing its execution in detail.
Since our method is semi-automatic, we reduce the
manual effort for security engineers in applying it.
Based on our method, we plan to assist security
engineers in selecting and evaluating controls. To do
so, we will adapt our method to suggest a combination
of controls that provides a sufficient risk reduction.
The selection will be based on the risk priorities and
the effort for applying a control.
Currently, we only take security for software-
based systems into account. In future work, we plan
to investigate how our method can improve the evalu-
ation of privacy and safety risks. Depending on the
context, we will elaborate whether it is possible to
combine the process for security, privacy and safety.
As mentioned in Section 5, we will develop a tool
for our method. The tool will be designed in form of
a workflow that asks the engineers for inserting the
required data, documents the results in a usable way
and finally provides a list of risks with the assigned
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ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering