A significant part of a sandpit was surveyed by a
UAV equipped with a Sony A6000 camera. A set of
ground points were measured and used either for
block orientation or quality assessment.
Five software were compared: Photoscan, UAS
Master, Pix4D, Context Capture and MicMac. They
were used to perform BBA in three configurations
characterized by a different ratio between GCPs and
CPs. In Configuration 1, markers were all used as
GCPs to perform robust camera calibration; Configu-
ration 2 deals with an intermediate setup with strong
ground control and some check points; Configuration
3 is the more realistic one and simulates a routine sur-
For each program, BBA strategy was carefully
studied and final settings, described in Section 3,
were tuned to optimize results. Residuals between the
photogrammetrically-obtained object-coordinates of
markers and those determined by surveying were
formed and analysed.
Results for Photoscan, Pix4D and UAS Master
are good, less than 1 GSD for the planimetric compo-
nents and less than 1.5 GSD, at worst, for the altimet-
ric one. Context Capture shows similar results for X
and Y while the Z coordinate presents larger residuals
especially for Configuration 3. Finally, MicMac
shows anomalous residuals in the altimetric compo-
nent for both Configuration 2 and 3; such values will
be further investigated, using different calibration
strategies to better evaluate the results in more similar
The decreasing number of GCPs influences re-
sults, as expected. Photoscan, UAS Master and Pix4D
always show good results while Context Capture and
MicMac present good results for X and Y compo-
nents but large residuals for Z.
Further activities will follow two directions. On
one hand, the other flights described in Table 1 will
be processed with attention on oblique blocks to in-
vestigate their influence on final accuracy. On the
other, final products, such as dense point clouds, will
be assessed to explore the influence of BBA parame-
ters in their generation. Several check points (more
than 250) were already measured with a topographic
total station on the upper flat area and on the scarp of
the sandpit. An accurate comparison between the
achieved point clouds and these points will be per-
formed. Finally, an evaluation of point density will be
realized comparing the clouds obtained in flat or
scarp areas.
The VAGA Srl company, being the owner of the sur-
veyed sandpit, is here acknowledged for hosting the
test. We are pleased to mention Eng. Emanuele Della
Pasqua, Dr. Enrico Parmini, Dr. Maurizio Visconti,
Surveyor Andrea Montemartini.
We are also pleased to thank two technicians of
the Laboratory of Geomatics, Paolo Marchese and
Giuseppe Girone for strongly supporting some phases
of the described test: the manufacturing, placing and
surveying of the markers, UAV management and data
The authors' contribution was equal in the defini-
tion and drafting of the article. The processing was
conducted in a coordinated but independent way by
the two universities involved, as illustrated in Section
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GISTAM 2019 - 5th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management