Table 3: Comparison in global efficiency and number of stroke connections.
Method of Li et al. (2018)
(2) Superiority: Visual cognition analysis shows
that for the complex areas with dense junctions, the
skeleton line extracted by this method can better
display the regional main structure and extension
characteristics. The analysis of network function
indicates that the skeleton line extracted by this method
has better accessibility.
The stroke generation strategy has an important
influence on the accuracy of the skeleton line
extraction results by the method in this paper. The next
research focus is to further refine the arc importance
evaluation system and establish a more reasonable
stroke generation strategy, so as to make the skeleton
line extraction result more refined.
This research was funded by National Natural Science
Foundation of China under grant number 41871375.
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GISTAM 2019 - 5th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management