Importance criteria weighing block. The
importance criteria weighting coefficient (Kij)
calculations are carried out.
Importance coefficients array formation block.
The importance indexes array is based on the
conducted calculations. The received results are
shown in the diagram. Allocation variants are ranked
from more preferable to less preferable.
With the help of MAS, the task of resources
allocation variants to ensure fare safety on industry
enterprises was solved.
The distinctive feature of the developing model
from similar is an ability of creation of multi-level
procedure of options analysis in MAS, which is
determined by the possibility of the importance
indexes calculation for the agents and the relevant
coefficient-purposes. The DSS, where the algorithms
are formed in the way, that the MAS resources
allocation variants on the first stage are distributed
by multiplicities and then ranked in accordance with
the management system preference, was developed.
Multi-level procedure of variants’ analysis in MAS
allows approximating the preferences of
management center more complete.
Further research is focused on the development
of the evaluation of MAS application’s efficiency
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Multi-Agent Analysis Model of Resource Allocation Variants to Ensure Fire Safety