Automated Feedback Generation for
Argument-Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Matej Guid, Matev
z Pavli
c and Martin Mo
Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Ve
cna pot 113, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Keywords: Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Argument-based Machine Learning (ABML), ABML Knowledge Refinement
Loop, Learning by Arguing, Feedback Generation, Financial Statements.
Argument-based machine learning provides the ability to develop interactive learning environments that are
able to automatically select relevant examples and counter-examples to be explained by the students. How-
ever, in order to build successful argument-based intelligent tutoring systems, it is essential to provide useful
feedback on students’ arguments and explanations. To this end, we propose three types of feedback for this
purpose: (1) a set of relevant counter-examples, (2) a numerical evaluation of the quality of the argument, and
(3) the generation of hints on how to refine the arguments. We have tested our approach in an application that
allows students to learn by arguing with the aim of improving their understanding of financial statements.
Argument-based machine learning (ABML) Knowl-
edge Refinement Loop enables an interaction between
a machine learning algorithm and a domain expert
zina et al., 2008). It is a powerful knowledge ac-
quisition tool capable of acquiring expert knowledge
in difficult domains (Guid et al., 2008; Guid et al.,
2012; Groznik et al., 2013; Mo
zina et al., 2018). The
loop allows the expert to focus on the most critical
parts of the current knowledge base and helps him
to discuss automatically selected relevant examples.
The expert only needs to explain a single example
at the time, which facilitates the articulation of argu-
ments. It also helps the expert to improve the expla-
nations through appropriate counter-examples.
It has been shown that this approach also provides
the opportunity to develop interactive teaching tools
that are able to automatically select relevant examples
and counter-examples to be explained by the student
sek et al., 2014). One of the key challenges of
such teaching tools is to provide useful feedback to
students and to assess the quality of their arguments.
In this paper, we developed three approaches to
give immediate feedback on the quality of the ar-
guments used in the ABML Knowledge Refinement
Loop. This feedback can then be used for generating
hints in intelligent tutoring systems designed on the
basis of argument-based rule learning. The chosen
experimental domain was financial statement analy-
sis. More concretely, estimating credit scores or the
creditworthiness of companies. Our aim was to ob-
tain a successful classification model for predicting
the credit scores and to enable the students to learn
about this rather difficult domain.
To this end, we have developed an application that
allows the teacher to identify the advanced concepts
in the selected didactic domain that the students will
focus on when explaining learning examples. The
system is then able to track the student’s progress in
relation to these selected concepts.
In the experiments, both the teacher and the stu-
dents were involved in the interactive process of
knowledge elicitation based on the ABML paradigm,
receiving the feedback on their arguments. The aim of
the learning session with the teacher was in particular
to obtain advanced concepts (features) that describe
the domain well, are suitable for teaching and also
enable successful predictions. This was done with the
help of a financial expert. In the tutoring sessions,
the students learned about the intricacies of the do-
main and sought the best possible explanations of au-
tomatically selected examples by using the teacher’s
advanced concepts in their arguments.
The main contributions of this paper are:
the implementation of three approaches for pro-
viding feedback on arguments, including the gen-
eration of hints used in an interactive learning ses-
sion with ABML Knowledge Refinement Loop,
providing several counter-examples simultane-
the development of an argument-based teaching
tool for better understanding financial statements.
Guid, M., Pavli
c, M. and Možina, M.
Automated Feedback Generation for Argument-Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0007717600700077
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), pages 70-77
ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Argument-based machine learning (ABML) (Mo
et al., 2007) is machine learning, extended by con-
cepts from argumentation. In ABML, arguments are
typically used as a means for users (e.g. domain
experts, students) to elicit some of their knowledge
by explaining the learning examples. The users only
need to concentrate on one specific case at a time and
impart knowledge that seems relevant for this case.
They provide the knowledge in the form of arguments
for the learning examples and not in the form of gen-
eral domain knowledge.
We use the ABCN2 (Mo
zina et al., 2007) method,
an argument-based extension of the well-known CN2
method (Clark and Boswell, 1991), which learns a
set of unordered probabilistic rules from examples
with attached arguments, also called argumented ex-
2.1 ABML Knowledge Refinement
ABML knowledge refinement loop allows an interac-
tion between a human and a machine learning algo-
rithm. By automatically selecting relevant examples
and counter examples to be explained by the student,
it enables development of interactive, argument-based
teaching tools (Zapu
sek et al., 2014). In this work, it
was first used in an interaction between a domain ex-
pert and the computer (in order to obtain concepts to
be attained by the students) and then in an interaction
between students and the computer.
In this section, we give a brief overview of the
steps in the ABML knowledge refinement loop from
the perspective of the student:
Step 1: Learn a Hypothesis with ABCN2 using the
given data.
Step 2: Find the “Most Critical” Example and
present it to the student. If a critical example
cannot be found, stop the procedure.
Step 3: Student Explains the Example the expla-
nation is encoded in arguments and attached to
the critical example.
Step 4: Return to Step 1. In the sequel, we explain
(1) how to select critical examples and (2) how to
obtain all necessary information for the selected
2.1.1 Identifying Critical Examples
The arguments given to the critical examples cause
ABCN2 to learn new rules that cover these examples.
A critical example is an example with a high proba-
bilistic prediction error. The probabilistic error can be
measured in different ways. We use the Brier Score
with a k-fold cross-validation repeated n times (e.g.
n = 4, k = 10), so that each example is tested n times.
The most problematic example is therefore the one
with the highest average probabilistic error over sev-
eral repetitions of the cross-validation procedure.
2.1.2 Improving a Student’s Arguments
In the third step of the above algorithm, the student
is asked to explain the critical example. With the
help of the student’s arguments, ABML will some-
times be able to explain the critical example, while
sometimes this is still not entirely possible. Then we
need additional information from the student where
the counter-examples come into play. The following
five steps describe this idea:
Step 3a: Explain the Critical Example. The student
is asked the following question: “Why is this ex-
ample in the class as given?” The answer can be
either “I don’t know” (the student cannot explain
the example) or the student can specify an argu-
ment that confirms the class value. If the system
receives the answer “don’t know”, it stops the pro-
cess and tries to find another critical example.
Step 3b: Add Arguments. The argument is usually
given in natural language and must be translated
into domain description language (attributes). One
argument supports its allegation with a number of
reasons. The students are encouraged to form their
arguments by means of concepts that had been in-
troduced by the expert. These concepts must have
been added to the domain as new attributes so that
they can appear in an argument.
Step 3c: Discover Counter-examples. A counter-
example is an example from the opposite class that
is consistent with the student’s argument.
Step 3d: Improve Arguments. The student must re-
vise the first argument in relation to the counter-
example. This step is similar to steps 1 and 2 with
one essential difference; the student is now asked:
“Why is the critical example in one class and why
the counter-example in the other?” Note that the
argument is always attached to the critical exam-
ple (and never to the counter-example).
Step 3e: Return to Step 3c when a counter-example
is found.
Automated Feedback Generation for Argument-Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Credit risk assessment plays an important role in
ensuring the financial health of financial and non-
financial institutions. Based on a credit score, the
lender determines whether the company is suitable for
lending and how high the price should be. The credit
scores are assigned to companies on the basis of their
annual financial statements such as the Balance Sheet,
the Income Statement, and the Cash Flow Statement.
Arguing what constitutes the credit score of a par-
ticular company can significantly improve the under-
standing of the financial statements (Ganguin and Bi-
lardello, 2004).
For the machine learning problem, we distin-
guished between companies with good credit scores
and those with bad credit scores. We obtained annual
financial statements and credit scores for 325 Slove-
nian companies from an institution specialising in is-
suing credit scores. The annual financial statements
show the company’s business activities in the previ-
ous year and are calculated once a year. In the original
data, there were five credit scores marked with letters
from A (best) to E (worst). To facilitate the learn-
ing process, we have divided these five classes into
two new classes: good and bad. The label of good
was awarded to all companies with the scores A and
B, while all companies that were assessed with the
scores C, D and E in the original data were labeled as
bad. The companies of class bad are typically over-
indebted and are more likely to have difficulties in re-
paying their debts.
In the final distribution, there were 180 examples
of companies with a good score and 145 companies
with a bad score. At the beginning of the machine
learning process, the domain expert selected 25 fea-
tures (attributes) describing each company. Of these,
9 were from the Income Statement (net sales, cost of
goods and services, cost of labor, depreciation, finan-
cial expenses, interest, EBIT, EBITDA, net income),
11 from the Balance Sheet (assets, equity, debt, cash,
long-term assets, short-term assets, total operating lia-
bilities, short-term operating liabilities, long-term lia-
bilities, short-term liabilities, inventories), 2 from the
Cash Flow Statement (FFO - fund from operations,
OCF - operating cash flow), and the remaining 3 were
general descriptive attributes (activity, size, owner-
ship type).
3.1 Knowledge Elicitation from the
Financial Expert
ABML knowledge refinement loop represent a
method to support automated conceptualisation of
learning domains, which can be viewed as one of the
key components in the construction of intelligent tu-
toring systems.
In order to design a successful teaching tool, it
was first required to elicitate relevant knowledge from
the financial expert and transform it into both human-
and computer-understandable form. The goal of the
knowledge elicitation from the expert is (1) to obtain a
rule-based model consistent with his knowledge, and
(2) to obtain relevant description language in the form
of new features that would describe the domain well
and are suitable for teaching.
This goal was achieved with the help or relevant
critical examples and counter-examples presented to
the expert during the interaction. As the expert was
asked to explain given examples or to compare the
critical examples to the counter-examples, he might
introduce new attributes into the domain. Note that
the possibility of adding new attributes is available to
the expert during the knowledge elicitation process,
while the students’ arguments may contain only the
existing set of attributes.
In the present case study, the knowledge elicita-
tion process consisted of 10 iterations. The financial
expert introduced 9 new attributes during the process.
The new attributes also contributed to a more success-
ful rule model: in the interactive sessions with stu-
dents (see Section 5), using the expert’s attributes in
arguments lead to classification accuracies up to 97%.
3.2 Target Concepts
In the sequel of this section, we describe the expert at-
tributes obtained from the knowledge elicitation pro-
cess. A short description is given for each attribute
(Holt, 2001). These attributes are particularly impor-
tant, as they represent target concepts to be attained
by the students.
Debt to Total Assets Ratio
The debt-to-total assets ratio describes the propor-
tion of total assets supplied by creditors. The ex-
istence of debt in the capital structure increases
the riskiness of investing in or lending to the com-
pany. The higher the debt-to-assets ratio, the
greater the risk of potential bankruptcy.
Current Ratio
The current ratio serves for comparison of liquid-
ity among firms. The ratio indicates how many
dollars of current assets exist for every dollar in
current liabilities. The higher the ratio the greater
the buffer of assets to cover short-term liabilities
in case of unforeseen declines in the assets.
Long-term Sales Growth Rate
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The long-term sales growth rate is obtained with
formula that is commonly used to calculate the
Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR), which
is considered as a useful measure of growth over
multiple time periods. The values of t
and t
dicate the ending time period and the starting time
period, respectively.
Short-term Sales Growth Rate
The short-term sales growth rate is obtained with
the same formula as the long-term sales growth
rate, except that the last year only is taken into
EBIT Margin Change
Earnings before interests and taxes (EBIT) margin
is a measure of a company’s profitability on sales.
This expert attribute indicates the change in EBIT
margin over a specific time period.
Net Debt to EBITDA Ratio
The net debt to earnings before interest depre-
ciation and amortization (EBITDA) ratio is cal-
culated as a company’s interest-bearing liabilities
minus cash or cash equivalents, divided by its
EBITDA. The net debt to EBITDA ratio is a debt
ratio that shows how many years it would take for
a company to pay back its debt if net debt and
EBITDA are held constant.
Equity Ratio
The equity ratio measures the proportion of the
total assets that are financed by stockholders, as
opposed to creditors.
TIE - Times Interest Earned
The times interest earned (TIE) ratio shows how
many times a company’s earnings cover its inter-
est payments, and indicates the probability of a
company (not) being able to meet its interest pay-
ment obligations.
ROA - Return on Assets
Return on assets (ROA, but sometimes called re-
turn on investment or ROI) is considered the best
overall indicator of the efficiency of the invest-
ment in and use of assets.
The paper proposes an interactive learning process in
which students learn domain knowledge by explain-
ing classifications of critical examples. This proce-
dure is demonstrated in several cases in the following
section. Three types of feedback on arguments are de-
scribed here, all of which are automatically generated
by the underlying machine learning algorithm to help
the students construct better arguments and therefore
learn faster.
4.1 Counter-examples
The feedback comes in three forms. The first are
the counter-examples that are already inherent in the
ABML process. A counter-example is an instance
from the data that is consistent with the reasons in
the given argument, but whose class value is different
from the conclusion of the argument. Therefore, the
counter-example is a direct rebuttal to the student’s
argument. The student must either revise the original
argument or accept the counter-example as an excep-
In contrast to earlier applications of the ABML
Knowledge Refinement Loop (e.g. (Zapu
sek et al.,
2014)), our implementation allows the simultane-
ous comparison of the critical example with sev-
eral counter-examples. We believe that this approach
allows the student to argue better, as some of the
counter-examples are less relevant than others.
4.2 Assessment of the Quality of the
The second type of feedback is an assessment of the
quality of the argument. A good argument gives
reasons for decisions that distinguish the critical ex-
ample from examples from another class. A possi-
ble formula for estimating the quality could therefore
be to simply count the number of counter-examples:
An argument without counter arguments is generally
considered to be a strong argument. However, this
method considers very specific arguments (e.g. argu-
ments that only apply to the critical example) to be
good. Such specific knowledge is rarely required, we
usually prefer general knowledge, which can be ap-
plied in several cases.
Therefore, we propose to use the m-estimate of
probability (Cestnik, 1990) to estimate the quality of
an argument. The formula of the m-estimate balances
between the prior probability and the probability as-
sessed from the data:
Q(a) =
p + m · p
p + n + m
. (1)
Here, p is the number of all covered instances that
have the same class value as the critical example, and
n is the number of all data instances of another class
covered by the argument. We say that an argument
Automated Feedback Generation for Argument-Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems
covers an instance if the reasons of the argument are
consistent with the feature values of the instance. The
prior probability p
and the value m are the parame-
ters of the method used to control how general argu-
ments should be. We estimated the prior probability
from the data and set m to 2.
Consider, for example, the argument given to the
following critical example:
CREDIT SCORE is good because EQUITY RATIO is
The student stated that this company has a good credit
score, as its equity ratio (the proportion of equity in
the company’s assets) is high. Before the method can
evaluate such an argument, it must first determine the
threshold value for the label “high”. With the entropy-
based discretization method, the best threshold for our
data was about 40, hence the grounded argument is:
40 (51, 14).
The values 51 and 14 in brackets correspond to the
values p and n, respectively. The estimated quality of
this argument using the m-estimate is thus 0.77.
4.3 Potential of the Argument
The last and third type of feedback is the potential of
the argument. After the student has received an esti-
mate of the quality of his argument, we also give him
an estimate of how much the quality would increase
if he had improved the argument.
The quality of an argument can be improved ei-
ther by removing some of the reasons or by adding
new reasons. In the first case, we search the exist-
ing reasons and evaluate the argument at each step
without this reason. For the latter option, we attach
the student’s argument to the critical example in the
data and use the ABCN2 algorithm to induce a set of
rules consistent with that argument (this is the same
as Steps 3 and 1 in the knowledge refinement loop).
The highest estimated quality (of pruned and induced
rules) is the potential of the argument provided.
For example, suppose the student has improved
his previous argument by adding a new reason:
CREDIT SCORE is good because EQUITY RATIO is
high and CURRENT RATIO is high.
The quality of this argument is 0.84. With the ABML
method we can induce several classification rules con-
taining EQUITY RATIO and CURRENT RATIO in their
condition parts. The most accurate one was:
if NET INCOME > e122,640
and CURRENT RATIO > 0.85
then CREDIT SCORE is high.
The classification accuracy (estimated with m-
estimate, same parameters as above) of the rule is
0.98. This is also the potential of the above argument,
since the quality of the best pruned argument is lower
(0.77). The potential tells the student that his argu-
ment can be improved from 0.84 to 0.98.
In the learning session, each student looks at the an-
nual financial statements of automatically selected
companies and faces the challenge of arguing whether
a particular company has a good or bad credit score.
Arguments must consist of the expert features ob-
tained through the process of knowledge elicitation
described in Section 3.1. This means that the goal of
interaction is that the student is able to explain cred-
itworthiness of a company with the expressive lan-
guage of the expert.
Before the start of the learning session, expert at-
tributes were briefly presented to the students. In or-
der to better understand more advanced concepts hid-
den in the expert attributes, the basic principles of
the financial statements were explained. The ABML
knowledge refinement loop was used to present the
student with relevant examples and counter-examples
to the student.
The student’s task is to explain all automatically
selected critical examples. To accomplish this task in
as few iterations as possible, students are encouraged
to give explanations by:
selecting the most important features to explain
the given example,
using the smallest possible number of features in
a single argument,
trying not to repeat the same arguments.
In addition to the short instructions, histograms of the
values of the individual attributes were also available
to the students. In this way, they could get a feel for
the possible values of individual attributes. A number
of classes have been assigned as follows: A company
deserves a good credit score if it should have no prob-
lems with payment obligations in the future, and the
bad credit score is awarded to those companies that
are overindebted or are likely to have problems with
payment obligations.
As a case study, we will consider one of the learn-
ing sessions that represents a typical interaction be-
tween a student and the computer. We will now de-
scribe one iteration of this learning session.
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
5.1 Iteration 3
The student was presented with the financial state-
ment (see Table 1) and the value of the expert at-
tributes (see Table 2) of the training example B.78,
a company with bad credit score. He noted that
although the company is profitable and has sales
growth, there are still indicators of financial problems.
He argued that the bad credit score is due to high debt.
Table 1: The financial statement of the company B.78.
Income Statement
Net Sales e15,424,608
Cost of Goods and Services e9,274,508
Cost of Labor e4,149,638
Depreciation e874,364
Financial Expenses e588,386
Interest e588,386
EBIT e1,086,695
EBITDA e1,961,059
Net Income e470,819
Balance Sheet
Assets e22,304,336
Equity e3,934,548
Debt e12,552,277
Cash e249,657
Long-Term Assets e13,154,345
Short-Term Assets e9,104,133
Total Operating Liabilities e3,627,757
Short-Term Operating Liabilities e3,627,757
Long-term Liabilities e11,800,000
Short-Term Liabilities e4,380,034
Inventories e2,827,924
Cash Flow Statement
FFO e1,328,506
CFO e437,333
Ownership private
Size medium
Credit Score BAD
Table 2: The expert attribute values of the company B.78.
Debt to Total Assets Ratio 13.8%
Current Ratio 0.85
Long-Term Sales Growth Rate 4.4%
Short-Term Sales Growth Rate 12.3%
EBIT Margin Change -0.20
Net Debt To EBITDA Ratio 3.14
Equity Ratio 0.56
TIE - Times Interest Earned 2.22
ROA - Return on Assets 3.30%
The following argument was attached to this specific
training example and used in obtain the new rule-
based model.
CREDIT SCORE is bad because DEBT is high
The estimation of the quality of the student’s argu-
ment was only 0.77. It immediately became appar-
ent that this was not a good argument. Five attributes
have been proposed to take into account the exten-
sion of the argument: CFO, EBITDA, Equity, Cost
of Labor, and FFO. None of them were attractive to
the student. In addition, he wanted to add another ex-
pert attribute to the argument. After examining four
counter-examples, he found the attribute NET DEBT
TO EBITDA RATIO useful. He also suspected that
another reason for the bad credit score was the low
equity ratio. The argument was changed to
CREDIT SCORE is bad because DEBT is high and
The system induced a new model. This time the es-
timated quality of the student’s argument was excel-
lent: 0.98. However, there was a problem with this
argument: the system warned the student that it was
too specific. After examining a new set of counter-
examples, the student decided to eliminate the initial
reason of DEBT is high.
The argument was changed to:
EBITDA RATIO is high and EQUITY RATIO is low.
The estimate of the quality of the student’s argument
was again 0.98. In the training data, the underlying
rule covered 49 positive examples and no misclassi-
fied example. The student decided to end this iteration
and requested a new critical example.
6.1 Case Study
The interactive learning session, which was partly
presented in Section 5, lasted about 2.5 hours. Be-
fore the session began, an extra hour was spent ex-
plaining to the student the basic principles of the fi-
nancial statements and the concepts behind the expert
attributes. The entire learning process therefore took
3.5 hours. Figure 1 shows the times (in minutes) the
student spent on each iteration.
The argument-based learning session in our case
study consisted of 11 iterations. During these itera-
tions the student analysed 23 different arguments (see
the line of Student 1 in Fig. 3). It took 7 iterations to
use all 9 expert attributes in his arguments.
Automated Feedback Generation for Argument-Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Figure 1: The times the student spent on each iteration.
Figure 2: The classification accuracies through iterations.
To assess the strength of the expert attributes, we
iteratively evaluated obtained models on the test data
set. The test set contained 30% of all examples and
was created before the start of the process. The ex-
amples in the test set were never shown to the stu-
dent. The classification accuracy with ABCN2 after
the first iteration was 85.1% (Brier score 0.23, AUC
0.90), and improved to 97.0% (Brier score 0.08, AUC
0.98) after the last iteration.
We compared the progressions of the classifica-
tion accuracy of ABCN2 with some other machine
learning algorithms: Naive Bayes, decision trees
(C4.5), and classical CN2. These three algorithms
also used the newly added attributes. Figure 2 shows
the progress of the classification accuracies through
iterations. The accuracy of all methods was improved
during the process. The performance of other algo-
rithms has therefore also been improved by adding
the expert attributes. Note that ABML-based algo-
rithms such as ABCN2 also benefit from the use
of arguments attached to specific training examples.
The ABCN2 algorithm, which also used the student’s
arguments containing the expert arguments, outper-
formed all the other algorithms. The obtained results
show that:
the expert attributes obtained in the ABML
knowledge refinement process have contributed to
the better machine learning performance,
Figure 3: The number arguments analysed through itera-
tions for each student.
the student’s arguments have further improved the
machine learning performance.
The high-level concepts introduced by the financial
expert are therefore not only suitable for teaching (as
they reflect expert view in the interpretation of finan-
cial statements), but also lead to improved classifica-
tion models to distinguish between companies with
good and bad credit scores. In addition, the student’s
arguments have further improved the classification ac-
curacy, which speaks positively about their quality.
6.2 Pilot Experiment
Our pilot experiment was conducted with three stu-
dents and consisted of 31 iterations such as the ones
presented in Section 5. All students started the inter-
active learning session with the same data (exactly the
same 30% of all examples were used in the test data
set). The average time per session was 2.83 hours.
The average number of arguments analysed was 2.49
(s = 0.37) per iteration. Figure 3 shows the grow-
ing number of the variations of students’ arguments
with each iteration. Note that only one argument per
iteration was confirmed by the student and then at-
tached to the critical example. With the help of the
automatically generated feedback, however, the argu-
ments were often refined. Thus, the student typically
analyzed more than one argument per iteration.
To assess the student’s learning performance, we
asked them to assign credit scores to 30 previously
unseen examples. The students’ classification accu-
racy was 87%. We see this as a very positive result
bearing in mind that only a couple of hours earlier
these students had rather poor understanding of finan-
cial statements and were not aware of the high-level
concepts reflected in the expert attributes. At the end
of the process, they were able to use these high-level
concepts in their arguments with confidence.
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
We examined a specific aspect in the development
of an intelligent tutoring system based on argument-
based machine learning (ABML): the ability to pro-
vide useful feedback on the students’ explanations (or
arguments). Three types of feedback have been devel-
oped for this purpose: (1) a set of counter-examples,
(2) a numerical evaluation of the quality of the argu-
ment, and (3) the potential of the argument or how to
extend the argument to make it more effective.
To test our approach, we have developed an ap-
plication that allows the students to learn the sub-
tleties of financial statements in an argument-based
way. The students describe reasons why a certain
company obtained a good or poor credit score and use
these reasons to make arguments in the form of Com-
pany X has a good credit score for the following rea-
sons ... The role of an argument-based intelligent tu-
toring system is then to train students to find the most
relevant arguments, learn about the high-level domain
concepts and then to use these concepts to argue in the
most efficient and effective way.
The mechanism that enables an argument-based
interactive learning session between the student and
the computer is called argument-based machine
learning knowledge refinement loop. By using a ma-
chine learning algorithm capable of taking into ac-
count a student’s arguments, the system automatically
selects relevant examples and counter-examples to be
explained by the student. In fact, the student keeps
improving the underlying rule model by introducing
more powerful, more complex attributes and using
them in the arguments.
The ABML knowledge refinement loop has been
used twice in the development of our argument-based
teaching tool, which aims to improve the students’
understanding of the financial statements. The pur-
pose of the interactive session with the teacher was
to obtain a small, compact set of high-level concepts
capable of explaining the creditworthiness of certain
companies. The knowledge refinement loop was used
as a tool to acquire knowledge from the financial ex-
pert. In the interactive session with the students, we
showed that the ABML knowledge refinement loop
also has a good chance of providing a valuable in-
teractive teaching mechanism that can be used in in-
telligent tutoring systems. In specifying and refining
their arguments, the students relied on all three types
of feedback provided by the application.
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ligent tutoring systems is that, at least in principle,
any domain that can be successfully tackled by su-
pervised machine learning can be taught in an inter-
active learning environment that is able to automati-
cally select relevant examples and counter-examples
to be explained by the students. To this end, as a line
of future work, we are considering the implementa-
tion of a multi-domain online learning platform based
on argument-based machine learning, taking into ac-
count the design principles of successful intelligent
tutoring systems (Woolf, 2008).
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Automated Feedback Generation for Argument-Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems