Service-oriented Mogramming with SML and SORCER
Michael Sobolewski
Air Force Research Laboratory, WPAFB, Ohio 45433 Polish Japanese Academy of IT, 02-008 Warsaw, Poland
Keywords: Service Orientation, Service Consumers, Service Providers, Multifidelities, Multityping, Service
Mogramming Language (SML), Emergent Systems, SORCER.
Abstract: Service-oriented Mogramming Language (SML) is designed for service-orientation as UML was considered
for object-orientation. SML is an executable language in the SORCER platform based on service abstraction
(everything is a service) and three pillars of service-orientation: context awareness (contexting),
multifidelity, and multityping. Context awareness is related to parametric polymorphism, multifidelity is
related to ad hoc polymorphism, and multityping is a form of net-centric type polymorphism. SML allows
for defining polymorphic service systems that can reconfigure and morph service federations at runtime. In
this paper the basic concepts of SML are presented with three ted design patterns of service federations. Its
runtime environment is introduced with the focus on the presented service abstractions.
Service-oriented architecture (SOA) emerged as an
approach to combat complexity and challenges of
large monolithic applications by offering
collaborations of replaceable functionalities by
remote/local component services with one another at
runtime, as long as the semantics of the component
service is the same. However, despite many efforts,
there is a lack of good consensus on semantics of a
service and how to do true SOA well. The true SOA
architecture should provide the clear answer to the
question: How a service consumer can consume or
compose some functionality from provider services,
while it doesn’t know where service providers,
implementing that functionality, are or even how to
communicate with them.
Many people think they are doing or talking about
SOA, but most of the time they’re really doing point-
to-point integration projects with APIs, web services,
or even just point-to-point XML (REST). The reason
why this approach is deficient is because service
consumers should never communicate directly to
service providers. First, the main concept of SOA is
that we want to deal with frequent and unpredictable
change by constructing an architecture that loosely-
couples the providers of capability from the
consumers of capability. It is not possible to have
direct reliable communication if continuous
variability exists in the network and provided service
capabilities evolve over time. Second, if we are
relying on a black-box middleware and often-
proprietary technology to manage service
communication differences we will simply shift all
the complexity to end-points of services and
increasingly more complex, expensive, and brittle
middle point. Reworked middleware, what often is
done and named as SOA, isn’t the solution for a
dynamic net-centric service communication.
There are several trends that are forcing system
architectures to evolve due to complexity of problems
being solved presently (Sobolewski, 2015). Users
expect a rich, interactive and dynamic experience on a
wide variety of friendly user agents and highly
modular and dynamic backend systems. Systems must
be highly scalable, highly available and run locally or
remotely, or both. Organizations often want to
frequently roll out updates, even multiple times a day.
Consequently, it’s no longer adequate to develop
simple, monolithic applications. In a dynamic system
when its backend is morphing constantly to emergent
solution (Aziz-Alaoui and Bertelle, 2006), the user
agent has to support emergent nature of its backend.
Emergent system means net-centric to refer to
participating in distributed problem solving as a part
of a continuously evolving complex community of
people, devices, information and services
interconnected by a communication network to
achieve optimal benefit of resources and better
synchronization of flowback events and their
consequences to the users. Emergent system means
Sobolewski, M.
Service-oriented Mogramming with SML and SORCER.
DOI: 10.5220/0007717903310338
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2019), pages 331-338
ISBN: 978-989-758-365-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
also service-oriented (SO) and scalable with multiple
computational fidelities of services so your
communication network can be scaled up and down
dynamically, from a single computer to a large
number of computers by adjusting fidelities of
collaborating service (Sobolewski, 2017).
Computer-aided engineering is the broad usage of
heterogeneous computer software for both standalone
and distributed systems to aid in engineering complex
analyses and optimization tasks. Multidisciplinary
Analysis and Design Optimization (MADO) is a
domain of research that studies the application of
numerical analysis and optimization techniques for
the design of dynamic systems of systems involving
multiple coupled disciplines. The formulation of
MADO problems has become increasingly complex
as the number of disciplines and design variables
included in typical studies has grown from a few
dozen to thousands when applying high-fidelity
physics-based modeling early in the design process
(Kolonay, 2014). Therefore, the complex MADO
domains have been used for studying the presented
true service-orientation. First in the FIPER project
funded by NIST ($21.5 million) at the beginning of
this millennium (Sobolewski, 2002) then continued at
Projects, n.d.; Sobolewski, 2010), and maturing for
real world aerospace applications at the
Multidisciplinary Science and Technology Center,
AFRL/WPAFB (Burton, Alyanak and Kolonay, 2012;
Kolonay, 2014; Sobolewski, 2014, 2017).
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 describes SML service semantics;
Section 3 describes the basic syntax and semantics of
SML; Section 4 relates SML to the OO
implementation in SORCER; then we conclude with
final remarks and comments.
Service semantics can be either declarative,
imperative, or OO. A blend of all programming
paradigms should be supported by SO languages
intended for solving complex problems and building
heterogeneous SO systems. Therefore, component
services should be expressed using adequate
programming styles. Each programming paradigm
introduces distinguishing principles of its
programming model but also depends on its lower
level-supporting paradigm. Therefore, the pillars of
SO programming introduced in this paper are layered
on pillars of OO, structured, and functional
programming. The pillars of true SO programming
are focused on contexting, multifidelity, and
multityping for frontend and backend services.
A service consumer is a composition of frontend
request services and a service provider is an
implementation of service types (interface types)
using subroutines as shown in Fig. 1. A consumer is
expressed in a SO language but a provider is
actualized as the OO remote/local counterpart
implementing multiple service types. Frontend
services are references to backend services. Provider
services are service specifications contracts but
service providers are implementations of contracts. A
federated request service, called a federal mogram
(Sobolewski, 2017), corresponds to a union of service
mograms such that each component mogram
(exertion or model) represents governance for own
collaboration of service providers. A federated
collection of cooperating collaborations defined by a
federal mogram is called a service federation. Service
federalism is a system of federal service governance
in which constituent governances (component
mograms) share governing power with the central
governance (parent mogram) to utilize federated
collaborations of service providers and subroutines as
a service federation. The rules of federal governance
are realized by a SO operating system (a kind of
federal government). The main purpose of the SO
operating system is to satisfy interests of service
consumers and to fulfill their needs using capabilities
of service federations.
Mograms are structured from elementary request
services (entries and tasks) and other mograms.
Entries and tasks depend on operation services called
evaluators and signatures, respectively. Entries use
various types of subroutine services, called
evaluators, to invoke subroutines. A signature is a
reference to a remote/local operation of service
provider. The unique signature-based architecture is
about both request service configuration complexity
and execution complexity that allows treating local
and remote service providers implementing
subroutines uniformly at various levels of granularity
and fidelity. When dealing with both complexities,
you have a case to distribute services, otherwise
create a modular monolith with locally executable
modules as local services. Later, when complexity of
the system becomes unmanageable you can deploy
almost instantly the existing local service providers as
network services on as-needed basis, and then run
changed services of the original monolith in the
network. In SORCER that is done by changing the
service type of signatures from class to interface, or
just selecting the remote service fidelity. Service
providers never communicate directly with each other
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Figure 1: The service semantics in SML.
in SORCER. For executing mograms its operating
system creates communication networks of service
federations at runtime, as its dynamic net-centric
A federated request service federal mogram is
an expression of a service federation by one of the
three service governance patterns:
1. Entry Model is a declarative expression of
interrelated multiple higher-order entries
(responses) composed functionally of dependent
service entries in the model.
2. Exertion Block is an expression of concatenated
mograms with branching and looping exertions as
block-structured contexting.
3. Exertion Job is a hieratically organized
workflow of mograms with a control strategy for
each federal service activity to be executed
sequentially or in parallel, synchronously or
asynchronously with context pipes between
service activities.
The presented service abstractions reduce
representational complexity at each layer, so it makes
easer to comprehend federalism of service-orientation
at all three layers: service mogram (governance), SO
operating system (federal government), and
actualization of federal mogram (service federation).
Therefore, the presented service abstractions expose
the details which really matter from the user
perspective (frontend services) and hide the other
details regarding development and deployment of
backend services (service types, service providers,
and subroutines) implemented with lower level
programming abstractions.
The three service-oriented pillars can be summarized
as follows:
Contexting allows for a mogram to be specified
generically, so it can handle encapsulated data
uniformly with subtypes of contexts and data types of
entries to be specified by service providers.
Contexting as the form of parametric polymorphism
is a way to make a language more expressive with one
primary type for inputs and outputs.
Morphing a service federation for a given mogram
is affected by the initial fidelities selected by the user,
input service contexts, and subsequent intermediate
results obtained from service providers. Morphers
associated with the mogram update fidelities using
heuristics provided by the end user, usually closures
dependent on the current mogram context.
Multifidelity management is a dispatch mechanism, a
kind of ad hoc polymorphism, in which component
fidelities of the mogram are selectable at runtime.
Service multityping as applied to service providers
is a form of subtype polymorphism with the goal to
find a remote instance of the service provider by the
range of service types that a service provider may
implement and register for lookup. It also allows a
request service to call on any implemented service
type. With respect to a service federation to be
provisioned, multi-multityping specifies which
service providers have to be actualized to complement
existing service providers in the network.
The presented approach to service-orientation is based
on two abstract service categories (see Fig. 1):
frontend services (operation services and request
services) and backend services (subroutines,
providers, and service federations) with three pillars
of service-orientation: contexting, multifidelity, and
multityping that all together constitute the Meta-
Service Facility (MSF) by analogy to MOF used to
specify UML (The Meta-Object Facility
Specification, n.d.). Therefore MSF for SML, like
MOF for UML, is a metamodel that specifies how the
SML model should conform to the MSF service
Service-oriented Mogramming with SML and SORCER
Figure 2: The metamodel hierarchy of MOF/MSF.
semantics. The SML metamodeling hierarchy along
with the UML metamodeling hierarchy is depicted in
Fig. 2 to explain the relationship of SML (M2) to the
object-oriented SORCER runtime (M0).
A service model SM in SML conceptually
corresponds to a multifidelity functional system.
Multifidelity from the computing perspective refers to
a computing environment with multiple fidelity levels
for a given computing process, meaning there are
different implementations of computing process to
choose from. Fidelity and cost (or similarly accuracy
and time) are positively correlated; this represents a
fundamental trade in design.
A multifidelity function f = (X, Y, fi(f), mFi
) (see
definition in Section 3) is declared in SM as follows:
func f = ent(f”, mFi
, args(“f
”, “f
”, …, “f
where “f” is a name of the function f declared by the
operator ent; “f
”, “f
”, …, “f
are argument
identifiers of f , and mFi
is the multifidelity of f. By
default a fidelity of f, fi(f), is the first realization in the
ordered set mFi
. The identifiers “f
”, “f
”, , “f
refer to other functional entries in SM. The entry f
binds the free identifiers “f
”, “f
”, …, “f
to the
corresponding entries in SM.
The ent operator defines a generic functional
expression declared in a service model SM. A service
model is a collection of functional entries that form
higher-order functional compositions responses of
the model. If ent declares a constant function then a
model with all such entries is called a data context. In
SML an entry is a higher-order function .
A service signature in SML is an operation
service referencing an operation of a service provider.
It declares a type of provider tp and its operation op,
to be invoked in the scope of a current service
context. An association <op, tp> is called a service
signature and is denoted in SML by sig(op, tp). A
return value of an operation op executed by a service
provider implementing a type tp is declared as
func f = ent(“f”, sig(op, tp))
or a multifidelity service entry
func f = ent(“f”, entFi(sig(op
, tp
), …, sig(op
, tp
where the operator entFi declares a multifidelity of
entry f.
A service provider may implement multiple
service types used to classify its instances in the
network by its multitype. In that case a service
provider multitype, as a list of implemented service
types tp
, …, tp
, specified in a signature is the service
provider’s net-centric identity. Optionally a service
provider name with additional attributes can be used
as well. Thus, a signature s with a multitype (tp
, tp
…, tp
), an operation op
of type tp
, and service name
myService takes the following expanded form:
sig s = sig(op
, tp
, …, tp
Note that a signature s does not refer to a
particular instance of a service provider; its multitype
is used for binding to an available instance at runtime.
Multityping is used to manage complexity and
unpredictability of the network comprised of
replaceable remote service providers with one another
at runtime, as long as the multitype semantics of the
service providers is the same.
The network-centric semantics of SML is based on
the concept of multitype subtyping. If the type tp
of class type then the signature works as a service
provider constructor creates an instance at runtime
when the service provider needs to be executed,
otherwise SOS finds in the network a remote proxy of
the service provider implementing the required
A value entry x (constant function) in SM is
declared by a value entry (variable) x as follows:
val x = val(“x”, y), y
or a multifidelity value entry
val x = val(“x”, entFi(val(“x
”, y
), …,
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
”, y
A data context dc (of cxt type) is an unordered
collection of val entries defined as follows:
cxt dc = context(val(…), …, val(…))
and valuation of the entry x in dc as follows:
Object y = value(dc, “x”)
where x” is a name of variable in a data context dc.
A value of an entry x in cxt can be set to v as follows:
setValue(dc, “x”, v)
A mogram mdl (of mog type) as an unordered
collection of value entries val and multivariable
functional entries ent is called a context model and is
declared as follows:
mog mdl = model(val(…), …, ent(…), …)
Note that multivariable functional entries of a
model may take other functional entries as arguments
to create higher-order functions.
Evaluation of an entry f in a model mdl is
declared as follows:
Object y = exec(mdl, “f”)
Object y = exec(mdl, “f”, c
where y
Y is an output value and c
is a context
used for substitution of value entries in mdl.
Evaluation of a model mdl for its responses is
declared as follows:
cxt c
= eval(mdl)
cxt c
= eval(mdl, c
where c
is a data context - the result of evaluation of
response entries for an input data context c
. Model
evaluations are defined by functional compositions of
response entries with no explicit strategy for altering
the functional compositions of the model. However,
execution dependencies can be specified for entries
that require other entries to be executed beforehand at
Responses of a model (names of response entries) can
be part of the model declaration by inlining responses
”, “f
”, … , “f
as follows:
”, “f
”, …, “f
Alternatively, responses can be updated as
required. To increase responses:
responseUp(mdl, “f
”, “f
”,…, “f
and to decrease responses:
responseDown(mdl, “f
”, “f
”,…, “f
When names of entries are absent then responseDown
removes all responses and responseUp makes given
output entries as additional responses of the model.
So far, we have defined in SML, operational
services of sig type, elementary services of ent and
val types, and request services of context and model
types. The following statement executes any service
Object out = exec(sr, arg
,…, arg
where arg
is an SML argument of the Arg type. For
example, signatures, contexts, fidelities, and mograms
are of Arg type.
The statement executing the operation add of
service type Adder takes the form:
exec(sig(“add”, Adder.class), context(
val(“x1”, 3.0), val(“x2”, 1.0), val(“x3”, 7.0))
and returns 11.0 by an instance of a service provider
found in the network that implements the interface
Adder. Here, the signature sig(add”, Adder.class)
binds to an instance of service provider - remote
object - implementing the service type Adder. If the
class AdderImpl implements the interface Adder then
the execution:
exec(sig(“add”, AdderImpl.class), context(
val(“x1”, 3.0), val(“x2”, 1.0), val(“x3”, 7.0))
creates an instance of AdderImpl at runtime and calls
the method add with a given context on the locally
created instance.
A service task is an elementary request service
defined by a signature with a data context as follows:
mog y = task(“y”, sig(op, tp), context(…))
where y is a name of the task y with a given
signature and data context.
A multifidelity task is declared in SML as follows:
task(“y”, sigFi(sig(op, tp),…), context(…))
where the operator sigFi declares multifidelity of task
y with the first signature as a default fidelity. A
selected fidelity can be preselected or declared as an
argument when executing a task or set by the fidelity
manager of its containing mogram at runtime.
At its heart, service-orientation is the act of
uniform decomposition into self-contained local
and/or remote subroutines implementations
interconnected and replaceable at runtime. In SML
interconnections of entries and service tasks (see Fig.
1) are declared by a mogram that binds multifidelity
signatures to remote/local subroutines of service
providers/evaluators at runtime.
In SML an exertion is a request for a
procedural/workflow service type (Sobolewski,
2010). A service task is an elementary service
exertion used in composite exertions. A composite
exertion is a collection of exertions and/or mograms
grouped together within the scope of either block or
job SML operators. An exertion block (service
procedure) is a concatenation of component mograms
along with flow-control exertions: conditional (opt,
alt) and loop (loop) task. The SML semantics of opt,
alt, and loop is the same as the UML operators used
with interaction frames (combined fragments) in
sequence diagrams. An exertion job (service
workflow) is an object composite of component
Service-oriented Mogramming with SML and SORCER
exertions and/or mograms, optionally with an explicit
control strategy and service pipes for interprocess
communication between components of the
Exertions can be used as functionalities of entries
in models and evaluated models can be used as data
contexts in exertions. That way, either an exertion
blended with models, or a model blended with
exertions creates a service aggregation of models
and/or exertions a service mogram (model and/or
program). The SML ent operator, in most obvious
cases, declares a service entry of the corresponding
subtype according to given arguments to ent.
However, specialized SML entry operators: val, call,
lambda, neu, srv, and svr that correspond to entry
subtypes: value, call unit, lambda, neuron, service,
and service; can be used as well along with new
introduced subtypes.
A mogram m
to be executed exerting its
corresponding service federation is declared as
mog m
= exert(m
An exerted mogram m
contains the result of
execution and all net-centric information regarding
the execution. The result operator returns the output
context of the exerted mogram mog
as follows:
cxt c
= result(m
The value y of variable x in c
is specified by the
operator value as follows:
Object y = value(c
, “x”)
or from the mogram directly:
Object y = exec(mog
, “x”)
An evaluation result c
of a mogram m
is a data
context declared as follows:
cxt c
= eval(m
Note, that the eval operator returns an output context
but the exert operator an executed mogram m
A federal mogram is a collection of interacting
request services (entries, tasks, models, and exertions)
that bind at runtime to a federation of subroutine
collaborations via mogram signatures and evaluators.
Multifidelity federations can morph during execution
under control of the mogram morphers and theirs
fidelity managers with the goal to return the best
result of the evolving net-centric configuration - a
morphing system (mogram) of systems (fidelity
projections of mogram).
To illustrate SML in action we refer the reader to
the examples, in the core of the open source SORCER
project, its multiFi branch, as described at:
in the module examples, in particular a multifidelity
test case: sml/src/test/main/java/mograms/
The relationship of the main SORCER types required
to implement multifidelity services is depicted in the
diagram in Fig. 1. Services of the Request type are
instances of two elementary subtypes: Entry and Task,
and the federated request type Mogram. All frontend
entities are instances of the common Service type with
uniform execution of local and remote services at
runtime. Top-level types of the SORCER system refer
to the architectural OO view of key SO concepts
(Fi<T>, Signature, Evaluator, Request, Entry, Task,
Mogram, and Provider) all of the common Service
In general, a mogram is an expression of
collaboration of remote and/or local subroutines. A
service model is a declarative representation of
interrelated functional entries but a service exertion is
an imperative aggregation of component services.
Both entries and tasks bind to subroutines via service
evaluators and signatures, correspondingly. Therefore
a federal mogram is a request service for a federation
of provider and subroutine collaborations managed by
SOS. Signatures by using service multitypes provide
for indirect referencing of local/remote service
providers but evaluators are called directly. A service
consumer runs an aggregation of request services that
bind to the hierarchically organized service
We distinguish three main categories of frontend
services: operation, elementary, and federated
services. From the SO point of view creation of user-
centric request services mogramming is the
primary objective assuming that service providers
implement multitypes and can be incorporated into
service federations as subroutines bound via operation
services at runtime. Note, that multifidelities are used
in request services only. A mogram is a frontend
service that hierarchically aggregates elementary
requests (entries and tasks) that bind dynamically to
executable subroutines of evaluators and service
providers, correspondingly.
Each service provider implements a multitype of
service types. Each service type may have multiple
implementations (provider services) in the network.
We do not know location of service provider
instances in the network; we require only their service
types to be implemented. The question is, how to find
a required implementation in the network. The answer
is, by matching a multitype of the signature to the
multitype of an implementation available in the
network. To differentiae from each other, service
providers may implement complementary service
types, for example, tag interfaces corresponding to
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
implementation details. Complementary types can be
registered with primary service types, then both used
in signatures when looking up a service provider.
Multityping of a signature is the concept of finding a
provider of the same multitype from redundant
instances available in the network.
Morph-fidelities are observables and observed by
a fidelity manager. Therefore, the positive or negative
feedback received from executing fidelities can be
used to update fidelities, upstream of already executed
services and downstream for new looked up services.
The fidelity manager, as the observer of morph-
fidelities, updates associated morphers to reconfigure
a mogram’s fidelity projection. Morphers associated
with morphed fidelities form emergent properties in
the morphing multifidelity system.
An emergent modeling platform requires the
ability to express a service system with a given
fidelity projection as the instance of the multifidelity
metasystem with multiple fidelity projections. Also,
the computing platform requires the ability to execute
and morph the evolving system with updated
projections managed by the metasystem. A
multifidelity metasystem defined in SML enables
quick and effective communication with other team
members and allows for evolving updates such that
each new instance of the system is a new multifidelity
projection of the metasystem.
SML defines two types of multifidelities in
mograms: select-fidelities and morph-fidelities.
Select-fidelities allow for system reconfiguration but
morph-fidelities allow for self-morphing the structure
of the mogram. A system mogram, that defines the
service federation actualized and managed by the
SORCER operating system, is an instance of a
metasystem multifidelity mogram. To reconfigure
and morph a mogram its fidelity manager uses
projection functions and morphers. Both
reconfiguration and morphing allow for adaptivity of
system and system-of-systems correspondingly, when
updates of fidelities and metafidelities are under
control of the fidelity manager at runtime. Adaptive
federated SO systems with morph-fidelities are SO
emergent systems. This type of systems exhibits three
types of adaptivities called system-of-system, system,
and service agility (Sobolewski, 2017). Metasystem
agility refers to system reinstantiation, system agility
refers to updating system projections, and service
agility refers to updating fidelities of elementary
request services at runtime.
From experience in the past decades it becomes
obvious that in computing science the common thread
in all computing disciplines is process expression; that
is not limited to algorithm or actualization of process
expression by a single computer. In this paper,
service-orientation is proposed as a class of
distributed emergent processes with federated
multifidelity and multityped services.
The “everything is a service” semantics is
introduced with federated multifidelity services
mograms as SO process expressions, to be
actualized by dynamic federations of service
collaborations in the network. A multifidelity mogram
is considered as a dynamic representation of a net-
centric emergent adaptive process defined by the end
user. In SORCER, a rectified mogram, embedded into
a service provider container, becomes a service
provider a frontend request becomes a backend
To express emergent processes consistently and
flexibly, the actualization of SML by the SORCER
platform is based on three pillars of services
orientation that incorporate pillars of functional,
structured, and object-orient programming. Request
services are multifidelity services but provider
services are multitype services. By multitypes of
signatures used in mograms a multi-multitype of
service federation is determined. Therefore, multitype
of a signature and multi-multitype of mograms are
classifiers of instances of service providers and
service federations in the network, correspondingly.
To the best of our knowledge there is no comparable
true service-oriented system and programming
language based the three pillars of federated service-
orientation as defined in this paper.
Emergent systems exhibit three types of
adaptivities called system-of-systems (metasystem),
system, and service agilities. Metasystem agility
refers to updating metafidelities (system
reinstantiation), system agility refers to updating
fidelities of a mogram (system projection), and
service agility refers to selecting fidelity of
elementary request services (Sobolewski 2017).
The first rule of service-orientation: do not morph
and do not distribute your system until you have an
observable reason to do so. First develop the system
with no fidelities and no remote services. Later
introduce must-have distribution and multifidelities.
Doing so step-by-step you will avoid the complexity
of modeling with multifidelities and distribution all at
the same time.
Service-oriented Mogramming with SML and SORCER
The SORCER architectural style represents a
federal governance of net-centric multifidelity service
consumers expressed by mograms created by the end
users and service providers by software developers. It
elevates governance of federated mograms into the
first-class elements of the SO federated process
expression. The essence of the approach is that by
making specific SML choices, we can obtain
desirable dynamic properties from the SO frontend
system we create. The SORCER platform has been
successfully deployed and tested for design space
exploration, parametric, and optimization
mogramming in multiple projects at the
Multidisciplinary Science and Technology Center
AFRL/WPAFB (Sobolewski, 2014, 2017).
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CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science