Assessing the Participatory Design of a Project-based Course on
Computer Network Applications
Felix Freitag, Ruben Tous and Leandro Navarro
Computer Architecture Department, Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
Keywords: Project-based Learning, Participatory Design.
New teaching methodologies which foster student involvement, such as project-based learning, are nowadays
part of the study curriculum of many engineering schools. Project-based learning courses, however, often build
upon other previously taught technical courses, where the technical content for the project to be developed
is studied. That type of course design focuses on building the transversal capabilities of students, and the
technical challenges of the project are the mean to acquire these non-technical skills. In this paper, we present
and assess a project-based course on computer network applications of a computer science school, which has
been designed to improve within the same course both the transversal and technical skills of the students.
The proposition of interest is that the course not only aims to train the students’ transversal skills by a group
work project, but also to practise new technical topics and technologies. We argue that the key element of the
proposed course design is that each student project group defines with the instructor the project they would like
to develop in the course. We present first the design of the course and then an assessment with questionnaires,
which were conducted over two semesters with the students enrolled in the course. The obtained results
indicate that the students achieved both technical and transversal skills, while the instructors need to be flexible
to adapt to diverse technical topics of the proposed projects.
In the recent years, new teaching methodologies
which foster student participation have become part
of engineering study curricula. Project-based learn-
ing is one of these methodologies (Kokotsaki et al.,
2016). Its aims that students acquire more transversal
or non-technical competences like working on a com-
plex practical problem together in a group, the capac-
ity to manage projects, the oral and written presenta-
tion of the work, the capacity to learn independently
and being able to solve new problems.
One possible design of a project-based course
consists in the instructor proposing one single project
to all the student groups. Such a project is then de-
fined in a way that leverages the technical knowledge
acquired by the students in previous courses, e.g. it in-
tegrates or applies this knowledge in a group project.
In this type of course design, principally no new tech-
nical knowledge is required to develop the project.
The focus is on reaching a deeper usage of the pre-
viously acquired technical skills, e.g. by working at
the level of application, to become more experienced
in the technologies through the project development.
This design of a project-based course which uses
a single project proposed by the instructor to all stu-
dent groups has some valuable features, but also limi-
tations: Among the desired features is that all the stu-
dents, after finishing the project, have faced the same
challenges, and by this, have undergone the same
learning process, leading to a homogeneous progress
among the students in their acquired skills. Among
the limitations of this design is that the participation
required from the students is limited to the comple-
tion of the steps defined in the project exercise. Ad-
ditionally, such a course design rather deepens on the
previously acquired technical knowledge in terms of
the learning domains of Bloom’s taxonomy (W. An-
derson et al., 2000) than exploiting the possibility to
extend the technical knowledge of the students with
regards to integrating new technologies in the project.
In this paper, we consider a different design of a
project-based learning courses, which in addition to
practise the transversal skills of the students through a
group project, aims to integrate new technical knowl-
edge. We consider the course “Project on Computer
Network Applications”, given at the Computer Sci-
ence School of a Technical University of Catalonia in
Freitag, F., Tous, R. and Navarro, L.
Assessing the Participatory Design of a Project-based Course on Computer Network Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0007719903680374
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), pages 368-374
ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Project-based courses are nowadays integrated
in the curricula of many computer science studies
(Pucher and Lehner, 2011) (Fincher and Petre, 1998)
(De los R
ıos et al., 2010). The course we present
in this paper has been held for several years and
experiences on different designs of the course were
gained, which allows us now to assess the question-
naires replied by students and draw consolidated con-
The focus of this paper is to present the assess-
ment of this specific course design we have applied.
For this we analyze the replies which students gave us
via questionnaires on the course during two semesters
and discuss the overall effects of the course design.
We look at aspects with regards to participation of the
students in choosing the project work and active par-
ticipation in the selection of the project they wish to
elaborate in group.
2.1 Course Objectives
The course Project on Computer Network Applica-
in the Computer Science Curriculum of the
Technical University of Catalonia, which is the sub-
ject of this study, has both transversal and technical
competences which are summarized as follows:
Transversal competences:
Teamwork: to work as a team member and con-
tribute to develop projects in a pragmatic way
while taking into account the available resources.
Entrepreneurship and innovation: to develop cre-
ativity, entrepreneur spirit and detect innovation
tendency, have initiative which generate opportu-
Effective oral and written communication: to
communicate knowledge, procedures, results and
ideas orally and in a documented way.
Specific technical competences:
ICT infrastructure installation: define, plan and
manage the installation of the ICT infrastructure
of the organization which includes to select, de-
sign, deploy, integrate, evaluate, build, manage,
exploit and maintain the hardware, software and
network technologies.
ICT infrastructure operation: guarantee that the
ICT systems of an organization operate correctly,
are secure and adequately installed, documented,
personalized, maintained, updated and substi-
tuted, and the people of the organization receive
a correct ICT support.
ICT system design: design solutions which in-
tegrate hardware, software and communication
technologies and the capacity to develop specific
solutions of systems software for distributed sys-
tems and ubiquitous computation devices, which
includes to conceive systems, applications and
services based on network technologies, to im-
plement and manage systems, to design, establish
and configure networks and services.
2.2 Design Challenge
Project-based courses in engineering studies of-
ten focus on the students to acquire non-technical
skills and to prepare students to gradually develop
into professional practitioners (Sindre et al., 2018).
From the perspective of the study career curriculum,
the project-based courses complement the technical
courses of the career. In the project-based course, the
previously acquired technical skills are put into prac-
tise by the development of a project in a group work.
As indicated in the previous section, the project-
based courses we consider aims to develop transver-
sal and technical competences. In the context of our
course, the technical competences which are targeted
address specifically the areas of computer networks
and distributed applications.
Therefore, the challenge consists in designing a
project-based courses which fosters students to ac-
quire the transversal competences, while at the same
time contributes to improve the technical skills of the
students in information technologies.
The course “Project on Computer Network Applica-
tions” has 6 ECTS credits, which corresponds to a to-
tal dedication of around 150 hours to the course. In
the study curriculum, this course addresses third year
students. These students have selected in the third
year the focus on information technologies within a
four year study plan for the undergraduate computer
science studies. The courses in the first and second
year of the are obligatory and not selective. There-
fore the preparation of the students enrolled in the
Assessing the Participatory Design of a Project-based Course on Computer Network Applications
course “Project on Computer Network Applications”
can be considered homogeneous with regards to pre-
vious knowledge.
Following the technical competences described in
the previous section, the technical context, which the
project of this course should address, includes in-
formation technologies, computer networks and dis-
tributed applications.
As to the transversal competences of the course,
the students should develop non-technical skills
through the experience of conducting and organizing
a project in a group work, and presenting and docu-
menting it.
In the case we present here, the previous knowl-
edge of the students about the targeted technical con-
text can be classified as being familiar with the fun-
damentals, since these topics were presented at an in-
troductory level in a previous course on networking in
the second year of the study curriculum.
Similarly, while problem-based learning is also
part of the teaching methodology in the subjects of
the first and second year, a formal course on project
development is not given in any previous course of the
study plan. Therefore, students have a certain previ-
ous experience with problem-based learning, but not
at the scale of an engineering project.
There is a key design decision in a project-based
course between defining a single project to be de-
veloped by all student groups or defining individual
projects for each student group.
One of the advantages of a single project defined
by the instructor is that the parameters of the project
to be developed are more controlled. These param-
eters include the technical scope of the project, and
the difficulty and challenges that will arise during the
project development. Therefore, a clear list of objec-
tives can be established and their fulfillment can be
verified both by the students and the instructor.
Among the disadvantages of a single project de-
sign we can identify that the project proposal must
make a previous choice of technologies to be in-
cluded, done by the instructor. The choice will need to
focus on certain relevant technologies, but must also
exclude others in order to fit to the scope and dimen-
sion of the effort the project is designed for. Another
limitation is that the students cannot participate in the
project definition, and this fact may not fully exploit
the motivation potential, which a project development
can create in students.
The advantages of each student group develop-
ing an individual project include a better response to
incorporate individual preferences. For instance, a
specific project proposal may integrate technologies
which each student is interested to explore. Another
effect is that having participated in the project pro-
posal usually produces a higher motivation in the stu-
dent in developing the project.
Conducting individual projects in the project-
based course, however, has also some difficulties.
One important issues is that the risk of the project is
not always clear at the project definition phase. This
fact happens when the project builds on less known
or recent technologies, for which less documentation
and experience is available to take an appropriate de-
cision. Another difficulty for the instructor is the eval-
uation and comparison of different projects after com-
pletion. Since each project has had its specific diffi-
culties, often mostly technical but sometimes also in
the group organization, establishing too specific eval-
uation criteria may not fit to all types of projects.
Taking into account the advantages and disadvan-
tages of these two options, we have chosen for the pre-
sented project-based course the design of individual
projects for each student group. An important reason
was the potentially higher motivation of the students
to develop a project in which they participated from
the beginning by defining the project.
Figure 1 shows the overall course structure over
the time of 15 weeks. The course starts in a first
part with some laboratory exercises, where hands-
on works are performed. These laboratories include
exercises with Web applications, Web API design,
JSON data representation and blockchain. The labo-
ratories help to introduce a few potentially interesting
technologies for project proposals. During the first
two weeks, the students form project groups with 3-
5 participants. Within the first four weeks, in which
the laboratory exercises are carried out, each student
group develops a project proposal. The proposed
project is developed in the second part of the course
during around 10 weeks. The time of the 6 credit
course of around 150 hours is distributed to roughly
one third to the initial classes and laboratories of the
course, including the proposal preparation, and two
thirds of the time to project development and prepara-
tion of the project deliverables.
The definition of the project proposal is carried out
in interaction with the instructor. Interesting topics
are initially identified in a brain-storming session with
the students and discussed subsequently. The students
present preliminary ideas and then in an iterative pro-
cess with the instructor, the student groups consoli-
date a pre-proposal into a final documented project
proposal. The proposal is presented in a public ses-
sion to all participants of the course.
The project development in the second part of the
course then carries out the work plan established for
the project. A mid-term presentation validates the
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
achieved progress and by the end of the course, a
project report is delivered and a final presentation is
done by the students, which includes a demonstration
of the results.
Figure 1: Overall structure of the proposed project-based
We conduct an evaluation of the proposed course de-
sign by means of a questionnaire conducted with the
enrolled students after finalizing the course. The
questionnaire was run during two semesters when
the course was given, namely the first and second
semester of the academic year 2017-18.
In the first semester (indicated in the following
by 2017 18 Q1), the course had 28 students enrolled.
Out of the 28 students, 19 answered the questionnaire.
There were 7 group projects in this semester.
In the second semester (indicated in the follow-
ing by 2017 18 Q2), the course had 26 students en-
rolled. Out of the 26 students, 18 answered the ques-
tionnaire. Like in the first semester, the course had 7
group projects.
The questionnaire was addressing different as-
pects of the course to understand if the chosen de-
sign, e.g if developing individual and different group
projects instead of a single common one, was per-
ceived positively. The answers to the questions were
typically numerical values (scores) with a range from
1 to 5, were 1 was the minimum (not affirmative) and
5 the maximum (affirmative) value.
4.1 On the Project Definition Possibility
In the chosen design of the presented project-based
course, the students of the project groups were en-
couraged to define in collaboration with the instructor
the project to be developed. The question in the ques-
tionnaire asked the students on the value which they
give to the possibility for participation in the project
The Figures 2 and 3 present the answers given by
the students for semester 1 and semester 2, respec-
tively. It can be seen that in both semesters, there
is a clear affirmative score between 4 and 5. That is
the students considered important having been able to
participate in the project definition.
Figure 2: Student valorisation of participation in the project
definition (course 2017 18 Q1).
Figure 3: Student valorisation of participation in the project
definition (course 2017 18 Q2).
4.2 On the Integration of Technologies
Achieved in the Project
The question asked if after finalizing the project de-
velopment, the students considered to have achieved
integrating interesting technologies in the project.
Assessing the Participatory Design of a Project-based Course on Computer Network Applications
The Figures 4 and 5 show the students’ answers
for each semester. There is a clear affirmative score
in the answers for having been able to integrate inter-
esting technologies in the project.
Figure 4: Student valorisation of having achieved to
integrate interesting technologies in the project (course
2017 18 Q1).
Figure 5: Student valorisation of having achieved to
integrate interesting technologies in the project (course
2017 18 Q2).
4.3 On Exceeding the Initial
Expectations about Technologies
This question aimed to identify if the initial expecta-
tions of the students with regards to the number of
technologies were exceeded by the development of
their project.
The Figures 6 and 7 present the students’ answers
for both semesters. While in the first semester there
were two students which answered negatively to the
question, all other answers were given with a score of
3 to 5. The answers indicate that for the majority of
students, the initial expectations on the applied tech-
nologies were exceeded.
Figure 6: Student valorisation on the technologies applied
exceed the intitial expectations (course 2017 18 Q1).
Figure 7: Student valorisation on the technologies applied
exceed the intitial expectations (course 2017 18 Q2).
4.4 On Having Preferred a Pre-defined
Project or Not
This question asked the students if they had preferred
a single pre-defined project, i.e. not defined in a par-
ticipatory way among the group of students and the
In Figures 8 and 9 the answers on this question
are depicted. From the answers we can identify two
groups of students, on larger group (a clear majority)
which give a low score, i.e. does not prefer a pre-
defined project, and another smaller group which had
preferred to have a pre-defined project.
Figure 8: Student valorisation on preference for pre-defined
project (course 2017 18 Q1).
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 9: Student valorisation on preference for pre-defined
project (course 2017 18 Q2).
4.5 On the improvement of the
students’ technical skills
The challenge for the design of the course was on one
hand to achieve the transversal competences through a
project-based learning methodology, but on the other
hand also to improve the students’ technical skills.
The question aimed to know if the students perceived
that their technical skills had improved.
The Figures 10 and 11 show the answers of the
students. It can be seen that the most chosen value
was 4, i.e. the students considered that their technical
skills had improved, but not always at the maximum
(score 5). This result is affirmative for the design of
the course, but the results also indicate that there may
be room for further improvement in this aspect.
Figure 10: Student valorisation on preference for pre-
defined project (course 2017 18 Q1).
4.6 Technical Scope of Projects
After finalizing the projects at the end of the course,
the students often write a brief overview of their tech-
nical project on the course Wiki
. From this Wiki we
can obtain an initial orientation on the technical con-
tent of the projects.
Figure 11: Student valorisation on preference for pre-
defined project (course 2017 18 Q2).
It can be seen that the projects done by the stu-
dents are diverse in their technical content as well as
in their ambition. There are projects which are based
on proven tools, e.g. consolidated Web frameworks,
and others which experiment and integrate very recent
technologies, e.g. blockchain. Most projects target
the applications layer of computer networks and focus
on some type of Web-based distributed applications.
Less frequent are projects focusing on lower levels of
the networking protocol stack. In terms of applica-
tion domains, the spectrum of the areas addressed in
the projects is very broad, and often the application
context chosen seems to be inspired by current popu-
lar applications.
4.7 Summarizing Remarks
The overall results from the questionnaire (answered
by in total 37 students over two semesters of the
course) indicate that the students perceived positively
the chosen design of the course, i.e. developing in-
dividual projects by each student group instead of a
single pre-defined project.
The results indicate that this design also enabled
the students to work with a large number of technolo-
gies. At the end of the project, the initial expectations
of the students with regards to the number of tech-
nologies experienced were exceeded.
According to the replies to the questionnaire, the
design of the course also achieved some improvement
in the technical skills of the students.
Another positive effect we observed which is in-
teresting to mention is that by working with individ-
ual projects, that students not only learned about the
specific technologies used in their own project, but
by participating in project presentations of the other
groups, they also got introduced to additional tech-
nologies used in the other projects. Contrarily, with
the design of a single project for all student groups,
this effect would not have happened.
Assessing the Participatory Design of a Project-based Course on Computer Network Applications
Regarding the instructor experience, for this kind
of course design, the instructors need to be flexible
and adapt to the different interests and topics which
the students propose. A clear assessment of the risk of
a technology is not always possible a priori, for which
a project work plan sometimes needs to be redefined
along the project duration if a chosen technology pro-
duces unforeseen difficulties.
An important aspect to state is that the chosen de-
sign enables an active participation of the students
in the course. The questionnaire showed that a very
large part of the students appreciated the opportunity
to participate in the project definition, but we could
also observe that there was a smaller group of stu-
dents, which had preferred working on a pre-defined
This paper presented and assessed a specific design of
a project-based course for computer science students.
Instead of all students conducting the group work on a
single project definition, in the presented design of the
course each student group, in collaboration with the
instructor, defines an individual project from scratch,
which subsequently is developed by the student group
during the course.
The results from the questionnaire answered by
the enrolled students during two semesters confirm
the positive perception of the presented course design
over the alternative of each student group developing
the same project defined by the instructor. The ques-
tionnaire furthermore indicated that this design con-
tributed not only to develop transversal skills through
a group work, but also the technical skills of the stu-
dents improved in terms of the technologies which
they could experiment with during the project devel-
There are several issues that may be addressed in
future work. One topic refers to how the student form
the project groups of the targeted four participants.
Currently, the students are encouraged to organize the
groups by themselves, and the lecturers only interact
actively if after the time limit any students are not in-
tegrated in a group or if there is a mismatch between
the technical scope of the proposed project and the
number of participants. This scheme, however, leads
often to project groups in which the participants know
each other in beforehand. It could be interesting to
explore what are the effects of other group formation
schemes, e.g. random formation of groups. Another
topic that could be interesting to be analyzed in more
detail is how the participatory design at the beginning
of the course is conducted, and if variations of the par-
ticipatory design for the definition the project could
produce other effects and learning outcomes.
This work was partially supported by the Spanish
government under contract TIN2016-77836-C2-2-R.
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CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education