Figure 10: Runtime for Processor Range.
In this paper, we have presented a novel task
scheduling algorithm for cloud environments, called
Experiential Heterogeneous Earliest Finish Time
(EHEFT) algorithm. In EHEFT, we have modified
the rank calculation of the original HEFT algorithm
by adding a parameter that specifies the minimum
average execution time of a task on each relevant
resource. The EHEFT algorithm performs better than
the original HEFT and CPOP algorithms in terms of
scheduling length ratio and runtime.
There are several areas for future research. First,
we will investigate and experimentally evaluate other
heuristic algorithms for task scheduling that consider
the priority of tasks. Second, for more efficient task
scheduling, other factors such as availability and
scalability should be considered. Finally, it would be
interesting to investigate multi-criteria and other
workflow-aware strategies in cloud environments,
including multiple virtual machine types and cloud
deployment models.
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