Instrumentation of Learning Situation using Automated Speech
Transcription: A Prototyping Approach
Vincent Bettenfeld
, Salima Mdhaffar
, Christophe Choquet
and Claudine Piau-Toffolon
LIUM-IEIAH, Le Mans Universit
e, Avenue Olivier Messiaen, 72085 LE MANS CEDEX 9, France
Keywords: Learning Web Environment, Transcription Aided Learning, User Needs Assessment.
This paper presents the ongoing conception of a set of tools, based on live transcription of speech during
lectures and designed to instrument traditional lectures as well as web conferences or hybrid learning situ-
ations. The toolset exploits speech and interactions taking place during courses, keeps track of them and
facilitates their reuse both in students’ studies and in future iterations of the course delivered by the teacher.
Its goal is to help students stay focused on the teacher’s explanations and offer them greater possibilities of
interactions. The prototype was conceived with an approach based on the analysis of communicational and
informational needs of the end users, especially in regard to the instrumentation possibilities offered by the
innovative technologies considered in the project. In this paper, we detail the different tools produced in order
to offer synchronous and asynchronous support to the learning activity. We describe a real-life test as well
as changes brought to the device afterwards, and finally we describe the first experiment conducted with the
The PASTEL project, standing for Performing Auto-
mated Speech Transcription for Enhancing Learning,
is a research project driven by LIUM, LS2N, CREN
and Orange Labs. The project’s goal is to explore the
potential of synchronous speech transcription and ap-
plication in specific teaching situations. This tech-
nology allows to generate a textual version of the
teacher’s or the students’ speech, and immediately use
it in order to help them in their teaching or learning
activities. Other interests of the project include an ed-
itorial toolset for teachers to save, edit and reuse the
material produced or gathered in class. This edited
material can be exploited during future sessions of the
course, or become the support of another course in a
different format such as an online class.
The project focuses on pedagogical situations
such as lectures and group work, mainly in higher
education. These situations can take place either in
the classroom, on online platforms using videocon-
ferencing systems, or in hybrid classes. These situa-
tions are complex and need to be instrumented with
flexible and adaptive tools, offering various configu-
rations for diverse actors. Using transcription tech-
nologies, we aim to create such tools and adequately
instrument these situations.
The speech transcription allows human actors to
access the textual version of a sentence a few sec-
onds after it was pronounced, and browse the whole
text as they wish. This tool can help students solving
comprehension problems caused by hearing and lan-
guage barrier (Ryba et al., 2006), or allows them to
use down time to read again a more complex section.
Having access to the recording of a lecture decreases
students’ stress: they express trust in these recordings,
which leads them to take fewer notes and concentrate
on the teacher’s explanations (Heilesen, 2010). To
our knowledge, usage of synchronous transcriptions
is very limited in pedagogical situations, particularly
in higher education in which the vocabulary used can
be very specific to the teached domain. As part of the
project, other technologies, such as real-time material
recommendation and thematic segmentation, will be
additionally tested.
Our goal is to study the usability of these tools,
and overall the usability of synchronous speech-to-
text transcription in class context. In the next part,
we present a state of the art of research in technology
enhanced learning (TEL) and automatic speech tran-
scription (AST) motivating the project and our itera-
tive design methodology. Moodle plugins and their
Bettenfeld, V., Mdhaffar, S., Choquet, C. and Piau-Toffolon, C.
Instrumentation of Learning Situation using Automated Speech Transcription: A Prototyping Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0007722403590366
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), pages 359-366
ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
interfaces were developed in an iterative way, this
toolset is experimented in real conditions and reengi-
neered in a new iterative session. The first and sec-
ond iterations of the project are then described and
discussed in the following parts before giving some
concluding remarks related to future work to be done.
2.1 Project Motivation
2.1.1 Research in Technology-enhanced
The rise of hybrid classes and video conferences pro-
vided institutions with recording and sharing tools
both software and hardware (microphones, cameras,
clickers). With this project, we want to take advan-
tage of these devices. The goal is to offer tools sim-
ple enough to be compatible with the teaching activ-
ity, and efficient enough to be adopted. The method-
ology being design-based research (Wang and Han-
nafin, 2005), these tools are based on existing needs,
tested in authentic context and improved through it-
erative cycles. Both researchers and teachers are en-
gaged in this procedure.
As Internet usage is widespread, a great num-
ber of teachers share their pedagogical material with
students online. Massive Open Online Courses
(MOOCs) are now common, and offer a great flexi-
bility for learners. Another type of online courses is
Small Private Online Courses (SPOCs). They exploit
MOOCs’ strengths, i.e. their tools and flexibility, with
a smaller number of learners. The edition of lecture
videos and their segmentation is a tedious task, which
existing works tackle automatically using slides (Ngo
et al., 2003)(Uke and Thool, 2012). This task can be
intimidating for teachers, especially if they must con-
sider other resources than slides, such as the textual
version of lessons and relevant external documents.
Designing a software tool to collect, store and exploit
this material directly during traditional classroom ses-
sions is one of the motivations of the project.
In this project, we intent to explore how the prod-
uct of real-time speech transcription can help learn-
ers and teachers. Existing works have proposed the
transcription of lectures in real-time (Iglesias et al.,
2016), and the originality of our proposition is pro-
viding new documents and interactions in real time.
The satisfaction of user needs is researched, particu-
larly in terms of information. These needs could be
satisfied by content derived from the transcription, or
by using this transcription as a support of communi-
cation. Finally, this project is the opportunity to study
how to index and browsing a great quantity of data
growing and formatted in real-time.
2.1.2 Research in Speech Transcription
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) aims to auto-
matically convert speech from a recorded audio sig-
nal into a text. Different researches in the literature
have demonstrated the advantages of synchronous
speech transcription for online courses (Ho et al.,
2005)(Hwang et al., 2012). For example, Ho and
al. (Ho et al., 2005) argued that synchronous speech
transcription helps non-native English students to bet-
ter understand lectures that are delivered in English.
(Shadiev et al., 2014) mentioned that synchronous
speech transcription can help (1) students with cogni-
tive or physical disabilities who need additional sup-
port, have difficulties in reading, writing, or spelling
by giving them a note-taking for all the teacher’s
speech (2) online students if the quality of audio is not
good during communications, (3) non-native speak-
ers, (4) students in traditional learning environment
by allowing the educators to take a proactive, rather
than a reactive approach to teach students with dif-
ferent learning styles and (5) students in collaborative
academic activities.
Over the past decades of research, the field of
automatic speech recognition has made considerable
progress and many algorithms and techniques have
been proposed and identified. However, a limit in
an ASR is its inability to recognize unknown words
which do not appear in the training data of the lan-
guage model. A language model is one of the
most important components in an ASR which as-
signs a probability to a sequence of words. The as-
signed probability guides the ASR to choose which
sequences of words are possible to recognize. For the
language model, the training data is in the form of
word sequences from real speech, which were man-
ually or automatically transcribed. It can also be
from written text (e.g. web documents, news articles,
books). This data is very hard to acquire and very
The aim of this work is to transcribe lecture
speeches, which are very different from other types
of audio content (e.g. news audio, documentary). Ed-
ucational domain is characterized by the presence of
different courses which are also given by different
teachers. It is very hard to build a training data that al-
lows a relevant use for all courses’ topics. Since man-
ually generating transcriptions is a challenging task,
the classical idea is to use an existent language model
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
and to adapt this language model with domain’s data.
Domain’s data means data related to the addressed
task. So, the first motivation in regard to ASR is to
adapt the language model by supplementing the train-
ing data with some additional data from the domain.
The main difficulties are: (1) which data to collect,
(2) what is the source of data and (3) which queries
should be used to collect these data.
In order to automatically enrich the course with
relevant external documents, a segmentation step
must be realized. This segmentation must be a the-
matic segmentation to enrich each part. The goal of
thematic segmentation is to detect the borders of ho-
mogeneous zones at the level of the content. It will be
necessary to characterize borders in order to link each
thematic zone with pedagogical documents available
in an external knowledge base. The first difficulty is
to define the theme concept’s notion in a transcription
that is monothematic (the main object of the course).
The second difficulty will come from the real-time
aspect of the thematic segmentation which, to our
knowledge, has never been discussed so far.
2.2 Design
2.2.1 Considered Pedagogical Situations
Though diverse pedagogical situations will be consid-
ered in the project, current development has focused
on lecture situations, either in presence of students
or in hybrid configuration. They have been consid-
ered first because the interactions in these contexts
are more simple. Indeed, the teacher interacts with
his audience as a whole and student-to-student inter-
actions are very limited. Hybrid situations grant the
possibility for remote students to attend to the lec-
ture by watching the teacher through their interface.
However, the teacher cannot visually evaluate if their
learning activity takes place as planned. By consider-
ing these situations, a way to convey the information
needed by the teacher must be found.
2.2.2 Design Process
The initial phase of the project was a study of prac-
tices among students and teachers in higher educa-
tion. This first study allowed us to determinate which
functionalities were pertinent to offer in this context,
and guided the development of different tools based
on the transcription service.
Our toolset is conceived by an iterative process,
of which two cycles are described in this article. Our
goal is to experiment this toolset in real conditions
with actual end users, in order to explore the most rel-
evant use for each technology in the considered con-
texts. This cyclic methodology lets us quickly assess
users’ behavior and feedback, as well as operate a fast
re-engineering of the interfaces. In addition of lec-
tures, the project will later focus on group work ses-
sions, and post-session reuse of the generated content.
3.1 User Needs Assessment
The first step of the project consisted in studying ex-
isting practices before any instrumentation, as well as
possible uses for tools planned to be developed in the
project. A study based on a twofold approach, both
quantitative and qualitative, was conducted (Cr
Pirolli et al., 2017). First, a questionnaire was built
and distributed to 94 students engaged in a computer
science master’s degree. Sixty-two questionnaires
were collected and exploited. Meanwhile, a semi-
directive interview was conducted with an associate
professor giving lectures as part of the computer sci-
ence master’s program at Le Mans Universit
In regard to lectures, among students encounter-
ing difficulties, two thirds (66%) reported experienc-
ing downtime at a point during class, as well as dif-
ficulties in understanding the class concepts (reported
by 61% of them). Only a minority is using external re-
sources given that 75% of students do not search for
additional material such as definitions, texts or graph-
ics on the Internet during class.
Considering the course instrumentation based on
transcription, students are mainly interested by the
possibility to communicate to the teacher which
points were not understood. A majority of students
also estimate the synchronous transcription is useful,
in addition to the possibility of reading and exploiting
the text after class.
For his part, the professor assumes the access to
the transcribed speech is a good thing, albeit students
should still be taking notes. He considers that note-
taking is a part of the learning process. He does
not want students to be distracted from their learn-
ing activity, so the resource recommendation system
use should be occasional and brief, in order to prevent
cognitive overload.
Needs and a priori acceptation lead to think that
live transcription availability is relevant. However,
synchronous availability of the transcription was not a
central expectation in the eyes of students experienc-
ing no hearing difficulties, or language barriers. Other
tools based on this live transcription were relevant in
regards of needs and existing practice, but exploita-
tion of the transcription itself was considered more
Instrumentation of Learning Situation using Automated Speech Transcription: A Prototyping Approach
pertinent in asynchronous time. After a synthesis of
the various needs and constraints, relevant functional-
ities which could be integrated using the technologies
of interest of the project were listed. They are sum-
marized in the following section.
3.2 User-tool Interaction
The toolset is conceived to instrument usual class-
rooms and hybrid classes. It is designed to support
learning all through the module duration. A set of
functionalities has been selected, regardless of topic
teached, but in regards of the needs assessment. They
were chosen to foster learning during classes and dur-
ing personal review of lessons.
3.2.1 During Classes
Students. Our goal was to allow remote stu-
dents to access the same material as users present in
class, mainly the teacher’s explanation and a view of
the slideshow projected. Despite their remote loca-
tion, their possibilities of interactions with the teacher
should be similar to the ones offered to the students
present in class. All students would profit to be rec-
ommended resources which can be consulted during
downtime, or saved for later use. This extra material
illustrates the teacher’s speech and is suggested at the
right time to prevent students from having to navigate
in a list of resources while they are already engaged
in listening activities.
Teachers. The teachers need indicators (e.g. a
pedagogical significant variable extracted from, or
elaborated by the help of data automatically collected
during the session) to compensate for the facts that
some or all students are out of sight. Since teaching is
also a very engaging activity, they need very synthetic
aid to make decisions about the progression of the lec-
ture in real-time. To engage and be able to get feed-
back from their audience, the tool must let them pro-
pose interactions for large auditoriums, in the fashion
of clickers. Closed-ended questions are relevant, but
teachers will also need the possibility to gather open-
ended feedback, either concerning the lesson topic or
the practical situation (e.g. ”I see some students have
trouble connecting to the class, what seems to be the
3.2.2 Between Classes
Students. After the lesson has ended, students
need to access to the transcription, the slides and the
resources offered to attendees. If they need to spend
more time to study the material, they need the possi-
bility to replay the video recorded during class. In this
case they should be able to associate each moment of
the video with the particular slide or resources pro-
posed at this moment.
Teachers. Teachers need access to the interac-
tions history to take into account the difficulty level
of their class and the need for examples/details. An
overview of frequently asked question would give
the opportunity to answer frequent questions before-
hand and generally taking remarks into account. They
have to be able to retrieve and potentially export the
recorded video, either as a whole or partially. Ide-
ally, they would be able to divide the class recording
to produce a series of video clips, each one detailing
a theme. These clips could be suggested as comple-
ment to class, as learning material in a SPOC or in a
context of flipped classroom.
3.3 Plugin Description
The toolset was built as a Moodle plugin, and can thus
be accessed as a web page. This plugin use technolo-
gies of speech-to-text transcription and resource rec-
ommendation, each hosted on a separate server man-
aged by the research team who developed it (see Fig.
Speech-to-text Technology. The teacher is
equipped with a lapel microphone (as well as filmed).
This microphone sends the sound data to our server
which organizes the coordinates streams. Sound is
transcribed, and sentences are sent to the students
as soon as the system evaluates that they were tran-
scribed with enough confidence in regard to the sys-
tem. This validation and upload takes less than ten
seconds, which coincide with the video streaming la-
Recommendation Technology. The resources
recommendation system takes as parameter the prod-
uct of the transcription. In real time, this system rec-
ommends documents dealing with similar concepts.
A set of interesting concepts can be extracted from
the analysis of a sentence pronounced by the teacher,
or a student’s question. The system then fetches la-
belled resources either freely on the Internet or in a
limited pool moderated by humans.
PASTEL as a Moodle Plugin. Moodle is an
open-source learning management system on which
teachers can create online course and enroll their stu-
dents. The toolset was developed as a Moodle plugin
so that it can be integrated to any existing course plat-
form, next to existent material. Students enrolled in a
class can access our tool as they would access other
activities or resources, and teachers can create a vir-
tual classroom in the same way they would add a page
to their course.
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Data streams exchanged between the different modules.
3.4 First Interface Version Design
In this section we present the different components
implemented in the initial stage of the prototype.
This first interface was elaborated by the research
team in regards of detected needs, and implemented
in order to gather user feedback (Bettenfeld et al.,
2018). Given the varying needs and scenarios, stu-
dents and teachers have access to their own version of
the toolset.
Components of the Student Window. The first
version of the plugin provided two modes of con-
tent browsing: synchronous and asynchronous. In
synchronous mode, slide display was coordinated in
real-time with the projection in the classroom . In
asynchronous mode, even though data was received
and stored, the display kept focused on a given slide
or point of the transcription, allowing the student to
spend a longer time reading. On the left part of
the screen, students could watch the teacher’s video
stream in real-time On the bottom left, the lecture
slides were displayed and could be zoomed on. Un-
derneath, they could submit their questions or their
needs in a text field. The text was then sent to the
teacher, and also analyzed by the resource recommen-
dation system. The transcription display area was
located in the center of the screen and was updated
synchronously. A note-taking panel was associated
to each paragraph of the transcription. Besides writ-
ing down their notes, students could notify a need for
further information to the teacher. The material rec-
ommendation system also took in consideration this
alert, and analyzed the concepts being explained or
cited in the paragraph to provide relevant informa-
tion. This system offered a set of links on the right
part of the screen, evolving in real time, redirecting to
external resources. At the top of the screen, a wide
timeline of the lecture was displayed. It was a navi-
gation tool designed to facilitate browsing slides and
the transcription window quickly.
Components of the Teacher Window. This win-
dow is offered to be used while giving a lecture. As
this task requires time and focus, functionalities pro-
vided are simple and quick to use, and the display
components are kept concise. A portion of the screen
gave visual feedback of the camera, displaying the
same video stream as the students received (see A
on Fig. 2). In addition to this page designed for
the teacher, a second page displayed the slides des-
tined to be projected to the audience (opened click-
ing F on Fig. 2). The teacher could navigate the
slideshow using the mouse or the left and right ar-
row keys. The right part of the screen was dedicated
to a text feed showing open-ended questions asked by
the audience in real time (see E on Fig. 2). At the
bottom of the screen was presented a set of indica-
tors, two of them shown as bar graphs (C on Fig. 2).
The first one displayed the proportion of alerts sent by
students estimating the lecture’s pace was too quick.
The second bar displayed the proportion of students
looking at material corresponding to a past moment.
The last indicator was a table (D on Fig. 2) detail-
ing the three slides on which the greater number of
student expressed a difficulty. The resources recom-
mended to students were displayed in real time, in a
table (B on Fig. 2). The display was more concise
as the teacher did not need to rate, or get a preview
of the resources. Only the titles appeared, allowing
the teacher to recommend a one particular resource to
students, or to showcase it on the projected view.
3.5 User Test
The prototype was tested with students and a teacher
in actual class context in order to evaluate usability, to
list the benefits of using the system, to be able to an-
alyze usage, and consequently to improve tools sup-
porting the least satisfying tasks. One of the main
objectives is to check that the amount of informa-
tion provided to testers was not a source of cogni-
tive overload. Providing text in real time during a
Instrumentation of Learning Situation using Automated Speech Transcription: A Prototyping Approach
Figure 2: Example of the teacher’s interface: (a) Webcam feedback (b) Recommended resources (c) Indicators (d) Detailed
difficulty indicator (e) Open-ended question feed (f) Link opening the slideshow and link closing this window.
learning activity can trigger such overload, but con-
versely saving lecture content for later use can relieve
students’ memory, as it was studied with podcasts
(Traphagan et al., 2010). The user test took place De-
cember 12, 2017 in hybrid configuration, both on Le
Mans campus and on Nantes campus. The teacher
was situated on the former location accompanied by
three students while the remaining 7 students were
located on the other campus. In both places, partici-
pants were filmed, their screen’s activity was recorded
and they agreed to take part in a post-experiment in-
terview. Students’ behavior during the lecture was
mainly concentrated on the teacher and slides, and
their use of the transcription and resources was more
occasional. To navigate between different slides, stu-
dents mostly used the previous and next slide display
buttons. Their use of the whole timeline to browse
content was limited. During the interview, they ex-
pressed that manipulating the timeline requires ad-
ditional thinking, albeit short, they could not invest
time and concentration in. The students also made
explicit their frustration about the substance of rec-
ommended material. The content was not adapted to
their master’s degree level: a lot of suggested infor-
mation was considered trivial at this point of the cur-
sus, such as definitions of basic concepts used during
the lecture. No major problem was identified regard-
ing the teacher interface.
4.1 Modifications of the Interface
Slideshow as Core Material. In the first version
of the prototype, an important section of the screen
was dedicated to the transcription, and slides were
displayed in a smaller section. The relative size did
not coincide with the importance of each component’s
use. Students primarily zoomed on the slides and
occasionally downsized them to peek at the transla-
tion. The size of each of these component has been
switched in the interface offered by default to better
coincide with the students’ use (see Fig. 3).
Interface Flexibility. To prevent the students
from hiding every tool whenever they need to zoom
on the slide displayed, a system of panels was imple-
mented. Using this system, students are able to select
the tools they wish to keep on screen. The slideshow
is displayed as big as possible depending on the re-
maining space. Ultimately it can be displayed at full
size if every tool is hidden, for maximum readability.
Students can hide and show every tool panel at any
moment according to their needs. To support the use
case of students reading the transcription comfortably,
it is possible to expand the transcription area.
Navigation in Asynchronously Generated Con-
tent. As the previous way of browsing the previous
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: New student interface, showing the slideshow (A), transcription (B), and resources (C).
parts of the translation and slideshow necessitated too
much concentration, the system has been simplified.
Instead of a timeline representing the entirety of the
class time, users have access to the previous and the
next slide of the slideshow, with preview of both of
them to facilitate recall. The possibility of entering
the number of the desired slide has also been imple-
mented, allowing users to quickly access a slide ref-
erenced in the teacher’s speech or their notes. If the
transcription window is extended (as shown on Fig.
5), clicking on a paragraph updates the slide view
to display the slide projected during this part of the
4.2 Real Conditions Experiment
4.2.1 Protocol
The second version of the prototype was tested on
March 22nd 2018, at Laval during an information and
communication lecture. Beforehand, the teacher and
students received a presentation of the toolset in or-
der to facilitate later use. During the experiment,
13 students were located in the same room as the
teacher and 16 others were located in a remote class-
room. During the one-hour lecture, students were
given access to the platform and their activity was
monitored. Afterwards, the teacher and students were
4.2.2 Results
Students were satisfied with the quality of the trans-
lation. They reported a frustration in regards of real-
time communications as their open-ended questions
were not correctly transmitted to the teacher due to
network limitations, and the teacher’s pedagogical
scenario did not include time dedicated to review the
audience’s questions.
Students were confused by the number of tools
available simultaneously. They are themselves aware
that a comprehensive interface could be useful to
users familiar with the system. Yet, as users still dis-
covering the toolset, they are not comfortable enough
to both concentrate on the lecture and use every func-
tionality offered. They still expressed the need for
more flexibility, particularly the possibility of chang-
ing the position of tools on screen. An analysis of
4 students activity recordings showed that changing
the disposition of the interface, either for exploration
purpose or comfort, was the action most performed by
students (constituting 31,4% of all actions). Different
students had different opinions concerning which ele-
ment should be displayed at a large size at the core of
the interface.
Students expressed very few questions or alerts,
with a maximum of two questions per student dur-
ing the experiment session. The note-taking activity
is much more contrasted : 28.4% of actions belong
to the note-taking category, but most of these were
undertaken by two students. Other observed students
only took notes twice each during the session. Con-
sultation of the resources panel represents 19.6% of
actions, almost equally divided between browsing the
list and the actual consultation of links provided.
The teacher was not accustomed to monitoring
the indicators on his computer screen in real time,
and quickly abandoned this behavior to adopt a more
usual posture. His evaluation of the students’ activity
Instrumentation of Learning Situation using Automated Speech Transcription: A Prototyping Approach
was hence limited to the audience physically present
in the classroom.
Given the high number of class configurations and
personal preferences towards practices, we plan to
further develop the tool by adding new tools, and a
more flexible interface.
The pedagogical situation considered next is the
group work situation. The constraints in this situa-
tion are different from those considered in this paper.
The communications between actors is more complex
than during a lecture as all students and the teacher
must be able to communicate. The activity of the stu-
dents varies greatly depending on both the work ex-
pected and personal behaviour of each student. Addi-
tionally, the condition under which the transcription
software operates are less controlled. Microphones,
student voices and vocabulary used are very diverse,
and a challenge for the system. The explored solution
is a lesser important use of the transcription and an
emphasis on student’s activity indicators.
Currently, post-session access to course content is
limited to an export of the text posted, generated and
typed. The video recorded can also be watched sepa-
rately. We plan to develop a browsing system allow-
ing students to retrieve all this content on a single in-
terface, synchronized together. Setting the replay to a
particular point in time would display the correspond-
ing pieces of transcription and resources. Due to the
large amount of content, readability and browsing can
become a tedious task; a thematic segmentation sys-
tem will be implemented in order to divide the session
into smaller chapters, easier to label and to browse in-
As for the teacher, post-session use of traces and
generated content is for now limited to the display of
the contents of the Moodle database. Future work in-
volves the conception of an editorial toolset allowing
to retrieve and export more easily the content pro-
duced and the feedback collected during a particular
lecture. This would allow the teacher to easily pro-
duce and share online pedagogical material relevant
to a particular theme, greatly reducing the time invest-
ment required to set up a SPOC or a flipped classroom
As the prototype comes closer to a stable version,
we plan to release it to the Moodle plugins directory
and make it available to a greater public.
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CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education