A New Process Model for the Comprehensive Management of Machine
Learning Models
Christian Weber
, Pascal Hirmer
, Peter Reimann
and Holger Schwarz
Graduate School advanced Manufacturing Engineering, University of Stuttgart, Nobelstraße 12, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Institute for Parallel and Distributed Systems, University of Stuttgart, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Keywords: Model Management, Machine Learning, Analytics Process.
The management of machine learning models is an extremely challenging task. Hundreds of prototypical
models are being built and just a few are mature enough to be deployed into operational enterprise information
systems. The lifecycle of a model includes an experimental phase in which a model is planned, built and
tested. After that, the model enters the operational phase that includes deploying, using, and retiring it. The
experimental phase is well known through established process models like CRISP-DM or KDD. However,
these models do not detail on the interaction between the experimental and the operational phase of machine
learning models. In this paper, we provide a new process model to show the interaction points of the experi-
mental and operational phase of a machine learning model. For each step of our process, we discuss according
functions which are relevant to managing machine learning models.
Companies increasingly try to automate decisions
based on data and analytics (Lueth et al., 2016).
Thereby, they encounter a multitude of diverse ana-
lytical applications that are often based on complex
algorithms and highly scalable processing architec-
tures. In such advanced analytical applications, the
central artifact is a machine learning model, which
is the result of applying a machine learning algo-
rithm to data. The model is then used to infer pre-
dictions for new, unseen data to provide actionable
insights that facilitate manual or automated decision-
making. Thereby, the prediction performance of a
model, e. g., its accuracy, is of paramount importance,
since false predictions may lead to wrong decisions,
which in turn may have a negative impact on the com-
pany’s performance. Altogether, this turns models
into valuable corporate assets that have to be man-
aged actively (Krensky and Hare, 2017). This not
only requires to manage the models themselves, but
also their lifecycle and how the models evolve within
individual phases of this lifecycle.
Related work proposes several process models
providing guidelines for the steps to conduct ana-
lytical applications, e. g., the KDD-Process (Fayyad
et al., 1996) or CRISP-DM (Chapman et al., 2000).
The usual lifecycle phases a machine learning model
encounters in these process models are (1) planning
the model, (2) building and testing it, (3) deploy-
ing it in the real environment, (4) using it for pre-
dictions, and (5) retiring it after some time. While
many process models support loops between the first
two phases of planning and building models, they of-
ten consider the remaining phases as strictly sequen-
tial. However, real applications also require addi-
tional loops, especially from the phase of using mod-
els back to other phases. These loops starting from
the usage phase entail a high complexity for managing
models, different model versions, and their prediction
For instance, a crucial management function is to
maintain the models while they are in use within real
and ever-changing environments. A good example are
manufacturing environments, which are characterized
by dynamics of manufacturing systems (Wuest et al.,
2016). Dynamics like tool wear, parameter settings of
machines, and different materials introduce changes
in data and data distributions, which may result in
false predictions of models. Thus, models have to be
re-built and sometimes re-engineered in sophisticated
ways to adapt to such situations.
In this paper, we introduce a new process model
that supports the overall lifecycle of machine learning
models in a comprehensive way and that especially
considers complex update and maintenance loops as
Weber, C., Hirmer, P., Reimann, P. and Schwarz, H.
A New Process Model for the Comprehensive Management of Machine Learning Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0007725304150422
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 415-422
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
first-class citizens. We explain the individual steps
of this process model and discuss considerations on
related tasks for managing and maintaining machine
learning models.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. First, we present a motivating scenario to show
the need for a new process model in Section 2. In Sec-
tion 3, we discuss related work about process models
for generating and operating machine learning mod-
els. Next, we introduce our concept for a new pro-
cess model supporting the lifecycle of machine learn-
ing models in Section 4. In Section 5, we summarize
the paper and discuss future work.
In this section, we discuss a motivating scenario from
the manufacturing industry in which model manage-
ment plays a crucial role (Brenner et al., 2018). We
highlight problems in the supporting process of man-
aging the underlying machine learning models. In a
simplistic scenario the model is planned, built, tested,
used, deployed, maintained and, after some time, re-
tired. Participants in this process are the business
unit which delivers domain knowledge for construct-
ing machine learning models, a central analytics unit
which builds the analytical solutions and the IT unit
which integrates and maintains these solutions.
2.1 Scenario
Plan Model. In our manufacturing scenario machines
produce scrap material due to a complex combina-
tion of materials and parameter settings for machines
which are not adequate. During the production pro-
cess a lot of errors are introduced by tool-wear. Some
experienced maintenance workers can detect some
but not all settings that result in problems. Often, the
same problems occur but they are not detected in time.
Therefore, the business unit requests a data-driven so-
lution from the analytics unit to detect possible issues
in time. The goal is to reduce the errors in the pro-
cess through predictive maintenance. The business
unit has a lot of data from past production schedules
which they provide to the analytics unit. The result of
discussions between the Business, IT and Analytics
unit is to build a smartphone app for the maintenance
workers that provides the maintenance orders in time.
In another plant, a similiar solution has already been
developed. As this is unknown to the data scientists
they start a complete re-development.
Build & Test Model. After the data scientists of the
analytics unit acquired domain knowledge via work-
shops with the IT and Business unit, they start work-
ing on the model. Often it takes a long time to under-
stand and prepare the data for model training. After
some time working on different models, they detect
a promising combination of feature engineering, al-
gorithms and hyperparameters. Later, after hitting a
dead-end with some algorithm, they want to re-create
another promising experiment they conducted some
weeks ago. However, they cannot remember the exact
experimental setup and start to build the model from
scratch. Some results show a good accuracy. These
promising models are deployed for testing and after
some time they select the most appropriate model. Fi-
nally, data scientists hand over the final scripts and a
model file to the IT department.
Deploy Model. The IT unit integrates the model into
the webservice and builds the smartphone app. For
this task, they have to reimplement the scripts, be-
cause the model format is not supported by libraries
for the target programming language. A lot of com-
munication efforts are needed between the IT and the
analytics unit to transfer knowledge about building
the model.
Use Model. A long time elapses between the provi-
sioning of the data and the receipt of the solution. The
model is delivered as a smartphone app which moni-
tors anomalies in the process. With the app, mainte-
nance workers handle maintenance jobs in time, pre-
venting down-times and scrap material. But soon,
workers experience that tools are changed for new
ones, even though these have no significant wear at
all. After some time, the workers do not trust the
model results anymore. The model lost its accuracy
and produces wrong predictions. Something in the
data has changed. Some time later, a technician di-
agnoses that there is a defective temperature sensor
which delivers false results, resulting in false predic-
tions of the model. The sensor is replaced with a new
one and the model delivers again accurate predictions.
Two weeks later, the model once again produces false
predictions. The technician checks the sensors, but
he cannot detect any problem. The business unit con-
tacts the analytics unit to request maintenance for the
model. The analytics unit knows that changing cir-
cumstances in the production environment are respon-
sible for the degraded model. They refer the busi-
ness unit to the IT unit because they do not see model
maintenance as their responsibility. Instead of search-
ing for the root-cause of changed data, the IT unit de-
cides that it is easier to adapt the model to changes in
the data. The IT experts are confused because knowl-
edge about the concepts of updating these models is
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
far beyond their knowledge (Fayyad et al., 2017). For
that reason, they contact the analytics unit and more
communication efforts are necessary. The business
unit is annoyed by long reaction times of the IT and
the analytics unit. Especially because it is unclear
which unit is responsible for maintaining the model.
After some time, the business unit decides to revert to
the old manual solution.
Retire Model. Due to missing knowledge and high
operating costs, models get retired before finding an
appropriate maintenance strategy. This is often the
case, when knowledge of the overall process of de-
veloping and operating a model is unknown to the in-
volved departments. This leads to high expenditure
of time and money, missunderstandings and a loss of
opportunities. In the next section, we detail some of
these problems.
2.2 Need for Update/Upgrade Loops in
Process Models
Building a machine learning model is considered to
be explorative and ad-hoc. Data scientists try many
combinations of data preprocessing, algorithm selec-
tion, hyperparameter tuning and testing to produce a
model with the desired performance. Due to the high
amount of iterations, we consider that loop as experi-
mental loop. This loop has recently received much at-
tention from the scientific community regarding func-
tions for managing models (Miao et al., 2017; Schel-
ter et al., 2017; Vartak, 2017). However, these ap-
proaches do not focus on loops that origin from the
operational phase. For example, when a model is de-
ployed and in use, data can change and the model de-
grades after some time. This is considered to be a con-
cept drift (Gama et al., 2014). Concept drifts can have
various reasons. In industrial environments where
predictions are applied to streams of sensor data, sen-
sors of machines can be defective or deliver false val-
ues because of tool wear. Our motivational scenario
shows that the root cause for these issues is often not
detected in time or not detected at all. Thus, a solution
is to adapt the model to the changed situation. This
can be achieved by re-training the model with more
recent data. This means that the model is rebuilt, but
the preprocessing steps for the data, the algorithm and
the hyperparameters remain fixed. The old version
of the model is replaced by the new one. This can
happen multiple times, resulting in what we call an
update-loop. However, if update-loops do not yield
the desired accuracy, more profound changes must be
made. For example, additional data and different pre-
processing steps have to be tested with a different al-
gorithm, leading to a new variant of the model for the
same use case. The model is re-engineered. We con-
sider this as an upgrade loop of the model. We think
it is important to also consider the upgrade and update
loops in the overall lifecycle of a model and according
functions for model management, because stakehold-
ers need to base decisions on these loops. For exam-
ple, they have to decide for or against update/upgrade
strategies, accountability of stakeholders for mainte-
nance, supporting tools and economic viability of the
In this section, we discuss related work about process
models for the lifecycle of machine learning mod-
els. Existing and more general process models for
data mining projects are the KDD process (Fayyad
et al., 1996) and CRISP-DM (Chapman et al., 2000).
The KDD process describes various steps that have
to be carried out to generate knowledge from data.
The majority of steps describe preprocessing activi-
ties to select, clean, and transform input data. After-
wards, the actual data mining takes place where inter-
esting and previously unknown patterns are derived.
These patterns may be represented as mining or ma-
chine learning models that are descriptive, predictive,
or a combination of both. In a last step, the patterns
and the models are interpreted to gain valuable knowl-
edge regarding the relevant domain-specific problem.
The KDD process supports various loops among all
these steps. However, it does not give hints on how
to deploy and subsequently use the resulting machine
learning models within a real environment, e. g., for
making predictions when machines may fail in a man-
ufacturing environment. Consequently, it does not de-
scribe how to conduct loops for upgrading or main-
taining the models that are already in the usage phase.
CRISP-DM treats the analysis of the business
problem, the investigation and preparation of data, as
well as building and testing machine learning mod-
els as core process steps. Unlike the KDD process,
CRISP-DM explicitly considers a step, where ma-
chine learning models are deployed within the real en-
vironment. However, it likewise does not cover a us-
age phase and corresponding upgrade or maintenance
loops from this usage phase back to the other steps of
the overall process. In CRISP-DM, knowledge about
the overall data mining process is documentated via
reports at the end of each step. It thereby also covers
monitoring and maintenance plans for updating mod-
els. Such a plan specifies which models require updat-
ing and why. Furthermore, it defines the trigger of the
update, e. g., regular updates, trigger events, or per-
A New Process Model for the Comprehensive Management of Machine Learning Models
formance monitoring. However, the contents are not
further detailed, nor reflected in the process model.
A more recent approach is the Team Data Science
Process (TDSP) of Microsoft (Ericson et al., 2017).
This process also includes a deployment step in which
a pipeline is built for the update/upgrade of models.
In comparison to our process, the update and upgrade
loops are not depicted as loops in the process model.
Instead, these are covered in pipeline development.
The most similiar approach that inspired our pro-
cess model is the lifecycle of an analytical model
provided by (Grossman, 2018; Pivarski et al., 2016).
They provide a phase of analytical modeling and an
analytic operations phase in the development and op-
eration of machine learning models. For the up-
date and upgrade of models they describe a cham-
pion/challenger strategy. This strategy is covered by
a patent of (Chengwen, 2012). It contains a paral-
lel process step, which includes building other mod-
els versions, while the current version of the model is
in use. If the new version of the model is more accu-
rate, it will replace the old one. However, the cham-
pion/challenger strategy is not a particular strategy for
triggering the update of a model. Triggering updates
can be achieved through, e.g., manual or periodic re-
training and adaptive machine learning algorithms to
react to concept drifts. The final step is to retire the
model and to re-deploy an improved one. In our pro-
cess, we consider retiring the model as a final activity
when the model is taken out of service. We consider a
model to consist of multiple model versions that rep-
resent the evolution of the model over time. These
model versions are generated through our introduced
update and upgrade loops.
In this section, we introduce our main contribution, a
new process model for comprehensive machine learn-
ing model management. Loops need to be added to
the process in order to enable reaction on changes in
either the model or in the context the model is applied
to. The process is divided into two phases: (i) the ex-
perimental phase, in which models are planned, built,
and tested, and (ii) the operational phase, in which
models are used, monitored, and, if necessary, re-built
or retired. This is depicted in Figure 1. In a first
step, we conducted a thorough analysis in the smart
manufacturing domain depicted by the motivational
scenario (see Section 2), in order to derive essential
features and extensions of the process. First, it is nec-
essary to enhance the processed models with context
information, which gives further insights on how they
are used and whether they need to be updated to fit
their context. Second, stake-holder specific require-
ments need to be considered. Depending on the do-
main, these requirements can be very heterogeneous.
However, they are of great importance to tailor the
process to the specific needs of the use cases. In the
following, we describe the steps of our process, focus-
ing on the update and upgrade loops, as highlighted in
Figure 1. For each step we describe relevant functions
to manage machine learning models.
4.1 Step 1: Plan Model
In this step, it is important to consider specific re-
quirements by the corresponding use case, its domain,
and the involved stakeholders. Making mistakes in
the model planning step can lead to costly re-planning
and to misleading results. Consequently, business re-
quirements need to be defined first, considering the
goals of the desired use cases. Second, stakeholder
workshops need to be organized, in which all involved
stakeholders can verify and evaluate these require-
ments and, if necessary, change them or come up
with new ones. Furthermore, it needs to be evaluated
whether the desired model is feasible, i.e., whether
it is economical, it reaches the goals that need to be
solved and if the necessary data are available. The
planning step is essential for the (economical) success
of the model. If the desired model is not feasible, for
example, because the required data is not available or
the costs for realization are too high, it is discarded as
depicted in Figure 1 after Step 1. Consequently, the
process directly moves to the retirement of the model
(cf. Figure 1, step 6).
Management Considerations. In this step, the
model needs to be semantically enriched with plan-
ning data that is further refined in the upcoming steps
of our process model. The planning data is mainly
related to business concerns and the expected usage
of the model in production. Planning data include
information about, e.g., the corresponding use case,
the prediction that should be made, and the decision
based on the model. A method that can be used to col-
lect planning data via stakeholder workshops is the
machine learning canvas (Dorard, 2019). It enables
to align the domain knowledge of business people,
data scientists and IT experts. However, the machine
learning canvas is rather static and provided as a docu-
ment template. It would be useful to store its contents
and link them to models in order to enable a semantic
search for models. For example, data scientists want
to search models to get a rough idea on how to de-
velop a new model for a similiar use case.
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Experimental Analytics Operational Analytics
Accuracy >= Threshold
Accuracy < Threshold
Concept drift
detected or
Further development infeasible or not economical
not met
Infeasible or
not economical
e.g. data not available,
costs too high, …
Accuracy cannot
be achieved,
e.g. data quality
too poor
use case
Comprehensive Management of Machine Learning Models
Rebuild Model
with new Data &
Test Model
Build & Test
Update Plan
Retire Model
Use Model
Monitor Model
Plan Model
Figure 1: Process Model for the comprehensive management of machine learning models. Green: update loop, purple:
upgrade loop, blue: experimental loop.
4.2 Step 2: Build and Test Model
In the next step (cf. Figure 1, step 2), a first ver-
sion of the model is built and tested. Depending on
the complexity and the needed processing power, this
could be done either on the local machine or a dis-
tributed environment like Apache Spark
. Typically,
models are built using script-based programing lan-
guages, such as Python or R, using available libraries
for data cleaning, transformation, and machine learn-
ing. Another approach is using sophisticated tools,
such as Rapidminer
, that offer a wide
variation of modules to process, transform, and ana-
lyze data. These tools can typically be used by busi-
ness users without programing or IT experience due
to a mostly graphical modeling approach. The re-
sult is comprised of a set of scripts, cleaned datasets,
and serialized models. In this step, the model is also
tested, e.g., it is verified if its quality reaches a de-
sired threshold. If the quality is too poor and its qual-
ity cannot be increased, the model is discarded (cf.
Figure 1, step 6). Furthermore, if the model does not
meet the expected target requirements (Figure 1, step
1), it needs to be re-planned, e.g., by involving new
data sources, selecting different preprocessing steps
or trying different algorithms. This is conducted in a
newly inserted step of our extended lifecycle process,
the “Update Plan” step (cf. Figure 1, step 2a).
Step 2a: Update Plan
Typically, model building is an explorative and itera-
tive process and considered to be ad-hoc. This leads
to the experimental loop in which step 2a is invoked if
the built and tested model does not meet the require-
ments of the planning phase. In this step, the model
needs to be improved according to the requirements
determined in the planning step of the model lifecy-
cle. This might also require additional input of the
stakeholders to meet the desired requirements of spe-
cific use cases. After the improvements are identified,
the model is re-planned and needs to be adapted using
the above mentioned approaches, either tool-based or
script-based. Each adaptation of the model can be re-
garded as an experiment through which a new model
version is created. The model is represented as an ob-
ject which can be serialized and saved to disk. Once
the model is built, it needs to be thoroughly tested
again regarding its quality and fulfillment of the tar-
get requirements it aims for. Step 2a is repeated un-
til the model reaches the desired quality and is ready
for deployment or, in the worst case, until it needs to
be discarded due to poor quality. Note that having
many iterations between Step 2 and Step 2a is costly
and requires high effort. Consequently, the planning
and building phase should be conducted thoroughly in
order to reduce such costly re-planning and adaption
Management Considerations. One challenge is
to facilitate knowledge transfer from previous experi-
ments in order to shorten iterations in the model build-
ing step. Recent supportive concepts that cope with
A New Process Model for the Comprehensive Management of Machine Learning Models
this issue can be found in (Miao et al., 2017; Schelter
et al., 2017; Vartak, 2017). Often data scientists face
a dead-end when they iterate on various prototypes of
a model. For that reason they want to roll back to a
previous promising experiment they had not pursued
back then. Moreover, unsuccessful strategies from
past experiments should not be repeated in future ex-
periments. Due to hundreds of different experiments
data scientists cannot remember all past experimental
settings. These typically consist of a combination of
feature engineering, algorithm selection and hyperpa-
rameters that lead to an experimental result (Kumar
et al., 2015). In order to facilitate knowledge trans-
fer from experiments, the result, the experimental set-
tings, and the related artifacts like code, datasets and
model files must be stored. This results in a need for
tools like MLflow
to manage experiments.
4.3 Step 3: Deploy Model
This step is on the edge between the experimental
phase and the operational phase of the process model.
The goal is to deploy the built and tested model in its
target environment (cf. Figure 1, 3). This is also re-
ferred to as model serving (Breck et al., 2017). This
step presumes that the model fulfills the quality re-
quirements and target requirements of the planning
step. There are different possibilities how a model
can be deployed. For example, it can be integrated
into a database, run as a stand-alone application or
it can be provided as a web service, offering its ca-
pabilities as a service. The deployment step can ei-
ther be conducted manually, by setting up the busi-
ness logic, the involved data, and the corresponding
applications through an IT expert, or in an automated
manner. Automated deployment of models and appli-
cations, respectively, can be realized through software
provisioning approaches, such as Docker, or through
the OASIS standard TOSCA (OASIS, 2013a; OASIS,
2013b). Often, multiple promising models are de-
ployed for A/B testing, also referred to as split testing.
Management Considerations. In this step, the
model is represented as a model file. It contains a seri-
alized version of the final model object that was built
in the previous step. For comprehensive model man-
agement one has to keep track of these model files and
a function for dealing with model objects is required.
Managing Model objects includes to keep track on de-
ployed model objects and to provide means to com-
pare and analyze them. Comparing and analyzing in-
cludes to identify differences between model objects.
For example, one wants to identify which aspects in
the model object changed after conducting two sim-
iliar experiments. This can become very challenging
when the model is represented in heterogenous for-
mats. In order to keep track on where models are de-
ployed, metadata about deployment targets have to be
stored as well.
4.4 Steps 4a/b: Use & Monitor Model
Step 4 depicts the main step of the lifecycle pro-
cess, the use and monitoring of the deployed mod-
els (cf. Figure 1, steps 4a and 4b). After a model
is deployed either integrated in a database, an exist-
ing application, stand-alone or as a service, it is exe-
cuted based on its corresponding business logic (e.g.,
realized through scripts or analytics tools). By com-
paring the results based on the test data, the perfor-
mance can be evaluated. There are two approaches
for predictions: (i) batch predictions, and (ii) real-
time predictions. Batch predictions are done offline
in batches while realtime predictions are done online
during runtime. While the model is in use, its quality
can decrease over time due to changes in the environ-
ment. More precisely, due to a concept drift, e.g., a
change in the environment that has consequences on
the model itself, the model’s quality decreases. For
example, this can be observed by monitoring changes
in the distribution of input data that are fed into the
model. Consequently, steps need to be taken in order
to react to such occurring concept drifts. These steps
lead to an update of the model (Figure 1, step 5) in
order for it to be fitting to the changed context. The
model is updated and re-deployed before it is used
Management Considerations. A model is updated
when it degrades and an old model version is replaced
with a new one. While the model is in use, it has to be
ensured that a model produces accurate predictions.
If predictions are found inaccurate, it should be pos-
sible to trace back which model version created these
false predictions. Furthermore, when the model ver-
sion is related to the according experiment, errors in
the building step can be identified and avoided. For
that reason, data across the process steps need to be
linked. This allows to track provenance throughout
the created artifacts in the experimental phase and the
operational phase.
4.5 Step 5: Rebuild and Test Model
As mentioned in the previous step, a model may de-
grade over time and may not meet the accuracy it had
before due to occurring concept drifts. There can can
be two reasons for degrading. The first reason is that
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the distribution of the data changes. A prominent ex-
ample is a defect sensor in a machine, which produces
false sensor values (see section 2). This is consid-
ered to be a virtual concept drift (Gama et al., 2014).
The second reason is a real concept drift. This means
that the distribution of the predicted value changes be-
cause of, e.g., a change of interest. To cope with vir-
tual concept drifts, algorithms exist that conduct an
automated concept drift detection. A second option
is to build a more robust model by using ensemble
techniques like bagging and boosting (Gepperth and
Hammer, 2016). A further option is to periodically
update the model, which is conducted in this step. Af-
ter updating the model using new or changed data, it
needs to be tested once again in order to ensure its ac-
curacy. If the accuracy reaches an acceptable thresh-
old (which is depending on the scenario), it can be
directly deployed and used once again. However, if
the re-built model cannot reach this threshold, for ex-
ample, due to an extensive concept drift, it needs to
be planned from the beginning.
Management Considerations. It is important to
log the time needed for rebuilding the model so that
it can be detected how much costs are involved and if
further development is economical. For each rebuild
one can save information about the training time and
the accuracy of the updated model. By comparing the
accuracy of the newly deployed model with the accu-
racy of previous versions of the model, we can rec-
ognize patterns for the degrading of models. For ver-
sion control, every time a new model is built, it needs
to be saved as a new model version. Also, when a
completely new model is built, this model should be
a variant to the original built model. Thus, the active
management of models has to deal with model vari-
ants and models versions that emerge over time.
4.6 Step 6: Retire Model
The final step (Figure 1, step 6) represents the end of
the model lifecycle process. It is reached if a model
needs to be retired after building and testing due to
economical issues, poor quality or if the model has
been in use for some time and there is no more use for
it, e.g., due to changed circumstances in the domain
or due to finishing a project.
Management Considerations. When a model is re-
tired, the according data and metadata of the model
should be archived as reference for future experi-
ments. Especially when legal regulations like the
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Euro-
pean Parliament, 2016) require to justify past deci-
sions based on the now retired model, archiving is
In this paper, we introduced a new process model for
the comprehensive management of machine learning
models in order to show the importance of update and
upgrade loops as well as according management func-
tions. The result is a process that has its strengths es-
pecially in environments in which the context changes
regularly and there is an increased probability that
models degrade. This applies especially to the manu-
facturing domain, as described in Section 2. Our pro-
cess helps to understand the required complexity for
updating and upgrading models. This imposes new
challenges for IT architects in implementing compre-
hensive model management as a business capability.
In order to support these efforts, it is essential to con-
duct further research on blueprints for model manage-
ment platforms, frameworks and tools. For this rea-
son, we plan to integrate selected management func-
tions into a platform for managing models in Industry
4.0 environments
The authors would like to thank the German Research
Foundation for financial support of this project as part
of the Graduate School of Excellence advanced Man-
ufacturing Engineering at the University of Stuttgart.
Some work presented in this paper was performed
in the project ’MMP’ as part of the Software Cam-
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ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems