tices. Given the variation in metric values between
early and current application versions, we believe lon-
gitudinal studies to provide valuable contributions in
this regard.
The second conclusion is that strongly dependent
metric pairs can be identified. They are the same both
in our longitudinal evaluation as well as the referred
cross-sectional one. Our longitudinal examination has
shown these relations to be extremely stable across
all application versions, including the earliest ones.
These relations proved to be impervious to the effects
of class size. Their existence should be considered
when building software quality models based on met-
ric values. They can be used to select those metrics
that best express a system property, or to avoid intro-
ducing undesired collinearity.
Our third conclusion regards the differences be-
tween the trends in metric values and dependen-
cies between studied applications. Given that cross-
sectional studies are unable to capture this, it strength-
ens the importance of longitudinal studies.
We aim to extend our research to other applica-
tion types, including mobile as well as applications
where user interface code is not dominant. Our goal
is to study whether metric thresholds indicative of
good design and development practices can be estab-
lished. Furthermore, we aim to extend our research
to applications developed using different platforms,
and study the effect of the programming language
on metric values. The main goal is to establish a
metric-based model for software quality. While such
attempts have already been undertaken, they are not
based on a solid foundation of understanding the soft-
ware development process and its outcomes, narrow-
ing their range of application.
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ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering