A Model-based Approach for the Modeling and the Verification of
Railway Signaling System
Racem Bougacha
, Abderrahim Ait Wakrime
, Slim Kallel
, Rahma Ben Ayed
and Simon Collart-Dutilleul
Institut de Recherche Technologique Railenium, F-59300, Famars, France
ReDCAD, University of Sfax, Tunisia
IFSTTAR-Lille, 20 Rue Elis
ee Reclus BP 70317, 59666 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex, France
slim.kallel@fsegs.rnu.tn, simon.collart-dutilleul@ifsttar.fr
Railway Signaling System, Model-Driven Engineering, Formal Methods, Verification, Model Checking.
Railway Signaling System aims at resolving interoperability problems of railway signaling and train control/-
command. An European system is taken place to guarantee interoperability between international borders.
Such complex systems require a high-level of safety. We propose an approach for modeling and verifying
railway signaling systems. Our approach consists of graphical modeling such systems and automatically gen-
erating formal specification in Event-B. It is based on model-driven engineering techniques. We propose
model-to-model transformation to generate Event- B model from UML class diagram profiled with safety and
railways concepts. A textual Event- B code is also automatically generated using model-to-text transforma-
tion. The proposed approach allows to formally verify the safety of railway signaling systems based on model
checking and animator tool.
European countries launched a major system named
on et al., 2013) to harmonize the
variety of railway signaling in Europe. This system
serves to guarantee the interoperability of European
railway network and thus by eliminating the need
of the locomotives changes at border points between
countries. In addition, its aim is to improve main-
tenance costs, reliability and performance. ERTM-
S/ETCS is a control-command and signaling sys-
tem and it is composed of many software and mate-
rial components which they communicate with each
Safety is a major challenge for this type of sys-
tems given the complexity and serious consequences
that may arise from analysis and design errors. Par-
ticularly, in ERTMS/ETCS system, safety require-
ments is the central concern in the development pro-
cess (Ait Wakrime et al., 2018; Beugin et al., 2010).
For this purpose, safety ensures the proper function-
ing of such system and guarantees traffic safety. Like-
wise, some railway operating rules are defined in or-
der to respect some specific functions and their imple-
mentations regarding the safety requirements. Model-
ing of these railway operating rules requires the defi-
nition of some concepts and the relationships between
them. In this context, we define a railway operat-
ing rule as a sequence of authorizations to execute
some operations (actions) by a set of users (human
or software actors) according to roles (driver, traffic
agent, etc.) which assign the responsibilities granted
to users.
In response to this need, this paper addresses two
main issues, namely (1) Non-existence of a holistic
approach for modeling safety railway signaling sys-
tems. This issue is stemming from, on the one hand,
the existence of safety rules defined in an informal
way which does not allow its maintainability and its
definition in a formal way to be checked and vali-
dated. On the other hand, the research works who
tried to define safety aspects for railway and the ones
who tried to adapt security aspects (especially access
control) of information system to railway domain still
couldn’t support all the railway safety specification.
(2) Inadequacy of the existing formal approaches to
specify these systems since railway systems are based
on communication with signals exchange. The latter
describes the interaction between the different entities
Bougacha, R., Ait Wakrime, A., Kallel, S., Ben Ayed, R. and Collart-Dutilleul, S.
A Model-based Approach for the Modeling and the Verification of Railway Signaling System.
DOI: 10.5220/0007728403670376
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2019), pages 367-376
ISBN: 978-989-758-375-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
that manage the railway system and which describes
critical systems where there is no place for errors.
Basically, we aim to guarantee valid railway sig-
naling systems. In order to achieve this goal, we pro-
pose a holistic approach for modeling and formally
verifying railway signaling systems. This process is
composed of three main steps: (i) Graphical Model-
ing of railway systems. First, we present a UML pro-
file that describes safety aspects of railway system to
provide a generic extension mechanism for specializ-
ing and customizing UML class diagram meta-model
in order to introduce our new safety concepts defined
in the previous meta-model. (ii) Model Transforma-
tion. First we create two new meta-models. The first
one is Event-B meta model, which is an extension of
the B-Method meta-model, while the second one is
Safety Railway meta-model describing safety aspects
of railway system. Thereafter, we propose also an
automatic model-to-model transformation from UML
class diagram to new models conforming to proposed
meta-model. (iii) Event-B Generation & Formal veri-
fication. First, we aim at this step to generate a textual
specification containing Event-B code using a model-
to-text transformation in order to apply a formal veri-
fication on it with model checker supporting the gen-
erated specification. Thereafter, the generated Event-
B code is introduced in model checker and animator
to detect errors and to prove the correctness of sys-
Our approach offers a better way to reduce the
complexity by defining railway system formally. It
aims to represent their needs for safety by introduc-
ing their safety concepts. Based on model-driven en-
gineering, our approach provides modular and main-
tainable safety specification that could be verified for-
mally and which guarantee the safety of such systems.
The paper is structured as follows: Railway sig-
naling system ERTMS/ETCS is described in the next
Section. Section 3 presents our approach. Graphi-
cal modeling of our approach is detailed in Section 4.
In Section 5, model transformation of the proposed
approach is presented. Section 6 describes the gener-
ation of our Event-B specification and its validation
using model checking and animation. Section 7 dis-
cusses the related work. Section 8 concludes the pa-
The European Rail Traffic Management System/Eu-
ropean Train Control System (ERTMS/ETCS) aims at
resolving interoperability problems of railway signal-
ing and train control/command (Sch
on et al., 2013).
ERTMS/ETCS is an European system to manage
railway traffic and to guarantee interoperability be-
tween international borders. Indeed, it allows to pro-
vide a compatible signaling systems among countries.
ERTMS/ETCS in Europe has a significant benefits re-
garding safety, cost, interoperability, accessibility and
Figure 1: ERTMS/ETCS.
The Figure 1 presents Hybrid ERTMS/ETCS sys-
tem. Trackside Train Detection (TTD) is divided
into several Virtual Sub-Sections (VSS). A TTD is a
section determined by a conventional trackside train
detection system like track-circuits or axle-counters.
VSS is used to define a MA before assigning it to
the train. Movement of the train depends on the VSS
state and the train location is provided according to
the VSSs. The Figure 2 shows an extract of Unified
Modeling Language (UML) class diagram of studied
Figure 2: An extract of class diagram of Hybrid ERTM-
VSS guarantees the safety of the system since it
allows the spacing between a foregoing train and the
chasing train. The presence of a train detected by a
TTD in a given VSS, makes the VSS state Occupied
(the red VSS in Figure 1). If a TTD did not detect a
train in a VSS, the VSS state becomes Free (the green
VSS in Figure 1). When a TTD is not sure that a
train is hidden behind another train at the same VSS,
the VSS state becomes Ambiguous. State Unknown
represents the case where the TTD doesn’t know the
position train and is not sure that the VSS state is Free.
In the nominal situation, one train owns a MA to move
ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
to a given point as a supervised movement. This point
is determined according to the position of the chasing
trains in terms of VSSs.
Our approach is intended to model railway signal-
ing system, which is a critical system that needs a
high level of safety, security and integrity. The main
contribution targeted by our approach is to integrate
safety properties and apply its aspects on the func-
tional specification of the railway system.
3.1 Safety Properties of Railway System
Safety is a major challenge for critical systems given
the complexity and serious consequences that may
arise from analysis and design errors. It is defined as
a property of a system, which does not in any way en-
danger neither persons nor its environment. Another
definition is a removal of unacceptable risk. Particu-
larly, in ERTMS/ETCS system, safety requirements is
the central concern in the development process (Beu-
gin et al., 2010; Ait Wakrime et al., 2018) since hu-
man errors, unforeseen failures, and different combi-
nations of unfavorable situations may negatively in-
fluence the safety of various elements or even of the
whole railway system. Safety of a railway system is
dependent on the balance of Man, Machine and Envi-
ronment (Cicmancova, 2013).
For this purpose, safety ensures the proper func-
tioning of such system and guarantees traffic safety.
Different properties need to be identified and veri-
fied, e.g. : (a) Controlling that the train does not
exceed the maximum authorized speed nor the differ-
ent speed limits assigned to the various track sections.
(b) Checking that each train is in the right direction
and does not exceed the limited authorized area. (c)
Checking if a train is attributed to zone and that a zone
contains one and only train. (d) Checking that the
MA of each train is correctly established, that suffi-
cient protections have been put in place to prohibit the
entry of other trains in an area assigned to a specific
train and that the points of the different switches are
locked in the correct position so that the train moves
along the planned itinerary.
Likewise, some railway operating rules are de-
fined in order to respect some specific functions and
their implementations regarding the safety require-
ments. In fact, the railway operating rules defines
the train movement authorizations which are speci-
fied with a set of constraints, software and human
system actors. To analyze these movement authoriza-
tions several questions (Ben Ayed et al., 2014) arise:
Who does what? What are the authorizations? Who
are the responsible of these authorizations? Which
resources are affected by these authorizations? What
actions are enabled by these authorizations? What are
the constraints related to these authorizations?
So the essential concepts that we could extract
from these questions are: System actors, autho-
rizations, authorization’s responsible, concerned re-
sources, and authorized actions and associated con-
We can see following these concepts a rapproche-
ment with the RBAC (Ferraiolo et al., 1995) model
concepts describing security concepts of information
systems and the safety concepts of railway systems,
noting that:
A system actors correspond to RBAC users.
Responsibilities accorded to actors correspond to
RBAC roles accorded to RBAC users.
The authorization concept corresponds to RBAC
permission concept.
Authorized actions correspond to RBAC opera-
Concerned resources correspond to RBAC ob-
Authorization constraints correspond to permis-
sions constraints.
Following this correspondence, a designer can
profit from a standardized model such as RBAC
model developed by the National Institute of Stan-
dards and Technology (NIST) in order to define rail-
way safety concepts instead of starting from scratch.
Unfortunately, RBAC concepts does not cover all
safety aspects required by the railway system. There-
fore, we add a new concept called Mode, which will
precise the circulation mode of a train. This concept is
specialized with two types Normal or Degraded and
each of which offers a different degree of supervision
and protection. The Normal mode describes that the
system is working as planned, while the Degraded
mode represents situation where all or part of the sys-
tem should work without their usual resources.
Adding to that, and in order to argue the use of
the Normal or the Degraded mode, specifying con-
texts that depends on the circumstances in which these
modes are granted is required.
The context in railway system can depend on the
time, the location, the activation of an action by a
user or the history of actions. According to liter-
ature, and in correspondence to our requirement of
the concept context, a similar concept was defined in
A Model-based Approach for the Modeling and the Verification of Railway Signaling System
the ORBAC model (El Kalam and Deswarte, 2006),
which satisfies the same properties needed for the
context in railway system. Therefore, we adapt OR-
BAC context to the railway system. An ORBAC con-
text allows to switch from static permissions to spe-
cific dynamic permissions to concrete circumstances
in which systems grant users permissions to perform
actions on objects. In the railway system, the context
is used to express notions on which ERTMS/ETCS
specifications are based, such as the different levels of
ERTMS, the mode situations, the conditions of tran-
sition from a procedure to an other, etc. The differ-
ent context types described in (Cuppens and Mi
2003) are: (i) Temporal context: defines the period of
validity at which the subject is requesting to the sys-
tem. (ii) Spatial context: depends on a network be-
longing or a geographical position of the subject. (iii)
User-declared context: depends on the subject objec-
tive. (iv) Prerequisite context: depends on the domain
specific characteristics (subject, the action and the ob-
ject). (v) Provisional context: it depends on the his-
tory of the actions that the subject had the privilege to
perform. However, in order to define all the required
context of railway system, train movement constraints
needs in addition of these types a new context named
Spatio-Temporal that we defined to describes the dy-
namic train movement, e.g. speeds constraints.
Finally, in order to define safety aspects in mod-
ular way we have introduced the ORBAC organiza-
tions concept, which allows to model the structure of
the real organizations. In our study, ERTMS/ETCS
can be considered as a parent organization. Any spe-
cific line in a country equipped with ERTMS/ETCS is
a sub-organization that can inherit the generic safety
rules of the parent organization, and also add or re-
move rules and thus define its own railway operating
rules. All this point are illustrated in Figure 3 describ-
ing the new safety model for railway system.
Figure 3: the proposed safety model.
3.2 Approach in a Nutshell
Our approach is based on model-driven engineering
(MDE) approach and it presumes a three step process
as shown in Figure 4: Graphical modeling, Model
transformation and Event-B generation & formal ver-
ification. In the first step, we propose a UML pro-
file which is inspired from SecureUML (Lodderstedt
et al., 2002) used to enrich class models in UML with
stereotypes and constraints specific for safety of rail-
way system. The designer specifies:
The model of the railway system using UML class
diagram to define the functional part, which de-
scribes the different entities of the system.
The non-functional part, which uses functional
entities to specify the safety properties on it using
a specialization of the UML class diagram com-
ponents applied by the UML profile.
The second step corresponds to an automatic transfor-
mation which consists of mapping the class diagrams
elaborated in the first step to a target models:
The functional class diagram is transformed to an
Event-B model which contains several elements
of the Event-B notation. Since there is no stan-
dard that describes and groups the components
of Event-B specification, a new meta-model has
been proposed and which the generated Event-B
model is conform to.
Non-functional class diagram profiled with safety
properties is transformed to a railway safety
model which contains the different components
describing safety aspects of railway system. To
regroup this components, we proposed a new
meta-model called Safety Railway Meta Model,
so that we can navigate on railway specific con-
cepts that will be more intuitive than navigating
on UML concepts for our domain. Therefore our
railway safety model will be conforms to the pro-
posed meta-model.
Finally, the last step is composed of two parts: Event-
B generation and formal verification. The Event-B
generation consists of a model to text transformation
which generates a textual specification from the mod-
els created in the second step.
We proposed a template that generates Event-B
textual specification, which describes the func-
tional specification of the system, from the Event-
B model obtained in the previous step.
A second template is used to generate another
Event-B textual specification, from the railway
safety model generated in the previous step, which
applies safety aspects on the functional concepts
by filtering the access to the functional model.
In order to detect the design errors and to discover
some invariant violation, the formal verification step
of the generated specification is important. Therefore,
ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
we used a model checker and animator which support
our specification. Using the model checker executed
with different strategies, we guarantee the correctness
of our specification.
Figure 4: The proposed approach.
The graphical modeling consists of modeling of func-
tional and non-functional aspects of the railway sys-
tem. It focuses on different entities that should be ex-
isted in the system. In our approach, this step is de-
fined with a UML class diagram to specify, view, un-
derstand, and document the system in a simple way.
A class diagram is one of the leading diagrams in a
UML modeling. It allows to dissect the system by
showing its components (classes).
To define a railway system, its functional descrip-
tion should contains a set of elements which describes
the software and hardware parts interacting together
to complete the specification of such a system. So
as our input functional class diagram, the designer
should model all components of a railway system like
the Train, the Driver, the Rail, the Movement Author-
ity, etc and the interaction between them.
To define non-functional railway system specifi-
cation, a UML class diagram is used to describe and
precise the application of safety aspects on the func-
tional entities. To precise and specialize UML el-
ements with safety properties a UML profile called
Railway SecureUml Profile is proposed.
4.1 Railway SecureUML Profile
We proposed a UML profile as an extension of the
UML class diagram for modeling safety railway sys-
tem. This profile, inspired from SecureUML (Lodder-
stedt et al., 2002), represents the essential concepts
of safety of railway system previously explained in
3.1. Our profile defines all safety aspects of railway
system using RBAC concepts, context and organiza-
tion of ORBAC model and the new concept of Mode
dedicated to railway system. In addition, our profile
contains a set of OCL constraints to impose some re-
strictions on the defined stereotypes.
As we can see in the Figure 5, for example, the
stereotypes Role and User extends the Meta-Class
Class, while the organization extends the Meta-Class
Class and the Meta-Class Property too. In addition,
the different types of Context and Mode are repre-
sented as enumeration and are introduced in the pro-
file as properties for the actions which extends the
Meta-Class Operation. User, Role or Organization
are extensions of Meta-Class Class. This categoriza-
tion of Meta-Class Class allows to remove the ambi-
guity of its different specialization and facilitate the
mapping to the target concepts. In order to give more
completeness to the definition of this constraint, it
should be expressed in a formal and standardized way
by using the OCL language.
Figure 6 shows the application of Railway se-
cureUML profile on entities of functional model of
the Figure 2, exactly Train and MA entities. In our
example, the three roles Driver, OnboardSafetyMan-
agement and TracksideSafetyManagement are mod-
eled by a UML class. Each role belongs to an organi-
zation like ERTMS. The permissions are drawn as an
associations class. The permission Driver TrainPerm
defines a permission for the role Driver to access
the Train with the actions MoveTrainOS and Move-
TrainFS. The permission OSM MAPerm defines a
permission for the role OnboardSafetyManagement to
access the MA with the action ValidateMA. It is the
same for the permission TSM MAPerm, see Figure 6.
In the first part of this step, we adopt model-to-model
transformation using a simple java code. In fact,
the first part of this transformation consists of auto-
matically map functional class diagram describes in
the Graphical Modeling step into an Event-B model.
Event-B formal method is chosen because it speci-
fies all the system functionalities and complexity and
it provides a formal specification based on Set the-
ory and Predicate logic which guarantee rigorously
the correctness and express the semantics involved
in such systems. Event-B is an extension of the B-
method (Abrial, 2010b), which models only the soft-
ware part of system, contrary to Event-B which de-
fines the software and the hardware parts (Abrial,
2010a) of system such as railway system.
A Model-based Approach for the Modeling and the Verification of Railway Signaling System
Figure 5: Railway SecureUml Profile.
Figure 6: Permissions to move train and MA management in the specified context and mode.
5.1 Event-B Meta Model
A standardized meta-model for Event-B is still not
available. However, the one proposed in the Rodin
Platform (Abrial et al., 2010) is of high complex-
ity and cannot cover our needs. Therefore, we
propose the meta-model depicted in Figure 7 that
shows clearly Event-B meta-classes and structures
and which is an extension of the B-Method meta
model (Idani, 2006) used in the B4MSecure Plat-
form (Idani and Ledru, 2015).
In Event-B meta-model, EventB SPEC is the
root meta-class. It is composed of zero or many
CONTEXT and zero or many MACHINE. The ex-
tension proposed between our meta-model and B-
Method meta-model is that our root meta-class
EventB SPEC inherits from the root meta-class of
B-Method BSpec”. A CONTEXT describes the static
part of a system, it is composed of a zero or many
CONSTANTS and zero or more AXIOMS that they
could be obligatory in the presence of constant be-
cause they defines the constants types. Adding to that,
a context could be extended with zero or one context
and it could be seen with a machine.A MACHINE
describes the dynamic part of a system, it is com-
posed of zero or more VARIABLES, INVARIANTS,
represents the list of state variables of the model. IN-
VARIANTS represents the typing predicates of the var-
ious variables and the predicates that the variables
should obey. ASSERTIONS shows the different asser-
tions which have to been proved within the machine.
EVENTS represents the list of the various events re-
lated to the model. VARIANTS appears in a machine
containing some convergent events. Adding to that,
a machine could refines or be refined by another ma-
chine and it could see zero or many contexts.
Safety properties are principal aspects that should
be respected in railway system specially and critical
systems generally. That’s why, the specification of
such a system should be enriched with safety aspects.
Therefore, in the second part of this transformation
step, we used the standardized MDE-based model-to-
model transformation language which is QVT. This
transformation is to automatically map UML class di-
agram profiled with our proposed profile Railway Se-
cureUML profile into safety model using transforma-
tion rules in order to define and represent the different
safety properties required for railway system in a sin-
gle model. Therefore, after specializing UML class
diagram of the non-functional part with safety prop-
erties, a model type with all these types of safety el-
ements and their constraints of railway system is re-
ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 7: Event-B Meta Model.
5.2 Safety Railway Meta Model
The meta-model proposed in the B4MSecure Plat-
form (Idani and Ledru, 2015) represents the concepts
of RBAC. This meta-model does not cover the safety
properties required for railway system, so its adap-
tation for railway system will suffer of the lack of
safety properties. Therefore, we propose the meta-
model illustrated in Figure 8 that introduces clearly
Safety Railway meta-classes and structures.
Our meta-model is an extension of the RBAC
meta-model used in the B4MSecure Platform (Idani
and Ledru, 2015) in which Policy is the root meta-
class and contains all the principal components of
RBAC. Adding to that, and to cover all the complexity
of the safety railway system we add the two ORBAC
concepts as described in the Section 3.1 which are
Organization and Context. The policy could contain
zero or more Organizations and the Context is in a re-
lation with the Mode which is a new concept that we
added to cover all behaviors of the railway safety as-
pects. However, the proposed new type of Context
Spatio-Temporal which describes the dynamic train
movement, for example, speeds constraints, in order
to cover all behaviors of train movement constraints,
is defined as an inheritance from the ORBAC Context.
The Event-B generation step consists of a model-to-
text transformation in which, textual specification is
generated representing Event-B code. The Event-B
generation process is composed of two parts. The
first corresponds to the generation of functional spec-
ification code including functional entities and con-
cepts of railway system from the Event-B Model cre-
ated in the transformation step and does not contains
any safety related code. The second part correspond
to the generation of the Event-B textual specification
including railway safety aspects which will be gen-
erated automatically from the Railway Safety model
created in the previous step. The generated Event-B
safety code, will integrate modularly functional speci-
fication to verify if the specified safety constraints and
authorizations are satisfied.
Using Acceleo (Musset et al., 2006), we create a
new template, which represents the different aspects
of Event-B. Our template describes that each compo-
nent in Event-B model (step 2) will be translated to
the Event-B language that describes functional textual
specification with Event-B code.
Likewise, we propose to generate an Event-B tex-
tual specification to implement the safety concerns
in the specification of the railway system applica-
tion. Thus, we define Acceleo template to generate an
Event-B code from these concerns according to the
Event-B code. Our template describes that compo-
nents in safety model will be translated to the Event-B
components that describes the non-functional safety
specification which refines the functional specifica-
tion with safety behaviours. Thus, for example, a
transformation rule creates the different Events in-
cluding the permissions that allow the execution of
the treatment to be performed by the Event.
6.1 Verification and Validation
We adopted the verification of our generated formal
specification using ProB model-checker and anima-
tor. After adding manually the safety invariants by
a competent person in Event-B (either at the level of
A Model-based Approach for the Modeling and the Verification of Railway Signaling System
Figure 8: Safety Railway Meta Model.
the first step of our approach, exactly in the Invariant
constraint of Figure 2, or after specification genera-
tion), the correctness of the model is proved in order
to achieve a reliable system prior to animation. In
the sequel, we use ProB to discover some errors and
invariant violation during the model animation or dur-
ing the verification using model checking.
We considered a model with finite state spaces
in terms of number of Train, TTDs and VSSs. As
a model example, we have defined two trains, two
TTDs when each one consists of four VSSs. In addi-
tion, two safety invariants are added to avoid trains ac-
cidents under normal and degraded modes, Figure 9.
The first one represents that the sets of VSSs of MAs
are mutually disjoint. The second one checks that the
VSSs of the MA are all obligatorily free.
\\ I nv ar i an t 1
(tr1, tr2).(tr1 Train tr2 Train tr1 6= tr2
MA V SS(Train MA(tr1)) MA V SS(Train MA(tr2)) =
\\ I nv ar i an t 2
ma.(ma MA MA Mode(ma) = F S
vss.(vss VSS vss MA V SS(ma) V SS State(vss) = VSS f r))
Figure 9: Safety invariants.
Several works have been proposed to combine UML
with formal methods. The paper (Zafar and Alhu-
maidan, 2011) proposed an integration of UML and
formal methods for systematic development of com-
puter systems. They developed an approach which
link UML to Z notation which defines a relation-
ship among fundamentals of these techniques. Asso-
ciations, generalization, aggregation relationship and
composition of class diagram are chosen at this inte-
gration. In fact, an automatic generation of specifi-
cation from diagrams will be much useful to capture
the hidden semantics under the UML notations and
to provide a formal mathematical description of the
main domain that could be exact and well verified.
This work focuses on generating formal specifica-
tion for functional aspects of information system soft-
wares and does not intended to define the safety as-
pects of an application. In addition, this work is spec-
ified only for Z specification and could not be used in
another context or formal methods. The work (Anas-
tasakis et al., 2010) designed an approach that re-
lies on a MDA techniques to transform UML mod-
els to Alloy to deal with the analysis of UML models
and identify design faults within a specification. This
work consists of analyzing UML models captured as
class diagrams, enriched with OCL statements, mod-
eling various constraints on the system and using a
model driven approach, UML models are automati-
ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
cally transformed to corresponding Alloy representa-
tions.This work is specified for Alloy generation in
information system that’s mean it supports only soft-
ware parts contrary to our approach, it could not be
support both software and hardware parts.
In (Distefano et al., 2011) an evaluation methodol-
ogy is defined to validate the performance of a UML
model. It consists on a mapping from PCM (Perfor-
mance Context Model) which collect Schedulability,
Performance, and Time Specification for the perfor-
mance annotations into UML models to the petri nets.
they provides transformation rules to derive a Petri
net from a PCM and to validate their approach they
provides an in-depth analysis of a web application
for music streaming.This approach is appropriated for
functional specification of the UML model specifica-
tion and could not include safety aspects. In (Snook
and Butler, 2006) a strategy is proposed which con-
verts different package, specification and entities of
UML to a single B component that support model re-
finement and could be proved with proof tools. The
result is a formally precise variant of UML that can be
used for refinement based, object-oriented behavioral
modeling. This result is appropriated for software
parts while BMethod is destinate only for softwares
management, it generate only functional specification
and non the safety aspects and it is not destinate for
railway systems.
The work (Idani and Ledru, 2015) provides Model
Driven Engineering that transforms the functional and
secure aspects of the application to formal specifica-
tion. In fact, it translates a functional UML class dia-
gram and graphical modeling of an access control pol-
icy using a UML profile for RBAC inspired from Se-
cureUML model into formal B specifications. Their
approach is destinate to the information system be-
cause B specification is used only to manipulate soft-
ware system contrary to railway system which con-
tains both software and hardware parts. In (Siyuan
and Hong, 2015) the feasibility to transform models
from UML to Event-B is showed. In this paper, a
transformation approach was found to map UML ac-
tivity diagram into Event-B model including the ba-
sic mapping of the two types of activity flow. It con-
sists of transforming all the actors will be transformed
into the context of Event-B, The basic activities will
be transformed into both the context and machine of
Event-B and the activity flows will be transformed
into the machine. Contrary to our approach which its
input is a class diagram this work’s input is an activity
diagram adding to that this work generate only func-
tional aspects of a domain application without includ-
ing safety aspects necessary to model railway systems
safety aspects.
In this paper, a platform is developed to formally
reason about UML class diagram. In fact, this plat-
form operates with the Papyrus graphical modeling
tool with respect to UML Meta Model as defined by
the OMG (Object Management Group). Thereafter,
it translates the obtained model into Event-B speci-
fications in order to formally reason about it. In the
same context, other tools have been proposed, in the
literature, to transform UML class diagram to Event-
B like UML-B (Snook and Butler, 2006) and iUML-
B (Snook, 2014). These tools are based on their own
UML modeler and they provide a UML-like graphical
front-end, which makes difficult their correlation with
other UML-based tools unlike our platform. Further-
more, these tools do not consider secure policy pro-
We have introduced a model-based approach where
a UML class diagram, with its secure policy pro-
file, can be converted to Event-B models and one
can check safety properties to prevent train colli-
sions. This approach can account for both functional
and safety aspects through the adoption of model-to-
model and model-to-text transformations. A formal
verification, using model checking and animation, is
also performed to check the consistency of the model.
This allows the invariants, typing and safety proper-
ties invariants, to studied and they are preserved by
all events.
There are several ongoing work to enrich our ap-
proach. Our future objective will focus on a transfor-
mation of other structure, behavior and interaction di-
agrams like component diagram, activity diagram and
sequence diagram. Another future work is to enrich
Railway SecureUML Profile by other secure policies
like priority, validity and duration of permissions.
This work is funded by the NExTRegio project of
IRT Railenium. The authors would like to thank
eseau for its support. We also thank German
Vega for his support in the implementation part of this
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ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering