OurKidsCode: Facilitating Families to Be Creative with Computing
Nina Bresnihan
1 a
, Glenn Strong
1 b
, Lorraine Fisher
1 c
, Richard Millwood
1 d
Aine Lynch
School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
National Parents Council (Primary), Ireland
Keywords: Pre-K/K-12 Education, Community Building, Active Learning, Constructivism and Social Constructivism,
Lifelong Learning: Continuing Professional Training and Development.
OurKidsCode is a joint project between Trinity College Dublin and the Irish National Parents’ Council (Pri-
mary) which aims to promote and support families’ interest and activity in computing through the delivery of
family creative-coding workshops at a national scale in Ireland. There is evidence that parents highly value
computer science education, and are interested in supporting and encouraging their children’s engagement
with it. However because of their lack of knowledge and skills, they find this challenging. We present a ratio-
nale for the project, and report on the design, development and evaluation of family creative coding workshops
delivered in non formal settings which engage families as computational co-creators. The evaluation of the
pilot workshops show promising results for parents’ attitude to learning with their families and significant in-
creases in their confidence to do so. They also provide evidence that the workshops succeed in promoting and
supporting families’ interest and creative activity in computing and the learning collaboration between parent
and child.
OurKidsCode is a project designed to promote and
encourage Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM) education by supporting par-
ents in Ireland who wish to engage their children’s in-
terest and activity in computing. It seeks to strengthen
the social support around a child by engaging their
families and community as learning partners as they
pursue pathways into computing. There is evidence
that parents value computing education, and are inter-
ested in supporting and encouraging their children’s
engagement with it (Gallup and Google, 2015; Finn,
2014). However because of their lack of knowl-
edge and skills they find this challenging. To address
this the project proposes to design and deliver family
workshops where parents and children experience the
creative use of computing together. It thereby aims
to increase parents’ competence and confidence with
digital skills and tools as they endeavour to support
their children’s learning. The project aims to have im-
pact at a national scale through partnerships to deliver
the workshops throughout Ireland. This paper out-
lines the design, development and evaluation of fam-
ily workshops for creative computing.
The importance of Computational Thinking (CT) as a
21st century skill that can promote higher order skills
like problem solving, creative thinking, and logical
reasoning is widely accepted (Wing, 2006). Indeed
it has been argued that it is “an ability, a skillset,
that every child should possess” (Voogt et al., 2015)
There is common agreement that the best way to fos-
ter CT is through the learning of coding (Grover and
Pea, 2013). This, along with an acknowledged skills
shortage in the ICT sector, has meant that many coun-
tries have responded by updating or developing new
school curricula in computing (Keane, Neil and McIn-
erney, Clare, 2016). The Irish school system is made
up of primary, and second-level education. Primary
education consists of an eight year cycle: junior in-
fants, senior infants, and first to sixth classes com-
mencing at age four or ve. Pupils normally transfer
to second-level education at the age of twelve or thir-
teen. Computer Science was introduced as a subject
Bresnihan, N., Strong, G., Fisher, L., Millwood, R. and Lynch, Á.
OurKidsCode: Facilitating Families to Be Creative with Computing.
DOI: 10.5220/0007729405190530
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), pages 519-530
ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
at second-level in September 2018 and the National
Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) is
currently actively considering approaches to introduc-
ing the teaching of coding to all students in primary
schools through its ‘Coding in Primary Schools’ Ini-
tiative (Millwood et al., 2018).
Internationally, there is a body of evidence that
parents highly value computing education. In the US
two-thirds of parents think computer science should
be required learning in schools and 91% want their
child to learn more computer science in the future
(Gallup and Google, 2015). This desire for comput-
ing education among parents, and their willingness to
support it, is also evident in Ireland with 2 in 3 believ-
ing it to be as important as mainstream subjects de-
spite its current lack of availability in schools (Finn,
2014). However, children spend 85% of their wak-
ing time outside school, and longitudinal studies pro-
vide evidence confirming that parental involvement
is strongly associated with better cognitive achieve-
ment (Desforges and Abouchaar, 2003; Harris and
Goodall, 2008). Moreover, when families partici-
pate in specific programs aimed at increasing their in-
volvement, improvements are seen in overall achieve-
ment (Shaver and Walls, 1998); reading, writing, and
mathematics skills (Epstein et al., 1997; Jordan et al.,
2000; Starkey and Klein, 2000); homework com-
pletion (Cancio et al., 2004); US statewide assess-
ment scores (Sheldon, 2003); and behaviour (Kra-
tochwill et al., 2004; Pantin et al., 2003). Parents are
also key to choosing many of the non-formal learn-
ing experiences for their children (Crowley and Ja-
cobs, 2002). Parents’ influence on their children’s
educational choices is also crucial; 73% of Irish par-
ents recognise themselves as the biggest influencers
of subject choice and 90% of them agree that their
awareness of future career opportunities is an impor-
tant factor in encouraging the choice of STEM sub-
jects. However 68% reported feeling ‘moderately,
‘poorly’ or ‘very poorly’ informed on STEM career
opportunities and industry needs (Accenture, 2015).
Indeed, many parents have little experience in
computing, technology or education, and struggle
to facilitate the learning experiences of a child who
has an interest in computing. Perceived barriers
to parental involvement in education are defined by
(Hornby and Blackwell, 2018) as “individual parent
and family barriers; child factors; parent–teacher fac-
tors; and societal factors”. Of particular concern
here are parent and family barriers, with (Kong et al.,
2018) emphasising the importance of parents as feed-
back providers and stating that their involvement and
support are crucial to computing education in schools.
Moreover, (Sadka and Zuckerman, 2017) argue that
it is essential that we understand parents’, and their
children’s, perceptions of computing, including cod-
ing. This is because “making activities for children
often take place at informal learning environments.
In this context parents may join their children for co-
making activity. It has been shown that this type of
activity can be facilitated by educators that serve as
mentors” (Sadka and Zuckerman, 2017, p.609). De-
spite this, research revealed little in the way of spe-
cific programmes to address this with some notable
exceptions such as MIT’s Family Creative Learning
programme (Roque, 2016) and (Brahms, 2014) ex-
ploration of family participation in a museum-based
maker space.
Understanding the barriers to computing, and
conding in a family context can help address issues of
confidence and competence, providing parents a pos-
itive experience of computing, and children with the
supports they need to explore and embrace the power
of computing. Accordingly, one of the key recom-
mendations of the Accenture report is that parents
be supported and it explicitly recommends working
with the national parents association to explore how
“we create the learning and the understanding of the
benefits of STEM” (Accenture, 2015, p.18). While
this report focuses on second-level, our decision to
target parents of primary-school children through the
National Parents Council Primary (NPC), the national
representative organisation for parents of children at-
tending primary school, is based upon research which
shows that that the earlier the parental involvement
occurs the greater the impact (Sylva et al., 2008).
The evidence shows that parents are interested in
supporting and encouraging their children’s engage-
ment with computing education. With the introduc-
tion of computing at primary and second level in Ire-
land, it is clear that parental involvement (e.g., being
able to help a primary school student with their home-
work or a second-level student with career choices) is
of growing importance. Clearly there is potential for
parents/guardians to play a significant role in spark-
ing and supporting interest in coding and CT. What
is lacking is support for those who wish to undertake
these kinds of initiatives but who feel they lack confi-
dence, knowledge and skills. There is a strong ratio-
nale for supports for parents as they guide their chil-
dren in learning skills essential for success at school
as well as giving them a creative outlet for critical
thinking and collaborative problem solving.
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
We began by undertaking empirical research into our
users in order to establish demand and inform re-
source design. To this end, two questionnaires, one
for parents and the other for children, were designed
to capture data regarding their computing experience,
use, attitude, and availability. They also looked to dis-
cover what, if any, support children were currently re-
ceiving from their parents.
3.1 Questionnaire Design
The questionnaires took the form of mixed-methods
online questionnaires containing questions and scales
adapted from pre-validated instruments (Kay, 2006;
Cutts et al., 2017; Hayward et al., 2002; Aesaert et al.,
2015; Vannatta and Banister, 2008) as well as some
project-specific questions. They contained open ques-
tions and Likert scales exploring parents’ and chil-
dren’s confidence and competence in computing and
current levels of parental involvement. The factors
explored in both surveys included computing experi-
ence, computing use and availability and computing
self-efficacy. The parent survey also explored what
computing activities they already undertake with their
children and what interest they have in these activ-
ities. Complementary questions in the child survey
asked what kind of supports their parents currently
give them in their computing activity.
The questionnaires were circulated in July and
August 2018 through the NPC and other supporters
such as the Computers in Education Society of Ireland
(CESI) and the Irish Department of Rural & Com-
munity Development. They closed having been com-
pleted by 1228 parents and 405 children. In the next
section we discuss the findings relevant to the work-
shop design.
3.2 Findings of Needs Analysis
3.2.1 Parent Questionnaire
The rationale for the project was clearly supported
by the findings. Parents clearly recognise the impor-
tance of computing, with 95% of them agreeing that
all children should have an opportunity to learn about
computing in primary school. They also realise that
they have a role to play in this and they want to ac-
tively engage with their children, with 67% agreeing
that learning new things about computers that they
can use with their families is important to them and
78% agreeing that they would like to spend time with
their child when they are learning about computers.
They have multiple motivations for this, with 84% re-
porting that they’d like to help their child understand
what coding does. They also overwhelmingly agreed
that that it is important to teach their child/children
about the role computers play in society (94%) and
that they would like to be able to help their child de-
cide if they would like to be a Computer Scientist, or
work in technology in the future (84%). Despite this
only 15% of parents regularly plan activities in which
they use computers with their children.
Quite a high number of parents, 21%, reported
that they have a qualification in computing, however
the level ranges from EDCL right up to PhD level.
On the other hand, 68% have never tried to code with
another 7% reporting that they have tried but not suc-
ceeded. When asked what they used computing de-
vices for at home, passive or ‘consuming’ activities
such as browsing the internet, watching videos, lis-
tening to music, playing games and shopping were
each being carried out by over 70% of respondents
while more creative activities such as desktop pub-
lishing, website development, media creation, cod-
ing and robotics were undertaken by less than 20%.
Despite this, most reported confidence in their use of
computers with 67% agreeing that they are confident
in their ability to troubleshoot when problems arise
and 77% that they are confident when trying to learn
new things.
3.2.2 Child Questionnaire
The 405 respondents to the child questionnaire ranged
in age from 5-14 representing all classes in primary
school. Similarly to their parents, children mostly use
computers as consumers rather than creators. Play-
ing games is the most popular activity followed by
viewing videos, listening to music, browsing the In-
ternet and using educational apps. Only 22% re-
port that they have engaged in coding with numbers
for robotics or electronics (5%) and making websites
(1.7%) even lower.
It is clear that parents are already taking a lead
in their children’s computing activity: they monitor
usage with 94% of children saying that their par-
ents limit their screen time and 83% saying their par-
ents decide what activities they do on the computer.
Children also turn to their parents for technical sup-
port. More interestingly, when asked where they
learned about computers, while 55% reported they
learned at school, this was followed very closely by
the 53% who learned at home. In contrast only 17%
reported learning at computer clubs or after-school
classes and 20% have never learned. When asked who
has helped them learn, more children identified a par-
ent or guardian (67%) than any other category includ-
OurKidsCode: Facilitating Families to Be Creative with Computing
ing teachers (58%), and Coderdojo or other computer-
club mentors (23%). As well as parents, children also
identified siblings (23%) and extended family (12%)
as sources of help providing further evidence of the
importance of the family in this role.
However, when asked what they did with their
parents, the responses once again show a pattern of
mostly passive consumption of technology. While
parents spend time with their children searching for
information on the Internet, listening to music or
watching videos, and particularly when working on
projects or presentations, they do not generally make
websites, code or do robotics or electronics activities.
Children like showing their parents things they make
on the computer (67.6%) and generally enjoy spend-
ing time on computers with their parents.
3.3 Peer Validation
Validation is a checking process that requires the
researcher to consider their role in influencing the
research process (Cohen, 2002), how data sources
merge and relate to one another (Anzul et al., 2003),
and consider who the audiences will be (Kent, 1996).
Validation from experts, and community groups who
share the researchers’ interests and values, can help
us develop theories and strategies. Validity can be
achieved by peer and community consensus; using a
process which involves the pulling together of shared
concepts and ways of looking at the world to sup-
port judgement on the relevance of claims. To this
end, using opportunistic sampling, n = 5 domain ex-
perts (including teachers, academics, and code club
mentors) were gathered to discuss the findings of the
questionnaires and share their expertise. The discus-
sion was audio recorded and written observation notes
taken. They confirmed that the findings were consis-
tent with their experiences and provided verification
that the questionnaires provided reliable and valid ev-
idence of a nationally distributed need and demand
for family opportunities to learn creative computing.
3.4 Application of Needs Analysis
The Needs Analysis concluded that, while parents and
children are comfortable with using computers for
more passive activities, they do not have the experi-
ence to engage with more creative computing activi-
ties such as coding, media creation, or physical com-
puting. However, they do report a good level of confi-
dence in their ability to learn new things and have ex-
pressed a clear interest in learning with their families.
This evidence supports a hypothesis that any supports
developed should be collaborative in families and that
families are ready and able to benefit from such in-
terventions. In particular, they informed the project’s
decision to provide creative computing workshops for
families designed to increase confidence and encour-
age self-sustaining communities of practice.
Arising from the conclusions of the Needs Analy-
sis, the project’s objectives were refined:
1. To develop, publish and promote a workshop
model that will help parents/guardians who feel
they lack the skills and knowledge to integrate
technology into their children’s learning activities.
2. To provide direct support for parents/guardians
who wish to encourage children’s engagement
with coding and CT at an early stage of their edu-
3. To encourage and enable parents/guardians to
learn and develop their own involvement with cre-
ative computing by increasing their confidence
and knowledge.
The following stages of the project were then de-
1. Design the workshop and workshop supports
2. Pilot the workshop and supports across 3 schools
(1 urban, 2 rural)
3. Refine workshop, develop online resources
4. Train facilitators
(a) 21 NPC Trainers (through our partnership with
the NPC).
(b) 30 other including community workers, Coder-
Dojo mentors and other educators.
5. Facilitators deliver the workshops nationally
Evaluation will be ongoing for all stages of the
project. The sections that follow describe stages 1–
3, namely the design, development, and evaluation of
the workshops
4.1 Workshop Model
The workshops follow a Constructionist design with
the participants working in their families towards the
creation of a meaningful tangible artefact with the
aim of both introducing them to computing concepts
and connecting them to each other (Kafai and Burke,
2015). The delivery is informed by theories of learn-
ing such as Social Constructivism (Ackermann, 2001)
where knowledge construction is viewed as a social
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 1: Workshop model: phases and rationales.
Phase Description Rationale and relevant Design Principle [DP]
Setup The physical environment is set up to en-
able the rest of the workshop. The facilitator
makes refreshments available to the partici-
pants, distributes materials, and helps ensure
the equipment is working
Debugging issues such as wi-fi connectiv-
ity in this phase avoids interfering with
the workshop activities. Meanwhile partic-
ipants begin to talk casually over refresh-
ments [DP4, DP5].
Introduction The facilitator briefly explains the workshop
model to ground the families.
This sets the scene, and helps focus the par-
ticipants on the process as well as the content
Warm-up and
All participants take part in an ‘unplugged’
ice-breaker activity specific to the creative
activity planned for the session. These activ-
ities are physical (participants stand up and
move around as part of the activity)
This phase introduces the creative task, and
allow families to be more at-ease with each
other, thus facilitating peer learning during
the next phase. [DP5, DP2]
Create A creative technical challenge is given to the
participants, forming the main part of the
workshop. The challenges combine coding
and ‘making’ activities and are designed to
encourage family members to take on differ-
ent roles during the completion of the chal-
Families are encouraged to collaborate both
within and between family groups, and to
take on varying roles as they work on the
challenges. [DP1, DP2, DP3, DP4, DP5]
Share Families share their creations in a structured
way (a tournament or showcase)
Bringing the families together at the end
gives a sense of achievement and fulfillment
[DP2, DP4]
Reflect All participants sit in a circle and share what
they have enjoyed and learned, encouraging
discussion of future plans.
Improves the learning by offering an oppor-
tunity to say out loud what was learnt and
evaluate strengths and weaknesses. Setting
agenda for further work and making commit-
ment for future engagement is a part of this
phase. [DP4, DP5]
and cultural process and social interaction is crucial
to the learning outcomes. Furthermore, Construc-
tivism’s student-centered approach means workshop
leaders are not simply information providers; but fa-
cilitators of students’ knowledge construction. This
lends itself to the project’s aim of participants taking
ownership of their learning thereby increasing their
confidence to pursue further activities.
Based on these theories, and the needs analysis, a
number of design principles (DPs) for the workshops
were identified:
DP1: The workshops should consist of structured
creative activities leading to the collaborative
making of a meaningful artefact.
DP2: The workshops should provide for creativity
and playfulness, and should tap into the partici-
pants’ expressed desire to use computers as cre-
ative tools.
DP3: The workshops should be collaborative within
families, engaging parents and children together,
supporting inter-generational learning. They must
therefore provide for varying levels of interest and
ability and the wide age range within one family.
DP4: The workshops should be designed to bring
multiple families together, encouraging inter-
family communication and support, and helping
foster self-sustaining communities.
DP5: The workshops should encourage the idea of
families pursuing further activity both as a family
unit and/or along with other families.
In addition, the workshops are intended to be
delivered throughout Ireland by NPC training staff,
CoderDojo mentors, and other interested parties who
will act as facilitators. The delivery is envisaged to
take place in an after-school or similar context, guided
by the facilitators, and a number of specific challenges
related to this were identified:
The workshops must allow for delivery by facili-
tators without extensive technical knowledge
Support materials must be designed to assist facil-
itators, and help families solve problems with the
OurKidsCode: Facilitating Families to Be Creative with Computing
Figure 1: Example OurKidsCode Card.
The workshops must fit within 60–90 minutes
available as after-school activities
The demands on the facilitators and the physical
space suggest a maximum of 20 participants over
5–6 families.
The workshops should be suitable for continua-
tion in the home and the necessary materials be
The workshop model was designed accordingly to
consist of six phases, shown in table 1.
A facilitator trained by the project team guides the
families through each phase using support materials:
The “OurKidsCode cards”, a series of A5 printed
activity, support, and technical cards which pro-
vide both facilitators and participants with guid-
ance. The cards are designed to give participants
clear stepped instructions for activities along with
troubleshooting advice. They also give facilitators
guidelines for running the workshop and provide
rationale and background information as well as
ideas for follow-on activities.
A supporting website which contains descriptions
of the workshop model, and downloadable copies
of the cards and provides support and encourage-
ment for families to undertake follow-on activi-
4.2 Sample Workshop Description
The content of the first OurKidsCode workshop de-
veloped during the pilot illustrates how the model
works in practice. The workshop sets families the
challenge of making a wearable using the BBC mi-
cro:bit that supports the game rock-paper-scissors,
adapting content from the make:code site (Microsoft,
The workshop begins with an ‘Icebreaker’ phase
lasting roughly ten minutes in which families par-
ticipate in a rock-scissors-paper tournament, long
enough to ensure that all families are fully relaxed
with each other. This phase of the workshop also en-
sures that the families are familiar with the rules of
activity used in the workshop. In each OurKidsCode
workshop the ‘Icebreaker’ and ‘Share’ phases are in-
tentionally designed to reflect and support the specific
content of the ‘Create’ phase.
Following the ‘Icebreaker’ phase the families
move on to the Create phase. This is the longest
phase of the workshop, typically lasting around 45
minutes. The relevant OurKidsCode cards for the
workshop help to structure the activity in this phase
into smaller tasks. This phase is designed to con-
tain both making and coding activities which can take
place in parallel. As well as the aforementioned ad-
vantages that come from creating a tangible artefact,
this allows family members of all ages to make a
meaningful and enjoyable contribution to the work-
shop even if their immediate interest is not in the cod-
ing. In the rock-scissors-paper workshop the artefact
is a wearable wristband containing a micro:bit which
has been programmed to randomly select one of three
images when shaken. Important concepts explored
in the coding activity include the use of if-then con-
structs to represent choice, responding to events and
input, and simple data representation (as randomly
generated numbers are used to select images to dis-
When the families complete their wristbands the
Sharing phase of the workshop begins. Mirroring
the ‘Icebreaker’ phase, this consists of a second rock-
scissors-paper tournament, this time using the wear-
ables creating in the previous phase. This is typically
a ten to fifteen minute tournament in which families
are able to share and show off their creations.
Finally, the families sit together for the Reflect
phase in which they share their experiences and re-
flect on their learning, typically for up to ten minutes,
before the workshop ends.
The research evaluated whether (a) the workshops had
effectively implemented the identified design princi-
ples and (b) whether this led to increased confidence
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 2: Data Collection Instruments.
Instrument Sample Context Brief Description
Parents Pre-Workshop Contains questions and scales adapted from pre-
validated instruments (Papastergiou, 2008) to capture
confidence and previous experience.
Utilising a template to capture observations of parent
and child behaviours (Spradley, 2016b).
workshop, Post-
Utilising a template to capture planning, administra-
tion, design, logistics and theoretical issues as well as
practical influences which impact workshop delivery
written prior to and after workshops.(Emerson et al.,
Artefacts (Prod-
ucts of the Work-
End of workshop Photographs of artefacts produced during workshops.
(Hammersley and Atkinson, 2007)
Focus Group
Parents End of workshop A semi structured conversation (Spradley, 2016a) ex-
ploring learning outcomes. Audio recorded.
(QUANT + qual)
Parents Immediately
Contains questions and scales adapted from pre-
validated instruments (Papastergiou, 2008; Vekiri,
2010) to capture reactions, learning and future inten-
Follow-up Sur-
vey (QUANT +
Parents >2 months post
Sent >2 months post-workshop to evaluate the extent
of any follow on activity (Kirkpatrick, 2007).
in pursuing similar activities in the future. The instru-
ments were therefore designed to investigate changes
in participants’ confidence by recording self-reported
confidence pre- and post-workshop. They also cap-
tured the participants’ perceptions of the workshop
and changes to their future intentions.
These factors were evaluated using 3-cycle action
research approach. Each cycle led to minor refine-
ments in the implementation process and improve-
ments in the supporting materials. The methods and
results are described below
5.1 Data Collection and Analysis
The evaluation of the workshops utilised multiple
mixed-methods research. The data collection instru-
ments administered are described in Table 2
The instrument developed to assess confidence
was based on the set of items utilised by (Papaster-
giou, 2008) to measure Greek high school students’
self-efficacy with regard to computers and also pre-
viously adapted to investigate teachers’ attitudes to
coding before and after engaging in a creative com-
puting programme(Oldham et al., 2018). The set
consists of ten Likert-type items, each with five re-
sponses (“strongly disagree” to “strongly agree”);
they formed a scale with Cronbach’s alpha .89 (Pa-
pastergiou, 2008). Cronbach’s alpha measures the in-
ternal consistency of a set of items, assigning a value
between 0 and 1; higher values indicate greater con-
sistency and hence are deemed to reflect greater re-
liability for the resulting scale, with the value of .89
typically regarded as “good” verging on “excellent”
(Gliem and Gliem, 2003). Items include:
Item 1: I enjoy working with computers
Item 4: Computers are far too complicated for me
The post-questionnaire also contained 8 items de-
signed to measure the effectiveness of the implemen-
tation of the workshop design principles. These were
adapted from a scale developed to measure percep-
tion of IS Instruction in Greek middle schools with an
‘acceptable’ Cronbach’s alpha of .71 (Vekiri, 2010).
Items include:
Item 14: One of the things that I liked about the
workshop is that we created our own things.
Item 18: One of the things that I liked about the
workshop is that I could collaborate and discuss
what we were doing with my family.
Two further items were added to the pre- and post-
questionnaires to assess the impact of the workshop
on future intentions:
Item 11: I would like to take part in computing
activities with my family in the future
Item 12: I feel able to organise computing activi-
ties with my family at home
OurKidsCode: Facilitating Families to Be Creative with Computing
The follow-up questionnaire was designed to ex-
plore whether the workshop led to any change in be-
haviour among the participants. Results from this are
not yet available.
Data from both questionnaires were entered into
SPSS. The responses to items 1-10, dealing with self-
reported confidence levels pre- and post workshop
were then scored from 1 to 5, or from 5 to 1, so that in
each case the higher number reflected greater reported
“confidence”. Frequency distributions and descriptive
statistics were calculated.
With a view to measuring the change in reported
confidence, it was necessary to find if the ten items,
or a subset of them, could form a scale. Hence, Cron-
bach’s alpha was computed. For all ten items, the
value was .945, which is deemed “excellent”. The
item scores were added and the totals divided by ten,
to give a value in the range 1 to 5. This was done for
both the pre- and the post- questionnaire.
It remained to compare the pre-workshop and
post-workshop scores. Only thirteen of the eigh-
teen participants fully completed the set of ten items.
Thus, analysis was restricted to the two sets of thir-
teen scores. The Shapiro-Wilk test, used because the
samples were small, indicated that the distributions
could be treated as normal; hence, paired t-tests were
carried out to see if there was a significant difference
in the means before and after the cycle. For the final
2 items exploring change in future intentions, a simi-
lar process was followed and results are displayed and
discussed in section 5.3.1.
With regard to the 8 items exploring the percep-
tions of the workshop, the 16 responses to these ques-
tions were scored from 1 to 5, or from 5 to 1, so that in
each case the higher number reflected greater reported
more positive perceptions. As the sample was small
and the questions diverse, the mean response for each
question was calculated and displayed in figure 3.
5.2 Recruitment and Implementation
In order to provide a diverse range of relevant cases
we used purposive maximum-variation sampling to
recruit 3 primary schools (1 Urban, 2 Rural). The re-
cruitment of the participants then used convenience
sampling and took place through the parent teacher
associations (PTAs) of the selected schools
Three pilot workshops have taken place to date,
two in an urban school and one across 2 rural schools
between June and October 2018. In total eighteen
families (18 parents and 35 children aged 5-13) par-
ticipated across the three workshops .
Workshop 1. Large Urban School 6 families (6
parents, 13 children)
Workshop 2. 2 small Rural schools combined – 5
families (5 parents, 10 children)
Workshop 3. Large Urban school - 7 families (7
parents, 12 children)
5.3 Findings
5.3.1 Quantitative Results
Out of a total of 18 parent participants 4 were male
and 14 female. They ranged in age from 37 to 63 with
14 out of the 18 aged 43-53.
The two sets of self-reported confidence scores are
presented graphically in Figure 2 with each line rep-
resenting a parent participant. It can be seen that the
initial levels were rather high, with only three par-
ticipants returning a pre-cycle score below the mid-
point of the scale. Two participants actually returned
slightly lower scores at the end than at the beginning
of the cycle; of the other eleven, one stayed the same
and ten returned increased scores. However, the mean
score rose from 3.44 to 3.74, and the difference is sig-
nificant at the .05 level (t = 2.835, df = 12, p = .015).
Figure 2: Changes in self-reported confidence.
As can be seen from Figure 3, the items exploring
the participants’ perception of the workshop provided
strong confirmation of the successful implementation
of the design principles with the mean responses to all
but one of the items scoring between 4 (‘agree’) and
5 (‘strongly agree’).
With regard to the two items measuring the fu-
ture intentions of the workshop, 14 participants re-
sponded. Unsurprisingly, as the participants were vol-
unteers, 9 already strongly agreed before the work-
shop that they would like they would like to take part
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: Workshop Perceptions (means, n=16).
in computing activities with their families in the fu-
ture. Therefore the rise was not statistically signif-
icant. However, as can be seen from Figure 4, post-
workshop the number strongly agreeing had increased
to 12. Of the other 2, 1 had increased from ‘neither
agree nor disagree’ to ‘agree’ and one had dropped
from ‘agree’ to ‘neither agree nor disagree’.
Figure 4: Desire to partake in future family computing ac-
Figure 5: Perceived ability to organise family computing
When asked whether they felt able to organise
such activities at home with their families 10 out of
the 14 respondents reported feeling more able post-
workshop with 4 remaining the same. Here the mean
rose from 2.86 to 3.93 a significant rise at the 0.5 level
(Figure 5).
5.3.2 Qualitative Results
Quantitative results were supplemented by the qual-
itative findings of the structured observations and
focus groups. The observations recorded consider-
able excitement and laughter culminating during the
‘Share’ phase where participants had a chance to
show off their creations. Another important observa-
tion was the importance of the ‘making’ element (see
Figure 6). Some child participants were observed to
be more engaged by ‘making’ than computing, and
providing it maintained a connection with the task.
This enhanced collaboration and dialogue within the
During the focus group comments were over-
whelmingly positive: A great idea - I feel very
disconnected from my kids’ computer use”, “Thor-
oughly enjoyed it, time flew. We have already decided
to make our own Scratch game together at midterm.
Parents commented about the positive use of comput-
ing comparing it favourably to their usual interactions
giving examples of disagreements about screen time
and worrying about online usage. Many remarks were
made about increased confidence as a result of the ac-
tivity, supporting the finding from the questionnaires
that overall confidence increased.
OurKidsCode: Facilitating Families to Be Creative with Computing
Figure 6: Wearable.
5.4 Discussion
The pilot workshops did result in a number of changes
to the initial design. The project aimed to increase
confidence in the parents so that they could undertake
similar activities at home. Therefore it was particu-
larly important that they did not feel that they needed
a facilitator to complete the activities. For the first
workshop a Powerpoint presentation and demonstra-
tions of the steps of the activity were projected but
it was observed that the participants then overly re-
lied on the facilitator for instruction. For the second
workshop we designed and developed the OurKid-
sCode Cards - A5 cards (described in Section 4).
Participants were observed to be much more self-
sufficient and independent in their learning with their
support. Feedback during the focus group confirmed
their value to the parents.
The generally positive results indicate that the
workshop design effectively implemented the design
principles indicated by the Needs Analysis. There
is also evidence that taking part in the workshop
achieved its aim of strengthening the participants con-
fidence and readiness to partake in family computing
activities. However, some caveats must be entered.
First, the number of participants was small and we
cannot assume that the results would generalise to
other groups. Also we currently are not in a position
to know whether the rise in confidence is sustained
and whether it has, in fact, led to any further action.
We are hopeful that the results of the follow-up ques-
tionnaire early in 2019 will give us some insight into
these issues.
This paper has described the OurKidsCode project
and the design, development and evaluation of the
workshops. The evaluation aimed primarily to inves-
tigate the effect of the strategy on the participants’
confidence in partaking in creative computing activi-
ties with their families. Positive results were found for
the sample investigated in whom the mean confidence
level rose significantly. Also, participants reported
satisfaction with and enjoyment of the strategy, partic-
ularly the inter-family collaboration and the creation
of concrete artefacts. Confidence in their ability to
organise such activities also rose significantly. Over-
all, therefore, it appears that the model has potential
for supporting parents as they engage their children in
computing and computational thinking.
Training of OurKidsCode facilitators has begun
with the aim of a national rollout of the programme in
2019. Twenty-one NPC facilitators have been trained
so far in the delivery of the workshop along with 17
others consisting of community workers, coderDojo
mentors, teachers and other educators. More training
sessions are planned for 2019 and further evaluation
and updating with be ongoing as the workshops are
delivered. Funding has been secured to design and
develop a 4-session weekly programme for families
who wish to deepen their involvement. It is hoped that
these will also lead to sustainable intra-family com-
munities of creative computing. The project website
is being further developed to support these activities.
We anticipate that the design framework that we
have developed along with our findings on parents’
current capacities, confidence and interest will be of
interest to other researchers and practitioners.
This research is funded by Science Foundation Ire-
land and administered by the School of Computer Sci-
ence and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin with the
support of the National Parents Council (Primary).
Workshops have been supported by Microsoft Ireland.
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CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education