reserved only for scientists, are there smaller
particles than the nano-particles, is there a
’teleporting machine’ and others.
In result, after reflecting on their experience of
knowing real scientists, most of the children have
admitted that being a scientist is not scary but fun,
interesting and exciting, and express a wish to
become scientists when they grow up.
In its final phase, the typical IBL scenario
includes communication and presentation of the
results. In this case the teacher described and
presented the children’s experience on the official
webpage of the school, which allowed other teachers
and parents to learn about it. Furthermore, the story
was published on social media, it was shared with
other teachers from the IBL learning community,
researchers and scientists at the university, and others.
The IBL scenario of Mrs. Tatyana Dimitrova
invoked further interest and motivation of the
children to take part in other scientific experiments
and initiatives. They took part in a practical lesson of
planting an acorn, getting excited about future active
learning scenarios.
The implementation of the IBL scenario In the
Dinosaurs’ Steps opened many questions and showed
new possibilities to encourage students for scientific
career. Although the challenges and the efforts, needed
to raise awareness and implement active learning
approaches in class, IBL scenarios can be applied in
both – formal and informal learning. This open the
doors for active collaboration of teachers, scholars,
scientists, curators, museum workers and gallerists in
design of IBL activities and experiences for students.
Furthermore, collecting and implementing different
practical scenarios from a variety of application areas
can increase the possibility of STEM teachers to
design, plan and implement appropriate active learning
scenarios in their own classes. In addition, the data,
collected by students, reveals what kind of activities
and / or perspectives are more engaging for boys and
which ones – for girls.
The presented scenario can be easily adapted for
students of different age groups and STEM subject
areas. By allowing students to gain personal
experience and reflecting on it, teachers can play a
crucial role for motivating the new generation of
professionals, both boys and girls, overcoming
prejudice for career in science, with lasting interest
toward STEM, following the Dinosaurs’ steps, and
ready for the professions of the future.
The research is: done with financial support of
Enhancing Learning In Teaching via e-inquiries
(ELITe) project, Erasmus+, KA2 - Cooperation for
Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices,
Strategic Partnerships for school education, Project
2016-1-EL01-KA201-023647; Conducted during the
“Researchers Nights”, organized in the frame of the
Researchers in Knowledge Triangle (K-TRIO 3)
project, H2020-MSCA-NIGHT-2018-818757,
financed by the European Union, program Maria
Sclodovska Curie.
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Funchal, Portugal: SCITEPRESS Digital Library.