In the Dinosaur' Steps through IBL Scenario: A Way to Overcome
Prejudice for Career in STEM
Eliza Stefanova, Albena Antonova, Dafinka Miteva and Nikolina Nikolova
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University, Bulgaria
Keywords: Inquiry-based Learning, STEM, IBL Scenario, Science Career.
Abstract: The Inquiry-based learning (IBL) is a powerful learning approach, especially in the field of science,
technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). This paper presents the implementation of an IBL scenario
for teachers’ competence development aiming to overcome students’ and their parents prejudice for scientists
and scientist’s profession, and to encourage them to get interested in STEM career. In the Dinosaurs’ steps
experiment students have to become researchers in a Paleontological museum, taking part in different training
activities and sharing impression about the scientists’ profession. In parallel, observing actions of the students,
teachers had to acquire professional competences for design of learning activities so to find a way to overcome
the most popular bias and prejudices toward the career in STEM. How scenario succeed to convince future
scientists to continue in Dinosaurs’ steps is presented through participants’ answers of the questions. The
most valuable result of the experiment is the IBL scenario, developed by a teacher, who transferred her
experience from the experiment into her own classroom. Finally, the paper summarizes some opportunities
for applying IBL in STEM teaching – joining the efforts of educational, scientific and cultural institutions and
bringing together teachers, parents, scientists and experts.
The recent debates about the jobs of the future raise
the issue of the tremendous gender disproportion in
STEM jobs, noticing that more girls have to be
encouraged to join the science career. The recent in-
depth studies of Microsoft in EU (Microsoft, 2017)
and USA (Microsoft, 2018) reveal the key factors
influencing the girls’ interest in STEM – having
practical, hands-on experiences, female role models
and exposure to STEM jobs, encouragement and
support from teachers and parents, possibility to
explore creativity and real-world impact in STEM.
On the other hand, the jobs of the future will raise
the demand for complex competences such as critical
thinking, creativity, complex problem solving,
teamwork and mastering innovative technologies
(Caena, 2011). In this context, students have to be
stimulated to be pro-active, building knowledge from
first-hand. Therefore, teachers should be able to take
a new role of mentors, supporting students’ learning
via more innovative active learning methods.
Inquiry-based learning (IBL) is an active learning
methodology, empowering students to take the role of
researchers and scientists (Nikolova, et al., 2018),
driven by their curiosity. In IBL, teachers organise the
learning process in a meaningful context scenarios,
where students can build new knowledge and skills
from their own personal experiences, reflections and
It is important to highlight that successful
implementation of active learning methods depends
on the teachers’ attitudes, professional and social
competences, and experience (Nikolova and
Stefanova, 2014). Therefore, the application of IBL
approaches requires new teaching skills and
competences. Teachers should develop competences
to adapt and apply new technologies in the teaching
process, to assess critically new learning resources
and to be able to evaluate creative and non-standard
ideas of the learners, to conduct pedagogical research
in their classrooms, to organise / participate in
professional discussions and analysis of their work.
Another important issue is the ability of the teachers
to interpret the complex competences and to teach
learners how to acquire these key competences
(Nikolova, et al., 2018).
This paper aims to present and discuss an IBL
scenario as an effective teachers’ meta-training -
involving them in an IBL experiment, encouraging
Stefanova, E., Antonova, A., Miteva, D. and Nikolova, N.
In the Dinosaur’ Steps through IBL Scenario: A Way to Overcome Prejudice for Career in STEM.
DOI: 10.5220/0007731104010408
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), pages 401-408
ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
students orientation to research career in STEM. The
IBL scenario In the Dinosaurs' Steps has two goals
addressing teachers’ competences and students’
attitudes. By observing and reflecting on their own
experience, students had to investigate what are the
key aspects of the researchers’ career. On their turn,
teacher’ inquiry focuses on approaches and activities,
promoting gender equality and fostering girls’
interest to science. The experiment is organised in the
framework of the event "European Researchers’
Night 2018”. It took place in the Museum of
Palaeontology and Historical Geology at Sofia
University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Bulgaria. The
name of the scenario In the Dinosaurs’ Steps aims to
provoke both students and teachers, making a parallel
between the objects in the Palaeontology museum –
fossils, footprints, and skeletons from the past and the
dinosaurs – the scholars whom children often portray
as elderly people from nineteen century with obsolete
concepts and methods.
Inquiry-based learning has been identified as one of
the most powerful innovative teaching approaches for
raising scientific literacy of the learners, as well as for
teachers’ competence development, stepping on
inquiry and reflective practice (Earl and Ussher,
2016). The reflective practice in education is usually
characterized by 1) looking back to own practice and
thinking about the experience and possibilities for
improvement or going closer to the desired state; 2)
exploring possible solutions and alternatives; 3)
taking evidence-based decision and 4) evaluating
results of its implementation which is actually the
first stage of the new reflective cycle. The term
‘reflective practice’ can be used as a synonym of
‘reflection’, defied by Barnett and O’Mahony (2006)
as a learning process examining current or past
practices, behaviours, or thoughts in order to make
conscious choices about future actions. This
definition implies that reflection is the combination of
hindsight, insight, and foresight (Barnett and
O’Mahony, 2006).
The critical reflection allows learners to learn
from their own mistakes, examining actions,
evaluating them against prescribed norms, alter them
for success, repeat successes, revise and plan
continually (Krishnamurthy, 2007). In addition,
critical reflection promotes developing networking
opportunities, making friends, building confidences
and self-esteem, enhancing team working skills and
developing leadership skills.
According Earl and Ussher the IBL approach,
enhanced by a group reflective practice, is much more
powerful, because the inquiry covers variety of
qualitative pedagogical research methods such as
self-study, auto ethnography, action research,
teaching as inquiry, and spiral of inquiry. An inquiry
process, along with learning from this process, is
intentionally designed to be shared (Earl and Ussher,
Among the main difficulties for teachers to
implement IBL in the classroom, is the lack of own
experience in it. Usually, the teachers’ training
courses are conducted in a traditional way via
lectures. Therefore further attention should be paid on
using inquiry and reflective learning model for
teacher’ training as the teacher teaches in such a way
in which he/she was taught.
The presented IBL approach consist of design and
implementation of specific learning scenario,
following the weSPOT IBL six-phase model:
Problem/Topic, Operationalisation (realisation of the
idea with the aim to measure), Data collection, Data
Analysis (processing), Interpretation, and
Communication (Mikroyannidis at al., 2013).
The described IBL scenario interweaves formal
and informal learning, involves different stakeholders
- parents, scientists, experts, museum workers, etc. It
provides opportunities for learners to meet scientists
and STEM experts, to find role models among them
and to get better understanding of the impact of the
scientific work.
An important part of implementation this
approach is the reflection, the self-observation, the
group sharing and reasoning the new knowledge and
skills acquired on each stage. For presented
experiment it is chosen the DojoIBL (https://dojo- platform, which supports IBL in
general and particularly feedback sharing, group
reflections, surveys and queries, allowing scenarios’
further analysis and replication.
For teachers, training on how to design and
conduct STEM IBL scenario through IBL
pedagogical scenario cares significant added value –
real, experienced by themselves, model; possibility to
extract good practices for their own audience, raising
attitude and awareness to own professional
development by self and group reflection.
The experiment was designed and organised as an
IBL scenario In the Dinosaurs' Steps. Its objectives
were to explore how an IBL scenario can put students
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
and teachers in the role of researchers during the visit
of Palaeontology museum and a science fair-type of
event. Therefore, both teachers and students had to
observe and investigate different elements while
taking part in the tasks and activities organized during
the event "European Researchers’ Night – 2018". The
experiment covered part of the IBL scenario phases:
data collection, data analysis, interpretation of the
results, and the communication phase, which was
partly addressed – mainly through questionnaire
which results are presented later. Due to time
limitations and organisational setting, the phase of
problem/topic definition and operationalisation were
pre-defined by teachers’ educators (the activities,
stands, games, surveys, data collection models and
techniques were designed beforehand). Teachers also
took the position of learners, who together with their
students received their tasks on place.
More than 130 children took part in the
completion of the In the Dinosaurs’ Steps IBL
scenario. The majority of the pupils were
approximately 10 years old. There were organised in
groups, accompanied by 7 teachers in total. In
addition, children who came accompanied by their
parents also took part in the scenario.
3.1 Students’ Activities
The scenario for students aimed to improve the
pupils’ perceptions and attitudes for the profession of
the scientists. The students had the task to reflect on
the researchers’ career and the opportunities that the
scientific path give to acquire valuable knowledge
and skills for the future.
Before entering in the museum, the children had
the opportunity to take part in biology experiments
measuring bones, putting down their own fingerprints
and observing them through the microscope. Before
the museum visit, they received also additional
material (Fig. 1, 2, 3). The educational activities in
the museum were organised based on the children’s
age. The primary school pupils had to find out more
information about the Deinotherium, and to discover
the specifics of its diet and its natural environment.
They had to choose the relevant pictures and to write
down the scientific name of the Deinotherium in the
provided to them worksheet (Fig. 1). The fossils of
the Deinotherium were discovered in Bulgaria and it
represents the biggest skeleton in the University
Palaeontology museum.
Figure 1: Worksheet for the task about the Deinotherium
diet and living conditions.
Another task (and relative worksheet) for students
(Fig. 2) was to walk around the museum and to
choose an object or artefact (bone, skeleton). Then,
they have to sketch the artefact, and to investigate
more information about its story, as for example the
fossil name, its diet, its way of movement, natural
environment, ecosystem and threats.
Figure 2: Worksheet for a task for making a sketch and
investigating fossils’ living conditions.
The students had the task as well to imagine and
design an artificial creature based on the real fossils.
On the worksheet (Fig. 3) they had an example
illustrating how palaeontology fossils inspired people
to figure out ancient mythology creatures like
dragons. Students can draw their own magical
creature and decide how to transform its real features
into magical ones.
Figure 3: The worksheet for making a sketch and inventing
a new mythology creature.
Finally, students could figure out a story about
this creature composing a short storyboard, a comics
or computer game. All students had the possibility to
consult researchers and scientists in the museum, to
work together and share experience, to ask questions
In the Dinosaur’ Steps through IBL Scenario: A Way to Overcome Prejudice for Career in STEM
and investigate information in Internet. All of them,
who succeeded to fill their worksheets, received small
gift. It has to be stated that all these activities and the
tasks before and during the visit of the museum
influenced to a large scale of questions and answers
of the researchers’ career.
After taking part in the Researchers’ night event,
including numerous games, experimentation stands in
the museum and university, meetings with scientists,
lecturers and demonstrators, pupils had to write down
their observations and impressions in a prepared in
advance picture questionnaire. In this perspective, the
students’ scenario did not addressed building specific
STEM knowledge, but mostly – building inquiry
skills and attitude to the science and scientific career.
However, in correspondence to teachers’ training
scenario, it draw their attention on what is to be a
researcher; what are students’ associations, relate to
the scientists’ characteristics; are there some patterns;
is there a significant difference in the boys’ and girls’
views; are there obvious prejudice, still prevailing
after the event, challenging teachers future work.
3.2 Teachers’ Activities
The focus of the teacher’s scenario is on pedagogical
research on design, delivery and evaluation of IBL
STEM out of the classroom, so to overcome some of
the popular biases and misconceptions about the
career perspectives in STEM sciences. Teachers had
to observe and investigate if their students find the
STEM sciences boring or not and what activities
provoke their conclusions, did the students share the
gender prejudices that STEM are only for boys or not
and what they did or see to take such decision.
Teachers’ activities included also hands-on practice
on students reflections and discussions management
– they had guides on how to develop questions for
discussion and reflection, and how to manage it such
a way, that lead students to awareness and evaluation
of the experience and the lessons learned during the
event. At the end, the teachers had to reflect on which
of the activities and games in the museum help to
overcome these most popular stereotypes. They
should also reflect on the way of their own
professional development through live participation
in an IBL process.
In order to complete their mission, in the
beginning of their visit to the “Researchers’ night”
event, teachers received instructions about the IBL
scenario (preliminary designed by authors as
teachers’ educators), supplemented with materials
about different aspects of the competences of the
future, the role of critical thinking and creativity for
the professions of the future, as well as resources
about the impact of the IBL for acquiring new
knowledge and skills. Before starting the training, the
teachers had present informal pre-survey, as a
experience and opinion sharing, about their
understanding and knowledge on the main prejudices
and misconceptions about STEM, both for students
and parents. Then, during the conduction of the IBL
scenario, the teachers had to observe the attitude, the
interest and the behaviour of the students and what
activities provoke them so to form positive attitude to
After completing all the activities by students,
teachers had to share, using DojoIBL system,
reflections and feedback about this experience. This
time, they had to reflect on their understanding of the
origins of the biases and the main methods and
approaches for overcoming students and parents’
misconceptions and prejudices for STEM sciences.
Teachers had to evaluate their competences to use
interactive teaching approaches, including IBL
approach, assessment models of the students’ learning
achievements during the application of IBL approach
and effective methods to overcome gender prejudices
and misconceptions about the career in STEM. At the
end, the teachers had to evaluate their attitude on
collaborating more intensively in the teacher-student-
parent triangle, working in teams and involving more
stakeholders in these interactions such as scientists,
other teachers, or parents’ communities.
The analysis of the experiment’s results is based
mainly on participant’s feedback. It reveals the effect
of joining the In Dinosaurs Steps IBL scenario.
4.1 Students’ Results
The questionnaire for collecting the students
observations (Fig. 4) consists of ten open picture-
questions, where students have to answer with their
own words.
Figure 4: A questionnaire filled-in by student.
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Data is presented below. The blue (left) wordless
reflect the boys’ perceptions, and the red (right) – the
girls’ ones.
The data analysis shows that on the question What
do scientists love, most of the children answered that
scientists primarily love to learn, to study, to explore
and to discover new things. Boys are impressed
mostly by the ability of the scientists to make
inventions and to experiment. Girls want ‘like them’
to travel around the world and to make
archaeological discoveries (Fig. 5).
Figure 5: What do scientists like to do?
After the talk with scientists in the museum, it is
not surprisingly that the question Scientists speak
on/talk on ... received the most responses ‘Bulgarian
language’, but there are also answers like ‘Scientists
know English, Latin and German’. In rare cases, boys
find scientific language difficult, secret and
incomprehensible, while for girls it remains
understandable. Boys describe the scientists’
audience divided on interested, colleagues and
ignorant. For girls, the audience includes curious
children and visitors, friends and tourists. Girls are
impressed by the low and calm voice of the scientists.
All students are confident that the scientists speak on
phone and write short messages (Fig. 6).
Figure 6: The scientists speak/talk on...
Students’ answers on question “What tools do
scientists use in their work?” are linked, in most of
the cases, to the tools used by themselves during the
activities in the IBL scenario. According to
participants, the scientists use in their work various
equipment. Most of the students find that the
microscope is the main research instrument, but there
are other tools like modern technologies, telescopes,
appliances and magnifiers. There are bones, imprints
and periscopes among boys’ answers and among the
girls’ ones there are telescopes, books and apparatus.
According to the boys, the scientists use their mind,
and according to the girls: many words (Fig. 7)
Figure 7: What tools do scientists use in their work?
According to the students understanding after
finishing IBL scenario activities, scientists study
dinosaurs, bones of extinct animals, natural
phenomena, history and biology, the world around
them. Among the boys’ responses are science,
phenomena, artefacts, Universe, and among the girls'
answers, more interesting are students, lost creatures,
ruins (Fig. 8).
Figure 8: What do scientists study?
Based on the observation and work done by
students in activities of IBL scenario, scientists can
primarily write and read, discover interesting things
and make experiments. They can observe, study, think
and take important decisions. Boys think that
researchers can observe everything and gather
knowledge while girls are impressed that scientists
can take fingerprints, can solve problems alone and
can educate children (Fig. 9).
Figure 9: What scientists can do?
A part of the activities in the scenario leads also
to the answer of the question What do scientists write
about? According to students, scientists write papers
In the Dinosaur’ Steps through IBL Scenario: A Way to Overcome Prejudice for Career in STEM
and books, scientific articles and reports, essays, and
homework. According to boys, scientists describe
their scientific theses, ideas, topics and secrets, and
according to girls, they write about mathematical
problems, discoveries and scientific theories.
The presentation of scientists in the museum, lead
the students to answer as follow on the question
Where do scientists travel? – scientists can travel
everywhere around the world, in Europe, in the
jungle, on the pole, in the space, even in the past.
They can choose an interesting point on the map and
organize an expedition to it, to explore nature and
distant lands (Fig. 10).
Figure 10: Where do scientists travel?
As the IBL scenario took part in university and its
museum and laboratories, naturally students
answered that the scientists work mostly in a
laboratory, university or museum. It is interesting to
observe that the pupils find that teachers in schools
and colleges are also scientists. Scientists can work
everywhere; according to the boys – at the Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences, in an agency, in an office or
even in a garage, and the girls’ focus on teamwork in
scientific group, in the classrooms, or even on the
field. After completing activities in IBL scenario,
students thinks that scientists talk about dinosaurs and
mammoths, animal bones, about science and
interesting discoveries they have made, about history
and the past. These students understanding is
naturally formed because a large part of the activities
took part in the Palaeontology museum and they link
it to the question. According to the boys, the most
attractive topics cover archaeology and future, space
and Universe. For the girls, the main topics of interest
are the curious facts, the electricity and the
experiences with life sciences and new objects
(Fig. 11).
Figure 11: What do scientists talk about?
It is very interesting to see that according students
observations, the main super power of the scientists
is the mathematics. Other distinctive skills are the
ability to discover new things, an extraordinary and
sharp mind and a lot of knowledge. Boys mention the
creativity, technological progress and fame while
girls appreciate the curiosity, memory, magic and
fearlessness of scientists (Figure 12).
Figure 12: What is the superpower of the scientists?
Overall impression of the answers of all the
questions is that through them students clearly
demonstrate the respect to the scholars, the positive
attitude to scientist profession and even willingness to
follow the steps on Dinosaurs. In most of the cases
boys and girls used one of the same works or words
with the same meaning, which shows that all of them
have common look on career in science, which makes
us, as authors of the IBL scenario, happy with its
result – overcoming prejudice for scientists and career
in science. Some slightly differences in answers of
boys and girls only confirms that both genders could
contributes in science with their point of views. For
teachers differences in boys’ and girls’ answers
provide a clear pictures which points of view and
gender specific characteristics to explore in the
STEM classroom to attract all of the students
neutralizing the potential impact of parents or society
4.2 Teachers’ Results
Seven teachers took part in the IBL teachers’ training
scenario. They filled-in online questionnaires and
provided feedback and reflections in the DojoIBL
Observing the students work on scenario, teachers
should think about what type of activities need to be
performed by them in order to design such a scenario
as well as what competences needed to poses so to
organize it. With this in mind, teachers did the
competence self-assessment on a scale ranging from
1 (very weak) to 5 (very good), and every question
required two answers – before and after the
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
experiment. Teachers’ results show significant
increase of their professional competences in terms of
knowledge, abilities and attitudes. (Figure 13).
Figure 13: Self-assessment of teachers’ competences.
During the delivery of the In Dinosaurs Steps IBL
scenario, the teachers took part in different types of
The other question asked teachers to evaluate how
useful were different type of activities for them. In
this category, the most appreciated were the practical
and hands-on activities, followed by inquiry-based
learning, reflection and metacognition, learning with
peers and self-regulated learning (Fig. 14).
Figure 14: Activities evaluation. Usefulness.
The teachers evaluated the inquiry skills that they
have developed in this scenario setting. The most
experienced were communication skills, followed by
analytical skills, metacognitive and reflection skills,
information literacy, digital skills, critical thinking
and other research skills.
All teachers manifested a strong interest to take
part in further IBL trainings on similar topics.
The data, collected through the questionnaire does
not provide enough information about the extent to
which teachers are ready to design similar IBL
scenario, promoting the science career for their
students. But our team was happy to understand that
two weeks later one of the teachers, participated in the
activities, designed her own scenario during her
classes at school. That was our most visible result and
it is presented in the section below as the follow-up.
The most valuable outcome of the IBL experiment In
the Dinosaurs’ Steps was designed and conducted by
the STEM teacher Mrs. Tanya Dimitrova. She
developed her own IBL scenario for presenting the
researchers’ career to her class of third grade students
in the Primary School “Pythagoras”. The first phase
of the scenario aimed to provoke pupils by asking
them to assume what it is to be a scientist. The pupils
had to fill the same questionnaire, but without visiting
the “Researchers night” event, museums or discuss
Analysing the pupils’ answers, the teacher
discovered some interesting findings. For example,
some of the children believed that scientists love to do
miracles, think logically, speak on their native
language, but with many difficult and complex words,
speak on many languages, work in special clinics for
scientists, and work in houses full of inventions. Some
of the kids mentioned that scientists experiment and
do extraordinary things, like mixing DNA or mixing
some potions. Scientists talk about the space and
about what they learned from their discoveries, use
chronoscopes and other special tools. Scientist write
a lot, about very complicated things in special
notebooks for failures and successes, making huge
tables with different English numbers. Scientists
travel often around the world, use many boxes for
strange things and many other.
The next phase of the IBL scenario consisted of
invitation and class visit of scientists – prof. Ana
Proykova and assoc. prof. Nikolina Nikolova from
the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at Sofia
University "St. Kliment Ohridski" (note that both of
them are female, and this fact was not expected by
some of the children). Prior to meeting the pupils, the
scientists together with the teacher investigated the
children's responses and attitudes and prepared
suitable examples and experiments. During the
meeting in class, the pupils had the opportunity to ask
many questions like how the telescope works, is there
a chronoscope device, is there a common language
In the Dinosaur’ Steps through IBL Scenario: A Way to Overcome Prejudice for Career in STEM
reserved only for scientists, are there smaller
particles than the nano-particles, is there a
’teleporting machine’ and others.
In result, after reflecting on their experience of
knowing real scientists, most of the children have
admitted that being a scientist is not scary but fun,
interesting and exciting, and express a wish to
become scientists when they grow up.
In its final phase, the typical IBL scenario
includes communication and presentation of the
results. In this case the teacher described and
presented the children’s experience on the official
webpage of the school, which allowed other teachers
and parents to learn about it. Furthermore, the story
was published on social media, it was shared with
other teachers from the IBL learning community,
researchers and scientists at the university, and others.
The IBL scenario of Mrs. Tatyana Dimitrova
invoked further interest and motivation of the
children to take part in other scientific experiments
and initiatives. They took part in a practical lesson of
planting an acorn, getting excited about future active
learning scenarios.
The implementation of the IBL scenario In the
Dinosaurs’ Steps opened many questions and showed
new possibilities to encourage students for scientific
career. Although the challenges and the efforts, needed
to raise awareness and implement active learning
approaches in class, IBL scenarios can be applied in
both – formal and informal learning. This open the
doors for active collaboration of teachers, scholars,
scientists, curators, museum workers and gallerists in
design of IBL activities and experiences for students.
Furthermore, collecting and implementing different
practical scenarios from a variety of application areas
can increase the possibility of STEM teachers to
design, plan and implement appropriate active learning
scenarios in their own classes. In addition, the data,
collected by students, reveals what kind of activities
and / or perspectives are more engaging for boys and
which ones – for girls.
The presented scenario can be easily adapted for
students of different age groups and STEM subject
areas. By allowing students to gain personal
experience and reflecting on it, teachers can play a
crucial role for motivating the new generation of
professionals, both boys and girls, overcoming
prejudice for career in science, with lasting interest
toward STEM, following the Dinosaurs’ steps, and
ready for the professions of the future.
The research is: done with financial support of
Enhancing Learning In Teaching via e-inquiries
(ELITe) project, Erasmus+, KA2 - Cooperation for
Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices,
Strategic Partnerships for school education, Project
2016-1-EL01-KA201-023647; Conducted during the
“Researchers Nights”, organized in the frame of the
Researchers in Knowledge Triangle (K-TRIO 3)
project, H2020-MSCA-NIGHT-2018-818757,
financed by the European Union, program Maria
Sclodovska Curie.
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CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education