IoT Semantic Interoperability: A Systematic Mapping Study
Amanda D. P. Venceslau
, Rossana M. C. Andrade
, Vânia M. P. Vidal
, Tales P. Nogueira
and Valéria M. Pequeno
Federal University of Ceará, Campus de Crateús, Crateús-CE, Brazil
Department of Computing, Federal University of Ceará, Campus do Pici, Fortaleza-CE, Brazil
Group of Computer Networks, Software Engineering and Systems (GREat), Federal University of Ceará,
Campus do Pici, Fortaleza-CE, Brazil
TechLab, Departamento de Ciências e Tecnologias, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa Luís de Camões, Portugal
Semantic Interoperability, IoT Semantic Interoperability, Semantic Web, Internet of Things, Ontology.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a paradigm in which the Internet connects people and the environment using
devices and services that are spread in the user daily routine. In this scenario, different agents, devices and
services are able to exchange data and knowledge using a common vocabulary or mappings that represent
and integrate heterogeneous sources. This semantic interoperability is facilitated by the Semantic Web that
provides consolidated technologies, languages and standards, offering data and platforms interoperability. In
this context, this work reviews and analyzes the state-of-the-art of IoT semantic interoperability, investigating
and presenting not only which Semantic Web technologies are employed but also the challenges that support
the studies in this area of research.
The Internet of the Things (IoT) emerged as a
paradigm in which people and things exchange infor-
mation anytime, anywhere, with any device. In the
IoT environment, sensors are able to monitor people
and the environment, generating a large volume of
data that can be consumed by different applications
in different domains, e.g., cardiac monitoring, smart
homes, and smart cities management.
Almost a hundred new IoT platforms entered the
global market in 2016, increasing the total number
to about 450 (Ganzha et al., 2017b). It is forecasted
that about 50 billion devices will be connected to the
Internet by 2020 (Evans, 2011). In this scenario of
increasing number of distributed and heterogeneous
devices, there is a demand for technologies that sup-
port interoperability, providing means of representa-
tion, discovery and integration.
The use of higher-level abstractions, i.e., seman-
tic information extracted from data, is considered an
attractive solution to minimize heterogeneity employ-
ing common and shared representations. In this con-
text, semantic interoperability can be defined as the
ability of different agents, services, and applications
to exchange information, data and knowledge both on
and off the Web (W3C, 2018).
Within IoT environments, where data are hetero-
geneous, dynamic and distributed, mechanisms of se-
mantic interoperability are necessary to provide inter-
operability in a flexible way, allowing systems to un-
derstand the collected data. Through Semantic Web
standards, semantic interoperability agents can use
shared vocabularies to exchange information between
platforms (W3C, 2018).
The European Research Cluster on the Internet of
Things (IERC) released a set of best practices and rec-
ommendations for semantic interoperability (Serrano
et al., 2015). However, this study examines the chal-
lenges encountered in IoT semantic interoperability,
but does not show which Semantic Web technologies
have been adopted and what are the limitations of cur-
rent approaches.
Rigorous research that collect and present the
technologies and challenges related to semantic inter-
operability in the context of IoT has not been found
in the literature so far. In this perspective, this pa-
per presents a systematic mapping study (Kitchen-
ham et al., 2010) about semantic interoperability in
the context of IoT with the purpose of defining the
state-of-the-art, emphasizing which and how Seman-
tic Web technologies have been used and what are the
Venceslau, A., Andrade, R., Vidal, V., Nogueira, T. and Pequeno, V.
IoT Semantic Interoperability: A Systematic Mapping Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0007732605350544
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 535-544
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
current limitations and challenges faced in the field.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 provides the background for the pa-
per with a brief explanation about Semantic Interoper-
ability and IoT Semantic Interoperability; in Section
3, the process of systematic mapping study applied
to this work is described; in Section 4, the results
obtained from the systematic mapping study are pre-
sented and analyzed based on the research questions;
Section 5 addresses the study limitations; and, in Sec-
tion 6, we discuss the findings that emerged from the
results and present our final considerations.
Semantic Interoperability refers to the ability of two
or more computational systems to exchange informa-
tion through a shared meaning that can be interpreted
automatically and correctly. Thus, interoperability at
the semantic level requires a common understanding
of the meaning of the content being exchanged, pre-
serving the semantics of the original message.
Despite the adoption of shared ontologies and vo-
cabularies that allow the representation and sharing
of meaning, there is still a need to maintain the intrin-
sic information from data sources, preserving domain
knowledge and facilitating data maintenance. An-
other issue of semantic interoperability is related to
the maintenance of shared ontologies, which requires
a centralized and periodic updating mechanism. Fi-
nally, the software infrastructure based on shared on-
tologies still has problems related to scalability, a
well-known open question of the Semantic Web.
The data generated by IoT devices in different for-
mats hinders the interoperability of applications and
platforms that can not interpret the data, acting incon-
sistently on the received information. In this context,
there is a need for using common vocabularies capa-
ble of describing the meaning of data in this environ-
ment. Semantic interoperability is a concept only re-
cently studied in the context of the Semantic Web. It
has gained prominence in both academia and indus-
try, that have been applying its principles to IoT sce-
narios (Gyrard et al., 2018). In order to implement
solutions that minimize the interoperability problems
found in the IoT environment, the community began
to adopt Semantic Web technologies, standards, lan-
guages, and approaches for modeling (Serrano et al.,
2015) and integrating ontologies.
Semantic Web technologies provide the technical
and operational structure as well as the means to facil-
itate semantic interoperability. This can be achieved
by either modeling new ontologies or reusing existing
ontologies by semantically integrating (aligning) dif-
ferent vocabularies with equivalences between their
classes and properties (W3C, 2018).
However, the use of these technologies still faces
challenges in terms of sharing the published ontolo-
gies and correct and consistent reuse. More specif-
ically, there are several requirements and challenges
for semantic interoperability in IoT that should be
addressed by other tools, for instance: integration
of distributed data sources, a unified semantic an-
notation model of IoT data, management of sensors
based on composition and fusion of streams from
various data sources, discovery of sensors and data
sources for application requests according to their ca-
pabilities, analysis and reasoning on semantic level
resources through reasoners and visualization tools
(Serrano et al., 2015).
In spite of this effort to elicit the limitations of
semantic interoperability approaches and to describe
auxiliary tools, IERC does not recommended Seman-
tic Web approaches, tools or methodologies to: (i)
Semantic Web methodologies to model IoT ontolo-
gies, (ii) reuse of existing ontologies and (iii) valida-
tion tools for ontologies (Gyrard et al., 2018).
Gyrard and Serrano (2015) proposed a unified se-
mantic mechanism, presenting technologies for the
construction of interoperable systems in the domain
of IoT and Smart Cities. One of the main chal-
lenges highlighted by the authors is to unify mod-
els, vocabularies and ontologies to semantically anno-
tate the data. The authors cite the LOV4IoT
of ontologies and the need for approaches and tools
that provide a unified semantic model aligned with
the existing vocabularies provided by IoT platforms.
The authors extend the M3 ontology (Gyrard et al.,
2015a), which is already aligned with ontologies pro-
vided by IoT platforms, to address the weaknesses re-
lated to ontologies (Gyrard and Serrano, 2015). How-
ever, their work does not discuss limitations related
to best practices for ontology modeling, reuse and
These and other limitations of current approaches
encourage work in this area to develop studies that ad-
dress these gaps, pointing out tools and solutions that
drive the adoption of semantic interoperability mech-
anisms in the IoT scenario.
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
A systematic mapping study (Kitchenham et al.,
2010) is a means to identify, evaluate and interpret rel-
evant work concerning a research question or a phe-
nomenon of particular interest. It is assumed that
the results of using a controlled process and a for-
mal bibliographic research benefit the research com-
munity by listing topics of interest, gaps, and chal-
lenges. Associated to our systematic mapping study,
we also performed snowballing procedures (Wohlin,
2014), a systematic research approach that uses back-
ward (i.e., checking the references of the studies) and
forward (i.e., checking papers that cited the studies)
to identify additional papers, in order to expand the
set of works considered in our research.
The research questions for a systematic mapping
study are more general, including questions of which
sub topics were addressed and which sub topics have
sufficient studies for detailed review.
We have followed a process based on guide-
lines for performing systematic literature reviews by
Kitchenham and Charters (2007) that is shown in
Fig 1. The process consists of three main activities
that are detailed in the following sections: planning
(Section 3.1), conducting (Section 3.2), and reporting
(Section 4) . The planning activity aims to define the
protocol, organizing the research steps. In our work,
the conducting activity was executed in two distinct
phases. First, we selected the primary studies using
the digital libraries. After, we complemented the set
of articles with the snowballing procedure (Wohlin,
3.1 Planning: Protocol Definition
The aim of the planning phase is the definition of
a review protocol. The systematic review protocol
(Kitchenham, 2004) defines the research questions to
be answered, the sources, and how papers are se-
lected. Thus, for the execution of this work, a pro-
tocol was developed. Its main topics are described in
the following.
3.1.1 Research Questions
The objective of our study was to identify the Seman-
tic Web technologies and the challenges to ensure se-
mantic interoperability in the context of IoT. There-
fore, we have established the following research ques-
RQ1: What Semantic Web technologies have been
proposed to ensure semantic interoperability in the
context of IoT?
RQ2: What limitations and challenges to ensure se-
mantic interoperability in the context of IoT have
been described by these proposals?
3.1.2 Search String
Based on the PICO (P - patient, problem or popula-
tion; I - intervention; C - comparison, control or com-
parator; O - outcome) approach (Pai et al., 2004) and
on the key terms of the research field, the following
search string was elaborated: ((“internet of things”
OR “iot” OR “web of things” OR “wot”) AND (“se-
mantic interoperability” OR “semantic integration”
OR “ontology integration”) AND (“state of the art”
OR survey OR problem OR “lessons learned” OR
middleware OR challenge OR application)).
The term semantic integration was added as part
of a broader view of semantic interoperability as,
driven by semantic integration, services and tools can
become interoperable (W3C, 2018).
3.1.3 Research Sources
To obtain the primary studies, we have used two
methods: database search and snowballing. For the
database search, we selected the most relevant digital
libraries in Computer Science and Engineering (Chen
et al., 2010): (a) ACM Digital Library
; (b) IEEE
Xplore Digital Library
; and (c) Science Direct
. Re-
garding the snowballing approach, we used both the
backward and forward procedures (Wohlin, 2014).
3.1.4 Study Selection Criteria
We have defined the following selection criteria in or-
der to select the most suitable studies:
SC1: The study must be written in English;
SC2: The selected article must be available on the
SC3: The study should present initiatives related to
semantic interoperability in the IoT domain, covering
at least one of the research questions.
No restriction was defined based on the type of
works, which means that all kinds of studies, such as
conference and journal papers, short and full papers,
were chosen. They were processed in the same way
considering the above selection criteria. There is also
no restriction on the publication years of the papers.
IoT Semantic Interoperability: A Systematic Mapping Study
Figure 1: The systematic mapping process.
Table 1: Number of papers eliminated by selection criteria.
Selection criteria Number of papers
SC1 0
SC2 13
SC3 - research question (RQ1) 134
SC3 - research question (RQ2) 10
3.2 Conducting
This activity was performed in two phases. The first
phase is related to the conduction of database search,
which aims to find relevant papers in digital libraries
using well-defined search strings. The second phase
is related to the conduction of backward snowballing,
i.e., seeking papers from reference lists of the papers
identified during the first phase, and the conduction
of forward snowballing, i.e., seeking papers that had
cited the papers found during the first phase of the ac-
tivity. The outcome of the conducting activity phases
are described in the following.
3.2.1 Conducting: First Phase
In this step, we searched for articles based on the de-
fined protocol. The set of search strings was applied
to the search engines: ACM, IEEE and Science Di-
rect. This stage retrieved 169 papers, 36 from the
IEEE, 13 from the ACM and 120 from Science Di-
rect. After the application of the selection criteria, we
rejected 157 papers (shown in Tab. 1) and 12 papers
remained. Finally, we performed data extraction for
each selected paper, extracting approaches, technolo-
gies and tools aimed at the modeling, reuse and vali-
dation of ontologies and the challenges in their adop-
3.2.2 Conducting: Second Phase
The snowballing procedure is usually performed with
a starting set of papers. In our study, the starting
set corresponded to the 12 papers selected in the first
phase of the conducting activity. Moreover, we per-
formed backward and forward snowballing to find ad-
ditional papers. In the end, we obtained four more
articles for data extraction.
This systematic mapping study was performed in De-
cember, 2018. We have found 16 papers (shown in
Tab. 2) that answer the defined research questions. All
of them present approaches that use Semantic Web
technologies and discuss limitations and challenges
to ensure IoT Semantic Interoperability. Only two pa-
pers (Ganzha et al., 2017b,c) propose semantic inte-
gration approaches, presenting steps such as a map-
ping among ontologies.
Moreover, these papers cover different domains
of application such as health, transport and logistics
(Ganzha et al., 2016), geospatial data (Ganzha et al.,
2017c) and water management (Howell et al., 2018).
The results of this systematic study are discussed in
details in Section 4.1, which discusses the results re-
lated to the Semantic Web technologies proposed for
IoT Semantic Interoperability and proposes a list of
methods and tools suitable for IoT Semantic Interop-
erability, and Section 4.2, which presents the limita-
tions and challenges to ensure IoT Semantic Interop-
erability found in the proposed approaches.
4.1 Semantic Web Technologies
Proposed for IoT Semantic
Semantic Web technologies provide knowledge shar-
ing and reuse mechanisms (Simperl, 2009), which fa-
cilitate semantic interoperability. However, the use
of Semantic Web technologies for semantic interoper-
ability approaches needs to follow the Semantic Web
community recommendations in order to boost the
reuse of existing knowledge, avoiding the construc-
tion of heterogeneous models that hinder interoper-
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: IoT Semantic Interoperability approaches.
Aspects Approaches
Model ontologies
Gyrard et al. (2015b), Agarwal et al. (2016), Gyrard and Serrano (2016),
Strassner and Diab (2016), Gyrard and Serrano (2015), Ganzha et al. (2017a) ,
Howell et al. (2018)
Reuse ontologies
Gyrard et al. (2018), Gyrard et al. (2015b), Gyrard and Serrano (2016),
Gyrard et al. (2018), Strassner and Diab (2016), Rhayem et al. (2017),
Ganzha et al. (2016), Barnaghi et al. (2012), Ganzha et al. (2017b),
Ganzha et al. (2017c),Gyrard and Serrano (2015),Chindenga et al. (2016)
Nagib and Hamza (2016)
Ontology validation tools Gyrard et al. (2018)
ability. Semantic interoperability also refers to other
levels and tasks, such as semantic mappings and rea-
soning. However, these issues were not raised by the
articles found during this study.
In order to reply RQ1, during the data extraction
process, we identified approaches and tools that: (i)
Semantic Web methodologies to model IoT ontolo-
gies, (ii) reuse existing ontologies, and (iii) ontology
validation tools.
4.1.1 Semantic Web Methodologies to Model
IoT Ontologies
Following the best practices discussed by Gyrard
et al. (2015b), we found methodologies that encour-
age the modeling and reuse of ontologies, for ex-
ample, the ones by Noy et al. (2001) and Suárez-
Figueroa (2010), called NeON, which provide tutori-
als with guidelines for developing well-designed on-
tologies. The work of Noy et al. (2001) is also used
as a methodology for ontology construction by Agar-
wal et al. (2016), which also proposes an ontology
available online, through a open source ontology doc-
umentation tool called Live OWL Documentation En-
vironment (LODE)
The proposal of Gyrard and Serrano (2016)
presents a methodology for semantic interoperability
applied to IoT and smart cities that adapts the NeON
methodology to specific characteristics of IoT. How-
ell et al. (2018) applied the NeON methodology and
adapted the existing semantic resources to the appli-
cation of IoT aimed at the domain of water manage-
ment. One of the goals of their work is to develop a
reference ontology in the field.
There is a need to encourage best practices by de-
veloping ontologies (Gyrard et al., 2018), reusing ex-
isting ontologies as much as possible and aligning on-
tologies to increase interoperability, reducing hetero-
geneity between models and development time.
As discussed by Gyrard and Serrano (2015), lim-
itations such as the lack of adoption of best practices
can be solved with approaches presented here, such
as the one of Noy et al. (2001) and NeON (Suárez-
Figueroa, 2010), in order to define a unified model
for modeling ontologies in IoT, see Fig 2.
4.1.2 Reuse Existing Ontologies
The first step in the reuse of existing ontologies
is through catalogs (Gyrard et al., 2018) such as
the Linked Open Vocabulary for Internet of Things
(LOV4IoT), which referenced 448 ontologies relevant
to IoT in May 2018 (Gyrard et al., 2015b; Gyrard
et al., 2018). It includes a status field that indicates
whether the ontology is shared online or follows the
best practices, which is the main difference to other
catalogs. As a catalog of ontology sharing and reuse,
proposal (Gyrard and Serrano, 2016) also adopts the
There are other catalogs that aimed at the con-
text of smart cities, for instance, Ready4Smartcities
(Poveda-Villalón et al., 2014a), a catalog that in-
tegrates the OOPS (Poveda-Villalón et al., 2014b)
ontology validation tool and the OpenSensingC-
catalog, which also provides ontologies in the
context of smart cities, including the WebVOWL
(Lohmann et al., 2014) visualization tool, OOPS and
the TripleChecker
tool for ontology syntax valida-
tion (Gyrard et al., 2018).
The proposals of Gyrard et al. (2018); Gyrard
et al. (2018) investigated relevants IoT catalogs, i.e.,
Ready4Smartcities, OpenSensingCity and LOV4IoT,
presenting a methodology for enhancing catalogs of
ontologies, supporting their maintenance.
Among the ontologies found in these catalogs the
W3C Semantic Sensor Network (SSN) ontology is
recognized as the standard for generically describing
information in the IoT environment and some works
have extended this ontology to applications of specific
domains (Gyrard et al., 2015b; Rhayem et al., 2017).
Any project that uses semantic technologies in IoT
IoT Semantic Interoperability: A Systematic Mapping Study
should extend the SSN ontology, adding the concepts
needed to handle the application in the intended do-
main (Ganzha et al., 2016; Barnaghi et al., 2012). The
choice of a consolidated ontology like SSN avoids the
use of a set of ontologies that describe the same con-
cepts (Strassner and Diab, 2016).
To facilitate the exchange of information be-
tween two or more IoT artifacts, ontological align-
ments (Ganzha et al., 2017b) can be used to trans-
late messages between entities with different seman-
tic representations of the domain of interest. Align-
ment of ontologies refers to the process of finding
matches between two or more ontologies. To repre-
sent this alignment the INTER-IoT project develops
its own INTER-IoT Alignment Format (Ganzha et al.,
2017b,c), an XML representation inspired by the API
Alignment (David et al., 2011) and to some extent by
Gyrard and Serrano (2015) have shown the im-
portance of a catalog of ontologies (LOV4IoT in this
case) to support the proposed unified semantic mech-
anism. Other catalogs for smart cities, described in
this section, are important in this approach, such as
Ready4Smartcities and OpenSensingCity. In addi-
tion, the authors cite the lack of ontology matching
or alignment tools adapted for IoT ontologies. In this
section, we described an approach that promises to
overcome this limitation, called INTER-IoT Align-
ment Format, see Fig 2.
4.1.3 Ontology Validation Tools
To ensure that ontologies comply with best practices,
it is necessary to introduce tools that validate its syn-
tax, detecting undeclared elements or made available
in an incorrect format (Gyrard et al., 2015b). The
work of Gyrard et al. (2018) performed an evaluation
of 27 ontologies for IoT and smart cities, available
in the LOV4IoT catalog, using six validation tools,
namely: Parrot
, WebVOWL, Oops, TripleChecker,
LODE and Vapour
. This evaluation concluded that
there are ontologies that can not be loaded in all tools,
revealing errors, suggesting LODE as preferred tool
in comparison to Parrot due to the possibility of auto-
matic documentation of more ontologies.
4.2 Limitations and Challenges
In order to answer RQ2, during the data extraction
process, we extracted the limitations and challenges
that the existing proposals face in order to ensure se-
mantic interoperability in the context of IoT.
4.2.1 Semantic Web Methodologies to Model
IoT Ontologies
Initially, IoT data and knowledge engineering ef-
forts focused on developing IoT data infrastructure by
means of publication and data access, giving less at-
tention to data processing and integration with exist-
ing applications (Barnaghi et al., 2012).
Inside the IoT community, each project, platform
or application usually develops its own ontology (Gy-
rard and Serrano, 2015). Few studies use a method-
ology for ontology modeling (Agarwal et al., 2016;
Gyrard and Serrano, 2016), making interoperability
difficult and reducing the possibility of reuse (Gyrard
et al., 2015b).
The Semantic Web community uses practices
(Gyrard et al., 2014) that have not been followed in
the IoT scenario (Gyrard and Serrano, 2015). It is
noticed the absence of Semantic Web experts in the
modeling of the ontologies found for this scenario.
According to Ganzha et al. (2017a) the organizations
that develop ontologies modeling approaches do not
seek consensus, which is a social aspect that limits
interoperability in the IoT environment and becomes
a challenge.
Another aspect is related to the language and for-
malism in which the developed ontologies have been
made available. The approach presented by Ganzha
et al. (2017a) in the context of healthcare and logistics
and transport does not have an ontology represented
by Semantic Web languages such as RDF(S)
, impairing the sharing of ontologies and the
ability to exchange information between agents and
platforms. Nevertheless, ontologies can be written in
different formalisms, some more expressive than oth-
ers (Strassner and Diab, 2016). In domains like the
ones described by Strassner and Diab (2016), data in-
tegration from a common vocabulary is difficult, be-
cause most available ontologies are either defined in
UML artifacts or described in markup languages. It
is required to normalize concepts between formal on-
tologies and implicit ontologies, making it a challenge
for non-specialist users.
4.2.2 Reuse Existing Ontologies
Some approaches present the use of ontologies in the
IoT scenario (Agarwal et al., 2016), but they miss or
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
have insufficient concepts for the measurements pro-
vided by the sensors, and many of these ontologies
do not follow the best practices, thus, it is difficult to
correctly interpret the concepts.
The reuse of existing standard domain ontologies
and higher ontologies is suitable to unify high-level
concepts in various applications and should be ex-
tended according to the intended application logic
(Nagib and Hamza, 2016). The SSN ontology
presents itself as a good example of a higher ontol-
ogy that contains classes focused on the concepts of
sensors and observations.
However, one of the problems of semantic inter-
operability (Amato et al., 2011) is related to the adop-
tion by many systems and approaches (Strassner and
Diab, 2016) of a collection of ontologies or a set of
data models to prototype an ontology that shares the
meaning of context in a common vocabulary, result-
ing in the loss of intrinsic information of the data
In the Semantic Web, this problem can be miti-
gated by using matching or alignment tools. However,
according to Gyrard and Serrano (2015), the seman-
tic level of class-to-class mapping used by ontology
matching or alignment tools is not enough to describe
the data in the IoT scenario, making it an open chal-
Another aspect pointed out in Amato et al. (2011)
concerns the maintenance of shared ontologies. In
the IoT scenario, the catalogs of ontologies are used
to minimize this problem, however, the maintenance
of these catalogs is still a problem that deserves in-
vestigation (Gyrard et al., 2018; Gyrard et al., 2018).
Finally, scavenging is also a key issue in this en-
vironment, where, according to Chindenga et al.
(2016), practical mechanisms and implementations
are needed to provide independent interoperability of
manufacturers and suppliers of devices and services,
ensuring efficient scalability of IoT.
When conducting secondary studies, the findings
made by the researchers, both in the selection of the
studies and in the conclusions influence the result
(Wohlin et al., 2012). Thus, in this section we present
the threats to the validity of our study.
As threats to the validity of the results of the sys-
tematic mapping study carried out are: (i) bias in the
selection of the studies analyzed; (ii) imprecision in
the data extraction and (iii) how to classify and inter-
pret data.
The selection of the analyzed studies followed the
selection procedure of the primary studies, in which
the search of the sources was applied, an initial set of
studies was selected from the titles and abstracts of all
papers. We also performed the snowballing process
from the initial set of selected studies. After com-
paring the papers using the inclusion and exclusion
criteria (Section 3.1), the selected papers were fully
read and, again, faced with the criteria. The included
articles were selected for data extraction.
In order to minimize the loss in data extraction,
the advanced mode of search engines was used in all
search sources. Papers that did not use the keywords
defined in our search string in the title or abstract were
not selected. Hence, papers that did not mention IoT
were not listed in this paper. Finally, the data extrac-
tion was performed in pairs and, in the case of impass,
the discussions were done with a third reviewer until
a consensus was reached.
Regarding the data classification, it was based on
limitations previously proposed in the literature, i.e.,
Semantic Web methodologies to model IoT ontolo-
gies, reuse of existing ontologies and validation tools
for ontologies. Data extraction and classification were
performed by the first author and reviewed by the
third author.
This paper presented a systematic mapping study that
found 16 publications related to IoT Semantic Inter-
operability. These publications were analysed and we
discussed their limitations and challenges, and how
the existing technologies are relevant to the current
Before performing the systematic mapping study,
we investigated the literature in search for secondary
studies on IoT semantic interoperability. Since no
secondary study was found on this research topic, we
performed the systematic mapping study. The map-
ping results provided an overview of the research re-
lated to the investigated topic.
Regarding Semantic Web technologies proposed
for IoT semantic interoperability, few approaches
were found for ontology modeling. The works that
adopted some approach needed to adapt some stages
of the process to IoT characteristics. We observed
that the lack of selection of the best practices rec-
ommended by the Semantic Web community is still
a gap that was not totally fulfilled by the existing ap-
proaches. With respect to the reuse of existing on-
IoT Semantic Interoperability: A Systematic Mapping Study
Figure 2: Approaches and limitations for a unified semantic engine for Internet of Things. Based on the work of Gyrard and
Serrano (2015).
tologies, there was a concern on the part of the IoT
community to build catalogs of ontologies aimed at
the domain of their applications as well as to adopt
ontology validation tools within the cataloging envi-
ronment, providing verification of the ontology syn-
The approach of Gyrard and Serrano (2015) pre-
sented an aspect not yet explored by the IoT commu-
nity, which is the semantic level used by the current
matching or alignment tools, which, according to the
authors, are not enough to describe the data in the
IoT scenario. However, to minimize this problem, the
only approach that proposes a solution by developing
its own alignment format is the INTER-IoT Align-
ment Format (Ganzha et al., 2017b,c). Thus, we con-
clude that this is an unexplored research subject, as it
is important to maintain semantic interoperability in
this scenario.
As another result, we also find approaches that
address other known semantic interoperability issues,
as the maintenance of intrinsic information the data
sources (Amato et al., 2011). The adoption of shared
ontologies solves the problem of single interpretation
of meaning, but may lead to the loss of relevant do-
main information from data sources.
Therefore, semantic interoperability in the con-
text of IoT has requirements that can be supported
by Semantic Web technologies, but there are limita-
tions in this context, especially due to formal repre-
sentation and correspondence of ontologies. Unfor-
tunately, these aspects, in general, can not be solved
automatically and, when we consider the literature in
this aspect, it is not clear how good the tools are in
order facilitate the work that must be performed.
In summary, these results indicate gaps in the
context of IoT semantic interoperability (i) need for
adopting best practices recommended by the Seman-
tic Web community; (ii) absence of methodologies in
modeling ontologies that meet the needs of applica-
tions in the domain of IoT; (iii) unavailability of main-
tenance of ontology catalogs in IoT domains; and (iv)
lack of matching or alignment tools to describe the
data in the IoT context. These gaps provide a roadmap
of issues to be explored in future research.
This work is partially supported by INES
(, CNPq grant 465614/2014-0 and
FACEPE grants APQ-0399-1.03/17 and PRONEX
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