Transparent Cloud Privacy: Data Provenance Expression in
Gabriel Hogan and Markus Helfert
ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland
Keywords: Cloud, Privacy, Data Provenance, Transparency, W3C, PROV, Blockchain, Distributed Ledger Technologies.
Abstract: The development of Cloud processing and ‘Big Data’ have raised many concerns over the use to which data
is being put. These concerns have created new demands for methodologies, and capabilities which can provide
transparency and trust in data provenance in the Cloud. Distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) have been
proposed as a possible platform to address cloud big data provenance. This paper examines the W3C
recommendation for data provenance PROV and if the blockchain DLT can apply the core primary PROV
attributes required to satisfy data provenance. The research shows that not all data provenance expressions
can be provided by blockchain. Instances of data provenance which rely on circular references are not possible
as the blockchain DLT is a single linked list.
Provenance is a well-established and well understood
concept which seeks to establish the origin, lineage,
history, transactions on, and ownership of, an artefact
and has been applied in many domains, including art,
antiquities, finance, and procurement, to name just a
few, over many centuries.
Data Provenance applies the concept of
provenance to the digital data domain. This has
application in nearly all the current digital domains
where data and content are being produced and
transacted at an ever-increasing rate, but particularly
in the Cloud based ‘big datadomain. The importance
of tracking provenance is widely recognized, as
witnessed by significant research in various areas
including: e-science (Janowicz et al, 2018),
(Sigurjonsson, 2018); data warehousing (Hambolu et
al, 2016); democratic decision making (Aragón et al,
2014), (Beris and Koubarakis, 2018); e-Health (Masi
and Miladi, 2018); digital forensics (Ulybyshev et al,
2018), (Zawoad et al, 2018); security (Cha and Yeh,
2018); news checking (Huckle and White, 2017); and
information theory (Lemieux, 2016), (Lemieux and
Sporney, 2017), to name just a few. As Cloud based
processing, storage and ‘big data’ has become
ubiquitous, privacy concerns have become common
to all these areas, raising the same problems that data
provenance seeks to address: where did this data
originate, what is its history and how can these be
For ordinary people this has many specific use
cases including identity theft, breach of copyright,
digital anonymity, and the ability to see, and gain
control over, how individuals’ personal data is
transacted, used or misused.
For organisations collecting and using personal
data, the ability to organise, audit, and verify
compliance with legislation such as Sarbanes-Oxley
(Congress of the United States, 2002), Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability (Congress
of the United States, 1996), Gramm-Leach-Bliley
Financial Services Modernization (Congress of the
United States, 1999), are key requirements in
business today. This creates new challenges to
organisational strategies and the management of data
provenance in their Cloud and ‘big data’
infrastructure and management.
The increased public awareness of the use and
misuse of big data has raised many privacy concerns,
particularly in opaque Cloud based technologies
(Zou, 2016), (Pahl et al, 2018). These public concerns
have resulted in the introduction of specific new
legislative concepts and laws which seek to mitigate
and address these issues, such as General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) (European
Commission, 2016), which seeks to not only regulate
what data can be used and how it can be used, but also
where it can be used. This along with the Payment
Hogan, G. and Helfert, M.
Transparent Cloud Privacy: Data Provenance Expression in Blockchain.
DOI: 10.5220/0007733404300436
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2019), pages 430-436
ISBN: 978-989-758-365-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: PROV Ontology Fundamental Classes and Relations.
Services Directive (PSD2) (European Commission,
2015), in Europe, which has also highlighted these
privacy issues in other jurisdictions, presents specific
challenges for privacy in the global Cloud.
The introduction of these new legal requirements
have also brought challenges to regulatory bodies
charged with the investigation, auditing and
enforcement of these new laws. Current practices are
manually intensive and linear expansion of human
resources to address the ever increasing demand for
their services are unsustainable. Existing provenance
approaches are challenged when faced with Cloud
based distributed systems, and with the volume,
velocity, variety, variability, and veracity requirements
of big data and (Wang et al, 2015). New strategies, new
approaches and new capabilities are required to enable
provenance strategy and management in the era of
Cloud big data.
This paper is constructed as follows: Section 2
outlines the literature review and the methodology
used to conduct the review; section 3 presents the
background to the paper based on the review; section 4
presents the research question; section 5 presents the
results; section 6 outlines the limitations and section 7
outlines the conclusion and future work.
The academic database sources AIS eLibrary, ACM
Digital library, IEEE Xplore, Inspect Engineering
Village, Science Direct, Web of Science, Wiley Online
Library, along with Semantic Scholar, Google Scholar,
grey and non-peer reviewed resources such as arXiv
were searched using the following search criteria:
(PROV-O OR W3C) AND (blockchain OR
distributed ledger) AND (provenance OR lineage OR
The queries to these databases returned over 350
publications of which 201 were non duplicate
publications. Manually filtering the title and abstract
for specific mentions of provenance or blockchain
excluded 112 of these publications, leaving 89
publications to be full text screened. The manual full
text screening, which examined the context relevance
of each of these publication to the subject matter of this
paper, further filtered the body of publications down to
a review set of 27 papers with relevant contributions to
the subject in question.
A search for citations of these 27 papers provided
an additional set of publications which were reviewed
in a forward search, examining publications that cited
any of the review set for relevant contributions. This
provided another 12 relevant publications.
In addition new search queries for each of the
authors of the publications in the review set were
carried out on the databases to see if any previous or
subsequent publications by the authors contributed
further to the subject of this paper. A review of the
references and the authors previous publications
provided additional 15 relevant papers after repeating
the screening protocol above.
Transparent Cloud Privacy: Data Provenance Expression in Blockchain
A number of different approaches and
recommendations for provenance are represented in
the literature, including: the Open Provenance Model
(OPM) (Moreau et al, 2011), the Dublin Core
Metadata Initiative (Dublin Core Metadata Initiative,
2014), both of which culminated in the W3C
Provenance Recommendation (World Wide Web
Consortium, 2013a, 2013b). The W3C Working
Group on Provenance provide the following
definition “Provenance is information about entities,
activities, and people involved in producing a piece
of data or thing, which can be used to form
assessments about its quality, reliability or
trustworthiness“. In addition, they specify a standard
model, PROV-DM (World Wide Web Consortium,
2013a) with documentation for supporting data
provenance, and a provenance ontology PROV-O
(World Wide Web Consortium, 2013b), Figure 1.
Other approaches recognise that provenance is an
aspect of information theory (Lemieux, 2016),
specifically in the context of record keeping and the
auditing of these records. A suite of ISO/IEC
standards also addresses provenance in the context of
information management including: security
techniques; privacy; records management; audit and
certification; information security management; and
information technology in business (International
Standards Organisation, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015,
2016). In short there are many interpretations of, and
perspectives of provenance due to the contextual
nature of provenance.
Cloud based Distributed Ledger Technologies
(DLTs) emerged from a number of incremental
innovations in the concept of digital and electronic
money, the development of blockchain, and
distributed Cloud technology, which underpinned the
invention of Bitcoin (Nakamoto, 2008). DLTs
potentially offer an alternative model for enabling
data provenance in both the digital and physical
realms. The DLT domain has evolved to include
further concepts, addressing: standards for privacy
and trust (Anjum et al, 2017); public, private,
permissionless or permissioned DLTs (El Ioini and
Pahl, 2018); hybrid DLTs (Lemieux, 2016); and
federated DLTs (Wood, 2013). In addition there are
several competing implementations of DLTs
including Blockchain (through which Bitcoin is
implemented), Ethereum (Wood, 2013),
Hyperledger, ConsenSys, and R3, though this list is
not exhaustive and new implementations are being
released on an ongoing basis with different
application areas and capabilities.
Additionally the application of smart contracts
which allows for the implementation of logic through
the execution of code in DLTs has enabled new
applications and scenarios for both physical and
digital provenance (Fotiou and Polyzos, 2018). The
relative recentness of DLT and its rapid rate of
development have outpaced the academic
community’s study of the topic, particularly with
reference to the strategies and management of data
Multiple individual instances, use cases and
examples of provenance capable blockchains have
been proposed including SPADE (Gehani and
Dawood, 2012), SECPROV (Zawoad et al, 2018),
health data provenance (Masi and Miladi, 2018),
jewellery provenance (Orenge, 2018) which illustrate
the topical conversation on this topic and the current
Figure 2: Fundamental concepts of the Bitcoin Blockchain.
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
efforts being made to express provenance through the
Blockchain DLT.
The background literature shows data provenance
being expressed for specific use cases in Cloud based
Blockchains but do not address if data provenance can
be expressed for all use cases in Blockchain.
The research approach is to examine a specialised
case by using the Blockchain DLT and questions the
degree to which this most adopted implementation,
Blockchain aligns with the W3C PROV
recommendation for data provenance (Problem 1).
4.1 Problem 1: Alignment of
Blockchain with PROV
The provenance (PROV) family of documents specify
the W3C recommendations for provenance
information on the world wide web. The PROV-DM
data model and PROV-O ontology (World Wide Web
Consortium, 2013a, 2013b) outline the classes,
properties and relationships between these that are
used to describe a provenance instance.
Table 1: PROV-DM types and relations.
PROV Concepts
types or
The primary classes of Agent, Entity and Activity
and their relationships, shown in Figure 1, form the
core concept which allows provenance to be
described. PROV-O provides the following
definitions for each of the fundamental classes:
“An prov:Entity is a physical, digital,
conceptual, or other kind of thing with some
fixed aspects; entities may be real or
“An prov:Activity is something that occurs
over a period of time and acts upon or with
entities; it may include consuming, processing,
transforming, modifying, relocating, using, or
generating entities.”
“An prov:Agent is something that bears some
form of responsibility for an activity taking
place, for the existence of an entity, or for
another agent's activity.”
Four basic types of technologies for DLT are
identified: blockchain; tangle; hashgraph; and
sidechain, with underlying technologies of a) linked-
list/ list of linked-list or b) directed acyclic graph,
with blockchain described as a linked-list (El Ioini
and Pahl, 2018). The immutable quality of blockchain
restricts the linked list type that blockchain can be, to
a singly linked list (Scriber, 2018), or single
backward-linked list (van den Hooff et al, 2014).
The Bitcoin implementation of Blockchain
(Nakamoto, 2008) is outlined in Figure 2 showing its
fundamental concepts and relationships. Its main
concepts are Transactions, Owners and Hashes. The
Bitcoin ‘thing’ is defined as a “chain of digital
signatures”. Coin transfers are made by means of
transactions which are initiated and executed by, and
between Owners.
In this specific case, for the single linked list
Blockchain implementation of Bitcoin to provide data
provenance there should be alignment between the
Blockchain fundamental concepts and the core
PROV-DM types and relations.
In naive terms, there is a simple alignment between
the PROV data model (PROV-DM) fundamental
classes, shown in Table 1 and the Bitcoin
implementation of blockchain. At the highest level
the core PROV-DM (prov:) type align logically to a
Blockchain(bc:) equivalent:
bc:Transaction is equivalent to a prov:Activity
and has a temporal start and end which are
equivalent to prov:startedAtTime and
prov:endedAtTime respectively.
bc:Owner is equivalent to a prov:Agent both as
the initiator, and the receiver, of a transaction;
bc:Hash (chain of hashes) is equivalent to a
prov:Entity as the object of a transaction
In each of the cases above it can be stated that
blockchain satisfies the basic PROV-DM types.
Looking at the PROV-DM relations between their
origin and endpoint:
Transparent Cloud Privacy: Data Provenance Expression in Blockchain
Table 2: Alignment of PROV and Blockchain types and concepts.
prov:Entity[wasGeneratedBy]Activity is
equivalent to bc:Hash[Verify, Sign,
(Signature), HashFunction]Transaction as
these form the relationships between the new
Hash and the previous transaction.
prov:Activity[used]Entity is equivalent to
bc:Tranaction[Verify, Sign, (Signature),
HashFunction]Hash as these form the
relationships between the new Transaction and
the previous Hash.
prov:Activity[wasInformedBy]Activity has no
equivalent. There is no Blockchain Transaction
which allows another Transaction to be created
without the involvement of a Hash (Entity) and
Owner (Agent).
prov:Entity[wasDerivedFrom]Entity has no
equivalent. There is no Blockchain Hash (other
than the initial creation of the first Hash) which
allows another Hash to be created without the
involvement of a Transaction (Activity) and
Owner (Agent).
prov:Entity[wasAttributedTo]Agent is
equivalent to bc:Hash[Verify, publicKey,
(Signature), privateKey]Owner as these form
the relationships between the Hash (Entity) and
the Owner/s (Agent).
prov:Activity[wasAssociatedWith]Agent is
equivalent to bc:Tranaction[Verify, Sign,
(Signature), publicKey, HashFunction]Owner
as these form the relationships between the
Transaction (Activity) and the Owner/s
prov:Agent[actedOnBehalfOf]Agent has no
equivalent. As the Blockchain depends on
unique identity in the cryptography of the hash,
there is no Blockchain Agent which allows
another ‘proxy’ Agent to act on the Owners
The full mapping of the Core PROV-DM types to the
equivalent blockchain type is shown in Table 2. Each
of the PROV-DM relations which have no blockchain
equivalent are circular (self-referring) references to a
single PROV-DM type for which there is no equivalent
in a single linked list blockchain. Data provenance
instances which reply on these circular reference
relations are not implementable in a single linked list
DLT such as blockchain.
The findings of this paper are limited in scope to the
Blockchain specific instance of Distributed Ledger
Technology. In addition it is further confined to the
Bitcoin implementation on Blockchain. Other altchain
instances of Distributed Ledger Technologies such as
Hashgraph, Tangle, and Sidechain, or alternative
implementations of of Distributed Ledger
Technologies such as Ethereum and Hyperledger are
not considered.
In addition, only the core classes and concepts of
PROV is considered. The extended classes and
relationships of PROV-DM and the PROV-O ontology
are more complex and are outside the scope of this
types and relations
Blockchain type
Hash (Chain)
Verify, Sign, (Signature),
Verify, Sign, (Signature),
Verify, publicKey, (Signature),
Verify, Sign, (Signature), publicKey,
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
In this paper we showed that there are equivalencies
in Blockchain to the core PROV-DM types - Agent,
Activity and Entity, namely Owner, Transaction and
Hash respectively. This paper also showed that there
are instances of the core PROV-DM relationships
which have equivalent Blockchain relationships.
We conclude that it is possible to express a subset
of the total instances of data provenance in the
Blockchain using the Blockchain equivalents of the
PROV-DM core types and equivalent relationships.
This paper also showed that there are instances of
the core PROV-DM relationships which have no
equivalent Blockchain relationships, namely
prov:wasInformedBy, prov:wasDerivedFrom and
prov:actedOnBehalfOf, as they self-refer, or loop
back, to a single class without the involvement of
another class, which Blockchain as a single linked list
does not support.
It is reasonable to propose that any data
provenance instances which rely on these PROV
relationships may not be expressed in Blockchain.
Future steps include further examination of the
PROV model and investigation of possible extensions
that may facilitate closer alignment of blockchain to
PROV. Other flavours of distributed ledgers such as
directed acyclic graph based Tangle or Hashgraph
may provide different results to Blockchain should
also be investigated.
This publication has emanated from research
conducted with the financial support of Science
Foundation Ireland (SFI) and is co-funded under the
European Regional Development Fund under Grant
Number 13/RC/2106.
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