proaches (fuzzy logic reasoning) are a very promising
tool for emotion prediction. However as this approach
depends on rather vague “domain knowledge” with
relationships between physiological data and emo-
tional state (e.g IF eda IS high THEN arousal IS high),
it may not be sufficient to obtain precise arousal or
valence values. Better rules which include features
like skewness of EDA values, SCR latency or HRV,
might be derived from insights obtained by quantita-
tive analysis and/or machine learning – however, for
some learning setting it may be perfectly fine to only
identify rough tendencies in emotional states instead
of fine-grained insights. The required granularity of
the detection certainly depends on the intended use
within the educational software.
The results of the work presented in this paper
directly feed into several industrial learning applica-
tions of LISA project partners that design learning
analytics dashboards incorporating emotional infor-
or make use of the emotional state in or-
der to adapt difficulty levels of educational games
Our next steps include the use of data collected in a
similar study conducted by one of our LISA project
, who combined an emotional picture ex-
periment with a cognitive task, using the identical de-
vice to record physiological data (EDA, Heart Rate
and Skin temperature). In parallel to getting more
insight into emotion detection, we will also try to
analyze cognitive states using features from sensor
data. Combining indicators for emotional and cog-
nitive states could be a big step towards our goal of
finding learning indicators.
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CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education